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  • An original "document" which is not the result of a documentation process.
  • "Document" original qui n'a pas fait l'objet d'un traitement documentaire.
  • "Documento" original que no ha sido objeto de un tratamiento documental.

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        N/C/21 · Colección · 1866-1939

        Records of Burdett Road Congregational Church including registers of marriages, 1909-1939; register of membership, 1866-1932; minutes of Deacon's meetings, 1913-1927; Treasurer's accounts, 1917-1926; tenancy agreement between the Church and the Borough of Stepney to use the ground floor rooms of the church as a Maternity and Child Welfare Centre, 1932; printed order of service for Ordination of Sydney Smith, 1908; correspondence, 1915-1936 and photograph of chancel and organ at Harvest Festival.

        Sin título
        N/C/63 · Colección · 1877-1978

        Church Books containing various entries including history of chapel, minutes of Church Meetings, roll of members, marriages and baptisms, 1878-1934; membership rolls, 1902-1949; Deacon's Meeting minute books, 1878-1952; minutes of the Building Committee, 1884-1889; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1896-1916; Church Meeting minutes, 1934-1954; Missionary Committee minutes, 1911-1965; general correspondence, 1902-1912; financial accounts, 1877-1914; annual reports, 1879-1910; printed items including notices, hymn sheets, appeals, handbills, programmes, brochures and histories, 1877-1998; newspaper cuttings, 1906-1928; The Outlook monthly magazine, 1930-1954; papers regarding the Church centenary, 1978 and photographs of ministers, staff and the interior and exterior of the Church, 1877-1930.

        Sin título
        N/C/69 · Colección · 1707-1975

        Registers of baptisms, 1871-1974; registers of marriages, 1943-1948; register of members' attendance, 1934-1947; register of deacons' attendance, 1905-1941; registers of preaching engagements, 1896-1953; applications for fellowship, 1889-1971; Church Meeting minute books, 1707-1974; Deacons' Meeting minute books, 1877-1967; Choir Meeting minute books, 1924-1969; minute books of Trustees Meetings, General Purposes Committee, Supply Committee, Deacons Finance Committee, and Committee for Alterations and Additions, 1870-1934; Sunday School Teachers' Meeting minute books, 1932-1961; Women's Council minute books, 1917-1975; accounts, 1871-1972; deeds, 1754-1959; correspondence and related material, 1813-1975; Church magazines, 1885-1974; Church manuals, 1873-1962; printed material relating to New Court Chapel, 1792-1921 and sketches and photographs, 1872-1967.

        Sin título
        N/M/042-1 · Colección · 1819-1965

        Register of baptisms of Brunswick Chapel, Limehouse, 1909- 1954; baptism certificate stubs, 1947-1963; register of names in Brunswick Chapel burial ground and vaults, 1831-1853; minute book of trustees' meetings, 1847-1965; minute book of meetings of the trustees of Mitre Schools, 1878-1933; booklet of the Limehouse Wesleyan Sunday School of the Seamen's Mission at Brunswick Chapel, 1913; minute book of meetings of the Wesley Guild Executive, 1922-1940; Collection book of the Wesleyan Foreign Missionary Society, Limehouse based at Brunswick Chapel, 1891-1913; schedule of deeds and documents relating to Limehouse Chapel, 1723-1899, compiled 1899; general correspondence, 1901-1902 and 1940; agreement regarding the improvement and alteration of the Mitre Schools, 1819; Memorandum of Choice and Appointment of new Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School and Trust Property at Mitre Buildings, Limehouse, 1899 and 1911; Fire Insurance Policy of the Wesleyan Methodist Trust Assurance Company Limited, 1884; Conveyance in Trust for vacant ground lying on south side of and near to the Works of the Blackwall Railway Company in street leading from Church Lane to Three Colt Street called Mitre Buildings, Limehouse, 1842; schedule of deeds and other documents relating to Brunswick Chapel and the Mitre Schools, Limehouse, 1934.

        Sin título
        N/M/042-4 · Colección · 1851-1919

        Register of baptisms, 1851-1919. Some entries copied from the Register of Baptisms, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Fetter Lane, Holborn.

        Sin título
        N/M/043 · Colección · 1866-1977

        Registers of marriages for the following Methodist chapels or missions:

        Albany Methodist Mission, 1954-1958

        Brockley Wesleyan Chapel, 1914-1947

        Brunswick Chapel Limehouse, 1900-1954

        Calderwood Street Methodist Chapel (Woolwich Methodist Church from 1965), 1939-1977

