Document primaire

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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • An original "document" which is not the result of a documentation process.
  • "Document" original qui n'a pas fait l'objet d'un traitement documentaire.
  • "Documento" original que no ha sido objeto de un tratamiento documental.

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    Termes hiérarchiques

    Document primaire

    Terme générique Document

    Document primaire

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      Document primaire

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        Document primaire

        2529 Description archivistique résultats pour Document primaire

        2529 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        F/WAL · Collection · 1893-1944

        Papers relating to Lambeth Infirmary, later Lambeth Hospital, presented by Norah B. Wallis, Matron, 1919-1945, including dietary plans, notes on 'Training to become a nurse in 1906', hospital notices, statistics, reports, architectural plans, articles and photographs of wards and staff.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 A/ATB · Collection · 1676-1923

        Records of Archbishop Tenison's Secondary School for Boys, including deeds of title; leases; minutes; financial accounts; reports; vouchers mainly for repairs and taxes; correspondence; property management; records of boys admitted, school work and functions; the will of Archbishop Tenison and notes on his life; and records relating to the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 COR/ME · Collection · 1892-1965

        Records of the Middlesex Eastern Coroner's District, comprising case papers, registers, daily records and annual returns, 1892-1965.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DD/0818 · Collection · 1656-1990

        Records of the parish of St Paul, Hammersmith, including parish registers, registers of church services, PCC and vestry minutes, financial records, and records relating to staff, parish boundaries and benefice, church fabric, church hall, parochial charities and church schools.

        NB: The collection includes records previously catalogued as DD/0071 and DD/0746.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DL · Collection · [1271]-2011

        Records of the Diocese of London, 1467-1976, held at the London Metropolitan Archives include:

        • records of the Archdeaconry of Hampstead (induction mandates, visitation papers)
        • records of the Archdeaconry of Hackney (visitation papers)
        • records of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex (assignation books, churchwardens' presentments, financial papers, calendars, probate books and probate inventories, caveat books, registers of wills, administration bonds, renunciations, warrants, original wills, visitation books)
        • records of the Consistory Court of London (Acts of Court, assignation books, deposition books, Vicar General's books, registers of wills, original wills, matrimonial and testamentary cause papers, appointments of proctors, caveat books, Chancellor's notebooks, statistics)
        • papers of various rural deaneries (Paddington, Spitalfields, Bethnal Green, Saint Pancras, Enfield, Chelsea, Tottenham, Shoreditch, Saint Marylebone)
        • bishop's transcripts from the County of Middlesex and the County of London
        • papers relating to tithes (maps, apportionments, altered apportionments, certificates of capital value, awards of exchange, redemption certificates).

          Records of the Diocese of London, 1306-1996, (held at the Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section but currently accessible through the LMA) include:

        • Bishops' registers
        • Vicar Generals' books
        • Bishops' Act books
        • Ordination papers and Ordination registers
        • Licensing papers for curates, lecturers, institutional chaplains, parish clerks, midwives, physicians and surgeons, schoolmasters
        • Marriage allegations and marriage bonds
        • Parish files (of church deeds, consecration papers, plans and so on.)
        • Faculty papers, by parish.
        • Subscription books.
        • Parish register transcripts
        • Episcopal visitation records
        • Records of jurisdiction:-
        • Commissary Court records including court books, probate records, original wills, probate and administration act books, probate inventories
        • Estate records for property and manors in the City of London, Essex, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Surrey, Sussex, Westminster and Worcester.

