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        280 Archival description results for Anatomy

        280 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0120 SA/MEC · 1928-1990

        Papers of the Medical Eye Centre Association (MECA), 1928-1990, comprising minutes, 1928-1990; reports; newsletters; membership lists; subject files including records relating to the administration of Medical Eye Centres; correspondence with other bodies, including correspondence relating to legislation; publicity material including posters; and publicity material relating to the National Eye Service.

        Medical Eye Centre Association
        McIlwain, Henry (1912-1992)
        GB 0120 PP/MCI · 1928-1994

        The collection provides good documentation of many aspects of McIlwain's career and his contribution to the development of neurochemistry in the UK and internationally.

        Section A, Biographical, brings together obituaries, curricula vitae and bibliographies, and material relating to the various stages of McIlwain's scientific career, especially in the 1930s and 1940s, his appointment to the Biochemistry Chair at the Institute of Psychiatry in 1954 and the symposium held in his honour on his retirement in 1980. The section also presents a significant body of material relating to McIlwain's undergraduate studies at King's College, University of Durham, including essays and notebooks.

        Section B, Institute of Psychiatry, is principally papers relating to the activities of McIlwain's own Department of Biochemistry and especially its teaching programme in neurochemistry. There is also material relating to various government and University of London enquiries into medical education.

        Section C, Research, includes copies of McIlwain's M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, notes, drafts and reports for early work in the 1930s and correspondence 'from the Lab' for the 1930s and 1940s.

        Section D, Publications, lectures and broadcast, is the largest in the collection. It presents significant documentation, especially correspondence, relating to his textbook Biochemistry and the central nervous system which went through five editions, 1955-1985, and important editorial correspondence for the Biochemical Journal (member of the Editorial Board, 1946-1950), Biochemical Pharmacology and Journal of Neurochemistry. There are also drafts for lectures and seminars for scientific audiences in the UK and abroad, principally from the 1960s onwards.

        Section E, Societies and organisations, documents McIlwain's involvement with a number of UK and international bodies including the Biochemical Society, the International Brain Research Organisation and the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) of which he was a founder member and from 1984 'Historian' of the Society with responsibility for its archives.

        Section F, Visits and conferences, covers the period 1947-1993 and is of particular interest for its documentation of the historical sessions which McIlwain organised at ISN meetings.

        Section G, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of McIlwain's correspondence including significant exchanges with a number of distinguished mentors and contemporaries such as G.R. Clemo, F. Dickens, K.A.C. Elliott, P.G. Fildes, S.S. Kety, H.A. Krebs, Derek Richter and F.L. Rose, and a chronological sequence of shorter scientific correspondence covering the period 1938-1992.

        There is also an index of correspondents.

        McIlwain , Henry , 1912-1992 , biochemist
        GB 0120 GC/97 · Collection · 1929-1993

        The collection includes material on several research projects undertaken by McCance and Widdowson, 1929-1993, as well as a small amount of personalia. There are notebooks recording the first research on analysis of foodstuffs carried out in the UK, started by McCance when at the Diabetes Department of King's College Hospital, after R D Lawrence asked him to analyse cooked foods. Widdowson joined him in 1933 and together they devised the separate methods for estimating different carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and dextrose). In 1940 their findings were published as Chemical composition of foods, the first of now regularly produced Standard Food Composition publications. There are notebooks and photographs of self-experimentation undertaken within the department, on salt-deficiency, conducted by McCance on himself, colleagues and medical students, involving not only a salt-free diet, but exposure to a hot air bath to sweat the salt out of the body, and also on absorption and excretion of iron. There is also his diary of the experimental study of rationing undertaken in 1939. There are 220 complete questionnaires from their survey of female colleagues and acquaintances for a study of physical and emotional periodicity in women, undertaken 1929-1930. There are experimental notebooks and files relating to research into body composition and development from 1944 onwards. This collection represents only a part of the diversity of research undertaken during the course of their long careers.

        McCance , Robert Alexander , 1898-1993 , nutritionist
        Widdowson , Elsie May , 1908-2000 , nutritionist
        GB 0120 MSS.3443, 5652, 7061 & 7310 · 1849-1894

        Papers of Jean Nicholas Marjolin and his son René Marjolin, 1849-1894, including notes of Jean Nicolas Marjolin's lectures, by a medical student; letters from René Marjolin to his friend Edmond Dascols relating mainly to personal affairs, and the health of the Dascols family (with advice on cholera and other maladies) and letters from Paris at the time of the siege and the Commune, 1870-1871, when René Marjolin was active in treating the wounded prior to his arrest as a Bonapartist agent.

