Religious belief

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Religious belief

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Religious belief

  • UF Religious faith
  • UF Foi religieuse
  • UF Fe religiosa

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27 Archival description results for Religious belief

27 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0114 MS0173 · 1883-1939

Papers of Charles John Bond, 1883-1939, comprising correspondence with various people, including Lord Joseph Lister, Victor Horsely, Sir Wilfred Grenfell, Stephen Paget, Frank Penrose, Dr Theodore Woods (Bishop of Peterborough), Sir Arthur Keith, Lord Moynihan, Dr William Mayo, Sir Thomas Barlow, Wilfred Trotter, Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr F Gowland Hopkins, Professor G Grey-Turner, Walter Fletcher, Sir Robert Jones, and Dr Whittingham (Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich), 1883-1939; papers on medical subjects and scientific experiments; notes on topics including immortality, youth and age, and the mind; biographical information; poetry; and a grace.

Bond , Charles John , 1856-1939 , surgeon
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP 62 · 1821-1990

The collection comprises correspondence, mainly concerning meteorological readings and Daniell's religious beliefs, lecture notebooks and printed pamphlets on meteorology and the battery, certificates of membership of learned societies, and obituaries and biographies of Daniell, 1821-1990. Notably including correspondence between Daniell and friends and colleagues such as Charles Babbage, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, University of Cambridge, Charles James Blomfield, Bishop of London, Sir Marc Isambard Brunel, engineer, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, Michael Faraday, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, chemist, John Frederic William Herschel, astronomer, James Clark Ross, polar navigator, principally concerning meteorology and meteorological instruments, the chemistry of batteries, the publication of Daniell's books and articles, the management of the Royal Society, London, Daniell's religious beliefs, 1821-1857; manuscript copies of lectures delivered by Daniell including at King's College London and the Military School of the East India Company, Addiscombe, Surrey, 1831-1845; printed articles and pamphlets by Daniell or reviews of his work, including On voltaic combinations (London, 1836), reviews of Meteorological essays and observations (London, 1823), 1823-1860; membership certificates of Daniell to various learned societies including National Institute for the Promotion of Science, Washington, US, 1839-1845; obituaries and biographies of Daniell, 1845-1990.

Daniell , John Frederic , 1790-1845 , professor of chemistry
Davis · [1959-1994]

Papers of Professor Charles Davis, [1959-1994] including personal papers and notes on topics including ethics, conscience, prayer, Eucharist, penance, faith, anointing of the sick, meaning of history, magisterum, atonement, freedom, sexual morality, the devil, the church, contraception, John Milton, hypnotism, Christian reform, Jesus Christ, liturgy, the Virgin Mary, ecumenism, baptism, interpreting modern theology and celibacy; working papers and papers for taught courses on the following topics: Christian mysticism, living as a Christian, theories of religion, Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy, Leslie Milton, promise of critical theology, faith and the artist, doctrine and life, Bernard Lonergan, 'our bodily selves and God', religion and literature, psychoanalysis, William George Ward, early Christianity, unity, Paul Ricoer, transubstantiation, David Lodge, Graham Greene, Muriel Spark, Mary Gordon, John Updike, Johann Baptist, J F Powers, Marc P Lalonde, secularisation, political theology, Medieval Christianity, Christ and the world, parables, Ursula LeGuin, Flannery O'Connor, Callahan, Iris Murdoch, Margaret Drabble, Hermuenics, Christian modernism, Thomas Hardy, the human body, Herbert Hartley Dewart and religious experience.

Notes for PhD seminars including on Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegal, G E Moore, Reinhold Niebuhr, Friedrich Nietzsche, Godamer, William James and Richard Hare and other seminars including on Michel Foucault, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Max Weber, Buckminster Fuller and Woodstock College seminar, 1973.

