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Nota(s) de âmbito

  • An annual 'volume' of current information in descriptive and/or statistical form, sometimes limited to a special field.
  • Publication annuelle d'informations courantes, présentée sous forme de descriptions et/ou de statistiques, quelquefois limitée à un domaine particulier.
  • Publicación anual de informaciones actuales presentada en forma de descripciones o estadísticas, a veces limitada a un campo específico.

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      Termos equivalentes


      • UP Almanach
      • UP Livre de l'année
      • UP Almanaque

      Termos associados


      6 Descrição arquivística resultados para Yearbooks

      GB 0074 ACC/2569 · Coleção · 1898-1902

      Year books of the West London Rifles (4th Middlesex Rifle Volunteer Corps), giving details of parades, drills, and camps. Also copy of the will of Mrs Harriet Urquhart, wife of William Urquhart of 111 Riversdale Road, Highbury.

      Sem título
      Publications of Imperial College
      GB 0098 SP · 1887-2000 (ongoing)

      Records relating to Imperial College publications, 1887-2000, comprising minutes of the Phoenix (Imperial College Arts Magazine) Board, 1916-1959; correspondence, 1919-1966; copies of the Science Schools Journal, 1887-1891, later Royal College of Science Magazine, 1891-1904, later Phoenix, 1904-2000 (SPA); minutes of the Felix (Imperial College student newspaper) Board, later Publications Board, 1965-1971; copies of Felix, 1950-2000, (SPF); Coming Events, 1966-1969, later IC News, 1969-1974, later IC Diary, 1974-1982, later IC Gazette, 1982-2000; Topic magazine, 1974-1982; ICON, monthly Imperial College Review magazine, 1973-1982, CRITICON, 1982-1987; Network, Imperial College monthly newspaper, 1987-1994; IC Reporter, twice monthly staff newpaper, 1995-2000; The Central, 1903-1957, later Imperial College Engineer, 1987-1998 (Journal of the City & Guilds College Old Student's Association, formerly the Old Centralians); The Record, 1910-1995 (Journal of the Royal College of Science Old Students Association); The Spanner, 1963-1988 (yearbook of the City and Guilds College Union); Journal of the Mining and Metallurgical Society, 1848-1951, later Royal School of Mines Journal, 1952-1964; Guilds Engineer, 1950-1964 (Journal of the City and Guilds College and Engineering Society).

      Sem título
      North London Collegiate School
      GB 2457 · 1850-2003

      Archives of the North London Collegiate School (NLCS) comprising:

      records of governance including rough Governors Meeting minutes 1898-1919; signed minutes of the Governors of North London Collegiate School and Camden School for Girls (Frances Mary Buss Foundation), 1870-1992; Governors meeting attendance book 1910-1940; Governors meetings and Finance Committee attendance book, 1949-1958, 1975-1994; NLCS Trustees attendance book 1871-1875; record of Appointment of Governors 1875-1910, 1958-1977; Governors agenda book 1873-1875, also containing Reception Committee minutes 1879; Governors agenda books 1910-1914, 1927-1959; Governors agenda book 1910-1913 also containing Finance and General Purposes Committee agendas 1958-1959; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1970-1982; Finance Reports NLCS and CSFG 1875-1890, 1921-1933; Treasurers meetings minutes 1895-1910; Schools Committee minutes 1910-1913; Schools Committee attendance book, 1910-1914; Memorial Committee minutes 1871; Building Committee minutes 1875; minutes of the Trustees of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Scholarship Fund, 1897-1937; minutes of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Travelling Scholarship 1964-1965 and 1969;

      NLCS correspondence 1871-1883; NLCS Secretary's reports 1871-1875; Headmistresses report to Governors, 1871-1920;

      administrative records including inventory of equipment and furniture Sep 1875-1904; NLCS Dates of Terms, 1877-1939; Timetable analysis 1947-1966; Billetting addresses in Luton; Secretary's information notebook; NLCS Visitors books 1884-1917, 1949-1965; Examiners reports 1891-1903;

      records relating to school staff including Staff Meetings minutes 1885-1894, 1912-1986; Staff meetings attendance book 1874-1913; Staff register 1883-1927; Staff register of appointments 1893-1932; Register of mistresses and administrative staff 1909-1938; Teachers agreement book; Staff attendance register 1882-1886, 1933-1958; Staff address books, 1917-1956; Staff Dramatic Club minutes, [1965]-1970; Staff log book (scrap book) 1937-1955; rough notes of lectures on English composition 1860-1876; Camden School for Girls (staff) salaries book 1909-1914;