        Marjolin , Jean Nicolas , 1780-1850 , surgeon and morbid anatomist Marjolin , Nicolas Rene , 1812-1895 , surgeon and morbid anatomist
        Marchesini, Fidele
        GB 0120 MSS.3431-3432 · c 1825-1830

        Notes of a course in anatomy, and dissertation on anatomy and obstetrics, c 1825-1830.

        Marchesini , Fidele
        GB 0117 MS 103 · 1668-1693

        Letters, papers and original drawings including the manuscripts of Marcello Malpighi's works published by the Royal Society.

        Malpighi , Marcello , 1628-1694 , anatomist
        GB 0120 GP/42 · c1899-1900

        66 Ear, Nose and Throat pathology illustrations, in pencil, ink and watercolour, by Dr John Stewart Mackintosh, c 1899-1900.

        Mackintosh , John Stewart , 1870-1939 , general practitioner
        GB 0120 MSS.3393-3395 · 1877-[1885]

        Notes of lectures (on medical jurisprudence), on cases, and on diseases such as material on digestion and on hip disease, 1877-[1885].

        Mackenzie , Sir , James , 1853-1925 , Knight , physician
        GB 0114 MS0148 · 1952-1992

        Papers of the London Society of Thoracic Surgeons, 1952-1992, comprising a volume of minutes of Society, otherwise known as Charlie's Club, 1952-1981; a photocopy from the British Journal of Surgery, volume 38, 1950, containing the first acknowledged 'Charlie', a published record of a mistake made by the surgeon Mr John Rashleigh Belcher (FRCS) during a lobectomy operation; and menus and photographs from the annual dinners, including signatures of those in attendance.

        London Society of Thoracic Surgeons
        GB 0120 SA/LCA · 1881-1979

        Papers of the London Committee of Licensed Teachers of Anatomy comprising minutes, 1880-1967; financial records, lists of subjects, and correspondence, 1961-1975; and meeting papers, 1965-1969. The archives of the Committee are not complete. Although the minutes date from its beginnings, and there are some other early papers, documentation relating to the distribution and eventual burial or cremation of cadavers only survives from 1942.

        London Committee of Licensed Teachers of Anatomy
        GB 0114 MS0135 · 1854-1856

        Papers of John Lizars Lizars and Henry Robert Silvester, 1854-1856, comprising a manuscript volume of notes started by Lizars, as a Student in Anatomy, relating to work on preparations and dissections, reading in the Library, and attending hospital days,1853-1854. His work is countersigned by Frederic Carpenter Skey (Professor of Anatomy and Surgery from 1852) and Edward Stanley (Member of Council 1835-1862 and President 1848 and 1857); the notes are then continued by Silvester, as a Student in Human and Comparative Anatomy, relating to daily activites, including drawings and paintings of specimens, dissections, work with preparations, hospital visits and cataloguing, 1855-1856.

        Lizars , John Lizars , fl 1853-1855 , student of anatomy Silvester , Henry Robert , 1829-1908 , surgeon
        LISTER, Joseph (1827-1912)
        GB 0114 MS0021 · [1841-1900]

        Papers of Joseph Lister, [1841-1900], comprising notes and drawings on suppuration, 1851-1907, including experiments on the histology of suppuration at Glasgow, 1865; notes on a new method of treating compound fractures, manuscript draft of the first published paper on his method, [1867]; notes on the preparation of antiseptic catgut, coagulation of the blood, [1862];