Lectures including on the Vatican, CBC talks, 1967, the Wilson lectures, lectures at Huron College, Mar 1984 and the Simonsville talks; unpublished papers and articles by Davis; reviews, on and by Davis; papers relating to the Killam Research Fellowship; poems; press cuttings chiefly by or on Davis; obituaries; papers relating to conferences including the 'Critical theory and empirical method' conference and a report on the conference on 'The relevancy of organised religion', Oct 1969; diary of a visit to England, Aug 1975; draft manuscript 'The Presence of Christ, Reflections on the Eucharist'; papers relating to appointments including CVs and references; papers relating to academic institutions including Concordia University, Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Heythrop College, Lakehead University and the University of Alberta; Davis' personal financial and legal papers and other personal papers; offprints of articles and journals; PhD theses supervised by Davis and personal and professional correspondence on topics including leaving the Roman Catholic Church; the birth of his children; conferences and talks; his wedding; on 'becoming a liberated Christian'; ecclesiastical topics; royalties and correspondence with publishers, notably Cambridge University Press.

Davis , Charles Alfred , 1923-1999 , theologian
GB 0096 AL203 · Fonds · 1891-1911

25 letters, mainly written to Florence Farr/Emery, 1891-1911. Correspondents include: William Archer, J M Barrie, Annie Besant, Edward Carpenter, Arnold Dolmetsch, Richard Le Gallienne, John William Mackail, Edward Martyn, George Robert Stow Mead, Gilbert Aimé Murray, Sir W M Flinders Petrie, Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, the Princess Royal (HRH Princess Louise, Duchess of Fife), Charles Ricketts, Robert Baldwin Ross, Charles Haslewood Shannon, George Bernard Shaw, Arthur Symons, John Todhunter, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, W B Yeats.

All letters are autograph, with signatures. Many of the letters relate to plays, theatrical performances and drama criticism; other topics covered include theosophy, Indian religion and Egyptology.

Farr , Florence , 1860-1916 , actress and author
Fidler, William
GB 0102 MS 380725 · 1825-1827

Diary, 1825-1827, of the Rev William Fidler, describing his voyage from Bristol to St Vincent accompanied by his wife Anna and other Methodist missionaries, and containing detailed descriptions of events and places during his first two years in the West Indies, and religious reflections.

Fidler , William , 1795-1866 , missionary
Hornsby-Smith · 1974-1993

Papers of Michael P Hornsby-Smith, [1973]-2007, including audio tapes containing interviews with lay members of the National Roman Catholic Bishop's Advisory Committees, 1974: this data was used by Hornsby-Smith for his books Roman Catholics in England and Roman Catholic Beliefs in England; the interviews investigate the social and religious background of the respondent, his or her religious beliefs, views on recent changes in the Church and observations of the work of the commissions.

Audio tapes containing interviews with staff of the programme RENEW and clergy from the English Roman Catholic Diocese of Downlands on the RENEW programme, 1988-1993. RENEW was a diocesan-wide parish based pastoral programme, originally developed in the United States, exploring the ways in which the renewal of spiritualities were promoted and controlled within the Roman Catholic Church.

Papers including correspondence, publications and articles on the Roman Catholic National Pastoral Congress, 1980 and published report entitled 'Roman Catholic Opinion: A study of Roman Catholics in England and Wales in the 1970s' by Hornsby-Smith and Raymond M Lee (1979, University of Surrey).

Further papers relating to Hornsby-Smith's research into Roman Catholicism in England including interview audio tapes; professional correspondence, [1973]-2007; survey data; theses of PhD students supervised by Hornsby-Smith; publications on Catholicism, 1973-2006; papers relating to Roman Catholic working parties and committees, notably in the Arundel and Brighton Diocese; published and unpublished drafts by Hornsby-Smith and research proposals.