        Cassland Road Wesleyan Chapel, South Hackney, 1900-1940

        Charlton Methodist Church, Woolwich Road, Charlton, 1919-1940

        Dulwich Road Methodist Church, Herne Hill, 1950-1962

        Emery Hall, Augusta Street, Poplar, 1918-1954

        Green Lanes Methodist Chapel, Stoke Newington, 1906-1967

        Grove Mission, Great Guildford Street, 1889-1913

        Highbury Wesleyan Chapel, Drayton Park, Highbury, 1868-1929

        High Street Wesleyan Chapel, High Street, Hampstead, 1881-1933

        Hither Green Wesleyan Chapel, Hither Green Lane, Lewisham, 1913-1940

        Hornsey Road Chapel, Hornsey Road, 1915-1940

        Lambeth Wesleyan Chapel, Lambeth Road, 1916-1928

        Liverpool Road Chapel, Liverpool Road, 1865-1953

        Locksfield Wesleyan Chapel, Rodney Road, Walworth (Lockfeld Methodist Chapel, from 1939), 1926-1955

        Lycett Memorial Methodist Chapel, White Horse Lane, 1955-1962

        Methodist Chapel, Hackney Road, 1933-1942

        Methodist Chapel, Poplar, 1946-1973

        Methodist Chapel, St Johns Square, Clerkenwell, 1949-1952

        Methodist Chapel (Welsh), City Road, 1933-1940

        Methodist Chapel, Westbridge Road, Battersea, 1960-1967

        Methodist Church, Crystal Palace Road, East Dulwich, 1940-1942

        Methodist Chapel, Grayshott Road, Lavender Hill, 1938-1939

        Methodist Church, Herbert Road, Plumstead, 1935-1968

        Methodist Church, Lynwood Road, Tooting, 1947-1967

        Methodist Church, Waterloo Road, 1935-1941

        Mildmay Park Chapel, Mildmay Park, 1862-1963

        New Surrey Chapel, Blackfriars Road, 1924-1943

        Packington Street Methodist Chapel, 1947-1964

        Primitive Methodist Chapel, Chrisp Street, Bromley, 1907-1925

        Primitive Methodist Chapel, Eglinton Hill, Plumstead, 1920-1935

        Primitive Methodist Chapel, Furber Street, Hammersmith, 1916-1954

        Primitive Methodist Chapel, Kilburn Lane, 1921-1934

        Primitive Methodist Chapel, Robert Street, Plumstead, 1900-1965

        Primitive Methodist Chapel, Stoke Newington, 1928-1940

        Queensway Methodist Hall, Queens Road, 1902-1958

        Roupell Park Wesleyan Church, West Norwood, 1907-1966

        St Georges Hall and Schools, Old Kent Road, 1906-1955

        St James Church, Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, 1908-1966

        Southwark Park Methodist Chapel, Bermondsey, 1937-1955

        Sutherland Avenue Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1899-1977

        The Edinburgh Castle, Rhodeswell Road, Mile End Old Town, 1936-1951

        United Methodist Church, High Road, Lee, 1927-1971

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, The Broadway, Streatham, 1889-1966

        United Methodist Church, Bruce Road, Bromley, 1925-1940

        United Methodist Church, Charlotte Street, Caledonian Road, 1908-1940

        United Methodist Church, Fentiman Road, Lambeth, 1932-1976

        United Methodist Church, Paradise Road, Clapham, 1910-1935

        United Methodist Church, Pembury Grove, Lower Clapton, 1918-1941

        United Methodist Church, Walham Grove, Fulham, 1911-1971

        Victoria Hall, Woolwich Road, East Greenwich, 1929-1969

        Victoria Wesleyan Church, Barrow Hill Road, St Johns Wood, 1905- 1940

        Waltham Green Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Fulham Road, 1904-1964

        Welsh Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Holborn, 1899-1933 (UNFIT for access)

        Wesleyan Chapel, Amhurst Park, Stamford Hill, 1924-1939

        Wesleyan Chapel, Caledonian Road, Islington, 1867-1915 (UNFIT for access)

        Wesleyan Chapel, Camden Street, Camden Town, 1931-1938

        Wesleyan Chapel, High Street, Sydenham (Dartmouth Road, Sydenham from 1938), 1918-1945

        Wesleyan Chapel, London Street, Greenwich (Central Hall from 1906, West Greenwich Methodist Church from 1935), 1885-1969

        Wesleyan Chapel, Wauxhall Walk, 1931-1957

        Wesleyan Church, Rushey Green, Catford, 1897-1967

        Wesleyan Chapel, Oakley Place, Old Kent Road (later St Georges Methodist Church), 1900-1981

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Brockley Rise, Forest Hill (Honor Oak Park Methodist Church from 1934), 1902-1974

        Wesleyan Methodist Central Hall, High Street, Plumstead, 1906-1957

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Danty Street, Hackney Wick, 1909-1935

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Denbigh Road, Westbourne Grove, 1911-1940

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Kitto Road, Nunhead, 1901-1972

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, New Cross Road, 1903-1942

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town, 1922-1964

        Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, The Avenue, Blackheath, 1866-1945

        Wesley Hall, Streatham, 1924-1948

        William Street, Methodist Chapel, Woolwich, (Calderwood Methodist Chapel from 1939), 1900-1939

        Working Lads Institute, Whitechapel Road, 1905-1906

        Methodist Church, Westhorne Avenue, Eltham, 1932-1981

        Kingsway Hall, Lesley House, Kingsway, 1931-1980.

