Sex distribution

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Bereik aantekeningen

    ron aantekeningen


    Toon aantekening(en)

      Hiërarchische termen

      Sex distribution

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Sex distribution

      • UF Répartition par genre
      • UF Clasificación por género

      Verwante termen

      332 Archivistische beschrijving results for Sex distribution

      332 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      HOLTBY, Winifred (1898-1935)
      GB 106 7WHO · Archief · 1930-1956

      The archive consists of correspondence regarding Holtby's South African Fund (1930), letter to Holtby (1934), obituaries (1935), pamphlet (1940) press review of 'Testament of Experience' (c 1956).

      Zonder titel
      Visnews relating to women
      GB 106 8VNS · Archief · 1977-1987

      The archive consists of a bundle of [Reuters] telexes, visual news-service production sheets from the News Research Unit of Visnews News Services and other papers, including press releases. All relate in some way to women's status, rights, actions and issues in different countries of the world, including France, Zimbabwe, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), United States of America (USA), South Africa, Italy, Ethiopia and Libya.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 9/16 · Archief · 1774-1833

      The collection contains letters and some papers of Hannah More, 'Rhapsody on Friendship' by More, 1774; letter to Cadell (publisher), 1793; letter to Messers Cadell and Davies, 1799; Rev Jarrett, 1801; Mrs Bright, 1801; John S Harford, 1807; to Mr Bird (representative of Cadell and Davies), 1807; to unnamed man, 1807; Miss Topping, 1807; Mrs Hoare, 1808; John S Harford Jr, 1811; Miss Scott, 1812 (fragment); Mr Z MacAuley, 1818; to Rev Thomas Biddulph, 1818; poem addressed to Master John MacGregor, 1825; to Dr Carrick, 1825; Mrs Balgin, 1827; series of letters between 1827 and 1833 to: unnamed man, Miss Roberts, John Harford Jr, Dr Lovell, and two unnamed men; letter from Rev Henry Thompson to Mr Hall regarding a visit to More's home at Barley Wood.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 9/23 · Archief · 1870-1930

      The collection contains letters and postcards written predominantly by Alice von Cotta to Penelope Lawrence (addressed as 'Dear Nelly'). Some letters to Penelope Lawrence from Frau von Cotta (Alice's mother) and Ilse von Cotta (Alice's younger sister). Penelope Lawrence and Alix von Cotta, went to Newnham College, Cambridge, where in c. 1874 they became friends.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 9/26 · Archief · 1910-1964

      The collection contains correspondence amongst the Taylor Family and their friends between 1910 and 1914 related to events and in particular the imprisonment of Mrs Mary Ellen 'Nelly' Taylor, Mark Wilkes and the Pethwick-Lawrences.

      Correspondents include:

      • Mrs Mary Ellen 'Nelly' [sometimes Nellie] Taylor,

      • Dr Elizabeth Wilkes, sometimes addressed as Mrs Wilkes, known as Lily or Lilla.

      • Captain Thomas Smithies Taylor, Nelly's husband, addressed as 'Tom'.

      • Mark Wilkes,

      Ramsay MacDonald and Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.

      Letters addressed to Tom refer to her husband Thomas. Letters addressed to Tom and children refer to her husband and her children, Dorothea and Garth.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 9/30 · Archief · 1830-1897

      The collection contains letters from members of the Tabor family (1830-1851), letters from Eliza Tabor to John Stephenson (1873), letters from Eliza Tabor to Mary Holdich (1876-1877), letters from Eliza Tabor to John Stephenson (1880-4), letters from Eliza Tabor to John Stephenson (1885), letters from Eliza Tabor to Mary Catherine Tabor, letters from and to Mary Catherine Tabor (1843-1887), various letters to Mary Catherine Tabor and Eliza Tabor and others (1862-1897).

      9/30/A- Part 1 - The Tabor Letters. Letters from various members of the Tabor Family 1830-1877; Early Correspondence between Eliza Tabor and John Stephenson 1873 - Begin AL/5498; Letters from Eliza Stephenson in India to her mother Mary Tabor in Malvern 1876-7 - Begin AL/5504;

      9/30/B - Letters from Eliza Stephenson to John Stephenson 1880-1884 - with a few additional.

      9/30/C- Letters from Eliza Stephenson to John Stephenson 1885.

      9/30/D- Letters from Eliza Stephenson to Mary Catherine Tabor 1886-1887; Letters to and from Mary Catherine Tabor 1843-1887; Various letters to Mary Catherine and Eliza Tabor and others.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 PC/02 · 1592-[1800]

      The Cavendish-Bentinck Library contains many pre-1850 books, pamphlets and periodicals. There are many seventeenth and eighteenth century classic publications, such as Richard Brathwaite's The English gentlewoman: drawne out to the full body and Look ere you leap: or, A history of the lives and intrigues of leud women; first editions of publications by Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, the Brontes, Fanny Burney, Maria Edgeworth, George Eliot, Virginia Woolf and many others. The periodical holdings include The Lady's magazine 1760-1839 and The Englishwoman's domestic magazine 1852-1879. Cookery and household management books include Hannah Wolley's The Queen-like closet, 1675, and Mrs Beeton's Book of household management, 1861. The collection is also strong on material relating to the suffrage campaigns, including many rare pamphlets. Newly acquired material was added to the collection until the 1950s - hence this collection houses most of the The Women's Library's printed holdings dating from 1600 to 1850. The Cavendish-Bentinck collection is catalogued on The Women's Library's online catalogue and volumes can be ordered by completing a Collections order slip and consulted in the Reading Room. Due to the age and fragility of most of the material in the Cavendish-Bentinck collection no photocopying is permitted.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 ICS 149 · 1984-2006