Smith , Michael P , Hornsby- , [b 1933] , Professor of Sociology
Hunt, John
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 36-37 (Boxes 649-650) · 1833-1938

Papers, 1833-1938, of and relating to John Hunt and his family, comprising correspondence, 1833-1868, of John and Hannah Hunt, the correspondents mainly family members but including some other missionaries; 'scrapbook' kept at the Wesleyan Theological Institution, Hoxton, commencing 1835, containing entries by Hunt on religious subjects; certificates, 1838, of ordination and oath of allegiance; Hunt's journals, 1838-1848, including the journey to Fiji and life and work there, one volume including an autobiographical account of his early life and religious experiences; Hunt's sermon notes and religious writings, largely undated [1830s-1840s], including a volume presented to R B Lyth, 1842; poems by Hunt, including some Fijian verses, undated; Hunt's manuscript memoir of the Rev William Cross [1843-1844]; pen believed to have belonged to John Hunt; photographic copies of a portrait of Hunt; the first Tongan Bible [published in 1839], with an inscription regarding its provenance, 1842; printed letter by James Calvert on Hunt's death, 1848; biographical account of Hunt [by R B Lyth] [after 1848]; notebook [of Hannah Hunt], some entries inscribed E A Hunt and dated 1860, including notes on Lincolnshire and other English localities, the Scriptures, poetry, Shakespeare, and history; notebook of poems from Elsie and Hannah Hunt to their mother [Hannah Hunt], 1875; photograph [of Hannah Hunt]; miscellaneous papers of Hannah Hunt Richings, 1864-1881, including photographs of her and her husband Lewis, undated; notebook of Eliza-Ann Hunt, containing diary entries, 1874-1888, and other entries including poetry and stories; papers, 1920-1938, including letters, press cuttings, and notes, relating to John Hunt, his work in Fiji, and his Lincolnshire connections.

Hunt , John , 1812-1848 , missionary
Jellicoe, Marguerite K
GB 0102 PP MS 57 · Created 1950s-1986

Papers, 1950s-1986, of Marguerite Jellicoe, relating to her work in the Singida District of Tanzania, including research material forming the basis for her book The Long Path. The notes and transcripts of tapes give an insight into the Rimi/Nyaturu tribe before it became integrated into mainstream life. Topics such as spiritual life, diet, medical knowledge, customs and beliefs are covered.

Jellicoe , Marguerite K , d 1994 , ethnologist and anthropologist
GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Box 9 · 1573, 1763-1932

Papers, 1573, 1763-1932, of and relating to John Theodosius Van Der Kemp, comprising pages from his diary, 1763-1791; list of patients in a Dutch military hospital, 1793-1794; miscellaneous papers, 1801-1804; correspondence, 1802-1811, the subjects including missionaries, supplies, travel, and colonial policy and administration; various undated manuscripts in his hand, including medical notes and notes for sermons; his Bible (1573), comprising the Old Testament in Hebrew and New Testament in Greek; papers relating to his family, 1816-1817, 1849, including financial affairs; miscellaneous papers on Van Der Kemp and Bethelsdorp, 1826 and undated; a manuscript on the conversion and call of Van Der Kemp to missionary work and his voyage to the Cape [early 19th century]; manuscript copy of his autobiography, apparently translated by F G Hooper, 1820; a manuscript précis and extracts from his autobiography [early 19th century]; correspondence and papers, 1921-1932 and undated, on Van Der Kemp, relating especially to A D Martin's biography Doctor Vanderkemp, and including press cuttings and a photograph of his grave.

Kemp , John Theodosius , Van Der , 1747-1811 , Dutch missionary
Lenwood, Frank
GB 0102 CWM/LMS Home Personal Boxes 7-9 · c1870-1959

Correspondence and papers, c1870-1959, of and relating to Frank Lenwood, including papers and correspondence, c1870-1920, concerning his parents Walter and Charlotte Lenwood; his early essays and press cuttings about him, c1881-1910; letters to his parents and correspondence about his schooling, 1882-1895; letters received from various correspondents, 1893-1933; printed circulars and personal letters from Lenwood and his wife Gertrude from trips to London Missionary Society (LMS) missions in China, India, Benares, the South Seas and Papua, 1906-1916, 1922; letters to various correspondents on religious and personal matters, 1916-1934, including his connection with Greengate Congregational Church; notebooks relating to preaching, 1926-1934 and undated; working papers on the `Oxford Group' movement, c1931-1933; copies of his articles and pamphlets, 1900-1933; copy of An order for the Solemnization of Matrimony ... with an order for the Burial of the Dead, undated, with annotations by Lenwood, 1900-1934 where dated; extracts from his diaries and letters, 1893-1935, for the use of his biographer, and reviews of the biography, 1936-1937; correspondence about the disposal of his books and papers, 1959.