        Sin título
        P75/JN · Colección · 1855-1987

        Records of the parish of Saint John, Deptford, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; preachers' books; offertory registers; church services registers; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; and papers relating to the parish school.

        Sin título
        Admiralty Collection
        GB 0064 ADM · Colección · 1688-1883

        The Admiralty records at the National Maritime Museum cover the administration of the Navy from 1688-1832 (when the Navy Board was abolished) in considerable detail. There are also a few records from 1832-1883. Together they consist of 7,497 bound volumes and a large mass of loose papers.

        The majority of orders and letters are original documents, often minuted, but there are a few volumes of indexes, minute and letterbook copies of correspondence. The collection includes over 5000 Lieutenants' logs forwarded to the Navy Board in connection with the work of passing the Officers' accounts.

        The Admiralty records now at the National Maritime Museum, consist of the original orders from the Admiralty to the Navy Board from 1688-1815 (ADM/A&N&RP&Q&P&OT), and the Navy Board replies from 1733-1831 (ADM/B&BP&D&DP&F&FP). Orders to the Navy Board relating to transports during the period when there was no Transport Board were bound up separately as were those relating to the special appointment of General Bentham, as Inspector General of Naval Works, during the Napoleonic War. The Navy Board letters respecting the fitting of ships from 1804-1809 were separated from the general correspondence, and bound with a chronological index at the beginning. In addition to these main series of orders from the Admiralty to the Navy Board, there are some copies of orders for the Ticket Office from 1774-1815, and some loose papers relating to the Marine Office and a few orders for the Office of Stores (ADM/J&K).

        The Admiralty orders to the Victualling Commissioners from 1707-1815 (ADM/C) are included in this collection, as well as the abstract of Admiralty orders from 1694-1819 (ADM/G) and the Victualling Board's replies from 1703-1822 (ADM/H). The Admiralty orders to the commissioners for taking care of sick and wounded seamen from 1702-1806 form a complete series, supplemented by the Commissioners replies from 1742-1806 (ADM/E). Orders relating to prisoners of war were bound up separately and cover the years from 1743, some distinction being made for the different nationalities (ADM/M). Both these series of orders were continued when the Transport Boards took over the Commissioners; the former series has been preserved in this collection up to 1815 (ADM/ET), and the latter from 1796-99 (ADM/MT).

        The Lieutenant's logs which total 5,205 volumes are bound according to the name of the ship, some Captain's logs being included (ADM/L). There are also bound up with some logs, accounts of expenses of paper and ticket books. The Lieutenant's log was accompanied by a certificate from his captain stating that he had complied with the printed instructions and not been absent from his ship. These journals were deposited first in the Admiralty Office and a certificate was made out, for which the chief clerk received 2s 6d.' though captains usually paid 5s 0d. The chief clerk then abstracted details of the voyage of each ship from her logs "specifying the day of her sailing - of her arrival at each port, her stay there and departure there from". The logs were then passed to the Navy Office where the clerk of the acts made out certificates "to enable the lieutenants and masters to receive their wages". It was also his duty to "arrange and keep the journals and log books of every ship that may be delivered of the proceedings from the time of such journals and log books". The logs in this collection have been preserved from the time of Pepys until 1809, when the procedure for keeping logs was altered, and contained much useful information. The logs were kept according to the nautical calendar, which counted the day as starting at mid-day, until 1805 when the civil practice was adopted.

        The only records for the period after 1832, which are included in this collection, are those of the Surveyor's department for the years 1832-39. These letters, addressed to the Board of Admiralty, contain some interesting material on ship-building. There are also a number of volumes of papers relating to the preparation of naval estimates for the years 1849-1883, as far as the Victualling department was concerned.

        Sin título
        Bax Family Papers
        GB 0064 BAX · Colección · [1844-1894]

        Papers of Admiral Robert Bax, Henry Bonham Bax and Captain Bonham Ward Bax.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 BED · Colección · [1852-1879]

        Papers of Sir Frederick George Denham Bedford including logs, 1852 to 1858; diaries, 1875 to 1879, and letters concerning the Huascar incident. There are no papers for Bedford's later career. In the Department of Pictures are six albums containing watercolours and photographs. Two of them cover his service in the SHAH, 1876 to 1878, and the third his career in the TRIUMPH, 1879.

        Sin título
        Caldwell family papers
        GB 0064 CAL · Colección · 1730-1865

        Papers of Sir Willam Abdy, comprising logs, 1750 to 1753, and two combined letter and order books, 1761 to 1766. There are also copies, made by Abdy in his retirement, of despatches describing actions, 1778 to 1782 and 1793 to 1797, and of the Agamemnon's log, 1782 to 1783.

        Papers of Capt Henry Caldwell, including one letter to Mary Caldwell, Henry's sister, written in 1865. Other than the papers include watch bills 1848 to 1851, 1856; a night order book, 1859 to 1862; printed papers; exercise books for the period at the Royal Naval College and remark books and notes relating to his various ships.

