Identity area
Reference code
- 1861 (Creation)
Extent and medium
1 item
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Henry Wentworth Dyke Acland was born 23 August 1815; 4th son of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 10th Bt of Killerton, Exeter; Educated at Harrow School; Christ Church, Oxford (Hon. Student). Fellow of All Souls, 1840. He was Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford, 1857-1894; Member of Medical Council, 1854-1874, and President, 1874-1887; Member of Sanitary Commission, 1870-1872, and also served as Radcliffe Librarian, Oxford, from 1851; Hon. Physician to Prince of Wales.
Awarded 1st Bt, 1890; KCB 1884 (CB 1883); MD, DCL, LLD; FRS 1847. In 1846 he married, Sarah Cotton (died 1878). Died 16 October 1900.
Publications Memoir on the Cholera at Oxford in the year 1854, with considerations suggested by the epidemic, John Churchill and J. H. & J. Parker: London, 1856.
Archival history
Acquired by St Thomas's Hospital Medical School Library
GB 0100 TH/PP1 1861 Collection (fonds) 1 item Acland , Sir , Henry Wentworth Dyke , 1815-1900 , Baronet , physician
Henry Wentworth Dyke Acland was born 23 August 1815; 4th son of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 10th Bt of Killerton, Exeter; Educated at Harrow School; Christ Church, Oxford (Hon. Student). Fellow of All Souls, 1840. He was Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford, 1857-1894; Member of Medical Council, 1854-1874, and President, 1874-1887; Member of Sanitary Commission, 1870-1872, and also served as Radcliffe Librarian, Oxford, from 1851; Hon. Physician to Prince of Wales.
Awarded 1st Bt, 1890; KCB 1884 (CB 1883); MD, DCL, LLD; FRS 1847. In 1846 he married, Sarah Cotton (died 1878). Died 16 October 1900.
Publications Memoir on the Cholera at Oxford in the year 1854, with considerations suggested by the epidemic, John Churchill and J. H. & J. Parker: London, 1856.
- Acquired by St Thomas's Hospital Medical School Library
Transferred from St Thomas' Hospital Medical School Library in 2002
Letter from Godfrey Lushington (1832-1907) to Henry Wentworth Dyke Acland, relating to the son of Rev F D Maurice coming to Christ Church, Oxford 21 Oct 1861.
Open, subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Director of Archive and Corporate Record Services.
This collection level description summary guide available online.
Acland's correspondence and papers 1820-1900,(Ref: MSS Acland), letters to George Richmond, held at the Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections and Western Manuscripts; correspondence and papers, 1850-1900, held at the Oxford University: Radcliffe Science Library; family correspondence 1822-1839 (Ref: 1148M), letters to Arthur Acland 1835-1847 (Ref: p99):held at the Devon Record Office; misc correspondence and papers relating to the founding of Oxford University Museum (Ref: History of Building/Boxes 1-5 passim), correspondence relation to Oxford science departments c1849-1900 (Ref: History of Museum (Smith-Tylor)/Box 2), letters to Sir EB Poulton c1880-1900, held at the Oxford University: Museum of Natural History; letters (71) to Sir William Anson 1883-99 (Ref: Anson) held at Oxford University: All Souls College; correspondence with WE Gladstone 1841-1897 (Ref: Add MS 44091), correspondence with Florence Nightingale 1867-1897 (Ref: Add MS 45786) letters to Sir Richard Owen 1843-1888 (Ref: Add MS 39954) held at the British Library, Manuscript Collections; letters to Sir George Stokes1881-1892 (Ref: Add 7342, 7656) , held at the Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives; letters to Sir Walter Trevelyan 1847-1869 (Ref: WCT) held at Newcastle upon Tyne University: The Robinson Library; letters (12) 1875-1889, held at the Royal College of Physicians of London; correspondence with Lord Rosebery 1894-1895, held at the National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections (Ref: MSS 10097-160 Passim).
Sources: Who's Who 1897-1996 CD-ROM (A & C Black); Historical Manuscripts Commission online National Register of Archives; British Library Online Public Catalogue.
Compiled by Alison Field Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997. January 2004 Acland , Sir , Henry Wentworth Dyke , 1815-1900 , Baronet , physician Lushington , Sir , Godfrey , 1832-1907 , Knight , civil servant Maurice , John Frederick Denison , 1805-1872 , theologian and Christian Socialist x Maurice , Frederick Denison University of Oxford , Christ Church College x Oxford University , Christ Church College
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
: Transferred from St Thomas' Hospital Medical School Library in 2002
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Letter from Godfrey Lushington (1832-1907) to Henry Wentworth Dyke Acland, relating to the son of Rev F D Maurice coming to Christ Church, Oxford 21 Oct 1861.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Open, subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Director of Archive and Corporate Record Services.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Finding aids
This collection level description summary guide available online.
Allied materials area
Related units of description
Acland's correspondence and papers 1820-1900,(Ref: MSS Acland), letters to George Richmond, held at the Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections and Western Manuscripts; correspondence and papers, 1850-1900, held at the Oxford University: Radcliffe Science Library; family correspondence 1822-1839 (Ref: 1148M), letters to Arthur Acland 1835-1847 (Ref: p99):held at the Devon Record Office; misc correspondence and papers relating to the founding of Oxford University Museum (Ref: History of Building/Boxes 1-5 passim), correspondence relation to Oxford science departments c1849-1900 (Ref: History of Museum (Smith-Tylor)/Box 2), letters to Sir EB Poulton c1880-1900, held at the Oxford University: Museum of Natural History; letters (71) to Sir William Anson 1883-99 (Ref: Anson) held at Oxford University: All Souls College; correspondence with WE Gladstone 1841-1897 (Ref: Add MS 44091), correspondence with Florence Nightingale 1867-1897 (Ref: Add MS 45786) letters to Sir Richard Owen 1843-1888 (Ref: Add MS 39954) held at the British Library, Manuscript Collections; letters to Sir George Stokes1881-1892 (Ref: Add 7342, 7656) , held at the Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives; letters to Sir Walter Trevelyan 1847-1869 (Ref: WCT) held at Newcastle upon Tyne University: The Robinson Library; letters (12) 1875-1889, held at the Royal College of Physicians of London; correspondence with Lord Rosebery 1894-1895, held at the National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections (Ref: MSS 10097-160 Passim).
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997.
- English