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          697 Descrição arquivística resultados para Surgery

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          Costello, William Birmingham (1800-1867)
          GB 0114 MS0169 · 1779-1849

          Papers of William Birmingham Costello, 1779-1849, comprising information mostly relating to his publication The cyclopedia of practical surgery, including an etymological and critical terminology; detailed descriptions of instruments and apparatus; a copius bibliography; and an historical view of the progress of the science to the present day: ... a complete digest, alphabetically distributed, of the doctrines and practice of surgery/ conducted by William B Costello; assisted by numerous distinguished writers; illustrated with numerous engravings and wood-cuts. Volume 1: ABD-DYS (Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper: London, 1841) containing correspondence, 1829-1849; drafts, proofs and publication details, 1837-1841; and personal notes and papers, 1779-1844.

          Sem título
          Blizard, Sir William (1743-1835)
          GB 0114 MS0170 · 1785-1826

          Papers of Sir William Blizard, 1785-1826, comprising a volume, possibly by Samuel Helbert Israel, titled Lectures on Anatomy, Phys[iology] and Surgery by Wm Blizard RS-SA, containing manuscript notes of 27 lectures given by Blizard; letters, including a letter to L [?] Hoect, 3 Mar 1785; manuscripts, including a manuscript describing particular cases, Oct 1816; a manuscript titled The dissection of a dislocated thigh with fractures of some parts of the bones of the pelvis and other injury, July 1826. by Blizard; a manuscript copy of correspondence with Mr F C Daniel regarding Blizard's refusal to provide a certificate proving attendance as a pupil at the London Hospital, 27 Jun 1817; and an autograph signature.

          Sem título
          Keate, Thomas (1745-1821)
          GB 0114 MS0195 · 1776-1816

          Papers of Thomas Keate, 1776-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Keate, taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter, 1776; lectures by Thomas Keate, 1776-1777; and a letter from Keate of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, to George Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Curators, 23 Oct 1816, describing the presentation of the volume to the College, upon the request of the Court of Assistants. The letter explains that the notes were taken over a period of years, and that afterwards, after consulting with the notes of a friend, Dr John Jebb, they were collated and improved. He also notes that he tried to convey the sentiments of the lectures by verbatim quotation from Hunter.

          Sem título
          Wilkinson, Charles (fl 1791-1849)
          GB 0114 MS0200 · 1787-1788

          Papers of Charles Wilkinson, 1787-1788, comprising a volume containing manuscript notes by Wilkinson, of lectures given by John Hunter. Including a note by William White Cooper written in 1838, containing information about the author, the lectures, and how he located the manuscript.

          Sem título
          Hunter, William (1718-1783)
          GB 0114 MS0204 · Mid to late 18th century

          Papers of William Hunter, mid to late 18th century, comprising notes taken by unidentified authors, of lectures by William Hunter; and notes taken by unidentified authors, of lectures by William Hunter and William Hewson, c 1772.

          Sem título
          Clough, Henry Gore (fl 1779-1820)
          GB 0114 MS0207 · 1779-1792

          Papers of Henry Gore Clough, 1779-1792, comprising a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 1st, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, including a copy of a portrait of Hunter by J Thornwaite; a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 2nd, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, covering topics such as embalming, c 1779. Including patient case notes, 1779-1792, and a letter from Mr Wyatt to Clough, 14 Apr 1792, regarding publishing a case; and a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 3rd and sub-titled Lectures on the Gravid Uterus by William Hunter, MD and FRS, 1779, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter.

          Sem título
          GB 0114 MS0218 · 1811-1812

          Papers relating to Sir Everard Home and John Abernethy, 1811-1812, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by an unknown hand, titled Notes taken at Mr Home's Lectures on the principle operations in surgery, October 1811 and Notes taken at Mr Abernethy's Lectures on Surgery, 1812.

          Sem título
          Appleby, Thomas (fl 1814-1815)
          GB 0114 MS0225 · 1814-1815

          Papers of Thomas Appleby, 1814-1815, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Appleby at lectures by Sir Astley Cooper, titled Mr Astley Cooper's Surgical Lectures Continued 1814-1815, Vol II. Including a contents list for volumes 1 [not located at the College] and 2, and notes on Henry Cline's lectures on operations, and topics such as kidney disease.