        Papers of Sir Benjamin Caldwell comprising two collections. In the first collection consist of logs, 1768 to 1771, 1775 to 1777, 1780 to 1782, 1794 to 1795; letterbooks, 1776 to 1782, 1788, 1793 to 1795, and order books 1775 to 1783, 1788, 1794 to 1795. There is an account of the battle of the Saints. The second collection includes in-letters, 1775 to 1779, 1794 to 1795; a prize hook, 1777 to 1795; documents relating to the Agamemnon; Lord Howe? 5 signals, 1790; letters relating to the disagreements after the battle of First of June, and a personal signed copy of Rodney's defence of his conduct at St. Eustatius, 1781.

        Papers of Henry Osborn comprising five logs, 1730 to 1742, and an order book, 1747 to 1757.

        Sin título
        Codrington Collection
        GB 0064 COD · Colección · 1786-1872

        Papers of Sir Edward Codrington including logs, 1786 to 1791, 1794 to 1797, 1808 to 1813 and 1827 to 1828; an admiral's journal, 1831; official letter and order books, 1809 to 1815 and 1828 to 1848; private letterbooks, 1828 to 1848; muster books, 1808 to 1813; despatches and reports, 1801 to 1815, 1827 to 1828, and loose papers. Among these are letters to Codrington from the Duke of Clarence (later King William IV), Sir Pulteney Malcolm (q.v.), ministers, consuls, Greek government officials and various captains of the ships under Codrington's command, 1827 to 1828, and from Sir James Graham (1792-1861), in 1831. A small collection of additional material relating to Nelson and Codrington was deposited on loan by the family in 1974.

        Papers of Sir Henry John Codrington including logs, 1825 to 1831, 1834 to 1835, 1839 to 1841, 1846 to 1850 and 1854 to 1856; letter and order books, 1834 to 1850, 1853 to 1856, 1858 to 1872, and loose papers, among which are personal letters from Codrington to his family, 1831 to 1855.

        Sin título
        Codrington, Sir Edward (1770-1851)
        GB 0064 COD/1-21 · Subfondo · [1786-1848]
        Parte de Codrington Collection

        Papers of Sir Edward Codrington including logs, 1786 to 1791, 1794 to 1797, 1808 to 1813 and 1827 to 1828; an admiral's journal, 1831; official letter and order books, 1809 to 1815 and 1828 to 1848; private letterbooks, 1828 to 1848; muster books, 1808 to 1813; despatches and reports, 1801 to 1815, 1827 to 1828, and loose papers. Among these are letters to Codrington from the Duke of Clarence (later King William IV), Sir Pulteney Malcolm (q.v.), ministers, consuls, Greek government officials and various captains of the ships under Codrington's command, 1827 to 1828, and from Sir James Graham (1792-1861), in 1831. A small collection of additional material relating to Nelson and Codrington was deposited on loan by the family in 1974.

        Sin título
        Codrington, Sir Henry John (1808-1877)
        GB 0064 COD/101-113 · Subfondo · 1825-1872
        Parte de Codrington Collection

        Papers of Sir Henry John Codrington including logs, 1825 to 1831, 1834 to 1835, 1839 to 1841, 1846 to 1850 and 1854 to 1856; letter and order books, 1834 to 1850, 1853 to 1856, 1858 to 1872, and loose papers, among which are personal letters from Codrington to his family, 1831 to 1855.

        Sin título
        Devitt & Moore
        GB 0064 DEM · Colección · [1836-1926]

        Papers of Devitt and Moore. Those relating to vessels owned, chartered and loaded by the company include: copies of registers of vessels, 1859 to 1897; voyage books, 1883-1917; lists of sailing ships and steamers loaded by Devitt and Moore, 1836 to 1926 and F Green and Co, 1839 to 1918; a log book of the Port Jackson, 1908 to 1909; the log books of the Medway, 1912 to 1913, 1915 to 1916 and one log book of the St George, 1920 to 1921. The business records include: ledgers, 1903 to 1907, 1914 to 1921; cash books and journals, 1910 to 1914 and letterbooks, 1911, 1916 to 1920. the records relating to officers and cadets include lists of ship's officers and cadets, 1864 to 1916; registers of apprentices 1868 to 1899, 1902 to 1903, 1906 to 1917; and registers of midshipmen, 1897 to 1917. In addition there are three volumes of newspaper clippings, 1904 to 1918, note books, miscellaneous correspondence and papers relating to the history of the company, plans of vessels, photographs and sailing schedules.

        Sin título
        Godfrey, Admiral John Henry (1888-1971)
        GB 0064 GOD · Colección · [1903-1971]

        Papers of John Henry Godfrey covering the majority of Godfrey's long career in the Royal Navy, as well as his very active retirement. Amongst the wide-ranging collection, present are official records of Godfrey's early service, copies of lectures given at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, and various papers relating to his time as DNI, including several NID monographs that offer detailed analysis of various wartime and post war topics. There is also present a large amount of material relating to Godfrey's time as FOCRIN, including letters, reports, promotional recruitment publications, etc. There are also diaries from 1931-1971, and a complete set of Godfrey's unpublished memoirs in 8 volumes.

