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          8 Archivistische beschrijving results for Airports

          MCC/MIN-2 · Deelarchief · 1889-1965

          Minutes and presented papers of Special Committees, Joint Committees and Advisory Committees of the Middlesex County Council, 1889-1965:

          Airports Committee

          Arms Committee

          Auxiliary Forces Committee

          Barnet Union Committee

          Bridges Committee

          Common Interests Committee

          County Solicitor Committee

          Dyrham Park Committee

          Edmonton Union Committee

          Education Committee

          Governance Committee

          Guildhall Committee

          Health Committee

          Local Government Committee

          Medical Committee

          Member of County Council Committee

          National Insurance Committee

          Officers Committee

          Pensions Committee

          Physically Handicapped Committee

          Planning Committee

          Poor Law Committee

          Quarter Sessions Committee

          Refuse Dumps Committee

          Registration of Title Committee

          Richmond Hill Committee

          Road Stone Committee

          Testimonial Committee

          Thames Committee

          Unemployed Workmen Committee

          Vagrancy Committee

          Voluntary Hospitals Committee

          Wild Birds Committee

          Zonder titel
          COL/CC/APC · Deelarchief · 1938-1956

          Records of the Airport Committee, Court of Common Council, 1938-1956, comprising minutes, committee papers and various files, including correspondence, particularly regarding use of the land by the Air Ministry during World War Two and the post war sale of land to Ilford Borough Council; relevant Acts and Bills; minutes of meetings of the Aerodrome Owners Association; off-prints and press cuttings; memorandums; sub-committee minutes and surveyors reports.

          Also papers relating to the inauguration of the first direct air service between London and Venice, April 1956.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0074 ACC/0986 · Collectie · 1964-1967

          Photograph and press release relating to the unveiling of a commemorative plaque at Heathrow Airport.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0074 ACC/3743 · Collectie · 1949-1979

          Papers relating to the work of Witold Kay-Korzeniewicz, including development plans, photographs and reports for Paternoster Square, Saint Paul's Cathedral, Heathrow Airport, Elephant and Castle, King's Cross Station, Saint Pancras Station, South Bank, Festival of Britain, London Underground, Wembley Stadium, Grand Union Canal, and Warren Street Station.

          Zonder titel
          MCC/MIN-1 · Deelarchief · 1889-1965

          Minutes and presented papers of meetings of the Middlesex County Council, 1889-1965. Also minutes and presented papers of Middlesex County Council Committees, as follows:

          Aerodromes and Development Committee

          Agriculture Committee

          Air Raid Precautions Committee

          Asylums Committee

          Buildings Committee

          Children's Committee

          Civil Defence Committee

          Coordinating Committee

          Costs and Policy Review Committee

          Diseases of Animals Committee

          Drainage Committee

          Education Committee

          Emergency Committee

          Establishment Committee

          Estates Committee

          Finance Committee

          Fire Brigade Committee

          General Purposes Committee

          Highways Committee

          Housing Committee

          Industrial Schools Committee

          Land Committee

          Licensing Committee

          Light Railways Committee

          Local Government Committee

          Luncheon Club Committee

          Maternity Committee

          Office Accommodation Committee

          Parliamentary Committee

          Planning Committee

          Public Health Committee

          Rates Committee

          Rivers Committee

          Selection Committee

          Small Dwellings Committee

          Small Holdings Committee

          Staff Committee

          Standing Orders Committee

          Supplies Committee

          Taxation Committee

          Valuation Committee

          War Committee

          Welfare Committee

          Zonder titel
          GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/9 · 1918-1919

          50-page typescript foolscap volume with photographs and plans pasted onto and between the pages.

          This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force’s bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume is a report of a post-war inspection by British officers of German airfields from Metz eastwards to Karlsruhe. The report concentrates on analysing the layout, organization and structures found on the airfields.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0097 BARKER · Collectie · c1950-c2000

          Drafts, research notes and correspondence relating to various aspects of the career and life of Professor Theodore Barker, [1950-2000]; including correspondence and papers regarding the glass manufacturing industry, most notably the companies Pilkington and Triplex, airports and research material relating to various aspects of transport history, including correspondence with the Transport History Research Trust. Also includes research material concerning St Helen's, Liverpool, used by Barker in preparation for his PhD thesis and later publication on the area. The papers also contain various conference material and drafts and offprints of papers by Barker and others.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0097 MORRIS · 1965-1997

          Papers of Alfred Morris, Baron Morris of Manchester and Labour politician, 1965-1997. Comprises material relating to Morris' work for disabled people; papers relating to Morris' wider work as a Member of Parliament and to his Wythenshawe Constituency and Manchester; papers concerning Labour Party issues, the Co-operative movement and other organisations and institutions.

          Zonder titel