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          Ray, George (fl 1815-1853)
          GB 0114 MS0227 · 1815-1816

          Papers of George Ray, 1815-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Ray at the lectures of Sir Astley Paston Cooper, titled Lectures on Surgery, Delivered at the theatre of St Thomas's Hospital by AP Cooper, Esq in the years 1815-1816; and an undated newspaper cutting titled 'The Country Surgeon (A True Bill)' containing a poem about the life and work of a country surgeon.

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          Blackman, John (fl 1822)
          GB 0114 MS0230 · 1822

          Papers of John Blackman, 1822, comprising a volume of manuscript notes written by Blackman, in a printed volume outlining the lectures of Sir Astley Cooper titled Outlines of the Lectures on Surgery delivered by Sir Astley Cooper, Bart. at St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals. Printed for the use of students. London 1822 .

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          Howship, John (1781-1841)
          GB 0114 MS0244 · 1799-1805

          Papers of John Howship, 1799-1805, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Howship, titled John Howship March the 8th 1799, taken at physiological lectures by Matthew Baillie, lectures by William Cruikshank, and including notes on dissections and cases, 1799-1805; a volume of manuscript notes by Howship, titled John Howship October 1799, taken at lectures by William Cruikshank, Sir Everard Home, Mr Crichton, and Mr Wilson, including notes of John Heaviside's cases, 1799-1803; a manuscript copy by Howship, of Matthew Baillie's Morbid Anatomy, including detailed drawings of the plates; and a list titled Mr Howship's Preparations, made by William Augustus Hillman of preparations purchased at Howship's museum and descriptions taken from Howship's catalogue.

          Sem título
          Perkins, George (1892-1979)
          GB 0114 MS0264 · 1908-1980

          Papers of George Perkins, 1908-1980, comprising 2 volumes containing correspondence, testimonials, and certificates relating to his education and professional life, 1908-1957; a folder containing photographs, a typescript, and correspondence relating to the Inaugural George Perkins Lecture, delivered by Professor Maurice Muller, (Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Bern), at St Thomas' Hospital on 1 Oct 1971; a reprint of The Hugh Owen Thomas Memorial Lecture 1946, delivered in the Liverpool Medical Institution by George Perkins on 11 Jul 1946; an envelope containing 11 reviews for the book Orthopaedics, written by Perkins, 1961, and a review for the book Fractures and Dislocation, written by Perkins, 1953; a volume containing a photograph of Perkins, signed by his former colleagues and friends; 3 photographs of Perkins, 1927-1973; obituaries and letters of condolence addressed to George Perkins daughter, Elizabeth, 1980.

          Sem título
          Keate, Robert: Books
          GB 0114 MS0275 · 1847

          Papers of Robert Keate, 1847, comprising a volume containing a detailed, alphabetical manuscript list of books presented to the College Library by Keate; and a letter written on Royal College of Surgeons of England Library headed paper, from Thomas Stone, to Keate, 13 Jun 1847, relating to books that the Library does not already possess.

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          Blagden, Sir Charles (1748-1820)
          GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

          The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

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          Jeans, Sir James Hopwood (1877-1945)
          GB 0117 JHJ · 1896-1945

          Some correspondence, papers, notebooks and publications of Sir James Hopwood Jeans. Early manuscripts in the series relate to Jean's education at Trinity College, Cambridge, in the form of early lecture notebooks, largely on mathematical topics. A collection of letters, 1901-1907, documents his treatment for tuberculosis at Ringwood Sanatorium, where he completed work on the theory of gases; correspondents included G H Hardy and Adam Sedgewick among others. Jean's engagements in popularizing science are represented by proofs and typescript of lectures and essays, especially those written for the BBC, 1934-1935, together with associated letters and press cuttings. The series contains collections of offprints, reprints, and extracts of published works by Jeans and others, notably from the Philosophical Transactions and the Philosophical Magazine.

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          GB 1538 A12 · 1929-2001

          Registers of Fellows and Members and related records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1929-2001, comprising register of Fellows, 1931-1939; register of Members, 1929-1939; printed registers of Fellows and Members, 1946-1947, 1966-2002; Oath Book signed by Foundation Fellows and by Members on admission to the College, c1932-1967; forms giving particulars of directors and managers of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1932-1946; printed Annual Report, 1932-2001 (some gaps); printed notes describing the functions and organisation of the College, 1967-1998; Honorary Fellows' Admission Book (gift of William Blair-Bell), 1931-1979; Members' admission ceremonies programmes, 1995-2000; Fellows' admission ceremonies programmes and papers, 1987-1998; combined Fellows' and Members' admission ceremony programmes, 1996.