      student records including admission books, 1850-1911; Admission register index 1925-1938, with index 1935-1938; Admissions application forms, 1871-present; Register of applications 1874-1942; Register of pupils 1875-1878; New entrants to school, 1942-1978; Withdrawal books 1871-1906; Camden and NLCS register of [withdrawn] pupils, 1871-1878; Leaving lists 1939-1979;

      scholarships register 1894-1941; Scholarships, exhibitions and prizes register 1873-1918; Register of London County Council Scholars at NLCS 1910-1930;

      medical record register 1882-1884; Miss Buss Gymnasium medical notes 1882-1886; Gymnasium medical reports 1885; Mrs Hoggan's private (medical) notes 1882-1885; Mrs Hoggan's medical notes to Miss Buss 1882-1885;

      records of pupils' examinations including NLCS external examinations results 1873 - 1890; NLCS Special Examinations results 1874-1887, containing copies of some question papers; Register of external examinations results 1890-1930; University of London examinations results including general school examination, higher school examinations, Oxford and Cambridge examinations, general certificate of education, and O levels, 1931-1979; Record of GCSE certificates sent to girls who have left, 1952-1970; Register of honours gained chiefly by old pupils, 1911-1936; Class reports 1874-1876; Summary of old pupil reports 1884-1914; Holiday work reports 1882-1919; Results of school sports competitions 1890-1920, 1926-1938; Prize day reports and lists, 1850-1909; Printed prize lists 1874-1909; Upper V examination totals 1931-1976;

      records of pupils meetings and societies including Prefects and monitors meetings minutes, 1880-1970 (incomplete); Form minute books including third to sixth forms 1948-1957; Lower Fifth form imposition book 1937-1939; Upper Fifth form after-school fixture book; Botanical Club minutes 1885-1891; Debating Society minutes 1887-1913; Sunshine League minutes 1904-1920; Science Club notes and queries 1909-1930, Science Club Committee minutes 1931-1937, Science Club General Meeting minutes 1932-1936, Science Club Photographic section and General meeting minutes 1961-1970; Classical Society minutes 1914-1927; Sketch Club minutes 1928-1936; Current Affairs Club news cuttings, 1942-1947;

      certificates of NLCS students 1882-1914, 1936-1946;

      examples of pupils work including Log book of Bromley Camp 1927, 1928, 1934, 1929; Writing book 1955-1956; Housewifery notes, with sewing samples, 1904; geography project, 1921, Dame Kitty's book - 1966 contains copies of poems by junior students; Cookery notes, (with recipes) 1904; compositions 1899; The Searchlight, manuscript magazine Vol 1 - 1912, Vol 2 1913, Vol 3, mss, 1914; photographs 1920s in student workbook titled Hygiene; displays 1947, 2000, 2002; journal of exchange visit 1967;

      personal papers including Miriam Shillito's (English teacher) letters and papers 1935-1949, and photograph album 1919-1935; Monkhouse sketch books, [1935-1937]; Hill family - Gladys, Kathleen and Lucy - NLCS, student exercise books, notebooks, photos, letters, 1905-1919 (1 box);

      personal papers of Dame Kitty Anderson (1903-1979), Headmistress from 1944 - 1965, comprising Founders Day address (undated), certificates to 1924-1971, greeting cards 1956; log book, 1943-1944 and Bath High School photos, 1973; thesis 'The treatment of vagrancy and the relief of the poor and destitute in the Tudor period, based upon the local records of London to 1552 and then to 1576', Submitted for PhD, University London, 1933; letters of congratulation on her DBE award; and related papers;

      material relating to Madeleine McLauchlan, Headmistress from 1965-1985, comprising photographs, mainly speeches, invitations, and school files, [1965-1985]; and papers of Joan Clanchy, Headmistress from 1986-1997, comprising photographs, news cuttings, letters and school files [1985-1997];

      records relating to the Association of former pupils of NLCS including reports of the Old Pupils Association, 1874-1901; minutes of Old Girls Association general meetings 1916-1939; Old Girls Association attendance book (with addresses) 1916-1953; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Committee 1916-1956; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Annual Business meetings 1941-1979;

