Consumo de agua

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      Consumo de agua

      Consumo de agua

        Términos equivalentes

        Consumo de agua

        • Usado para Water use
        • Usado para Water utilization
        • Usado para Consommation en eau
        • Usado para Utilisation des ressources hydrauliques
        • Usado para Uso de los recursos hidráulicos
        • Usado para Uso de los recursos hídricos
        • Usado para Uso del agua

        Términos asociados

        Consumo de agua

        72 Descripción archivística resultados para Consumo de agua

        72 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/SV/07 · Colección · 1852-1904

        General records of the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, including newscuttings books; papers relating to a legal case; papers relating to stocks and papers relating to works.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/WM/A · Colección · 1770-1976

        Corporate records of the West Middlesex Waterworks Company, including Board of Directors minutes; General Assembly minutes; Committee minutes; letter books and correspondence; legal papers; records relating to stocks and shares; files on Royal Commissions on water supply; and general files of the Secretary.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/WM/C · Colección · 1861 Nov-1891 Nov

        Staff records of the West Middlesex Waterworks Company, comprising correspondence relating to the appointment of JA Christie.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558 · Colección · 1582-1976

        Records of Thames Water predecessor companies (water supply) and local authorities (waste water management including sewer network), comprising the following:

        ACC/2558/CH: Chelsea Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/DV: Darenth Valley Main Sewerage Board

        ACC/2558/EL: East London Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/GJ: Grand Junction Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/KE: Kent Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/LA: Lambeth Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/LC: Lee Conservancy Catchment Board

        ACC/2558/LL: London Local Authorities, Metropolitan Board of Works, London County Council and Greater London Council

        ACC/2558/MW: Metropolitan Water Board

        ACC/2558/NR: New River Company

        ACC/2558/S: Shadwell Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/SR: Staines Reservoir Joint Committee

        ACC/2558/SV: Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company

        ACC/2558/TW: Thames Water Authority

        ACC/2558/WK: West Kent Main Sewerage Board

        ACC/2558/WM: West Middlesex Waterworks Company

        The records include corporate records and minutes, staff records, clerk's papers, records relating to water supply and distribution, technical reports, purchase records, property records, legal papers, plans, substantial series of photographs, glass plate negatives and lanterns slides (especially clean water: under ACC/2558/MW/PH, ACC/2558/MW/GP and ACC/2558/MW/L and sewer and waste water: under ACC/2558/LL/PH) and financial accounts and ledgers.

        Cataloguing of this collection has been funded by Thames Water. For more information about the cataloguing project which was completed September 2019, please see 'The Thames Water Treasure Trove' in 'Source' magazine, July 2016 (library reference: 24.217 THA). London Metropolitan Archives would like to thank Thames Water for funding the cataloguing of this collection.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/AM · Colección · 1879-1904

        Records of Associated Metropolitan Water Companies, comprising minutes and accounts of the Metropolitan Water Companies Meetings of Chairmen; minutes of sub committees including the Intercommunication Committee of Engineers of the Metropolitan Water Companies and the Committee for the Management of Works of Intercommunication; and correspondence.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/01 · Colección · 1723-1904

        Corporate records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors minute books; General Board minute books; Committee of Accounts and Works minute books; Finance and Audit Committee minute books; Parliamentary Committee minutes; Secretary's report books; agenda books; correspondence; letter books; legal papers; register of stock and share holders; stock and share ledgers and other records; dividend books; registers of wills; bond records; contracts and specifications.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/02 · Colección · 1825-1905

        Financial records of Chelsea Waterworks Company, including annual account books; annual reports; accounts ledgers; journals; cash books; bills books; revenue ledgers; meter accounts; and order books.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/04 · Colección · 1822-1908

        Water supply and distribution records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including engineer's reports; meter inspection reports; storekeeper's reports; water supply aggreements and applications; supply records; meter registers; district water services records; collector's rate books; special supplies records; parish assessments and rates; statistical records; stopcock registers; pipelaying and works records; cartage books; meterological data and water analysis records.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/06 · Colección · 1850-1905

        Property records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, comprising land purchase registers and rent books.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/07 · Colección · 1828-1904

        General records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including correspondence relating to water charges; printed circulars and forms; newspaper cuttings; and reference material.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/08 · Colección · 1727-1904

        Records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including papers relating to steam engines and other machinery; service records of workmen; sick pay regulations; deeds and other legal documents relating to company property; financial accounts; legal case records; Parliamentary papers; licences and historical notes.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/D · Colección · 1807-1905

        Papers of the East London Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including Engineers' reports; Engineers' correspondence; volumes of accepted tenders; water supply agreements; Collectors' and Inspectors' letter books; indexes to the locations of meters; rating volumes; accounts; plans and diagrams.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/F · Colección · 1820-1905

        Property records of the East London Waterworks Company, including rental ledgers; particulars of land purchases; notices and plans of intended purchase and schedule of deeds.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/GJ/04 · Colección · 1835-1907

        Records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including water supply agreements; laying on books; meter agreements; meter readings; fire report books; water rentals books; pipes records; examination of mains books; papers relating to alterations to pipes and fittings; meter charges; supply and engineering records.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/GJ/08 · Colección · 1788-1904

        Records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors' papers; legal papers; parliamentary papers; investments records; plans; engine and coal accounts; contracts; staff records and property records.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/KE/03 · Colección · 1869-1905

        Staff records of the Kent Waterworks Company, including wages accounts sheets; papers relating to salaries and pensions book.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LA/02 · Colección · 1815-1905

        Financial records of the Lambeth Waterworks Company, including ledgers; journals; cash books and day books; Collector's rent and revenue records; water charges records; road watering and meter account books.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LB/01 · Colección · 1703-1904

        Corporate records of the London Bridge Waterworks Company, including Committee of Managers minute books; General Meetings of the Proprietors minute books; shareholders register; stock ledgers and transfer books and dividend books.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/MW/T · Colección · 1861-1980

        Records of the Metropolitan Water Board Treasurers and Comptrollers Department, including detailed balance sheets; Water Fund general ledgers; general journals; cash accounts ledgers; superannuation volumes; capital ledgers; borrowing powers volumes; investments volumes; mortgage sinking fund volumes; stock volumes; audit files; files relating to stocks and shares; mortgage loans files; registers of bankruptcies and liquidations and salary records.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/01 · Colección · 1769-1904

        Minutes of the New River Company, including minutes, papers and reports of Weekly Meetings, of the General Courts of Governors, of the Surveys of the River Committee, of the Parliamentary Committee, of the Building Committee and of the River Lee Conservancy Board. Also copies of the charters of 1606 and 1737.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/09 · Colección · 1709-1907

        Financial records of the New River Company, including abstracts of accounts; balance sheets; ledgers; collectors ledgers; journals; disbursement books; cash books; revenue account books; audit books; bill book; bill cheque books; taxes and rates ledgers and accounts; landed estate accounts and meter rent books.

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