          Also papers relating to the Bishop of London's jurisdiction overseas. The Bishop of London was held to exercise responsibility for Anglican churches overseas where no other bishop had been appointed. He retained responsibility for churches in northern and central Europe until 1980, but his jurisdiction in southern Europe ceased in 1842 on the creation of the diocese of Gibraltar. In 1980, the Bishop of London divested himself of all overseas jurisdiction and a new diocese of 'Gibraltar in Europe' was established. Records include:-

        • Ordination and licensing records
        • Consecration papers and chaplaincy deeds
        • Foreign register transcripts
        • issues of the "Gibraltar and Fulham Diocesan Gazette"
        • Foreign chaplaincy archives for the chaplaincies of:
          Adelboden, Switzerland
          Aix les Bains, France
          Alassio, Italy
          Archangel, Russia
          Athens, Greece
          Balestrand, Norway
          Biarritz, France
          Bologna, Italy
          Bordighera, Italy
          Boulogne, France
          Bucharest, Romania
          Bucharest and Lower Danubian ports, Romania
          Burgenstock, Switzerland
          Calais, France
          Cannes, France
          Cap d'Antibes, France
          Cartagena, Spain
          Champery, Switzerland
          Chantilly, France
          Corfu, Greece
          Davos, Switzerland
          Ferrol, Spain
          Florence, Italy
          Fray Bentos, Uruguay
          Geneva, Switzerland
          Ghent, Belgium
          Grindelwald, Switzerland
          Haarlem, Netherlands
          Hamburg, Germany
          Helsinki, Finland
          Hughesovka, Russia
          Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
          Leghorn, Italy
          Leysin, Switzerland
          Libau, Latvia
          Lisbon, Portugal
          Lucerne, Switzerland
          Lyons, France
          Messina, Sicily, Italy
          Minas de Riotinto, Spain
          Monte Carlo, Monaco
          Moscow, Russia
          Nantes, North West France
          Odessa and South Russia
          Oporto, Portugal
          Ostend, Belgium
          Palermo, Italy
          Pisa and Bagni di Lucca, Italy
          Ponta Delgada, Azores
          Riga, Latvia
          Rigi-Kaltbad, Switzerland
          Saas Fee, Switzerland
          St Servan, France
          Seville, Spain
          Spiez, Switzerland
          Stockholm, Sweden
          Stresa, Italy
          Syra, Greece
          Tamaris sur mer, Toulon, France
          Taormina, Sicily
          Trieste, Italy
          Ulvik, Norway
          Versailles, France
          Viareggio, Italy
          Vitznau, Switzerland
          Wengen, Switzerland
          Zermatt, Switzerland
        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/005 · Collection · 1558-1969

        Records of the Parish of Saint Giles, South Mimms, including registers of baptisms, banns, marriages, confirmations and burials; registers of services; papers relating to the benefice and tithes; Churchwarden's accounts, inventories and papers relating to the maintenance of the church building; Vestry meeting minutes; papers of the Overseers of the Poor including accounts, grants to the poor, settlement certificates and papers regarding the workhouse; minutes, accounts and correspondence of the Surveyors of Highways; papers of parish charities; papers of the South Mimms Church of England School; enclosure award for South Mimms; photographs of the church; minutes of the Parochial Church Council; papers relating to the maintenance of the church, church hall, vicarage and churchyard; and maps of parish boundaries.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/011 · Collection · 1717-1986

        Records of the parish of Saint Margaret, Edgware, including registers of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials; register of services; Vestry meetings minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes and churchwardens' financial accounts.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/014 · Collection · 1599-2014

        Records of the Parish of St John the Evangelist, Stanmore, including registers of baptisms, confirmations, banns of marriage, marriages, and burials; papers relating to the consecration of the new church; papers relating to tithes; Churchwardens' records including accounts, endowments and papers relating to the maintenance of the church, church fabric and churchyard; Vestry meeting orders and minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes, reports and accounts; minutes and papers of various church committees; papers of the Overseers of the Poor including accounts, settlement orders, and apprenticeship orders; accounts of the Surveyors of the Highways; papers of church societies including the choir, Cricket Clubs, Church Lad's Brigade, Knitting Guild, Mother's Union, Friends of the Parish Church of St John and Saint John's Fellowship, Women's Fellowship and Junior Church; papers of various parish charities; papers relating to the National School; Great Stanmore Enclosure award and map; drawings, prints and photographs; parish magazines; and printed items including history and orders of service.