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          GB 1538 C · 1939-1997

          the records are arranged in the following series:-
          C1: Standing Joint-Committee of the RCOG, RCP and RCSENG, 1939-1974.
          C2: Conference of the Royal Medical Colleges, 1975-1990.
          C3: Joint Consultants' Committee, 1948-1985.
          C4: RCOG and British Paediatric Association Standing Committee/RCPCH, 1949-1997.
          C6: Ad hoc committee on analgesia and anaesthesia. 1970-1975.
          C7: Joint RCOG and RCGP committees and working parties, 1968-1993.
          C8: RCOG and National Birthday Trust Fund, 1967-1984.
          C9: RCOG and RCR working party on ultrasound, 1985-1997C10: RCOG and Population Investigation Committee of the Eugenics Society, 1949-1952.
          C11: Representative Committee (later the Negotiating Committee), 1945-1948.
          C12: Joint MRC and RCOG Voluntary Licensing Authority for Human In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryology, 1985-1986.
          C13: Joint working party to consider a proposed Faculty of Family Planning, 1984-1990.
          C14: Joint Medico-Legal Committee of the RCOG and Defence Societies, 1985-1998.
          C15: Joint Colleges forum of the RCOG, RCGP and RCM on maternity services for the 1990s, 1992.
          C16: Ad hoc committee/interdisciplinary working party on the confidential enquiry into perinatal mortality, 1981-1985.
          C17: Committee of Enquiry into Competence to Practise, 1976.
          C18: RCOG response to the Interim Report of the Joint Council of Midwifery on non-therapeutic abortion and Inter-departmental Committee of the Ministry of Health on the problem of abortion, 1936-1938.
          C19: Multidisciplinary Working Group: Prenatal Screening for Toxoplasmosis in the UK 1991-1996.
          C20: RCOG Standing Advisory Committee of the RCOG and College of Anaesthetists working party on resuscitation of the newborn (1987): instruction manuals, c1987.
          C21: Advisory Appointments Committees (1955): College records, 1955-1992.
          C22: Joint working parties of the RCOG and Royal College of Pathologists (1986-1988): final reports, 1988..
          C23: Joint steering group on teenage pregnancy: records, 1993-1995.
          C24: Joint working group of the RCOG and British Gynaecological Cancer Society: records, 1997.

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          Sub-specialisation Advisory Group
          GB 1538 M17 · 1980-1984

          Papers of the RCOG Sub-specialisation advisory group, including agenda, minutes, correspondence and other records of the advisory groups into fetal medicine, gynaecological oncology, and reproductive medicine, 1984; correspondence with senior British obstetricians and gynaecologists concerning further sub-specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology, 1983; proposed curriculum and special requirements for sub-specialisation in gynaecological oncology, undated; curriculum for specialisation in fetal medicine and proposals for learning and training in maternal-fetal medicine, undated; training programme for gynaecological urology, undated; guide to learning in reproductive medicine, undated; papers of T L T Lewis, chairman, 1983-1984; correspondence of Professor Richard Beard, chairman, Scientific Advisory and Pathology Committee (SAPC), concerning the sub-specialisation advisory group, 1983-1984; draft copy of final report, with amendments, 1984; copies of the report of the working party on further specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology; report of the manpower advisory sub-committee of the RCOG and RCOG Regulations for Accreditation of Completion of Higher Training of Members of the College, 1980-1983.

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          Manpower Working Party
          GB 1538 M31 · 1967-1980

          Correspondence of E A J Alment, papers and background material, 1967-1980, of the RCOG working party on manpower in obstetrics and gynaecology, including survey papers on London, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and papers on the employment of junior staff from overseas and a survey of North East Thames region.

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          Obstetric Flying Squads Survey
          GB 1538 M44 · 1980-1987

          Survey questionnaires of obstetric flying squads, a summary of the survey and correspondence regarding hospital call-out team insurance, 1980-1987.

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          Working Party to Audit Structured Training
          GB 1538 M53 · 1998-2000

          Agenda, minutes, papers and final report of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists working party to audit structured training, 1998-2000.

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          Ultrasound Screening for Fetal Abnormalities Working Party
          GB 1538 M55 · 1994-2000

          Correspondence, papers and final report of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists working party on ultrasound screening for fetal abnormalities, 1994-1997, and of the supplementary working group, 1998-2000.