        Sin título
        Griffin, Admiral Thomas (c 1699-1771)
        GB 0064 GRI · Colección · [1716-1757]

        Papers of Admiral Thomas Griffin consisting of a full run of logs from 1716 to 1749, letterbooks, 1732 to 1749, with letters inserted in 1751, 1755 and 1757, and books of orders received and issued, 1735 to 1745 There is also a purser's account book, 1742 to 1743.

        Sin título
        Graves family papers
        GB 0064 GRV · Colección · [1711-1804]

        Papers of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves. They consist of logs, 1738 to 1744, an official letterbook, 1711 to 1738, a private letterbook, 1721 to 1740, and two order books, 1711 to 1728 and 1739 to 1741. There are some commissions and an abstract of orders received, 1739 to 1743.

        Papers of Adml Thomas Graves including logs, 1742 to 1744, 1746 to 1748 and 1779 to 1782; a letterbook, 1793 to 1794; order books, 1788 to 1793; a book of sailing directions with some orders, 1755 to 1756; letters and a volume on courts martial, 1771 to 1780 and 1786 to 1787. There are some loose papers which relate to Graves' court martial and to his Governorship of Newfoundland. The latter contain some documents on hydrographic surveys, among which is a letter of 1764 to Graves from Captain James Cook (1728-1779) There are also some commissions, official letters and drafts, 1764 to 1767, 1777 to 1782, a few private letters, 1782 to 1797 and a biography of Graves up to 1790. Some papers of Admiral Sir Thomas Graves (c 1747-1814) another cousin of Lord Graves are also in the collection. They are orders received as Captain of the Savage, North American Station, 1779 to 1781, and official letters received, 1800 to 1804.

        Sin título
        Graves, Rear-Admiral Thomas (1677-1755)
        GB 0064 GRV/1-9 · Subfondo · [1711-1743]
        Parte de Graves family papers

        Papers of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves. They consist of logs, 1738 to 1744, an official letterbook, 1711 to 1738, a private letterbook, 1721 to 1740, and two order books, 1711 to 1728 and 1739 to 1741. There are some commissions and an abstract of orders received, 1739 to 1743.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 HAR/101-204 · Subfondo · [1809-1848]
        Parte de Hartwell papers

        Lt William Edward Fiott's life is fully covered by this collection, which is composed largely of loose papers These consist of official service documents, material on Walcheren, both his courts martial, papers covering the RENEGADE period and a log, 1823 to 1824. There are extensive papers and volumes for the period when he was merchant ship master and owner, including legal agreements, crew lists and account and freight books. Finally, there are private letters received, 1809 and 1848, and yearly diaries, 1837 to 1847.

        Sin título
        Hawker Collection
        GB 0064 HAW · Colección · [1779-1830]

        Papers of Sir Charles Boyles comprising an out-letterbook, 1810 to 1811, and copies of letters to the Sicilian court, 1811.

        Papers of Adml Edward Hawker. They consist of logs covering Hawker's service afloat, two order books for the BELLEROPHON and BRITANNIA and a notebook of vessels captured 1805 to 1806. There is also a letterbook of his father, Captain James Hawker, kept during his command of the IRIS, 1779 to 1781, on the North America and West Indies Station.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 HRD · Colección · [1851-1903]

        Papers of Captain Edward William Hereford. The manuscripts include his commissions, testimonial, logs for the TRAFALGAR, HAWKE and ACORN, 1851-7, which are illustrated, logs of the ARROGANT, 1862, the COLUMBINE 1872-3, Watch Bills and Quarter Bills, Letterbooks, 1881-1903, an illustrated notebook of gunnery instructions, gunnery notes and a list of medals.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 HTN/201-251 · Subfondo · [1903-1956]
        Parte de Hamilton family papers

        Papers of Sir Louis Henry Keppel Hamiltom. The diaries cover most of his career and all periods afloat from 1908 to 1928. There are also diaries for journeys in the merchant ships Lagos, 1915, and in the Usaramo to Lisbon in 1924. In addition there are official reports and signals for the time when Hamilton commanded the First Cruiser Squadron and a very full collection of letters written by him to his family, 1906 to 1956. There are also photograph albums of Osborne and Dartmouth, 1903 to1907 of the Durbar, 1911, and of other periods in Hamilton's life. Finally, there are lecture notes and memoranda from Dartmouth, 1922 to 1924, and papers relating to Australia, 1947.

        Sin título
        Jones, Captain Jenkin (c 1793-1843)
        GB 0064 JON/1-13 · Subfondo · [1817-1842]

        Papers of Cpt Jenkin Jones, consisting of official service documents, logs, 1822 to 1839, 1841 to 1842, and a letterbook, 1822 to 1824 and 1839 to 1842. There are also a number of personal letters and papers relating to Jones's court martial.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 JON/101-104 · Subfondo · 1844-1860

        Papers of William Henry Jones-Byrom. They contain one log, 1844 to 1848, letters to his mother, 1859, appointments, 1844 to 1860, and Captain Osborn's report on the mission of the FURIOUS in China.

