Diaries and notebooks of James Theodore and Mabel Virginia Anna Bent, 1883-1898, comprising:
Mabel Bent's diaries of visits to the Greek Islands, 1883-1884; Greece and Egypt, 1885; Constantinople [Istanbul] and the Greek Islands, 1886; Greece, 1887; Turkey and Russia, 1888; India and Persia [Iran], 1889 (3 volumes); Cilicia, Turkey, 1890; Central Africa (Mashonaland), 1891 (2 volumes); Hadramout, 1893-1895 (3 volumes); Suez, Kourbat and Athens, 1895-1896; Socotra, Yemen, 1896-1897; Greece and Egypt, 1898;
Theodore Bent's diary of visits to Hadramout, Yemen, 1893-94; Muscat, Dec 1894; Socotra, Yemen, Dec 1896-Mar 1897; notebook, containing Greek inscriptions, 1888; notebook on language in Socotra [1896-1897].
Elements area
Source note(s)
- http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept2335
Hierarchical terms
Ancient scripts
Equivalent terms
Ancient scripts
- UF Hieroglyphics
- UF Ideographic scripts
- UF Pictographic scripts
- UF Écriture cunéiforme
- UF Écriture idéographique
- UF Écriture pictographique
- UF Hiéroglyphe
- UF Escritura cuneiforme
- UF Escritura ideográfica
- UF Escritura pictográfica
- UF Ideograma
- UF Jeroglífico