      Papers of Shirley Gordon, 1984-2006, including reports by Gordon including 'Report on Central American Mission Visit 26th February - 28th March 1986'; report for the Commonwealth Secretariat, 'Commonwealth Student Mobility in the Nineteen Eighties', 1984; abstract, 'Issues raised by Ladies in limbo: the fate of women's bureaux six case studies from the Caribbean' prepared by Gordon and 'An evaluation of the Canadian UNICEF committee - CIDA/NGO division three year programme 1983- 1986'. Papers relating to research by Gordon including notes and photocopies of archival material including of the registry of baptisms, Falmouth Methodist Society Island of Jamaica; Typescript papers by Gordon including 'VI Decolonisation'; 'Historical perspectives on the education of women in the Caribbean'; 'Food supply and pricing'; 'The impact of macro-economic policies on women', 28 Nov 1986; 'Contemporania: A New Phase of Third World Educational Development'; proofs with corrections and typescript index for 'Our cause for His glory: Christianisation and emancipation in Jamaica'; 'Bahamian history'; edited proofs of God Almighty Make Me Free; 'God is dumb until the dumb speaks: religious life in Jamaica before emancipation'; 'The Christianisation of Jamaica during slavery'; 'God is all we got to gamble wit' Roots of Afro-Jamaican Religion and comments by Gordon on H Fergus', History of Education in the Leeward Islands (for UWI press, 2001); Press cuttings including obituary of Edna Manley, The Times, 27 Feb 1987 and on the Gulf War, 1991; Correspondence , 1989-1994, on topics including vol. 5 of UNESCO General History of the Caribbean, 1993-1994; the history of missionaries; the 'Christianisation' of Jamaica; missionary activity and with US and UK archives; Papers by others including 'The contributions of Joseph John Williams, S.J., 1875-1940 to the study of religion in the history of Africa and the Caribbean', by Robert J Stewart; 'The work of the Anglican church in Jamaica 1826- 1845' , MA research paper by Fay Aileen Williams, UWI 1987; 'Hilary's tales - from the 1998 crop', 'Hilary's tales - the harvest of 1999', 'Still more tales, 2001', by Hilary Semmens and paper [by John Macpherson] on St. Anthony's Church, Montserrat. Papers on the 'Gender and Education' programme, Women and Development Studies, Faculty of Education and The Women's Studies Group, University of the West Indies (UWI) Nov 1989; proposal to the Spencer Foundation, 'Education and society in the Creole Caribbean'; paper from the Second Meeting of Commonwealth Ministers Responsible for Women's Affairs, 'The policy process: integrating women and development initiatives', 1987 and programme for opening ceremony and list of participants for the 3rd disciplinary seminar, 'Gender and Education', UWI, 1989. Personal papers including letter from solicitors regarding citizenship of Jamaica; letter confirming honour of 'Friend of West Indian Education', Jamaica Historical Society; certificate for travel to British West Indies, 1958; copy of Gordon's will; programme for Gordon's memorial service, with notes from John MacPherson, Hilary Semmens, and Tony Elvin and obituary in The Guardian, 2006.

      Zonder titel
      Bald, Robert: letter
      GB 0096 AL243 · Archief · 1826

      Letter from Robert Bald of Edinburgh to Joseph Hume MP, 27 Apr 1826. Excusing his silence 'but ... I have been uncommonly pressed with mineral surveying and reporting thereon arising in a great degree from the conflicting elements which arise betwixt master and servant. Coals rise in price to an exorbitant rate, and the great manufacturing interests of Glasgow & chief consumers of coal there agreed to have the districts surveyed as to the means of supplying the City with abundance of coal at a moderate rate, and to lay rail ways into the coals fields which were the best'. He encloses "two copies of the treatise I wrote regarding the coal trade of Scotland and the slavish system of bearing coals by women. I have been attacked and run down for doing so: this I care nothing about ...'. Autograph, with signature.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0114 MS0278 · 1932

      Papers of Eleanor Davies-Colley, 1932, comprising a letter of reference by Davies-Colley, written on the headed paper of 16 Harley Street, 23 Mar 1932. Recommending Sister Perry, who worked at the South London Hospital for Women, 1929-1930. Including a note by Perry.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0366 BF · Collectie · c1930s-1980s

      Papers of Brenda Francis, 1930s-1980s, comprising a large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers; minutes, circulated papers and reports of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management, 1954-1962; some printed material about home economics education.

      Photographs: Large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools and other educational institutions such as open-air schools and teachers centres from the 1930s to the 1980s, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers;

      Publications: Printed material about home economics education, including works published by the ILEA, booklets published by the International Federation of Home Economics, relating to the 10th and 12th international congresses, regulations on teaching domestic education in 19th and 20th century, a publication of the Administration of Home Economics Education in Finland, a reference pack for teachers of pupils of ESN(s) [Severely educationally sub-normal] schools, and a work published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.;

      Minutes and Papers: Relating to the meetings, activities and correspondence of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management.