Lenwood , Frank , 1874-1934 , Congregational minister and missionary
Lucas, Edith M
GB 0102 MS 380627 · 1890-1891

Photocopy of a manuscript letterbook, 1890-1891, of Edith M Lucas, containing copies of circular letters to her friends describing missionary work, her experiences in China, her religious reflections, also including an account of Jews in China.

Cox , Edith M , fl 1890-1891 , née Lucas , missionary
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP83 · c1830-1972

Correspondence and papers of and relating to Frederick Denison Maurice, c1830-1972, including a letter from Maurice to his mother, 1833; the manuscript, c1830-c1834, of Maurice's novel Eustace Conway (published in three volumes, Richard Bentley, London, 1834); ordination certificates and licences to preach, 1834-1871; various pamphlets by Maurice, 1841-1859, including a letter to Samuel Wilberforce on reasons for not joining a party in the church, 1841, one on education, 1847, and a plan for a female college, 1855; five manuscript letters, undated [? 1843], to Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, on religious subjects and bereavement and commenting on her Essay on Rationalism (1843); King's College London correspondence, comprising letters from Maurice, 1841-1853 and undated, pertaining to teaching, students, academic and College matters, including his professorship of Divinity, 1846, and correspondence between Maurice and Richard William Jelf, Principal of King's College London, to be laid before Council, 1853; printed material including copies of the correspondence between Maurice and Jelf, 1853; manuscript letter from Maurice to 'My dear Friends' via Brooke Lambert on leaving King's, 1853; manuscript letter from J[ulius] C Hare to [Derwent] Coleridge (son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1853, concerning a protest against Maurice's expulsion from his theological professorship at King's College; newspapers and news cuttings on Maurice's dismissal by the Council of King's College, 1853; a copy of Maurice's The Doctrine of Sacrifice (1854), inscribed by him; manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley, 1859, soliciting Maurice's help in finding a curate; engraving of Maurice, 1860; manuscript sermon by Maurice on Proverbs c XII v 20, 'Deceit is in the heart ... ', given at St Peter's, Vere Street, [1860s]; copy of Maurice's The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (1864), inscribed to his son J F Maurice. A scrapbook contains two letters from Maurice to Miss Duncan, one dated 1868 and thanking her for a gift; printed obituaries of Maurice, including news cuttings; portraits of Maurice, including a photograph; a printed catalogue of his works; a printed leaflet on the Working Men's College, London, 1872; manuscript notes (not Maurice's) on sermons preached by him; a printed sermon on Maurice by Charles Kingsley, 1873, for an industrial school for girls in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London (established by Maurice in 1867); manuscript extracts of letters from T[homas] Hughes (the author?) to Maurice. Other printed material comprises articles and sermons on Maurice's death in 1872, and items relating to a dinner held at Lincoln's Inn, 1972, for its centenary. A manuscript letter from Emily Hill to Mrs Shaen, 1872, describes Maurice's death and a manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley to Maurice's widow, 1872, thanks her for a Greek testament. Other memorabilia relate to Maurice, his family, and friends.

