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      Archive personnel

        3 Archivistische beschrijving results for Archive personnel

        GB 0074 ACC/1120 · Collectie · 1837-1913

        Papers of the Hardy family, including correspondence of Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy; correspondence of William Hardy; letters to William John Hardy; letters relating to prints, plates and pictures; letters concerning Notes and Queries magazine; letters concerning subscriptions; and other professional letters.

        Zonder titel
        Hardyman, James Trenchard
        GB 0102 PP MS 63 · Created 1827-1995

        Papers, 1827-1995, of James Hardyman, comprising writings in the form of published articles, press cuttings, typescripts, manuscripts and notes and correspondence relating to his interests in Malagasy history and culture and to his missionary work with the London Missionary Society. Also including photographs, postcards, illustrations, prints, engravings and sketches relating to Madagascar, and a collection of maps.

        Zonder titel
        RIDGE, ALAN D.
        GB 0074 O/259 · Collectie · 1957-1967

        Papers of Alan Ridge, comprising correspondence and notes for 'All at sea', his paper on baptisms at sea and St Dunstan, Stepney, from Archives, Vol.VI, No.32, Oct. 1964; correspondence and notes for 'A light in the West Indies, 1810', his paper on William Consett Wright, and the Wright family of Wellclose Square, Stepney, from Carribean Studies, Vol.6, No.4, Jan. 1967 and Vol.7, No.1, Apr. 1967 and papers regarding the winding-up of the London Survey Committee, 1963-1967.

        Zonder titel