        papers presented to the College under the terms of Lord Lister's will, including notes on gauze; cases taken by Lister for the Fellowes Clinical medal at University College Hospital whilst a student, [1844-1853]; papers on early stages of inflammation; germ theory of putrefaction, 1875; correspondence on cases; copies of anatomical drawings, 1841-1843; physiological drawings and notes, [1851]; pathological sketches, [1851]; notes on clinical lectures by Jenner, Erichsen, Quain, Walshe and Garrod, 1851-1852; observations on the contractile tissue of the iris, [1853]; introductory lecture at Edinburgh, 1855; notes on external applications, 1855; lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1856; observations on early stages of inflammation and nerves, with some sketches, 1857; notes and sketches on the cutaneous pigmentary system of the frog, 1857; summary of experiments on the 'Hemmings' nervous system, 1858; notes and sketches on the minute structure of involuntary muscle fibre, 1858; notes on spontaneous gangrene from arteritis, 1858; coagulation of the blood, 1858-1860; Croomian lecture on Coagulation of the blood, 1863; notes and sketches of horse's blood, 1863; notes, sketches and photographs on excision of the wrist for caries, [1866]; notes on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1868; sketches and notes illustrating ligature, 1868-1869; notes on the ligature of arteries on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1871; sketches, notes and lecture on granulations, 1864-1871; drawings for plates on the natural history of bacteria, 1873 and germ theory of putrefaction, [1875]; address at opening of medical session, King's College Hospital, 1877; clinical lecture at King's College Hospital, 1877; sketches of spores and botanical sketches, 1872-1877; notes on the healing of wounds without antiseptic treatment, 1878; on the lactic fermentation, [1878]; notes for address to the Hunterian Society, 1889; observations on division of median and ulnar nerves, 1890; notes on anaesthetics and amputations, [1882];

        drawings of fungi, 1872-1877; notes for extra-academical lectures in Glasgow, 1860-1863; address to Glasgow students, 1894; common-place books, by Lister and Lady Lister, on subjects including bactiera, catgut and antiseptic dressings, including drawings; letters from Erichsen and others; signed prescriptions, 1889; letters to and from Lister, 1868-1900, including letters to Sir George Darwin, 1899-1900.

        Notes on lectures on surgery delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1864-1865, transcribed by P H McKellar; notes on lectures on the theory and practice of surgery delivered by Lister at Glasgow, 1863-1864, taken by Dr Robert W Forrest; notes on the surgical lectures delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1863-1865, taken by Alex Forsyth.

        Lister , Joseph , 1827-1912 , Baron Lister , surgeon
        LEE, Robert (1793-1877)
        GB 0113 MS-LEER · 1828-1844

        Original watercolour drawings, 1828-1844, of specimens illustrating Lee's work on the nerves of the heart and uterus, mostly by Joseph Perry. Some illustrations were used in Lee's various publications, especially his Pathological Observations on the Diseases of the Uterus, with Coloured Engravings from Original Drawings by Joseph Perry, Representing the Most Important Organic Diseases of the Uterus (London, 2 parts 1840; 1849), others are unpublished. Many are endorsed with a label identifying the illustration and a note of publication, in Lee's hand.

        Lee , Robert , 1793-1877 , obstetric physician
        Lee, Henry (1826-1888)
        GB 0120 MSS.5376-5401 · 1866-1887

        Letters received by Henry Lee, naturalist, 1866-1887.

        Lee , Henry , 1826-1888 , naturalist
        Lazerme, Jacques (1676-1756)
        GB 0120 MSS.3192-3197 and 3199-3202 · 1729-c 1755

        Notes of lectures of Jacques Lazerme, physician, 1729-c 1755.

        Lazerme , Jacques , 1676-1756 , lecturer and physician
        Layard, Arthur (fl 1900)
        GB 0120 MSS.3188-3191 · 1890-1892

        Note-books of Arthur Layard containing sketches and drawings in pen, pencil and water-colour from a 'Course on Artistic Anatomy', and similar figure drawings, sketches for title-pages, book-illustrations, etc.

        Layard , Arthur , fl 1900 , illustrator
        LAWRENCE, Thomas (1711-1783)
        GB 0113 MS-LAWRT · c.1750-1766

        Papers of Thomas Lawrence, c.1750-1766, consisting of his comment on lectures in the physician Frank Nicholls's Compendium Anatomicum, c.1750; Lawrence's compendium of pathology and therapeutics, in his own hand, c.1750; Lectures on digestion, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, c.1750; Course of lectures on pathology and therapeutics, dictated by Lawrence, 1751; Lectures on inflammation, the liver, and the kidneys, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, 1766 and c.1766; Unpublished manuscript on human physiology, 'De Natura Animali', in his own hand, with corrections by Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer, mid-18th century.

        Lawrence , Thomas , 1711-1783 , physician
        GB 0114 MS0020 · c1817-1860

        Papers of Sir William Lawrence, c1817-1860, comprising an account of patients admitted into the London Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye, (cases under Lawrence and Tyrell), 1817-1825; notes of hospital cases; notes used for delivery of lectures in surgery; notes and papers, including addresses made at St Bartholomew's Hospital; notes for lectures in ophthalmic surgery; notes and papers relating to comparative anatomy and physiology; notes of hospital cases; notes on surgical subjects; commonplace book containing case notes on his patients; lecture on ophthalmic surgery; case notes on ophthalmic patients of Lawrence and Travers.