Maurice , Frederick Denison , 1805-1872 , theologian and Christian Socialist
GB 0370 CLM · 1866-1935

This collection contains the papers of Constance Maynard from 1866-1935. It comprises diaries of a varying nature relating to all aspects of the life of Constance Maynard including her Greenbook diaries 1866-1935 - of her emotions, thoughts, extracts from letters, sermons and texts; her Diaries 1871-1913 - detailing weekly activities and events of both a personal and work nature; her Sundial Diaries 1911-1935 - recording the search for both cottages, the Sundial, Little Bookham and the Sundial, Gerrard's Cross, and subsequently details of life in retirement such as accounts of her visitors, visits made, community work and works read and written; her Travel Diaries, 1868-1926 - of her college vacations, holidays, tours and visits, detailing companions and places visited with some photographs, maps and drawings; Diaries regarding Effie [Stephanë Anthon] 1887-1915 - detailing the life, character and relationship with Effie [Stephanë Anthon] from the arrangement of her adoption until her death; the Autobiography written 1915-1933 - covering 1849-1927, divided into seven parts and further into chapters by Constance Maynard, covering all aspects of her life, and including her edited version of a history of the Henry Maynard family, c.1920s, originally written by her Cousin Mary [HM King] 1910, covering 1839-1910; Writings by Constance Maynard 1870-1931 - including indexed anthologies of her own poems, and of poems by other authors, anecdotes told to her, notes on subjects such as Euminides and the Parables, Extracts from Texts, and a Bible with extensive notes added by Constance Maynard; Writings by Family and Friends 1871-1905 - including diaries and notebooks of Catherine Firth, Dora Maynard and Mabel Prideaux; and Personal Memorabilia, 1868-1913 - including her Girton College Degree Certificate, a life painting of Limpsfield, a book presented to her by Westfield College on her retirement and a life painting of The Sundial, Little Bookham.

The 'green book diaries' and autobiography have been digitised and are available on the website,

Maynard , Constance Louisa , 1849-1935 , Mistress of Westfield College
GB 0096 MS 272 · 1677-1682

Manuscript volume entitled 'Suspiria piae et acclamantis animae, or meditations, thoughts, ejaculatory prayers. On severall Occasions for private Benefit. But Made publick as they may be Applicable to ye private Necessities of any under the same Sentiments, Conditions and Temptations', [1677-1682].
The book is dedicated to "Mary Wife of Thomas Brocas of Beurepaire in ye County of Southampton Esq.", with the suggestion that she might have it printed, if she thinks it of sufficient merit; this she appears not to have done.

GB 0096 AL342 · Fonds · 1864-1894

34 letters from Francis William Newman, 1864-1894. 32 letters addressed to Newman's nephew John Rickards Mozley; 1 letter addressed to Newman's sister Jemima Mozley; 1 letter addressed to J R Mozley's father-in-law Bonamy Price. Topics covered include: domestic and family affairs; Newman's brother John Henry Newman (Cardinal Newman); education (including Augustus De Morgan and University College London); New Testament criticism; religion and morality; classical literature; mathematics; wealth; current affairs (including Irish Home Rule and the American Civil War); William Ewart Gladstone; and John Ruskin.

All items are autograph, with signatures.

Newman , Francis William , 1805-1897 , Professor of Latin
GB 0096 MS 278 · [1440]

Manuscript volume containing a verse chronicle of the history of England from the legendary Brut up to 1272, [1440], most notably focusing on the barons' rebellion led by Simon de Montfort during the reign of King Henry III. The chronicle is written in rhymed couplets in a south-west Midland dialect, and was copied in a good semi-cursive hand by two, or possibly three, scribes. The chronicle is known in two versions, of which this is the shorter; in the longer version there is a reference to the darkness which fell on the surrounding country following the Battle of Evesham (Aug 1265), and this, as well as local knowledge of the area, has led to the author being traditionally named 'Robert of Gloucester'. On the verso of the second fly-leaf there is a 'Precepts in -ly' (moral or religious counsels) entitled 'A spesiall glasse to loke in daily', which is dated at Holy Rode on 14 Sep 1516. It was possibly written by Richard Whitford (1476-1542), who was chaplain to William Blount, 4th Baron Mountjoy, and later to Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, afterwards becoming a monk at Syon Monastery, Isleworth, until the Dissolution. It is unclear if Whitford also undertook the copying of the Richard of Gloucester chronicle. Folio 147 contains 25 lines of miscellaneous Latin, including a section relating to the prophecies of Merlin.