      Zonder titel
      CLA/054 · Collectie · 1892- 2006

      This collection contains City of London School for Girls administrative records (1895-2005), various printed material including school magazines (1890s-2006), visual material and artefacts including a large collection of photographs depicting pupils and staff (1890s-2004), records of societies connected to the school (such as Girl Guides and material of the City of London Old Girls' Association).

      Records of particular interest are the Leaver's Service programmes which provide a fairly comprehensive list of pupils who attended the school. Also of interest are the prize giving programmes which are also useful for researching pupils and school magazines which provide detailed information on school activities, events and other developments.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 A/RNY · Collectie · 1857-1969

      Records of charity The Ranyard Mission and Ranyard Nurses, comprising Council minutes; Finance Committee minutes; Executive Committee minutes; registers of nurses; annual reports; correspondence; booklets, pamphlets and magazines; accounts of the Mission; speeches; photographs; badges; and papers relating to Special Funds.

      Zonder titel
      ACC/1040 · Collectie · 1789-1888

      This collection consists of the papers and correspondence of James Hayward of Bridgewater, a wholesale confectioner, and one of the most energetic of Joanna's followers in the West Country, with a wide circle of correspondents throughout the country, 1789-1888. He also collected, during the middle and later nineteenth century, the papers of many other of Joanna's followers, most notably Edmund Baker, who was minister of a chapel held by the sect in Teddington, Middlesex from about 1809 to 1811, and later minister in Dowlish, Somerset. The collection includes a roll of members, and register book for the Teddington chapel and lists of members and signed testimonies from Dowlish and Ilminster. It also includes a large number of printed books by and concerning Joanna, many of them from the libraries of James Hayward and Edmund Baker.

      Zonder titel
      H13/EGA · Collectie · 1861-1974

      Records of the Elizabeth Garret Anderson Hospital, including Annual Reports for 1872-1947; Annual meetings of Governors minutes and papers 1891-1949; Departmental annual reports 1948-1968; Managing Committee minutes 1871-1948; North London Group H.M.C. minutes and papers 1973-1974; House Committee minutes and papers 1890-1961; Building Committees minutes and papers 1888-1939; Maternity Committee minutes 1890-1932; Finance Committee minutes 1892-1948; Drugs, Pathological, and Departmental Committee minutes 1896-1939; Nursing Committee minutes and papers 1898-1913; 1936-1959; Hospital Committee minutes and reports 1948-1966; Medical Council minutes etc. 1935-1967; Rosa Morrison House Committee minutes 1912-1953; Appeals Committees minutes 1916-1929; Coed-Bel Cottage Committee minutes 1898-1932; Various Committees minutes and papers 1922-1967; North London Group H.M.C. minutes and papers 1968-1974; Matron's and Hospital Visitors' report books 1894-1963. Financial Ledgers, 1872-1892; 1922. Papers regarding acquisition of property and extension of hospital 1909-1948; Building of Nurses' House 1936-1940; Oster House, St Albans 1945-1947; Hampstead Children's Hospital 1946-1948; Miscellaneous contracts 1948; Endowments 1885-1954; Centenary celebrations 1964-1967; Complaints 1948-1964; World War II Emergency Hospital Services 1938-1946; Historical papers 1861-1935; Matron's and Secretary's files relating mainly to nursing 1906-1951; World War II Emergency Hospital Services 1939-1950; Formation of National Health Service 1944-1964; Records relating to staff 1955-1966. Registers of nurses 1898-1948; Registers of student nurses 1936-1945; Registers of midwives 1926-1936; Register of sisters and nurses 1941-1946.

      Newspaper cuttings 1871-1968; Printing blocks n.d.; Photographs of hospital [1890s]-1966; Photographs of special occasions 1938-1948; Photographs of patients and staff [1930s]-1962; Photographs of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and her family [1890-1936]; Publications 1890-1926; Papers of Dorothy Merrikin, Matron, mostly relating to fund raising 1888-1977; Guild of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital 1908-1933.

      Patient records for Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital 1912-1922; Coed-Bel House 1906-1925; Rosa Morrison House 1946-1949; Royal Free Hospital District Midwifery Service 1948-1953 Withdrawn; Gordon Pollock and Chadburn Wards 1959-1960.

      Zonder titel
      H27/CW · Deelarchief · 1871-1948

      Records of Chelsea Hospital for Women, including Board of Management, later Council, minute books 1872-1948; Council agenda book 1925-1944; House Committee and Weekly Board minute and agenda books 1888-1948; Convalescent Home Committee minute books 1889-1947; Finance Committee minute books 1896-1948; Medical Committee minute books 1894-1950; Nursing and Catering Committee minute books 1938-1948; Radium Advisory and Drugs Committees minutes and papers 1929-1949; Rebuilding Committee Index to minutes 1911-1917; Building Committee minute book 1937-1939; Laws and Bye-Laws 1927-1938?; Annual Reports for 1877-1946; Clinical Reports for 1935-1956; Matron's report books 1930- 1962; Secretary's letter books 1936-1949; Papers and correspondence 1890-1970?; Medical registers 1895-1948; Case books 1872- 1947; South Middlesex Hospital case books 1940-1945; Pathologist's reports 1948; Record of treatment of cancer patients 1929-1945; Radium ledger 1928-1968. Register of appointment of officials and nursing and domestic staff c 1882-1893; Matron's appointment registers 1899-1929; Nursing staff registers 1925-1961. Register of baptisms 1937. Visitors books 1895-1957.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 A/TT · Collectie · 1819-1994

      Records of the Time and Talents Association, also known as the Time and Talents Guild. This collection dates mainly from 1903 to the 1950's although it does include annual reports up to 1977. The records relate to the activities of the original London branch of Time and Talents. Reports from other branches can be found in issues of Time and Talents News (A/TT/140-151). The Review and the Time and Talents Newsletter were both suspended during the war and replaced by a printed newsletter from Nov. 1939 (A/TT/203-216).