        Lawrence , Sir , William , 1783-1867 , 1st Baronet , surgeon
        GB 0113 MS-LATHP · 1838-1871 (1838-1839; 1871)

        Latham's papers, 1838-1871, include his casebook, 1838-39, and his lectures on fever and the pulse, in his hand, 1871.

        Latham , Peter Mere , 1789-1875 , physician
        LATHAM, John (1761-1843)
        GB 0113 MS-LATHJ · [1797]-1811

        Latham's papers, c.1797-1811, include his notebooks on food and digestion, materia medica and therapeutics, c.1797-1811, and his unpublished dissertation on asthma, in his hand, c. 1810.

        Latham , John , 1761-1843 , physician
        GB 0114 MS0056 · 1799-1842

        Papers of George Langstaff, 1799-1842, comprising 2 volumes of commonplace books, 1818-c 1838; correspondence concerning preparations purchased by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1842; Diurnal remarks of a voyage from Calcutta to old England, by G Langstaff, Surgeon, Ship Phoenix (1799) including a transcript by S Wood, 1799-1801; catalogue of the anatomical preparations forming the George Langstaff Museum, 1820; manuscript of miscellaneous preparations, 1799-1842; catalogue of the Langstaff Museum titled Heart, early 19th century; manuscript list of preparations titled Abridged History of the Museum, early 19th century; lecture notes, 1785-1816; and an explanation of John Abernethy's paintings of Lithotomy, 1804.

        Langstaff , George , c1780-1846 , surgeon and anatomist
        Langrish, Browne ( d 1759)
        GB 0117 MS 66 · sub-fonds · 1747

        The Croonean Lectures on Muscular Motion by Browne Langrish MD, read before the Royal Society in 1747, being a Supplement to the 'Philosophical Transactions' for that year.

        Langrish , Browne , d 1759 , physician
        KGK Syndicate Ltd
        GB 0120 GC/120 · Collection · 1935-1944

        Legal papers relating to this partnership and dispute between partners over credit for inventing plastic optical lens, 1935-1938, 1944.

        KGK Syndicate Ltd
        GB 0120 PP/KEK · 1920-2002

        Papers of Ralph Ambrose Kekwick, 1920-2002. The collection is dominated by very comprehensive documentation of Kekwick's research. Section A, Biographical, is not extensive. It includes a copy of the Royal Society biographical memoir, some material from Kekwick's education including a bound set of school reports from the Leyton County High School for Boys which indicate his early academic distinction. There is a small amount of correspondence and papers relating to scientific colleagues of Kekwick, including R.K. Cannan and C.S. Sherrington. the section concludes with a sequence of photographs from a mounted photograph of Kekwick and F.G.Young as graduates in 1929 to 1971 photographs probably from Kekwick's retirement party. Section B, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, presents very modest documentation of Kekwick's long association with this Institute. The bulk of the material relates to the celebrations of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Institute.

        Section C, Research, is the largest in the collection. It presents comprehensive documentation of Kekwick's research over six decades, from earliest postgraduate study in 1929 right up to retirement in 1971 and beyond. The section is divided into four. There are research notebooks 1929-1971 which include early work at University College London, the periods spent in the US in 1931-1933 and working with T. Svedberg in Sweden in 1935, and wartime and ongoing postwar research. There are extensive research notes, mostly dating from the mid 1930s to the early 1970s, found in Kekwick's folders and boxfiles which may include data from ultracentrifuge and electrophoresis tests (including photographic data), notes, graphs, calculations, correspondence and drafts of publications. There are also papers and photographs of research equipment, instructional notebooks and graphs. Section D, Publications and lectures, is very patchy in its coverage. Publications material includes a few drafts of publications, inclusing two 1935 papers with R.K. Cannan and his memoirs of Sir Lana Drury for the Royal Society biographical memoir and the Dictionary of National Biography. There is also a set of Kekwick's offprints. Lectures material includes a sequence of public and invitation lectures from 1947 to the late 1960s. These report on Kekwick's work in progress and its signficance. Section E, Societies and organisations, principally documents Kekwick's association with the Medical Research Council: the largest component of the section is papers of MRC's Blood Transfusion Research Committee, on which Kekwick served from 1948 to 1978. There is also documentation of the Albumin Working Party of the World Health Organisation's International Committee for Standardisation in Haematology on which Kekwick served from 1970.