        Sin título
        Kennedy, James Branch (1816-[1891])
        GB 0064 KEN · Colección · 1845-1910

        Papers of James Branch Kennedy, consisting of logs, 1845 to 1854, 1862 to 1870, letterbooks, 1853 to 1870, and account books, 1848, 1857 to 1873. There is also a notebook with newspaper cuttings and official forms which relate to the HORNET, when burned in 1868. In addition there is a midshipman's log of Lieutenant James Robert Branch Kennedy (d 1913), kept in the COMMONWEALTH, 1908 to 1909, ADVENTURE, 1909 to 1910, and COLLINGWOOD, 1910, all in home waters.

        Sin título
        Laughton, Leonard G Carr (d 1956)
        GB 0064 LAU · Colección · [1900-1937]

        Papers of Leonard G Carr Laughton, consisting of mainly notebooks, both in his hand and that of his father's, containing their research at the Public Record Office, British Museum and other repositories, relating to various aspects of nautical history. Among these are notes on Nelson, extracts from Pepys' diary and notes for articles on HMS VICTORY. There are also blueprints used in the restoration of HMS VICTORY, together with the Technical Committee minutes of meetings, 1927-8 and the Advisory Committee minutes, 1929. There are a series of notes on lectures given by Professor Sir John Knox Laughton, including those given at the Royal Naval College at Greenwich in the early 1900s. The collection contains a typed copy of L G Carr Laughton's 'Nautical Dictionary'; a card index for Dictionary of National Biography entries; a number of albums containing newspaper cuttings; and various correspondence including letters with Dr R C Anderson, 1925-37. Finally, there are some manuscripts written by others including Harold H Brindley and a copy of a personal logbook kept by Dudley Stone on board the ship MONKBARNS, 1913, Buenos Ayres to Australia.

        Sin título
        Lubbock, Basil (1876-1944)
        GB 0064 LUB · Colección · [1876-1944]

        Papers of Basil Lubbock, reflecting Lubbock's detailed and intensive approach to his research. There are over thirty copies and transcripts of logs, many made by Lubbock himself from privately owned volumes. These include abstract logs of the CUTTY SARK, 1870 to 1872, and 1886 to 1895, and a detailed log of the same vessel, 1882 to 1883; the captains' abstract logs of the ARIEL, 1866 to 1868, HALLOWEEN, 1872 to 1876, PATRIARCH, 1877 and 1883, and THERMOPYLAE, 1881 to 1884; and logs of the whalers WILLIAM, 1796 to 1803, GEORGIANA, 1802 to 1803 and NEPTUNE, 1820. There are many press cuttings and photographs, some original, of sailing ships including some of the CUTTY SARK under the Portuguese flag as the FERREIRA. The collection also contains the reminiscences and personal testaments of many seamen. Original documents include ships' papers of the CUTTY SARK for her voyages of 1882-3 and 1883-4 under the command of Captain F Moore (fl 1865-1885); the diary of a passenger on the SUPERB, 1882; a contemporary copy of the log of HMS GALATEA, 1830 to 1831; and a log of the NARCISSUS, 1866 to 1867, kept by Admiral Sir John Fullerton (1840-1918) as lieutenant, together with his station and order book, a volume of watch, station, quarter and fire bills, and an order book containing rigging tips and Flying Squadron sail drill, 1871 to 1872. Among Lubbock's personal papers in the collection are his diary for 1899, including his voyage on the ROYALSHIRE which is illustrated with sketches. There is a wealth of notes and correspondence relating to his many publications on merchant sailing ships; notes on the suppression of the slave trade in the nineteenth century and a draft of a book on the subject; twelve notebooks relating to the 'Last of the Wooden Walls', the ships of the Royal Navy in the nineteenth century; and extensive notes for an unpublished biography of Prince Rupert (1619-1682). There are also annotated copies of most of Lubbock's publications.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 LVG · Colección · 1893-1928

        Papers of Osbert Charles Gresham Leveson-Gower, including letters home, circulars and telegrams bound into five volumes, 1893 to 1908, and loose letters to Miss Leveson-Gower, 1919 to 1928. There are also two logs, 1905 to 1908.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 MAS · Colección · [1826-1880]

        Papers of Adml Thomas Leeke Massie, including copies of his official letterbooks, 1842 to 1861, logs, 1831, 1833 to 1836 and 1850 to 1854, and diaries, 1847 to 1849 and 1862 to 1880. There are also official service documents and twenty-one letters written to his family, 1826 to 1828 and 1840 to 1841.

