Showing 4907 results

Onderwerpen term Notitie toepassingsgebied Archivistische beschrijving count Geauthoriseerde beschrijving count
Hydroelectric power (1)

Use for: Hydropower, Water power, Énergie hydraulique, Force hydraulique, Houille blanche, Energía del agua, Energía hidraúlica, Energía hídrica, Hidroelectricidad

3 0
Geothermal energy 0 0
Steam power

Use for: Production thermique, Puissance thermique

5 0
Nonrenewable energy sources (5) 20 0
Solar heating 0 0
Land resources (1)

Use for: Ressources foncières

0 0
Animal resources (1)

Use for: Living resources, Ressources animales vivantes, Ressources biologiques, Recursos biológicos, Recursos vivos

2 0
Information/library networks

Use for: Library networks, Réseau de bibliothèques, Red de bibliotecas

0 0
Anatomy (9) 288 0
Brain 8 0
Respiratory systems

Use for: Appareil respiratoire, Sistema neumológico, Sistema respiratorio

2 0
Digestive systems

Use for: Appareil digestif

0 0
Morocco 0 0
Sudan 0 0
Tunisia 0 0
Gulf States (6)

Use for: Persian Gulf States, État du golfe Persique, Estado del Golfo Pérsico

0 0
United Arab Emirates

Use for: UAE

0 0

Use for: Irak, Iraq

0 0
Yemen 0 0
Malta 0 0
Biochemicals (5)

Use for: Biomaterials, Biomatériau, Biomaterial

12 0

Use for: Protide, Prótido

2 0
  • Production of molecules by a living cell which is essential feature of anabolism.
  • Production d'une substance chimique par un organisme vivant au cours de son métabolisme.
  • Segregación de una sustancia química por un organismo vivo durante su metabolismo.
0 0
Libraries (16)

Use for: Library services

99 0
Public libraries (4)
  • A library which serves the population of a community or region free of charge or for a nominal fee.
  • Bibliothèque desservant gratuitement ou pour une somme minime la population d'une communauté ou d'une région.
  • Biblioteca que ofrece un servicio público gratuito, o por un importe mínimo, a la población de una comunidad o de una región.
3 0
Rural libraries 0 0
Hydrobiology (1)

Use for: Vida acuática

0 0
History education 9 0
Interlibrary loans

Use for: External loans, Prêt entre bibliothèques, Préstamo entre bibliotecas

0 0
Periodical circulation 1 0
Cultural conditions (5)

Use for: Cultural situation, Situation culturelle, Contexto cultural, Situación cultural

35 0
Cultural environment

Use for: Entorno cultural

1 0
Everyday life

Use for: Daily life, Vida diaria

1 0
Brazil 0 0
Chile 0 0
Colombia 0 0
Cultural creation 0 0
Cultural minorities

Use for: Minority cultures, Culture minoritaire, Cultura minoritaria

  • Group of persons belonging to a culture different from that of the majority of the society in which they live.
  • Groupe de personnes vivant dans une société donnée et appartenant à une culture différente de celle de la majorité.
  • Grupo de personas pertenecientes a una cultura diferente a la de la mayoría de la sociedad en la que viven.
1 0
Cultural elite 0 0
Optical fibres 0 0
New materials 0 0
National identity

Use for: National character, National consciousness, Caractère national, Conscience nationale, Caracter nacional, Conciencia nacional, Identificación nacional

55 0
Radio engineering (1) 0 0
Colour television 0 0
Non-self governing territories (22)

Use for: Trust territories, Territoire sous tutelle, Territorio bajo tutela

0 0
Bermuda 0 0
Montserrat 0 0
Turks and Caicos Islands 0 0
United States Virgin Islands

Use for: Îles Vierges des États-Unis, Islas Vírgenes de Estados Unidos

0 0
American Samoa 0 0