        Covering dates of parish registers: Christenings 1559-1911; Marriages 1599-1989; Burials 1599-1934.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/018 · Collection · 1720-1970

        Records of the Parish of St George, Hanworth, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, services and confirmations; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to church lands and property; Churchwardens' accounts and papers relating to the maintenance of the church and churchyard; Vestry meeting minutes; papers of the Parochial Church Council including minutes, accounts, and papers relating to the church hall, war graves and parish magazine; accounts of the Overseers of the Poor; papers relating to parish charities; papers relating to Hanworth National School; historical notes; prints and drawings; maps and plans.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/019 · Collection · 1689-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint Martin, Ruislip, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmation, graves, offerings and church services; Churchwardens' papers including accounts, correspondence and papers regarding the maintenance of the church; Vestry meeting minutes; minutes, accounts and correspondence of the Parochial Church Council; papers of the Overseers of the Poor including accounts, valuations, settlement, bastardy and apprenticeship orders and papers regarding the workhouse; papers of parish officers including the constable and the surveyors of highways; papers of related organisations including the Bishop Winnington Ingram School, the Friends of Saint Martin's, and Bishop Ramsey School; photographs; and papers of the War Emergency Committee (First World War).

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/029 · Collection · 1653-1994

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Hendon, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns of marriage; registers of church services; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; papers relating to church buildings and the churchyard; minutes of Vestry meetings and Parochial Church Council meetings; financial accounts; papers of parish organisations including charities, schools, societies and clubs.

        Also records of Saint Mary Magdalene, Holders Hill Road, Hendon, a mission church of Saint Mary's which opened in 1934 and remains part of the same parish. There are also two items for Christ Church, Brent Street, Hendon, another daughter church which became an independent parish in 1923.

        Summary of Registers at LMA: Saint Mary, Church End, Hendon, Composite registers 1653-1812, Registers of baptisms 1813-1992, Registers of marriages 1754-1989, Registers of burials 1678-1953; Christ Church, Brent Street, Hendon, Register of baptisms 1894-1912. Later registers are in the custody of the incumbent.

        C 1894-1966 M 1923-1971 C 1663-1992 M1654-1989 B 1653-1953 No Registers held

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/041 · Collection · 1886-1952

        Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Staines, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/044 · Collection · 1908-1996

        Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Winchmore Hill, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage, church services; Parochial Church Council and Vestry meetings minutes; and Fund Raising and Appeal Committee minutes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/047 · Collection · 1557-1971

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Hayes, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; papers relating to fees, tithes and endowments; Churchwardens' papers regarding the maintenance of the church fabric and church finances; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers of parish charities; papers of the church bell ringers and maps.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/073 · Collection · 1707-1990

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary the Virgin, Perivale, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, graves and church services; Vestry minute book; Parochial Church Council minute books; plans of churchyard showing graves; Perivale Committee minute books; annual reports; newsletters and parish magazines; faculties; papers relating to tithes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/076 · Collection · 1897-1987

        Records of the parish of Saint Faith, Brentford, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage, and church services; sermon note books; financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minute books; Vestry minute books; and parish magazines.

        Also papers of the Brentford and Chiswick Housing Association comprising minutes, reports, financial accounts and correspondence.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/078 · Collection · 1696-1952

        Records of the parish of Saint Matthew, Ashford, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, confirmations, banns of marriage, and church services; Preachers' books; papers relating to parish boundaries and transfers; papers relating to tithes; Churchwardens' accounts; papers relating to parish charities; maps of the parish. Also architects' drawings and plans for Saint Matthew's Church, Saint Matthew's Churchyard and Saint Hilda's Church; and correspondence and Vestry minutes for Saint Benedict's Mission Church.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/085 · Collection · 1934-1986

        Records of the parish of Saint Jerome, Dawley, comprising registers of baptisms, registers of marriages and register of confirmations.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/096 · Collection · 1865-1992