      Records include minutes of the Executive committee, Council, Association committee and Settlement management committee (known as war emergency committee 1939-1943); correspondence and papers relating to the Bermondsey settlement; minutes of the Matfield Court Committee; photographs of the Matfield Court Rest Home (also known as Bermondsey Rest Home); minutes and papers of the Thatched cottage committee; deeds relating to premises in Bermondsey and Dockhead; annual reports and accounts; publications, publicity material, scrapbooks and memorabilia.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/152 · Collectie · 1879-1989

      Records of the Welcome Charitable Institute for Women and Girls, comprising minutes, reports, photographs and press cuttings and other administrative material.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/3613 · Collectie · 1882-1995

      Records of the National Council of Women of Great Britain, formerly the National Union of Women Workers. The records cover a wide variety of material. Minutes from many of the committees created by the NCW including the Executive Committee minutes from 1904, and Annual Reports from 1947 to 1993 can be found along with material relating to property and premises belonging to the NCW. There is a large series of information files which cover topics from Slavery and Prostitution to Animal Welfare and fireworks, as well as a series of publications by the NCW. The largest series is that of the Branch and Regional records which consist of minutes, accounts, reports and papers from many of the branches and regions.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4459 · Collectie · 1841-1991

      Records of the School Mistresses and Governesses Benevolent Institution. This collection contains records relating to the administration of the Institution which provide a comprehensive resource for researching the history of the Institution: its functions, buildings and achievements. For example, the records include a complete set of minutes for the Board of Management for 1843-1979, and a richly evocative set of secretary's letter books for 1846-1849.

      The collection also contains records of the individuals that benefited from the accommodation, annuities and temporary assistance offered by the Institution. These records are of use to family historians or for those researching the social history of governesses, women teachers at independent schools, charities, and the care of aged women. They include, for instance, a set of candidate lists which record the personal circumstances of retired or needy governesses applying for annuities for 1924-1938.

      Although based in London and Kent, the Institution assisted British governesses throughout the UK and Europe. There are a few instances where governesses stationed further afield were also assisted.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4475 · Collectie · 1940-1999

      Organisational papers of the League of Jewish Women, including meeting minutes from various committees; reports; general administrative records; correspondence; papers relating to the organisation of various events and conferences; magazines and press cuttings; and films and photographs.

      PLEASE NOTE: to access this collection written permission is required from the depositors.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 GC/211 · 1910s-1996

      Pseudonymous autobiography of family doctor, in his 80s in 1990s, describing his own sexual experiences and deficiencies of medical education respecting sexual questions. 'The Enigma of Sex' Introduction. Chapter One: Childhood Behaviour Chapter Two: Courtship Chapter Three: Early Married Life Chapter Four: Middle Age and Beyond Chapter Five: Reflections and conclusions Chapter Six: Positive Suggestions Chapter Seven: Some Thoughts on the Art of Rearing a Family.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 GC/97 · Collectie · 1929-1993

      The collection includes material on several research projects undertaken by McCance and Widdowson, 1929-1993, as well as a small amount of personalia. There are notebooks recording the first research on analysis of foodstuffs carried out in the UK, started by McCance when at the Diabetes Department of King's College Hospital, after R D Lawrence asked him to analyse cooked foods. Widdowson joined him in 1933 and together they devised the separate methods for estimating different carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and dextrose). In 1940 their findings were published as Chemical composition of foods, the first of now regularly produced Standard Food Composition publications. There are notebooks and photographs of self-experimentation undertaken within the department, on salt-deficiency, conducted by McCance on himself, colleagues and medical students, involving not only a salt-free diet, but exposure to a hot air bath to sweat the salt out of the body, and also on absorption and excretion of iron. There is also his diary of the experimental study of rationing undertaken in 1939. There are 220 complete questionnaires from their survey of female colleagues and acquaintances for a study of physical and emotional periodicity in women, undertaken 1929-1930. There are experimental notebooks and files relating to research into body composition and development from 1944 onwards. This collection represents only a part of the diversity of research undertaken during the course of their long careers.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2457 · 1850-2003

