Social conflicts

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Social conflicts

      Social conflicts

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Social conflicts

      • UF Class conflicts
      • UF Role conflicts
      • UF Social tensions
      • UF Social unrest
      • UF Agitation sociale
      • UF Conflit de classes
      • UF Conflit de rôles
      • UF Tension sociale
      • UF Trouble social
      • UF Agitación social
      • UF Conflicto de clases
      • UF Enfrentamiento social
      • UF Guerra de clases
      • UF Tensión social

      3 Archivistische beschrijving results for Social conflicts

      GB 0074 A/PMC · Collectie · 1899-1967

      Records of the London Council for the Promotion of Public Morality, later known as the Public Morality Council. Scarcely any of the early records survive, the earliest useful series being the annual reports, 1901-1913 and 1932-1954. Minutes of the council and its sub-committees cover 1940-1965.

      Records include constitution of the Council; Council and committees minutes and papers; membership lists for the council and committees; annual reports; papers relating to annual public meetings and Hyde Park meetings; paper relating to conferences and talks; general correspondence; financial accounts; records relating to links with other societies, both national and international; PMC publications and related magazines, films and other publications.

      Zonder titel
      Grey papers
      GB 0064 GRE · Collectie · [1762-1815]

      Papers of Sir George Grey. They consist of logs, 1795 to 1798 and 1800 to 1801, letter and order books, 1795 to 1801, and an order book, 1795 to 1801. There are some loose papers, including an account of the loss of the Boyne and of Grey's court martial In addition there are extracts copied from the journal of Sir George Rooke (1650-1709), 1692 to 1704; a volume of copies of General James Wolfe's (1727-1759) orders issued in 1759; and a volume with copies of correspondence exchanged between Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell (q.v.) and General Donkin (1773-1841) concerning a proposed duel, 1813 to 1815.

      Papers of Sir Charles Saxton, consisting of a report and notes on settlements in Nova Scotia, 1762, an order book, 1780 to 1783, a book of 'remarks made in the presence of the French' in the Invincible, 1781 to 1782, accounts of Portsmouth Dockyard produced for the 1792 . Visitation and general rules for courts martial using the precedents of 1746, 1763 and 1773.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0064 GRE/1-20 · Deelarchief · [1795-1815]
      Part of Grey papers

      Papers of Sir George Grey. They consist of logs, 1795 to 1798 and 1800 to 1801, letter and order books, 1795 to 1801, and an order book, 1795 to 1801. There are some loose papers, including an account of the loss of the BOYNE and of Grey's court martial. In addition, there are extracts copied from the journal of Sir George Rooke (1650-1709), 1692 to 1704; a volume of copies of General James Wolfe's (1727-1759) orders issued in 1759; and a volume with copies of correspondence exchanged between Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell and General Donkin (1773-1841) concerning a proposed duel, 1813 to 1815.

      Zonder titel