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          Representative Committee on Fetal Viability
          GB 1538 RCOG/C37 · Arquivo · 1985-1987

          Publications of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Representative Committee on Fetal Viability, 1985-1987.

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          CLAYTON, Sir Stanley George (1911-1986)
          GB 1538 S11 · 1938-1986

          Personal papers of Sir Stanley George Clayton, 1938-1986, including copies of speeches made as President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, personal copies of President's Letters, Clinical and surgical research notes, 1938-1945, case notes, 1962-1979; correspondence and other papers concerning the House of Commons Select Committee on Abortion, 1974-1976; correspondence concerning the Margaret Pyke Centre, London, 1978-1984.

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          SOLOMONS, Bethel (1885-1965)
          GB 1538 S15 · 1935-1942

          Papers of Bethel Solomons, 1935-1942, including Bethel's survey of pathology treatments of the fallopian tube and comprising c.60 responses to a questionnaire compiled by him, and papers comprising an exchange of letters with Victor Bonney on ovarian cysts and myomectomy.

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          Daily Advertiser
          GB 1538 S22 · 1746

          Copy of The Daily Advertiser, 8 Oct 1746, including advertisements for a course of lectures on midwifery by William Smellie, lectures in physic and midwifery by Sir Richard Manningham, and lectures in anatomy by William Hunter. It comprises an original copy and photocopies.

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          GB 1538 S23 · 1948

          Leaflet printed in England in 1948 by the Indian office of Allen & Hanburys Ltd, advertising a head extractor for use in performing the lower segment caesarean section as devised by Bryan C Murless, FRCOG, of Durban.

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          LAWSON, John Bateman (1922-1997)
          GB 1538 S29 · 1991

          Copy of Lawson's "The export of British obstetric traditions", a Hugh McLaren lecture delivered to the Birmingham and Midland Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society in 1991, and communications on the subject from C A Carlaw, Olive Frost FRCOG, Hugh Philpott FRCOG, and Coralie Rendle-Short FRCOG.

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          BAILEY, Kenneth Vernon (1898-1989): case notes
          GB 1538 S31 · 1933

          Private case records of Keith Vernon Bailey, bound in one volume, relating to cases treated by Bailey at Altrincham General Hospital, Cheshire, during 1933.

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          SAVAGE, Wendy Diane (b 1935)
          GB 1538 S41 · 1985-1986

          Photocopies of papers relating to the dispute between Professor Wendy Diane Savage with the London Hospital and the Tower Hamlets Health Authority, 1985-1986, in regard to the enquiry into Professor Savage's competence.

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          BUSCHBECK and SCHMIDT: aquarells
          GB 1538 S5 · 1930s-1940s

          The series originally comprised a collection of four albums containing c. 480 watercolours or aquarells by H Hoheisel of various gynaecological conditions, with patients' names, date and details of the condition, plus the legend presented by Dr Schmidt, 1930s-1940s. Some copies of published articles, in German, are also provided with the legend. There are also some mounted aquarells with details of medical condition only.

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          GB 1538 S50 · 1913-1921

          Photocopies of: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Obstetrical Forceps and Obstetrical Instruments in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1913, and A Descriptive Catalogue of Gynaecological Instruments in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, compiled 1913-1921, by Alban Doran.