      Archives of the North London Collegiate School (NLCS) comprising:

      records of governance including rough Governors Meeting minutes 1898-1919; signed minutes of the Governors of North London Collegiate School and Camden School for Girls (Frances Mary Buss Foundation), 1870-1992; Governors meeting attendance book 1910-1940; Governors meetings and Finance Committee attendance book, 1949-1958, 1975-1994; NLCS Trustees attendance book 1871-1875; record of Appointment of Governors 1875-1910, 1958-1977; Governors agenda book 1873-1875, also containing Reception Committee minutes 1879; Governors agenda books 1910-1914, 1927-1959; Governors agenda book 1910-1913 also containing Finance and General Purposes Committee agendas 1958-1959; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1970-1982; Finance Reports NLCS and CSFG 1875-1890, 1921-1933; Treasurers meetings minutes 1895-1910; Schools Committee minutes 1910-1913; Schools Committee attendance book, 1910-1914; Memorial Committee minutes 1871; Building Committee minutes 1875; minutes of the Trustees of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Scholarship Fund, 1897-1937; minutes of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Travelling Scholarship 1964-1965 and 1969;

      NLCS correspondence 1871-1883; NLCS Secretary's reports 1871-1875; Headmistresses report to Governors, 1871-1920;

      administrative records including inventory of equipment and furniture Sep 1875-1904; NLCS Dates of Terms, 1877-1939; Timetable analysis 1947-1966; Billetting addresses in Luton; Secretary's information notebook; NLCS Visitors books 1884-1917, 1949-1965; Examiners reports 1891-1903;

      records relating to school staff including Staff Meetings minutes 1885-1894, 1912-1986; Staff meetings attendance book 1874-1913; Staff register 1883-1927; Staff register of appointments 1893-1932; Register of mistresses and administrative staff 1909-1938; Teachers agreement book; Staff attendance register 1882-1886, 1933-1958; Staff address books, 1917-1956; Staff Dramatic Club minutes, [1965]-1970; Staff log book (scrap book) 1937-1955; rough notes of lectures on English composition 1860-1876; Camden School for Girls (staff) salaries book 1909-1914;

      student records including admission books, 1850-1911; Admission register index 1925-1938, with index 1935-1938; Admissions application forms, 1871-present; Register of applications 1874-1942; Register of pupils 1875-1878; New entrants to school, 1942-1978; Withdrawal books 1871-1906; Camden and NLCS register of [withdrawn] pupils, 1871-1878; Leaving lists 1939-1979;

      scholarships register 1894-1941; Scholarships, exhibitions and prizes register 1873-1918; Register of London County Council Scholars at NLCS 1910-1930;

      medical record register 1882-1884; Miss Buss Gymnasium medical notes 1882-1886; Gymnasium medical reports 1885; Mrs Hoggan's private (medical) notes 1882-1885; Mrs Hoggan's medical notes to Miss Buss 1882-1885;

      records of pupils' examinations including NLCS external examinations results 1873 - 1890; NLCS Special Examinations results 1874-1887, containing copies of some question papers; Register of external examinations results 1890-1930; University of London examinations results including general school examination, higher school examinations, Oxford and Cambridge examinations, general certificate of education, and O levels, 1931-1979; Record of GCSE certificates sent to girls who have left, 1952-1970; Register of honours gained chiefly by old pupils, 1911-1936; Class reports 1874-1876; Summary of old pupil reports 1884-1914; Holiday work reports 1882-1919; Results of school sports competitions 1890-1920, 1926-1938; Prize day reports and lists, 1850-1909; Printed prize lists 1874-1909; Upper V examination totals 1931-1976;

      records of pupils meetings and societies including Prefects and monitors meetings minutes, 1880-1970 (incomplete); Form minute books including third to sixth forms 1948-1957; Lower Fifth form imposition book 1937-1939; Upper Fifth form after-school fixture book; Botanical Club minutes 1885-1891; Debating Society minutes 1887-1913; Sunshine League minutes 1904-1920; Science Club notes and queries 1909-1930, Science Club Committee minutes 1931-1937, Science Club General Meeting minutes 1932-1936, Science Club Photographic section and General meeting minutes 1961-1970; Classical Society minutes 1914-1927; Sketch Club minutes 1928-1936; Current Affairs Club news cuttings, 1942-1947;

      certificates of NLCS students 1882-1914, 1936-1946;

      examples of pupils work including Log book of Bromley Camp 1927, 1928, 1934, 1929; Writing book 1955-1956; Housewifery notes, with sewing samples, 1904; geography project, 1921, Dame Kitty's book - 1966 contains copies of poems by junior students; Cookery notes, (with recipes) 1904; compositions 1899; The Searchlight, manuscript magazine Vol 1 - 1912, Vol 2 1913, Vol 3, mss, 1914; photographs 1920s in student workbook titled Hygiene; displays 1947, 2000, 2002; journal of exchange visit 1967;

      personal papers including Miriam Shillito's (English teacher) letters and papers 1935-1949, and photograph album 1919-1935; Monkhouse sketch books, [1935-1937]; Hill family - Gladys, Kathleen and Lucy - NLCS, student exercise books, notebooks, photos, letters, 1905-1919 (1 box);

      personal papers of Dame Kitty Anderson (1903-1979), Headmistress from 1944 - 1965, comprising Founders Day address (undated), certificates to 1924-1971, greeting cards 1956; log book, 1943-1944 and Bath High School photos, 1973; thesis 'The treatment of vagrancy and the relief of the poor and destitute in the Tudor period, based upon the local records of London to 1552 and then to 1576', Submitted for PhD, University London, 1933; letters of congratulation on her DBE award; and related papers;