        Records of the parish of Saint John the Baptist, Greenhill, Harrow, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriages, confirmations and church services; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes; Building Committee minutes; financial accounts; papers relating to staff; papers relating to the maintenance of the church buildings and fittings including faculties; papers relating to properties and land; papers relating to social events and clubs; notices, orders of service, newspaper cuttings and programmes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/100 · Collection · 1911-1991

        Records of the parish of Saint Francis of Assisi, Gladstone Park, Willesden, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; photographs of the church, clergy and church activities; papers relating to the creation of the parish; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of the church and hall; Vestry and Parochial Church Council meeting minutes; correspondence of the Parochial Church Council Secretary; financial accounts; papers regarding church clubs and societies; parish magazines; news cuttings, pamphlets, postcards and other printed items.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/105 · Collection · 1939-1975

        Records of the parish of the Ascension, Hanger Hill, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; and minute books of the Vestry and Parochial Church Council.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/111 · Collection · 1901-1992

        Records of the parish of Saint George, Southall, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services; working papers of the incumbent; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings and fittings, including faculties and inventories; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; and historical notes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/113 · Collection · 1569-1991

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Willesden, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriages, church services and preachers; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings; and photographs of the church. Also registers of baptisms for Willesden General Hospital.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/118 · Collection · 1904-1990

        Records of the parish of Saint James, Alperton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, and banns of marriage; registers of church services; papers regarding the construction of the church and vicarage; faculties for the maintenance of church fittings; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; papers relating to church societies and clubs; and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/119 · Collection · 1902-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint Mellitus, Hanwell, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services; working papers of the incumbent; correspondence; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; papers relating to the Sunday School; parish magazines and photograph of the exterior of the church.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/122 · Collection · 1901-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint Saviour, Alexandra Park, Haringey, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; diary of church events; inventories of church contents, with photographs; papers and legal documents relating to church properties; correspondence; minutes of Churchwardens' meetings; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; minutes of other Committees; parish magazines and bulletins; booklets; newspaper cuttings; and photographs of the church.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/128 · Collection · 1562-1812

        Records of the parish of St Mary Magdalene, Littleton, Surrey, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmation and church services; papers relating to the benefice and tithes; papers relating to church buildings including faculties, correspondence, plans and drawings and church inspection reports; papers relating to Saint John's Mission Hall including deeds and plans; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; Overseers of the Poor rate books; and a history of the church.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/129 · Collection · 1879-1995

        Records of the parish of Saint Dunstan, Acton, comprising baptism registers, marriage registers, confirmation registers and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/134 · Collection · 1903-1980

        Records of the parish of Saint Luke, Hornsey, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; church service registers; correspondence and papers of the incumbent; papers relating to the appointment of church personnel; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; papers relating to the benefice and tithes; material regarding the church building including faculties, plans, drawings, contracts and specifications, reports and surveys; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; parish magazines and photographs.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/135 · Collection · 1900-1998

        Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Northwood, including registers of baptisms, marriage, banns of marriage and church services; orders of service; papers of the incumbent; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; faculties, inventories, plans, drawings, photographs, reports, contracts and specifications for the church building, vicarage and church hall; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; minutes of other committees; reports and correspondence; financial accounts; correspondence relating to parochial charities; Managers' Minutes, deeds, plans and correspondence relating to the school; papers of church societies and clubs; parish magazines; yearbooks; historical notes and pamphlets; and photographs.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/138 · Collection · 1853-1880

        Register of baptisms at Heston Barracks Chapel, Heston.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/141 · Collection · 1874-1986

        Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Southall, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations, funerals and church services; preachers' books; Vestry and Parochial Church Council meeting minutes; financial accounts; minutes and accounts of parish societies; and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/152 · Collection · 1954-1980

        Records of the Mission Church of Saint Giles, Enfield, including registers of church services; Parochial Church Council meeting minutes; electoral rolls; and financial accounts.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/156 · Collection · 1881-1998