      records of the Parents Guild including minutes of the Parents Guild Committee 1928-1973, Parents Guild cash book 1928-1940;

      financial records of the school including Registration fees, 1963-1972; Fees ledgers 1879, 1939-1943, 1945-1956; Fee books 1872-1976 (incomplete); Ledgers, 1854-1858, 1872-1907, 1910-1982; Day book 1872-1875; Cash books 1872-1907, 1924-1926, 1938-1986; Cash journal 1910-1952; Cash payments 1952-1964; Petty cash books 1921-1926, 1930-1941, 1963-1974; Cash book (House) 1905-1910, 1910-1924; House Keeping petty cash book 1911-1915; Botany and Chemistry cash book, 1914-1961; Physics petty cash book 1917-1975; Staff Committee accounts 1937-1968; Staff salaries books 1875-1923, 1932-1950; NLCS superannuation book 1922-1950; Vouchers II (bills) 1899-1912 ; House receipts 1895-1915; and printed copies of audited accounts;

      scrap books and news cuttings collections including scrapbook titled 'Edinburgh Schools' containing pamphlets and notes on schools in Edinburgh, [1871-1872]; newspaper cuttings 1871-1892 relating to NLCS, Camden School, and women's education; general newspaper cuttings 1883-1892; news cutting relating to the School, 1899-1900; news cuttings relating to Frances Mary Buss, 1894-1900; Scrap book of printed critiques of 'Our Magazine, 1883-1893; and two albums containing pamphlets and press cuttings 1850-1876, 1877-1914; Elizabeth II Coronation cuttings; press cuttings relating to former pupils (undated);

      records relating to Frances Mary Buss House (FMBH), Bromley-by-Bow, including FMBH Society (executive) committee minutes 1919-1931; Society minutes 1927-1936; general meetings minutes 1924-1968; attendance at Annual General Meetings, 1932-1970; bank book 1932-1944; receipt books 1968-1978; cash books 1925-1929, 1937-1941; FMBH Thrift Club ledgers 1953-1969-1979; FMBH log book of evacuation to Oxford,1940-1942; photographs and drawings including drawings of Sandall Rd buildings, 1939; photographs of school exterior, 1982; albums depicting school life [1900-2000]; NLCS Senior Dramatic Club albums, 1910-1938; evacuation to Luton 1939; school photograph albums, 1877, 1892, 1895 1896, 1900; staff holiday album, 1897; collection of forms, sports, events and staff photographs [1920-1950]; glass plate slides, including images of staff members and pupils, also relating to missionary work (approx 75 slides); photographs of Dame Alice Owen and Dame Kitty Anderson. 1949; photographs of staff and pupil groups, [1850-2003]; various maps and plans relating to the school premises; copy of typescript essay 'Pioneers of women's education in Victorian Britain, a study of the problems found in the education of middle class women in Victorian Britain and the work of the women who solved them', Valerie McAlister, 1992; copies of thesis 'Common threads, curriculum relationship between mathematics and needlework in the history of education', Mary Harris;

      publications including Our Magazine, 1875-2000; Camden Magazines 1948-1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1967; NLCS Final year/Sixth form year book 1992-2002; Omnibuss Magazine (Junior School), 1996-present; Online Magazine (publication of the Old North Londoners), 1995-present;

      boxes of papers relating to School Advisory Council; Applications for Headmistress 1917, 1940; Fees, free places, scholarships and subsidies by local councils 1920s-1930s; 1990-1992; National Curriculum Council; FMB House, Bromley; Canons Month, 1960s and Vice Versa, 1980s; Done family; Camden School; Head Mistress's Conference 1964; London County Council Minutes and Reports 1901-1911, 1912, 1920, 1921; Education Bills 1869-1901 and departmental memoranda; Centenary letters; Association of Head Mistresses 1887-1977; Direct Grant; Centenary Press;

      Audio visual material including video about Kitty Anderson 1965-1979, and audio cassette recording of Open University Program on Frances Mary Buss and Dorothea Beale, NLCS Handel Concert [1985], Women's House, 2000, NLCS Founders Day, Memorial Service for student, 2002;

      audio visual material relating to the history of NLCS and Canons, includes 'Everyone Matters', BBC, 1965 featuring Dame Kitty Anderson, and scenes of school life; and 'Story of Canons: nine centuries of building at Canons', 1997.