          Sem título
          GB 1538 S51 · 1816-1893

          Correspondence, prints and papers of Alexander Russell Simpson, 1816-1893, comprising letter from Matthews Duncan, 22 Oct 1881; letters from Professor Eriole F Fabri of Modena, Italy, 1882-1883; letter from Professor G Brown, 5 Feb 1883; letter from Professor Dr Litzmann of Kiel, Germany, with translation by Dr George Selby, 8 Feb 1883; letter from Professor Michel Fari of Padua, Italy, 10 Feb 1883; letter from Professor T Habbertfma of Utrecht, Holland, 12 Mar 1883; letter from Professor D Eugene Hubert of Louvain, Belgium, 15 Mar 1883; letter from Professor Zweifel of Erlangen, Germany with translation by Dr George Selby, 15 Mar 1883; copy of part of a petition to the Members of the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh by James Hamilton, 15 Jan 1816; print of a drawing of Abbotsford, the seat of Sir Walter Scott, by Thomas H Shepherd, undated; paper given by Ian Cope to the Australian Society for the History of Medicine, entitled "The Other Professor Simpson of Edinburgh, Professor Sir Alexander Russell Simpson, 1835-1916", undated; "Address to the Medical Graduates In The University of Edinburgh" by Simpson, 1 Aug 1878; papers by Simpson (unless stated otherwise) comprising "Head-Flexion In Labour", 26 Feb 1879; "Axis-Traction Forceps", 21 Jul 1880; "The Uterine Sound", 9 Nov 1881; "Hydramnios: and the Source of The Liquor Amni", 31 May 1882; "Again on Axis-Traction Forceps: and On the Basilyst", 11 Jul 1883; "Extra-Uterine Gestation" by William Alexander Freund , 27 Jun 1883; "Case of Caesarean Hystero-Oophorectomy or Porro's Operation", 12 Mar 1884;"Keller and Crede, Presidential Address Delivered Before the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society", 9 Nov 1892;"Prolapse of the Female Urethra", 10 May 1893.

          Sem título
          GB 1538 S6 · 1676-1901

          Letter from Eliab Harvey, later Sir Eliab Harvey, nephew of William Harvey, to William Garnay, 28 Apr 1676; correspondence between Wertheim Williams and Probyn Williams regarding anaesthetics, Nov 1900-Jan 1901; letter from Edward Jenner to Mr Hulme concerning vaccination, 26 Oct 1812; correspondence between James Matthews Duncan and Joseph Lister concerning the use of chloroform, 6 Mar 1875-18 Aug 1877; lease of rooms to British Gynaecological Society by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London., Feb 1890; gift of Edward Protheroe-Smith; letter of Florence Nightingale to Heywood Smith concerning lying-in institutions, 10 May 1876.

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          LEWIS, Thomas Lofthus Townshend (1918-2004)
          GB 1538 S67 · 1960s-1980s

          Papers of Thomas Lewis, 1960s-1980s, including papers relating to Lewis' tour of the Soviet Union visiting obstetric and gynaecological facilities, including the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Leningrad Medical School, Feb 1978; papers relating to abortion law reform including correspondence, press-cuttings and other papers, including on the views of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; lectures; speeches; unpublished papers; offprints and myomectomy films.

          Sem título
          GB 1538 S96 · 1897-1898

          Casebooks relating to surgical cases in Bristol Royal Infirmary comprising casebook entitled 'Crosby Leonard Surgical Cases', 1897, detailing 8 cases including renal calculus, fibroadenoma of breast, prolapse of uterus, scirrhus of breast, inguinal hernia, vesical calculus, ovarian cystoma and fractured patella and casebook entitled 'Suple Surgical Cases', 1898, detailing 8 cases including fibromyoma of uterus, stricture of uterus, ovarian cystoma, tubercular arthritis of knee, hydatid cyst of liver, perforative appendicitis, acute bronchocele and scirrhus of breast.

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          Stephenson, Gladys
          GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 31-32 (Boxes 642-643) · c1909-1976

          Papers, c1909-1976, of Sister Gladys Stephenson, comprising diary of journey to China, 1915; journals of visits to Korea and Peking, 1926, 1936 and undated; journal of her time in the internment camp, 1942-1945; diaries recording daily events, 1946-1971; long letter from Gladys Stephenson, 1945, from the Shanghai internment camp recounting her experiences, and typescript copies; manuscript and typescript accounts of a journey to Hong Kong, Malaya and the Holy Land, 1961; other typescript and manuscript notes, accounts, or addresses by Gladys Stephenson recounting her experiences, largely undated, including one relating to the great floods (1931); two photographs of a chapel used by the Methodist hospital, Hankow, and papers relating to a stained glass window, 1940; printed material on Christianity, missionary work and missionaries, nursing and training, and other aspects of life in China, including hospitals in Hankow, 1909-1976, largely dating, 1920s-1960s.

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          Anderson, William Charles
          GB 0102 MS 380270 · Created 1921-1923

          Papers, 1921-1923, of William Charles Anderson, comprising correspondence, personal papers and photographs. The papers concern his time working in British Nyasaland on the cotton plantations at Mbewe and Gonda. Also includes printed notes on The Treatment of Common Ailments Among Natives and a number of photographs of Anderson, the estate and estate workers.

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          HENDERSON, Lt Col George (1836-1929)
          GB 0402 GHE · 1866-1887

          Surgeon Major George Henderson's visitors' books from the Dak bungalows at Bhagtanwala 1866-1885 and at Bhera 1872-1887.