        Records of the parish of St Saviour, Upper Sunbury, comprising registers of baptisms (1881-1992), marriages (1913-1988), burials (1882-1888), confirmations (1941-1983), banns (1943-1995) and church services (1909-1998). Includes registers of baptisms and church services at Saint Benedict Mission Church.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/158 · Collection · 1862-1986

        Records of the parish of St Philip and St James, Whitton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; papers relating to the benefice and terrier; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; and orders relating to parish boundary changes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/163 · Collection · 1834-1930

        Records of the parish of St Paul, Edmonton, including baptism registers (1834-1928), marriage registers (1838-1928), banns registers (1852-1915), church service registers, papers relating to the benefice and terrier, faculties relating to the maintenance of the church, Parochial Church Council and other Committee minutes, financial accounts and parish magazines (1887-1930). Also registers for baptisms at Saint Thomas, Winchmore Hill (1908-1920).

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/165 · Collection · 1937-1988

        Records of Christ Church Mission Church, Harlington, comprising registers of church services; correspondence relating to the construction of the new church and administrative files.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 DRO/174 · Collection · 1538-1961

        Records of the church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Twickenham. This collection includes the parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials (1538 - 1960); Churchwardens' accounts (1605/6 - 1848); Vestry meeting minute books (1618 - 1901) and Overseers' of the Poor accounts (1663 - 1679). Of particular note are: the Book of Briefs (1708 - 1760), which also includes a list of bonds, surrender certificates and indentures (DRO/174/B/02/001) and the survey of land-holding or real estates in the parish, made in 1661, which appears in the Churchwardens' account book (DRO/174/B/01/003).

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 E/CAL · Collection · 1799-1899

        Records relating to the Calthorpe family estates, including mortgages, conveyances, insurance policies, tax redemption certificates, and letters. The estate included premises in Grays Inn Road, City Road, Gough Square, Chelsea, Fleet Street and in Norfolk.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 E/CRY · Collection · 1701-1883

        Records of the Crawley family relating to the management of their estates in Holborn and Marylebone.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 E/LET · Collection · 1608-1938

        Records of the Lethbridge family relating to their estates in Southwark and the City of London, including the Manor of Paris Garden.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 E/NEV · Collection · 1709-1822

        Records relating to properties owned by the Bonney and Nevinson families in St James, Westminster; St George Hanover Square; and Marylebone.

        The remaining documents do not appear to be connected with the main group. However, since the series of deeds for the property in St James Westminster, at least, are clearly incomplete, it may be that the two groups are related, though the link is not now apparent.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 E/PHI · Collection · 1587-1895

        Records of the Spencer-Philip family; primarily papers relating to property transactions, including extracts from court rolls, abstracts of title, leases, plans and rents, for premises in the Manor of Stepney (Whitechapel, Stepney and Mile End) and in Essex. Also building leases and agreements relating to the King David's Fort Estate, St George's in the East, and papers and plans concerning construction of London and Blackwall railway through that estate; an Act of Parliament relating to roads in St Leonard Shoreditch; and family certificates (baptisms, marriages, burials). The collection includes a manorial custumal for the Manor of Stepney, 1587.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 E/PNE · Collection · 1746-1982

        Records of the Paine family relating to properties owned by the family in Deptford and Forest Hill, with some family papers including certificates and letters.

        Sans titre
        WAY FAMILY
        GB 0074 E/WAY · Collection · 1692-1855

        Papers of the Way family relating to their London property in Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Peckham, Camberwell, and Deptford.

        Sans titre
        BEAL, James (1829-1891)
        GB 0074 F/BL · Collection · 1846-1889

        Personal papers of James Beal, local government reformer. The collection comprises correspondence with and concerning James Beal. Except where stated to the contrary, the letters refer to governmental matters: those in F/BL/12 refer to the presentation made to James Beal for his services to Local Government. The presentation volume includes press cuttings, invitations, menus and similar printed ephemera.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 F/GAM · Collection · 1811-1839

        Records of the Gambier family, comprising correspondence and administrative papers relating to the parish of Saint Mary le Strand, Westminster.

        Sans titre