GB 0120 PP/WWS · c1920s-1987

Sargant was an outspoken supporter and practitioner of what he termed the 'practical rather than philosophical approaches' to the treatment of mental illness, pioneering and publicising various physical treatments and vociferously opposing the use of psychoanalytic techniques. The majority of the collection consists of his writings, both published and unpublished, supplemented by a small quantity of correspondence and other material. In addition, the collection contains clinical records for about 500 cases from Sutton Emergency Hospital in the 1940s. As well as covering clinical subjects (in Sections D, E, and F) and Sargant's views on the practice of psychiatry in general (Section B), the collection also contains material relating to his interest in the related issues of religious conversion and brainwashing (Section G).

Sargant , William Walters , 1907-1988 , psychiatrist
GB 0122 Series F · Series · [1558-1900]

Manuscript treatises and follows:

F 1: 'Annales Elizabethae Reginae', by Anthony Champney, 1558-1603. 1 vol. Latin.

F 3: Declaration of the Vicars Apostolic and their Coadjutors in Great Britain in defense of the Catholic faith, 1826. 1 vol. English.

F 4: Treatise from regular leaders (Jesuits or Benedictines) of England, against Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon as part of the approbation controversy entitled 'A survey of the Answere to the Bishop of Chalcedon his letter to the lay Catholics of England sent to him by the heads of three regular orders in England', 1629. 1 vol. English.

F 5: De quimdecim gloriosis Anglia martyribus breuis historia,

ab Henrico Stilo Benedictino, ex Anglico sermone, in Lamu translate, ex me'I ciori ordine collocate.Pro verae virtutis preniys, falsisceleris poenas subimus.
Gislenpopoli. 1 vol. Latin.

F 6: Sixteenth century Commonplace book concerning the reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries. 1 vol. Latin.

F 7: Volume of additions to Charles Butler's Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Roman Catholics, given to the Vicar Apostolic of the London District by Butler, 1822. 1 vol. English.

F 8: Partial transcript of B28: Volume of contemporary catalogues of the English martyrs, 17th century.

F 9: Transcriptions of manuscripts in Series A comprising:

Transcription of 'Collectanea B' or 'Collectanea de martyribus', the collection of Father Christopher Greene, chiefly containing correspondence between Richard Verstegen and Father Person's, 1592-1594. This collection is no longer in the possession of the Westminster Diocesan Archives as it was exchanged with Stonyhurst College in 1921.

Transcription of Shelly's supplication to Queen Elizabeth I, 1585, in Series A, volume 4, p 33.

Transcriptions of papers relating to martyrs from Series A.

F 10: Transcriptions of papers relating to martyrs from Series A. 1 file.

F11-F17: Biographical notes on priests in penal times by Canon Edward Burton, arranged alphabetically. 7 boxes. English.

F18-19: Theological treatises by Jos[eph] Stapleton, eighteenth century. 2 vols. Latin.

F 20: Sermon notes on the Resurrection and other topics. 1 vol. English.

F 21: Two unbound manuscripts: 'The origin, distinction and mutual independence of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Power' by Bishop William Poynter, and 'The Contemplative Solitaire and Spiritual Guide' by Father George of St Joseph. 2 items. English.

Slessor, Mary Mitchell
GB 0102 MS 380621 · (1877-1913) 1986

Typescript transcriptions, 1986, of letters of Mary Slessor in West Africa, written between 1877-1913 to various recipients, the subjects including her missionary work, life in Africa, religious reflections and Presbyterian church matters, fellow missionaries and other Europeans, and indigenous inhabitants.

Slessor , Mary Mitchell , 1848-1915 , missionary
SMETHAM, James (1821-1889)
GB 0370 JS · 1853-1877

Letters written by James Smetham, 1853-1877, mainly to William Davies, concerning his work, schemes to raise money and his religious beliefs. Smetham called his letters "ventilators" and they often took the form of handmade notebooks with their contents resembling diaries or commonplace books. Other correspondents include Rev Thomas Akroyd, Quintin Hogg (1845-1903), Charles Mansford, Charles Gabriel Dante Rossetti (1828-1882), John Ruskin (1819-1900) and Frederic James Shields (1833-1911). Also letters to Sarah Smetham, his widow, from William Davies, 1889-1895.