        Kekwick , Ralph Ambrose , b 1908 , biophysicist and pioneer in blood plasma research
        GB 0114 MS0018 · Fonds · 1890-1955

        The papers contain Keith's extensive correspondence, diaries (1908-1954), reports on work as conservator annual (1931-1934) and quarterly reports (1928-1932), talks, drafts of publications, unpublished manuscripts; drawings, notes on visits to Siam, Egypt and America.

        Keith , Sir , Arthur , 1866-1955 , knight , Anatomist, Anthropologist and Botanist
        GB 1530 D12 · 1911-1977

        Papers and photographs of Mary Frances Lucas Keene, 1911-1994, comprising:
        Personal papers, including diplomas and certificates awarded to Lucas Keene, 1904-1973; personal correspondence including letters from the RFHSM and the University of London, mainly concerning her retirement, and appointment as Emeritus Professor, 1950-1975; letters from Lucas keen to Prof John W S Harris and his wife, Sonia, 1971-1978; notes for speeches, mainly given at London (RFH) School of Mediicine for Women ceremonies, 1933-1954; papers on anatomy teaching and research, including notes, diagrams and photographs, 1921-1951; notebooks containing case notes on dissections of human embryos and foetuses, 1921-1951; Emphemera including Royal Free Hospital Pharmacopoeia and Journal of tje Medical Women;s Federation, July 1951, containing an appreciation of her work; photographs of Lucas Keene, her family and fiends, 1924-1974; group photographs of Anatomical Society meeting, Edinburgh, 1947 and Staff and Students of RFHSM, 1950; album of photographs of the medical school, staff and students, presented to Lucas Keene on her retirement as Professor of Anatomy, 1951

        Keene , Mary Frances Lucas , 1885-1977 , Professor of Anatomy
        GB 0114 MS0151 · [1865]

        Papers of Charles Ferdinand Keele, c 1865, comprising a volume of notes taken at lectures given by Sydney Jones (1831-1913), and John Flint South (1797-1882), on topics such as comparative anatomy (Jones), and fistula in ano, dislocations, and fractures (South); and case notes, possibly relating to patients of St Thomas' Hospital.

        Keele , Charles Ferdinand , fl 1860-1929 , surgeon
        GB 0114 MS0280 · 1817-[1818]

        Papers of Richard Phillips Jones, 1817-c1818, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Jones, taken at lectures by Sir Benjamin Brodie, and Sir Everard Home, in the Library of St George's Hospital, 1817-c1818, covering topics such as head injuries, fractures, hernias, stricture, prostate diseases, bladder stones, and amputations; and lists of names and locations, possibly of Baptist Ministers, written in a different hand.

        Jones , Richard Phillips , c 1797-1867 , surgeon
        GB 0120 MSS.3079-3080 · 1840-1841

        Anatomical and physiological lectures. Notes taken down by William Withey Gull [1816-1890], at St. George's Hospital, London. Illustrated with numerous rough pen and pencil drawings, some coloured. Produced in London.

        Johnson , Henry Charles , 1808-1868 , physician
        Johnson, George Lindsay
        GB 0117 MS 697 · sub-fonds · c 1900-1927

        Original Drawings of the Mammalian Eye by George Lindsay Johnson created for paper in 'Philosophical Transactions' B Volume 194, 1 and Volume 254, 207.

        Johnson , George Lindsay , fl 1900-1927 , physician
        JENNER, Edward (1749-1823)
        GB 0113 MS-JENNE · 1787-1806

        Jenner's diary, 1787-1806, containing his observations on the natural history of the cuckoo, and notes on his dissections of other birds and various domestic animals.

        Jenner , Edward , 1749-1823 , physician and naturalist
        Hunterian Society of London
        GB 0120 MSS.5520-5624, 7887-7888 & 8421-8423 · 1676-1989

        Records and collection of manuscripts of the Hunterian Society, 1676-1989. The manuscript collection includes extensive letters and papers relating to the Hunter and Baillie families.