      material relating to Madeleine McLauchlan, Headmistress from 1965-1985, comprising photographs, mainly speeches, invitations, and school files, [1965-1985]; and papers of Joan Clanchy, Headmistress from 1986-1997, comprising photographs, news cuttings, letters and school files [1985-1997];

      records relating to the Association of former pupils of NLCS including reports of the Old Pupils Association, 1874-1901; minutes of Old Girls Association general meetings 1916-1939; Old Girls Association attendance book (with addresses) 1916-1953; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Committee 1916-1956; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Annual Business meetings 1941-1979;

      records of the Parents Guild including minutes of the Parents Guild Committee 1928-1973, Parents Guild cash book 1928-1940;

      financial records of the school including Registration fees, 1963-1972; Fees ledgers 1879, 1939-1943, 1945-1956; Fee books 1872-1976 (incomplete); Ledgers, 1854-1858, 1872-1907, 1910-1982; Day book 1872-1875; Cash books 1872-1907, 1924-1926, 1938-1986; Cash journal 1910-1952; Cash payments 1952-1964; Petty cash books 1921-1926, 1930-1941, 1963-1974; Cash book (House) 1905-1910, 1910-1924; House Keeping petty cash book 1911-1915; Botany and Chemistry cash book, 1914-1961; Physics petty cash book 1917-1975; Staff Committee accounts 1937-1968; Staff salaries books 1875-1923, 1932-1950; NLCS superannuation book 1922-1950; Vouchers II (bills) 1899-1912 ; House receipts 1895-1915; and printed copies of audited accounts;

      scrap books and news cuttings collections including scrapbook titled 'Edinburgh Schools' containing pamphlets and notes on schools in Edinburgh, [1871-1872]; newspaper cuttings 1871-1892 relating to NLCS, Camden School, and women's education; general newspaper cuttings 1883-1892; news cutting relating to the School, 1899-1900; news cuttings relating to Frances Mary Buss, 1894-1900; Scrap book of printed critiques of 'Our Magazine, 1883-1893; and two albums containing pamphlets and press cuttings 1850-1876, 1877-1914; Elizabeth II Coronation cuttings; press cuttings relating to former pupils (undated);

      records relating to Frances Mary Buss House (FMBH), Bromley-by-Bow, including FMBH Society (executive) committee minutes 1919-1931; Society minutes 1927-1936; general meetings minutes 1924-1968; attendance at Annual General Meetings, 1932-1970; bank book 1932-1944; receipt books 1968-1978; cash books 1925-1929, 1937-1941; FMBH Thrift Club ledgers 1953-1969-1979; FMBH log book of evacuation to Oxford,1940-1942; photographs and drawings including drawings of Sandall Rd buildings, 1939; photographs of school exterior, 1982; albums depicting school life [1900-2000]; NLCS Senior Dramatic Club albums, 1910-1938; evacuation to Luton 1939; school photograph albums, 1877, 1892, 1895 1896, 1900; staff holiday album, 1897; collection of forms, sports, events and staff photographs [1920-1950]; glass plate slides, including images of staff members and pupils, also relating to missionary work (approx 75 slides); photographs of Dame Alice Owen and Dame Kitty Anderson. 1949; photographs of staff and pupil groups, [1850-2003]; various maps and plans relating to the school premises; copy of typescript essay 'Pioneers of women's education in Victorian Britain, a study of the problems found in the education of middle class women in Victorian Britain and the work of the women who solved them', Valerie McAlister, 1992; copies of thesis 'Common threads, curriculum relationship between mathematics and needlework in the history of education', Mary Harris;

      publications including Our Magazine, 1875-2000; Camden Magazines 1948-1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1967; NLCS Final year/Sixth form year book 1992-2002; Omnibuss Magazine (Junior School), 1996-present; Online Magazine (publication of the Old North Londoners), 1995-present;

      boxes of papers relating to School Advisory Council; Applications for Headmistress 1917, 1940; Fees, free places, scholarships and subsidies by local councils 1920s-1930s; 1990-1992; National Curriculum Council; FMB House, Bromley; Canons Month, 1960s and Vice Versa, 1980s; Done family; Camden School; Head Mistress's Conference 1964; London County Council Minutes and Reports 1901-1911, 1912, 1920, 1921; Education Bills 1869-1901 and departmental memoranda; Centenary letters; Association of Head Mistresses 1887-1977; Direct Grant; Centenary Press;

      Audio visual material including video about Kitty Anderson 1965-1979, and audio cassette recording of Open University Program on Frances Mary Buss and Dorothea Beale, NLCS Handel Concert [1985], Women's House, 2000, NLCS Founders Day, Memorial Service for student, 2002;

      audio visual material relating to the history of NLCS and Canons, includes 'Everyone Matters', BBC, 1965 featuring Dame Kitty Anderson, and scenes of school life; and 'Story of Canons: nine centuries of building at Canons', 1997.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 10/08 · Archief · [1890]-1905

      Scrapbooks of press cuttings, printed material and photographs relating to Ruth Homan's career as a member of the London School Board (London County Council). It includes an album of press cuttings and albums of photographs of domestic science teaching / domestic service training in the London area showing classrooms, girls at school and some photographs of girls and boys playing.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 10/14 · Archief · 1899-1902

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings relating to concerts, entertainments, recitals, dramatic performances, fetes, bazaars, charitable and fund-raising events, many taken from women's magazines, such as The Lady; also includes profiles of women notable for a wide range of specialisms ranging from botany to tapestry painting.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 10/15 · Archief · 1908-1919

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings, the provenance is unknown. The volume contains the bookplate of Lucy Adela Jenner and it is possible that this is an indication of the provenance of the suffrage cuttings. The suffrage press-cuttings, including from the local press in London and Hampshire are about the suffrage campaigns, 1908-1909.