      Sem título
      WILKINSON, Professor George Randall (1927-1989)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP33 · Created [1949]-1988

      Papers, [1949]-1988, mainly relating to the teaching of physics at King's College, London, notably teaching notes, handouts and offprints of articles for use in lectures and tutorials, on subjects including Raman Spectroscopy, Microwave and Physics Frequency Spectroscopy, Solid State Physics, Hydrograph Bonding, and Modern Physics, [1950-1986]; two copies of the King's College London Physics Department Second Year Laboratory Manual; correspondence relating to references provided by Wilkinson [for his students], 1979-1988; notes, correspondence and papers relating to physics and chemistry syllabi, [1964-1971], including proposals for physics teaching; papers, [1949]-1969, on examination of students of chemistry and physics, including King's College and University of London exam papers, [1949-1966], and examples of physics exam questions at other London colleges, 1964; agenda, minutes and reports of King's College and Queen Elizabeth College Physics Department Staff Meetings, [1981-1987]; reports of the Development Planning Committee, 1969-1971; Annual Reports of the Physics Department Spectroscopy Group, 1959-1960 and 1962-1966. Papers relating to research funding, notably reports by Wilkinson on research proposals submitted to the Science Research Council, [1973], [1978], and [1981-1986]; files of correspondence and papers relating to Wilkinson's PhD students, notably David Meade and K J Dean, 1978-1985; papers relating to Science Research Council grants made to Wilkinson, [1950-1989]. Named files, containing correspondence, drawings, photographs and papers on various scientific subjects, especially relating to Raman Spectroscopy, largely containing offprints of articles by Wilkinson and others, [1960-1980]. Files of correspondence and papers relating to academic papers and articles written by Wilkinson, including a speech to the Indian Raman Conference; an article with W F Sherman and J S Budenheimer on 'High pressure studies on Hexamethyl Benzene'; the 'Chinese University Development Project Panel and Commission Report on solid state spectroscopy in physics at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China', May 1985; correspondence and proofs relating to a chapter by Wilkinson and W F Sherman on Raman Spectroscopy; correspondence with the Reverend Stanley H Williams concerning a proposed biography of W E Williams; correspondence with Pergamon Press relating to a new edition of the Encyclopedia of Physics. Papers, notes and drawings relating to scientific equipment, including a Dovesbury Synchrocyclotron, 1980-1981, a Spex Laser, 1978, a Carey 81 Laser, and an Ionised Argon Laser, 1954 and 1967. Personal files include information regarding Professor Sir John Randall, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry at King's College, [1984], correspondence and papers relating to the Perkin Elmer Prize, 1987, copies of book reviews by Wilkinson, and a list of his papers published before 1978. The collection also contains 4 boxes of glass slides showing sample spectra.

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      GB 0100 KCLCA Q/EPH/SYL, Q/EPH/RPT, Q/EPH/PBN, QSU, QOSA · 1909-1986

      Queen Elizabeth College publications, including prospectuses, handbooks and reports, 1909-1986. This class of material comprises printed literature describing the history of the College, its students and staff and the academic content of individual subjects and departments and consists mainly of brochures, guidebooks and reports. It comprises a set of the Department/College's prospectuses for prospective students, with brochures covering the work of particular courses and specific qualifications and degrees, including Nutrition, Biology, Physiology and Mathematics, 1909-1985 (Ref: Q/EPH/SYL); Annual Reports, 1916-1984, loose and some bound reprints, containing calendars of College events, staff changes and publications, clubs and societies, the first destination of former students, and lists of registered students in the reports between 1924-1965. Reports from 1966-1984 also contain student statistics and accounts (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT1); Annual Reports of the Principal covering examinations, benefactions and reports on teaching, 1925-1950 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT2); Dean's/Warden's Reports, containing examinations, benefactions and information on the destination of students, 1917-1923 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT3); Report of the auditors to the College Council, 1972-1980 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT4); a variety of booklets and brochures advertising appeals, careers information for students, descriptions of the work of departments for prospective students, health and safety issues and the facilities of the College Library, and describing the history of the College, 1919-1986 (Ref: Q/EPH/PBN); Students Union handbooks, 1954-1964 (Ref: QSU); Old Students' Association handbooks with a small quantity of editorial correspondence, the constitution and rules of the Association, its membership and finance (Ref: QOSA).

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