        Hunterian Society of London
        GB 0114 MS0191 · 1775-1793

        Hunterian letters, 1775-1793, comprising a photograph of the donor, Professor George Grey Turner (1877-1951); letter from John Hunter of London to Edward Jenner, 24 May [1775], regarding a scheme to teach Natural History including both Human and Comparative anatomy, and requesting Jenner to assist him by coming to London; letter from John Hunter of Leciester Square to Robert Adam, 31 May 1789, concerning a testimonial for his nephew, Dr Baillie, for the position of Physician at St George's Hospital; letter from John Hunter to an unidentified correspondent, 15 Jan 1793, concerning natural history specimens; letter from William Hunter of Windmill Street to an unidentified correspondent, 6 Nov 1779, concerning some coins, and the dissection of a body where death was caused by sudden contraction of the heart; and a letter from Anne Home Hunter of Lower Grosvenor Street, to an unidentified correspondent, regarding collection of a manuscript.

        Hunter , John , 1728-1793 , surgeon and anatomist Hunter , William , 1718-1783 , anatomist and surgeon Hunter , Anne Home , 1742-1821 , poet
        GB 1538 S86 · 1776

        Manuscript notes taken from six lectures given by William Hunter entitled 'A course of lectures on the gravid uterus taken down in short hand, as delivered by Dr Hunter in 1772'. This volume was created by the student, 25 Mar-16 Apr 1776, using his original shorthand notes.

        GB 0120 MSS.7601-7602 · c 1780

        Notes of lectures on anatomy and surgery by William Hunter and William Cruikshank, taken by a student. The notes cover a course of 79 lectures given at Hunter's Great Windmill Street School, London, at some time after he had been joined by Cruikshank as assistant in 1771 (cf. MS. 5595). The latter's contribution to the course seems from these notes to have been considerable, suggesting that he was already well-established as co-lecturer. The student was probably John Power (fl. 1791-98), later a surgeon at Market Bosworth, Leics.

        Power , John , fl 1791-1798 , surgeon
        Hunter, William (1718-1783)
        GB 0114 MS0204 · Mid to late 18th century

        Papers of William Hunter, mid to late 18th century, comprising notes taken by unidentified authors, of lectures by William Hunter; and notes taken by unidentified authors, of lectures by William Hunter and William Hewson, c 1772.

        Hunter , William , 1718-1783 , anatomist and surgeon
        Hunter, Donald (1898-1977)
        GB 0120 PP/HUN · 1910-1977

        Papers of Donald Hunter, 1910-1977. There are two large, parallel series of case files and reference files (section C) relating to a wide range of conditions, most but not all connected with occupational hazards and many being dermatological or osteopathic, as well as factory visit notes, correspondence, both personal and professional, publications, writings, and audio-visual material.

        Hunter , Donald , 1898-1977 , physician
        GB 0114 MS0058 · 1846-1851

        Papers of Edward Charles Hulme, Student in Human and Comparative Anatomy, 1846-1848, and George Robert Skinner, Student in Comparative Anatomy, 1849-1851, comprising a volume containing notes by Hulme relating to the dissections of various animals including Chimpanzee, Sciurus Vulgaris (Red Squirrel), Cynocephalus (Phillipine Flying Lemur), Wombat, Leopard, Ateles (Spider Monkey), Elephant, and Honduras Turkey, 1846-1848; also containing notes by Skinner relating to the dissections of various animals including Rhinoceros, Puff Adder, Ostrich, a malformed foetus, and Malayan Tapir; and notes by Skinner relating to compiling a manuscript catalogue in the Museum.

        Hulme , Edward Charles , 1821-1900 , surgeon Skinner , George Robert , 1825-1856 , surgeon
        HULBERT, John (fl 1807)
        GB 0100 TH/PP33 · c.1807

        Two volumes of manuscript notes bound together, containing lectures on the principles and practice of surgery by Astley Paston Cooper, and Benjamin Travers's lectures on diseases of the eye, taken by Hulbert as a pupil, 1807.

        Hulbert , John , fl 1807 , medical student
        GB 0100 TH/PP32 · 1780

        Papers of Thomas Byrdall Hugo comprising notes on lectures on anatomy and surgery by Joseph Else, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1780.

        Hugo , Thomas Byrdall , fl 1780 , medical student
        Howship, John (1781-1841)
        GB 0114 MS0244 · 1799-1805

        Papers of John Howship, 1799-1805, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Howship, titled John Howship March the 8th 1799, taken at physiological lectures by Matthew Baillie, lectures by William Cruikshank, and including notes on dissections and cases, 1799-1805; a volume of manuscript notes by Howship, titled John Howship October 1799, taken at lectures by William Cruikshank, Sir Everard Home, Mr Crichton, and Mr Wilson, including notes of John Heaviside's cases, 1799-1803; a manuscript copy by Howship, of Matthew Baillie's Morbid Anatomy, including detailed drawings of the plates; and a list titled Mr Howship's Preparations, made by William Augustus Hillman of preparations purchased at Howship's museum and descriptions taken from Howship's catalogue.