      Additional press-cuttings from a press agency from 1918-1919 and those relating to domestic service, appear to have been added at a later date [possibly from the same added by the Library source as those in 10/06].

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 10/32-33 · Archief · 1912-1929

      These scrapbooks consist of press cuttings and ephemera.

      One volume relates to Maud Crofts' education and legal career, including press cuttings and ephemera.

      The other volume of press cuttings relates to reviews of Women under English Law by Maud I. Crofts published by the National Council of Women of Great Britain in 1925; and a few articles about the general position of women under the law.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 10/37 · Archief · c.1931-1932

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings on a range of subjects relating to women in public life with particular reference to women in the civil service.

      Zonder titel
      Scrapbook [of Eunice Murray]
      GB 106 10/46 · Archief · 1908-1913

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings with a strong visual content, ephemera, postcards and a few original photographs relating to the suffrage campaigns. The photographs include images of the Women's Social and Political Union procession in Edinburgh, Oct 1909.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 10/47 · Archief · 1929-1932

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings of obituaries; ephemera relating a memorial service held for Millicent Fawcett in 1919 and to the unveiling of a memorial in Westminster Abbey in 1932; also includes a photograph of Fawcett, seated and with a cat on her lap.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 1SOS · Archief · 1901-1964

      The archive consists of minute books of the Society for the Overseas Settlement of British Women (SOSBW) Council, executive, finance and various committees and of Junior branch, training centre, Africa, Rhodesia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and schoolgirl tours subcommittees; minutes of the Overseas Settlement Committee and War Services Committee; duplicate minutes for meetings of Joint Council for Women's Emigration Societies; annual reports; title deeds and legal documents; Legal, finance and hostel correspondence files; general correspondence files; pamphlets; Overseas Settlement Committee annual reports and Overseas Settlement Board reports.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 2LSW · Archief · 1871-1967

      The archive consists of CCNSWS Minutes: Executive and Finance Committee; annual reports,1871-1878, 1883-1888; correspondence; scrapbooks. CNSWS Minutes of the Executive Committee 11890-1892, 1894-1895; finance ledger 1896-1900. LSWS Minutes: executive committee 1903-1932, finance committee 1918-1939, employment committee 1919-1934, public works 1934-1944, appeals committee 1912-1918; annual reports 1911, 1914, 1935, 1936; reports of annual meeting and papers 1905-1915; committee papers 1906-1918; circular letters; resignation letters; legal documents; organisation committee files 1905-1913; correspondence; pamphlets; papers; constituency books; programmes; leaflets; handbills; posters; account book; collecting bag; badges. Junior Council of the LNSWS: executive committee minutes 1929-31, 1932-1937, 1939; various committee minutes 1928-1939; scrapbooks; annual reports; brochure; photographs. Fawcett Library committee minutes 1926-1940, 1951-1967; library reports 1940-1950; annual reports 1945-1967.

      The catalogue descriptions sometimes use the term 'holograph', usually in relation to correspondence. This means 'in the author's own hand'.

      The uncatalogued material includes minutes and campaigning material of constituent committees, reports, policy papers, correspondence and accounts papers 1930-c.1980, administration and other papers, including material related to the Women's Service Trust and about the establishment of The Fawcett Library.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 2NSE · Archief · 1919-1946

      The archive consists of National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship (NUSEC) Minutes: Executive (1920-1928), programme and co-ordination (1920), publicity (1920), equal moral standing (1919-1921) and general purposes (1924) committees; minutes of the widows' pensions and equal guardianship (1919-1921), status of wives and mothers (1921-1924), equal franchise (1926), economic independence of women (1920-1921), married women's drafting (1924) and parliamentary (1925-1931) sub-committees; annual council agendas and report (1927-1931); annual reports (1919-1932); programmes; correspondence; leaflets; booklets. National Council for Equal Citizenship (NCEC) Annual reports (1932-1939); programmes; meetings papers; addresses; pamphlets.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 3LCA · Archief · 1894-1939

      The archive consists of minutes of the Manchester and District Association committee and executive committee meetings (1894-1921), of the Lancashire and Cheshire Association executive committee (1923-1939) and rough minutes and accounts of joint committee meetings with the Manchester Vigilance Association (1915-1917); accounts including audited annual accounts (1928, 1930), cashbook (1923-1939), receipt book (1931-1939) and receipted accounts (1923-1932); annual reports of the Manchester and District Association (1898-1920) and the Cheshire and Lancashire Association (1924-1931), copies of circular letters on the revival of the latter in 1923 and manuscript notes on the history the Manchester and District Association (1893-1913); membership papers (1900; 1930-1932); correspondence (1926, 1938); publications (1901-1930); list of records (1941).