Smetham , James , 1821-1889 , painter
GB 0096 AL257 · Fonds · 1924

Letter from Sir Stanley Spencer of 3 Vale Hotel Studios, Hampstead, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, 26 Apr 1926. 'Here at last is the monograph of my works ... The much wanted or unwanted explanation of my pictures will be found in the book of words, so there will be no more trouble now, all is clear at last ... I am doing a big picture of the resurrection ... (18ft x 9ft) and it is going to take years to paint and I love painting it so I am enjoying myself ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Spencer , Sir , Stanley , 1891-1959 , Knight , artist
TEMPLE, William (1881-1944)
GB 0370 WT · [1901]-1936

Letters of William Temple, later Archbishop of Canterbury, to John Leofric Stocks, [1901-1906], written whilst studying in Europe and considering his future career, discussing the failings of the contemporary church due to a lack of intellectual leadership, his studies, unsure of taking holy orders, doctrine, including the divinity of Christ and questioning of the virgin birth, opinions of artistic works seen in Europe, preference for Botticelli, discussion about honesty, disappointment at being refused as a candidate for ordination by the Bishop of Oxford, [1905-1906]; letters concerning the progress of publication of his Gefford lectures, 1934; comments on an article by Stocks and his opinion on heresy and orthodoxy, 1935; congratulations on Stocks' appointment as Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool University, 1936.

Temple , William , 1881-1944 , Archbishop of Canterbury
Thomas, John
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 37-41 (Boxes 652-657) · 1786-1875

Papers, 1786-1875, of John and Sarah Thomas, including John Thomas's journals and memoranda books, 1821-1875, including his religious reflections, life in England and Tonga, and missionary work; sermon notes, undated; manuscripts on Tonga and the South Seas, including mythology, religion, history, and ranks of chiefs, undated; photographs, prints and drawings, most unlabelled, of people and places in Tonga, undated [1820s-1850s?]; two accounts of the life of Sarah Thomas by John Thomas [1867 or after]; miscellaneous correspondence, 1825-1873, of John and Sarah Thomas, including letters from John Thomas to Wesleyan Mission House; journals of Sarah Thomas (née Hartshorn), 1826-1855, including her experiences in Tonga; account book for building a new Methodist chapel in Glasgow, 1786-1792; steward's account book, 1813-1820, of the Methodist Society, Glasgow, including Leaders' meetings minutes, 1813-1820.

Thomas , John , 1796-1881 , missionary Thomas , Sarah , d 1867 , née Hartshorn , wife of the missionary John Thomas
Tippet, Charlotte
GB 0103 CIM/PP 27 · 1938

Typescript memoir by Charlotte F Tippet, 'Diversities of Operations', 1938, written at Chefoo, including her childhood and religious development and beliefs, nursing career, and missionary work and life in China (1902-1938), including medical, educational and evangelistic work.

Tippet , Charlotte F , fl 1902-1938 , missionary
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP75 · 1874-1997