        Howship , John , 1781-1841 , surgeon
        GB 0114 MS0092 · 1830-1922

        Papers of Thomas Howitt, 1830-1922, comprising a volume containing notes of lectures by Sir Charles Bell and Herbert Mayo, amongst others, on topics such as teeth, surgery, ovarian diseases, urethra diseases, head injuries, abcesses, and Pleuralgia, c 1830; diary and notes made during a visit to study French hospital practice in Paris, 1832-1833; medical case notes, 1832-1838; recipes for products such as shaving soap and cold cream; a letter from Howitt and J Brockbank to the physicians and surgeons of the Lancaster General Hospital, concerning a patient too poor to pay for medicine; and a letter from Aunt Fanny to Billy, presumably William Howitt Hastings (MRCS 1905), grandson of Thomas Howitt FRCS, 15 Mar 1922, relating to handing over the notebook from her into his care.

        Howitt , Thomas , fl 1830-1887 , surgeon
        Horton, Robert
        GB 0114 MS0091 · [1818]

        Papers of Robert Horton, early 19th century, comprising a manuscript volume titled Anatomy Notebook, Horton containing notes on subjects such the central nervous system, bones, joints, ligaments, blood vessels, testicles, brain, ear, eye and heart. The volume is undated but there is a watermark of 1818. In addition, on page 103, Horton mentions the discovery of a membrane in the eye by Dr Jacob. Jacobs Membrane, a layer of the retina containing rods and cones was first described in 1819 by Irish Opthalmic surgeon Arthur Jacobs (1790-1874). Therefore the volume can be dated to after 1819, and was probably written in the early 19th century.

        Horton , Robert , fl early 19th century , anatomy student
        GB 0117 MS 735 · sub-fonds · 1968

        Corrected page proof of 'Interneurons; their origin, action, specificity, growth and plasticity' by George Adrian Horridge, published in London by Freeman.

        Horridge , George Adrian , b 1927 , marine zoologist
        Hooper, Robert (1775-1835)
        GB 0120 MSS.2937, 2938 · Collection · [1820-1825]

        Robert Hooper papers, [1820-1825], comprising: inter-leaved copies of his 'Anatomical plates of the bones and muscles diminished from Albinus'. Third edition. London: J. Murray 1807. And 'Anatomical plates of the thoracic and abdominal viscera' ... Third edition, London: J. Murray, 1809. The first with holograph [?] MS. additions and illustrations on the Brain: the second with similar additions on the Organs of Generation. In the first volume there are 12 ll. in MS., and 38 large and small pen-drawn coloured drawings of the brain, etc., and one uncoloured. In the second volume there are 10 ll. in MS., and two roughly drawn anatomical illustrations. The script closely resembles that of Robert Hooper, and it is possible that these two volumes were his own copies with holograph additions, which were later revised and expanded into two works published later. These were: 'The morbid anatomy of the human brain', published in 1826, and 'The morbid anatomy of the human uterus', published in 1832. Produced in London.

        Hooper , Robert , 1775-1835
        Hooper, John (fl 1785-c1790)
        GB 0114 MS0104 · [1786-1790]

        Papers of John Hooper, [1786-1790], comprising manuscript notes taken at on comparative anatomy lectures by Henry Cline (1750-1827), c1790; midwifery lectures by William Lowder (fl 1778-1801), c1790; and clinical lectures by William Saunders (1743-1817), c1786-c1787.

        Hooper , John , fl 1785-c1790 , medical student
        GB 0120 MSS.2934-2935 · 1887-1888

        The collection comprises examination papers answered by Chinese students, the subjects being anatomy and osteology.

        Hong Kong , College of Medicine for Chinese
        GB 0114 MS0260 · 1817-1832

        Papers of Sir Everard Home, 1817-1832, comprising a volume of 65 letters to and from Home. Correspondents include the Duke of Wellington, the Duke of Cumberland, and Sir Joseph Banks.

        Home , Sir , Everard , 1756-1832 , 1st Baronet , surgeon