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 3LNA · Archief · 1875-1915

      The archive consists of seven volumes of minutes of the Executive Committee (1875-1880) including 2 copies of loose minutes of a meeting at Bristol 1875 and one in 1879; loose leaves of minute books, printed report of conference of Committee and branch representatives (1907), press cuttings, minutes of the conference on amalgamation with the British Branch and joint meeting of their subscribers (1915); 1 volume of Special Sub-committee minute book (1912, 1915), minutes of the council of the London branch (1883-1895).

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 5BWW · Archief · 1943-1946

      The archive consists of minutes of the Bournemouth branch meetings and of the Executive Committee.

      Zonder titel
      Campaign Against Pornography
      GB 106 5CAP · Archief · 1985-1997

      The archive consists of minutes, financial records, campaign files, policy files, press cuttings, petitions and correspondence, 1985-1997.

      Zonder titel
      Council of Married Women
      GB 106 5CMW · Archief · 1944-1971

      The archive consists of Minutes of the Executive Committee (1952-1959, 1969) and Annual General Meeting (1957-1964, 1967), Chairperson's reports (1953, 1956-9), papers related to the formation of the Council of Married Women, correspondence files including papers and press cuttings (1944-1970), Bills, Acts and Parliamentary file (1956-1971) and file of evidence to the Royal Commission on Marriage and Divorce (1952-1956), financial papers (1961-1969) and publications including the Bulletin.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 5LFH · Archief · 1980-1986

      The archive consists of: 3 attendance books (one book includes accounts).

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 5NWC · Archief · 1913-1975

      Records of the National Women Citizens Association including agendas, papers and minutes of the Executive Committee (1949-1974), the Council (1968-1970), organisational working party (1962-1965) and Parliamentary (1949-1955, 1959, 1964-1973), development (1968-1971) and local government (1943-1959) subcommittees; Administrative papers including constitutions (1950-70), executive committee, branch secretary and speaker lists, agendas (1947-1974), minutes, files, correspondence and papers (1937-1974) of AGMs; annual reports (1934, 1938, 1946-1973); financial papers (1951-1974); conference papers, correspondence and files (1947-1974); general correspondence with other groups and branches (1948-1973); publications and leaflets (c.1920-1973); papers of Southern and North Western federations (1949-1974) including minutes of executive committees and AGMs, reports and general files and similar papers of their local branches (1913-1974), with scrapbooks, financial papers and administrative correspondence. The majority of the papers date from 1945-1974.

      Zonder titel
      Wildcat Cards
      GB 106 5WCC · Archief · 1988-1994

      The archive consists of greetings cards, postcards and posters produced by Wildcat Cards; a selection of cards produced by women; slides, negatives, mock ups and proofs, photographs and some original artwork; advertisements and press releases, catalogues, order forms, price lists, artists briefs and press cuttings; correspondence, administrative and financial papers.

      Zonder titel
      Equal Pay Campaign Committee
      GB 106 6EPC · Archief · 1943-1956

      The archive consists of minutes and agenda of the Equal Pay Campaign Committee (EPCC) Executive Committee (1944-1956), subcommittee (1947-1956) and Milestone Dinner Subcommittee (1955); correspondence and administrative files including press cuttings and newsletters (1943-1956); press cuttings files (1943-1956); Finance files including audit accounts, balance sheets, cash books, correspondence and bank documents (1944-56); Card indexes; rubber stamps; poster; publications of Committee and other groups (1944-1955).

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 6FCS · Archief · 1915-1942

      The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee and Council of the Federation of Women Civil Servants (1915-1931) and of the subcommittee (1921-1929); Southborough Committee files (1919-1926); payments and receipt books (1929-1934); annual reports (1920-1931); correspondence and papers related to the Civil Service Alliance (1919-1920), the National Whitley Council (1917-1920), Joint Committee of the Organisation of the Civil Service (1920-1921) and on the Equal Pay Campaign (1910-1935); publications (1917-1919); minutes of the National Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service (1919-1920); minutes and papers of the National Whitley Council (1919-1920).


      NWC National Whitley Council.

      FWCS Federation of Women Civil Servants.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 6NCS · Archief · 1931-1959

      The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee (1931-1959) including officers meetings (1938-1940, 1953-1959), subcommittees (1931-59), of the Finance Committee (1952-1959) with monthly financial statements (1938-1941, 1955-1959), subcommittees (1935-1936) and annual delegates conference (1932-42, 1948-59); papers of Whitley Councils (1952-1955) and arbitration awards (1925-1940); correspondence files (1932-1945); miscellaneous papers (1948-1959); pamphlets, publicity materials and publications (1914-1950s) including newsletters (1936 [incomplete], 1939-43, 1944-1952), monthly letters to branch secretaries (1933-40) and Opportunity (1935-40); papers of constituent bodies including Association of Post Office Women Clerks (1901-1932), the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries (1919-1935); correspondence regarding typing grades (1914-1949), branches (1936-7, 1950-2), general secretary (1933-1935), organising secretary (1943-1944) and with other bodies (1938, 1945-50); membership records (1955-1958) and personal case files 1949-1958); papers related to equal pay campaigns (1918-1948) and the establishment of temporary staff (1919-50), evacuation (1940-1946) and reconstruction (1942-1946); papers related to the dissolution of the group (1958-1961).


      NAWCS National Association of Women Civil Servants.

      Zonder titel