        Sin título
        Milne family
        GB 0064 MLN · Colección · [1779-1936]

        Papers of Sir David Milne. They consist of logs, 1779 to 1780, 1788 to 1790, 1793 to 1796, 1799 to 1802 and 1814. There is a collection of ship's books for La Seine, which includes a surgeon's journal kept by John Martin, 1799 to 1800. There are also letterbooks, 1804 to 1807 and 1808 to 1815. For the period of the North American command there is an out letterbook and order book, 1816 to 1819, and as Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth, a standing order book, 1842 to 1843. In addition, there are a large number of letters concerning prizes, 1799, letters received, 1819 to 1842, and drafts of letters to Lord Melville, 1819, and Lord Dalhousie (1770-1838), 1818 to 1819. A number of documents with no immediate connection with Milne are also in the collection. They include the log of the PRINCE GEORGE, Captain Nathaniel Portlock, 1785 to 1787, on a voyage to the North Pacific; the log of the AFRICA, Alexander Purvis, 1793 to 1796, and the log of the United States privateer, HARLEQUIN, 1814.

        Papers of Sir Alexander Milne, consisting of logs, 1817 to 1827 and 1837 to 1839, letterbooks, 1827 to 1839, and letters and papers, 1838 to 1847. There are also a number of ship's books relating to the SNAKE and the CROCODILE. For the North American command there are official out-letterbooks, letters received and memoranda to squadrons, 1860 to 1864, as well as private letters from the Duke of Somerset (1804-1885), First Lord of the Admiralty, and to and from Sir Frederick Grey (1805-1878), First Naval Lord, between 1861 and 1862. There are also notebooks and sailing orders for this period. For the Mediterranean Command there are letterbooks, general and squadron memoranda and sailing orders, 1869 to 1870. For his period at the Admiralty there are copies of private and semi-official letters, 1854 to 1855, 1869 and 1873 to 1876, and letters to his brother, David Milne Home, 1820 to 1847. There are a considerable number of official papers relating to the loss of the Megaera and the Captain and the first, second and third Reports of the Royal Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Defence of British Possessions and Commerce Abroad, 1882. Finally there are diaries for 1825, 1833 to 1835, 1837, 1840 to 1841, 1843 to 1845, 1849 and 1870.

        Papers of Sir Archibald Berkeley Milne. They consist of logs, 1870 to 1875, 1879 to 1881 and 1889 to 1893, and a notebook of events in Egypt in 1882. A section of papers is devoted to the Zulu War. For Milne's later career there are copies of correspondence with Lord Charles Beresford, 1910, and letters and papers relating to the Mediterranean command, 1913 to 1914. There is a detailed section on the escape of the Goeben and the Breslau, including signal logs, telegrams received from the Admiralty, diaries, official correspondence and press cuttings. There are also a number of uncompleted private diaries, 1870, 1879, 1886, 1913 to 1919, and personal letters, 1879 to 1936.

        Sin título
        Milne, Admiral Sir David (1763-1845)
        GB 0064 MLN/1-41 · Subfondo · [1779-1843]
        Parte de Milne family

        Papers of Sir David Milne. They consist of logs, 1779 to 1780, 1788 to 1790, 1793 to 1796, 1799 to 1802 and 1814. There is a collection of ship's books for LA SEINE, which includes a surgeon's journal kept by John Martin, 1799 to 1800. There are also letterbooks, 1804 to 1807 and 1808 to 1815. For the period of the North American command there is an out letterbook and order book, 1816 to 1819, and as Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth, a standing order book, 1842 to 1843. In addition, there are a large number of letters concerning prizes, 1799, letters received, 1819 to 1842, and drafts of letters to Lord Melville, 1819, and Lord Dalhousie (1770-1838), 1818 to 1819. A number of documents with no immediate connection with Milne are also in the collection. They include the log of the Prince George, Captain Nathaniel Portlock, 1785 to 1787, on a voyage to the North Pacific; the log of the AFRICA, Alexander Purvis, 1793 to 1796, and the log of the United States privateer, HARLEQUIN, 1814.

        Sin título
        Oliver, Vice Admiral R Don (1895-1980)
        GB 0064 OLI · Colección · [1960-1978]

        Papers of Vice Admiral R Don Oliver. They consist mainly of family correspondence, but there are some official service documents; Vice Admiral Robert D Oliver's recollections; files of personal papers from the 1960s and 1970s; papers of both his first wife, Mrs Torfrida L.A. Swann (nee Huddart) and the Huddart family, and those concerning his second wife, Mrs Marion Joyce Glendinning Van de Velde; diaries for 1960-1978; newspaper cuttings and photographs. There are also papers belonging to his father, Colonel William James Oliver, and his uncle, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry Francis Oliver: these include Sir Henry Oliver's recollections, 100th birthday letters and letters of condolence to his wife, Dame Beryl Oliver, on his death in 1965.