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          Academic Departments of Bedford College
          GB 0505 BC AL200-900 · 1849-1985

          Material relating to Academic Departments of Bedford College, including papers of the German Department, 1973-1983; recollections of the Dutch Studies Department by Professor Theodore Weevers, 1985; Departmental files of the History Department, 1958-1985; papers of Professor C H Lawrence, History Department, 1970-1985; Departmental files of the Sociology Department, 1930-1984; papers relating to Nursing Studies Courses, 1896-1985, including the Public Hygiene Course; papers relating to the Bedford College Art School, 1900-1913; papers relating to the Training Department, 1902-1922, including reports, registers, correspondence relating to scholarships and Council grants, accounts and Board of Education papers; papers of the Mathematics Department, 1978-1982; papers of the Biochemistry Department, 1964-1978; papers of the Botany Department, 1908-1985, including material relating to the E N Thomas affair, 1908-1916, and papers collected by Dr Linna Bentley, 1918-1984; building plans for the Zoology Department, 1970. Papers relating to Staff Publications, 1926-[1969], including Minutes and papers of the Research and Publications Fund Committee.

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          H15/RE · Subarquivo · 1857-1980
          Parte de LAMBETH GROUP

          Records of the Royal Eye Hospital, including Committee of Management minutes, 1879-1890; Medical Committee minutes, 1893-1960; School Sub-Committee minutes, 1906-1912; Social Committee minutes, 1936-1956; annual reports, 1858-1948; Articles of Association, 1930-1931; rules and bye-laws, 1930-1937; papers relating to the Richard Minter Mount legacy, 1875-1902; papers relating to the Royal patronage of the Hospital, 1901-1910; papers, reports and correspondence relating to proposed amalgamation with King's College Hospital, 1946-1948; legal papers including agreements and covenants, 1875-1947. Patient records including admission and discharge registers, 1861-1972; in-patients case books, 1893-1958; diagnostic index, 1936-1949; illustrated brochure for nurses wishing to train for the Diploma of the Ophthalmic Nursing Board at the Royal Eye Hospital, [1957]; registers of nursing staff, 1956-1963; research fund petty cash book, 1944-1949; copies of The Royal Eye Hospital 1857-1957 by Arnold Sorsby; papers relating to special events, 1906-1957; papers collected by Arnold Sorsby relating to the life of John Zachariah Laurence, founder of the South London Ophthalmic Hospital; and photographs and prints of the Hospital buildings, staff, patients and special events, 1912 - 1980, including surgeons Carsten Holthouse, Malcolm MacDonald McHardy and Thomas Wilfred Letchworth, and Professor Arnold Sorsby.

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          North-Western Fever Hospital
          GB 0074 H71/NWF · 1887-1972

          Records of the North-Western Fever Hospital (NWFH), (later the Lawn Road or North-Western Branch of the Royal Free Hospital), 1887-1972, comprising: Nursing Staff Registers, containing service records for nurses and ward orderlies, 1887-1951; Nurse training records, for probationer and student nurses trained at NWFH, 1937-1946; Domestic Staff Registers, containing service records for domestic staff, including housekeeping, laundry and catering staff, 1887-1923.
          Royal Free Hospital, Lawn Road (or North Western) Branch: In-patient Registers, 1965-1972; Patients Property Register, 1944-1962; Joint Consultative Staff Committee minutes, 1951-1954.

          Sem título
          PARSONS, Sir John Herbert (1868-1957)
          GB 0074 LMA/4546 · Coleção · 1904-1957

          Records relating to Sir John Herbert Parsons, ophthalmic surgeon, comprising scrapbook relating to his career.

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          Scadding, Professor John Guyett
          GB 0120 GC/44 · 1970

          Papers of John Guyett Scadding's including photocopies of reminiscences on development of thoracic surgery, 1970; lecture on the Institute of Diseases of the Chest, 1970; article on the history of the Thoracic Society, 1983; undated note 'Russell Brain's notes on his encounter with Winston Churchill'.

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          Keen, William Williams (1837-1932)
          GB 0120 GC/53 · Coleção · 1885-1927

          William Keen collection, including correspondence, biographical material, notes, unpublished writings and photographs, including material on his opposition to the anti-vivisection movement, and the effects of lightning, c 1885-1929.

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