Papers of and relating to Evelyn Underhill, 1874-1997 and undated, comprising personal correspondence of and concerning Underhill, 1888-1969 and undated, the correspondents including Baron Friedrich von Hugel (three letters, 1911-1916), Underhill's husband Hubert Stuart Moore (117 letters from Underhill to Moore, 1890-1912 and undated, and 30 letters from Moore to Underhill, 1898-1906 and undated), Rabindranath Tagore (typed transcripts of 10 letters from Underhill to Tagore, 1913-1914), and members of the Underhill family, the subjects ranging from Catholicism, travels in Italy, Switzerland and France, publications and lectures, spiritual matters and advice, mysticism, health, and World War Two; correspondence, 1907-[1954], with various publishers concerning Underhill's publications (some posthumous) and broadcasts, including copyright, costs, sales and royalties; manuscripts and typescripts containing proposed holiday itineraries and recording Underhill's impressions while travelling in Italy, Switzerland and France, 1898-1899, 1901-1907; poetry, 1917-1923 and undated, including some work which was published; a speech at King's College London on being elected a Fellow, 1927; an article on 'The Fountain of Life: an iconographical study', published in 1910; material relating to spiritual development, 1921-1939, mainly under the guidance of Baron Friedrich Von Hugel and including transcripts of his letters, 1921-1924, and other items on spiritual advice, confessions, goals and progress; papers relating to retreats and religious writings, 1924-1932 and undated, including notebooks and texts of addresses; printed material by and concerning Underhill, 1926-1941, 1990, including some of her publications; press cuttings, 1891-1949, mainly reviews of Underhill's work but also including early published pieces; sketchbooks and drawings, 1892-1911 and undated, including sketches and watercolours of marine scenes in Britain, ecclesiastical subjects, and Italian and French architecture; photographs, c1925-c1930s and undated, including a photograph and negatives of Underhill (one at Pleshey), a portrait of Baron Von Hugel, marine views, and views of French and Italian castles and towns; material relating to the Underhill family, 1874-1940, including the marriage certificate of Evelyn Underhill's parents, 1874, a family tree, c1891, a copy of Evelyn Underhill's will, 1940, and details of books in Dr Williams's Library, London, which originated from Underhill's library; obituaries of and articles about Underhill, 1941-1997, including theses, bibliographies, memoirs, biographical material and reflections on her work; newsletters of the Evelyn Underhill Association, 1992-1997.

Underhill , Evelyn , 1875-1941 , Christian mystic
WELLS Family Papers
GB 0505 PP8 · 1807, [1867]-1931

Family correspondence, 1879-1931, notably letters, 1884-1893, from Sarah E Wells to her sons, Edward and John Percy, mainly concerning the running of the farm, family events, her religious beliefs, and news of other family members; correspondence, 1879-1896, between William, Edward, John Percy, Sarah E, and Frank, notably from Frank concerning his impressions of South Africa, 1895-1896; twentieth century family correspondence, 1924-1931, mainly relating to the arrangement of Edward Wells' personal effects in preparation for a serious operation, 1931. Papers, 1899-1904, relating to the will of John Percy Wells, who died in 1900, mainly comprising financial records such as Inland Revenue forms, and papers relating to estate duty. Papers, 1898-1907, relating to shares in the London and North Western Railway and the Vulcan Foundry held by Gretchen Wells, including correspondence from various stockbrokers. Financial papers of Edward Wells, 1913-1931, including insurance policies, receipts and invoices, banking correspondence, income tax assessments, receipts relating to his hospital and funeral expenses, and London County and Westminster Bank account books for Edward Wells and Mrs S E J Sortman. Various anonymous articles, 1904-1920, on subjects including free trade and protectionism, the 'fall of the franc', and relief work among prisoners of war and refugees in Poland. Other family papers, 1807-1928, notably the British passport of Edward Wells, 1928; an Almanack, printed by W Peacock and Sons, 1807; a National Rifle Association medal and case, 1860; and assorted photographs, [1920-1925], coins and notes on the family history, [1920-1929].

Wells , family , of Hampshire
World Education Fellowship
GB 0366 WEF · Collection · 1920-1980s

Records of the World Education Fellowship's central administration, including officers' correspondence, constitutional papers, minutes and committee papers, 1929-1970s; files relating to individual regional sections, 1930s-1970s; records of international conferences, 1921-1972; files concerning special projects, 1942-1968 and relations with UNESCO, 1948-1973; audio-tapes, including conferences and personal reminiscences, 1959-1971; publications, pamphlets, and newsletters, including the journal The New Era.
Records of the English New Education Fellowship, [1940s-1980s], including minutes, correspondence, administrative and subject files and publications.
Minutes of the Home and School Council of Great Britain, 1929-1950s.

World Education Fellowship