        Sin título
        Osborn, Captain Joseph (1823-1907)
        GB 0064 OSB · Colección · 1853-1875

        They consist of eleven log books, the first of which was written by Osborn as a Mate, with the rest by him as Master. Ranging between 1853 to 1875, they span the majority of Osborn's career at sea. As well as containing the standard information one would expect, ( bearings, weather details, journal entries, etc), the logs also contain nearly 100 drawings and sketches in ink, pencil and watercolour of various ships, coastline profiles, sea-birds, etc.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 STP · Colección · [1868-1883]

        Papers of Sir Henry Frederick Stephenson. There are letterbooks for 1868 and 1880 to 1883, and a printed account of the court martial following the loss of the RATTLER. Most of the collection relates to the Arctic expedition, 1875 to 1876. It includes Stephenson's diary in three volumes, a letter-book, a book of general proceedings of the DISCOVERY, a rough survey book and a scrapbook, with letters and orders from Nares and some other loose papers. There are also printed volumes of the official reports of the expedition and of earlier arctic expeditions.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 STR · Colección · 1868-1901

        Papers of William Stokes Rees, including logs, 1868 to 1870 and 1872 to 1873, two workbooks, 1897, out-letterbooks, 1898 to 1901, and loose papers which relate to the expeditions in Africa, 1895 to 1897. There is also a typescript, 'Yarns from an Admiral's Reminiscences', as retold to Commander Stokes-Rees.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 TAI · Colección · [1903-1933]

        Papers of Sir William Eric Campbell Tait containing two logs, 1903 to 1905, a photograph album, 1908 to 1914, and loose papers; these include letters of proceedings, 1929 to 1930, remarks on the officers and men of the Argentine Navy, on Brazilian and American naval personnel, and intelligence reports, 1932 to 1933.

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        Woodriff Collection
        GB 0064 WDR · Colección · 1790-[1874]

        Papers of Allan Robert Woodriff, consisting of service documents, 1868 to 1874, an undated letter from Woodriff (while a sub-lieutenant) to his mother and letters of condolence after his death.

        Papers of Cpt Daniel Woodriff, they include a log, 1790; extracts from Woodriff's journal, 1794; copies and drafts of letters and memorials, 1805 to 1815; Woodriff's will, 1828, and that of his wife Sarah, 1846.

        Papers of John Robert Woodriff, consisting of personal and service documents, 1802 to 1867, including a letter of 1842 from John Robert's brother, Commander Daniel Woodriff (1789-1860), whose papers are in the National Library of Australia at Canberra.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 WRE/101-104 · Subfondo · [1845-1884]
        Parte de Wrey Papers

        Papers of Greive, William Samuel, containing logs, 1845 to 1847, and 1851 to 1855; a letterbook, 1871 to 1874; commissions, 1851 to 1884, and a few single documents.

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        HARLEY, John (1786-1858)
        GB 0074 O/054 · Colección · 1858

        Diary of actor John Pritt Harley, 1858.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 O/111 · Colección · 1685-1783

        Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising an assignment of premises in Saint Katharine's Dock and a brewhouse in Smithfield, 1685; and extract of the will and probate of Dean Perkins of Newman Street, Saint Marylebone, 1781-1783.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 O/216 · Colección · 1827

        Share certificate of Charles Edmonds in the Battle Bridge and Holloway Road Company; with excellent seal impression of open carriage drawn by four horses, 1827.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 O/222 · Colección · 1868 - 1879

        Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising schedule of deeds relating to 1, Vicarage Rd., Camberwell, belonging to Robert P. Whellock, 1868 and administration, with will annexed, of Samuel May, 32, Bridge Row, London, commercial traveller, 15 June, 1872 and 13 March 1879.

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        GARDNER, Henry (fl 1883-1887)
        GB 0074 O/254 · Colección · 1883-1915

        Notes by Henry Gardner, on school meals, a 'trade' school, excursions, and hospitals, c 1883, with additional notes by Mrs. P. Wallbank, Mr Gardner's daughter, on the same, 1915.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 O/260 · Colección · 1766-1898

        Papers, 1766-1898, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising letters of administration, probate copies of wills, a lease, a fire insurance policy and a covenant to produce deeds; relating to properties in Islington and Hackney.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P69/ALH5 · Colección · 1455-1967

        Records of the parish of All Hallows, London Wall, City of London. The earliest records are churchwardens' accounts, which date from 1455. There are parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns, church services) from 1559, and vestry minutes from 1700. However, most of the records date from the 18th century or later, including poor rate assessments and tithe rate assessments.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P69/ALL · Colección · 1858-1869

        Records of All Saints, Skinner Street, City of London, comprising registers of baptisms, 1858-67, and marriages, 1864-9, (Ms 21142-3); and a voucher book including miscellaneous papers and correspondence, 1858-68 (Ms 5140).

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P69/AND4 · Colección · 1348-1975

        Records of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft, Leadenhall Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, burials, marriages and banns), financial accounts, rate assessments, overseers' papers including papers relating to the workhouse, deeds and rentals, faculties, drawings and plans, parish magazines, records of the Parochial Church Council, and records of charities and estates.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P69/BAT2 · Colección · 1850-1901

        Records of the parish of Saint Bartholomew, Moor Lane, City of London, comprising registers of baptisms and marriages, banns books; accounts and charity committee minutes.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P69/BAT3 · Colección · 1563-1981

        Records of the parish of Saint Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield, City of London. The records include parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns), rate assessments, Churchwardens' accounts, Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes, legal papers, deeds, plans and photographs, papers relating to the maintenance of the building, charity and school papers, and administrative records.

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