Bajoe Kidoel Rubber and Produce Co Ltd

Identity area

Type of entity

Authorized form of name

Bajoe Kidoel Rubber and Produce Co Ltd

Parallel form(s) of name

    Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

      Other form(s) of name

        Identifiers for corporate bodies

        Description area

        Dates of existence


        This company was registered in 1911 to acquire Bajoe Kidoel, Anim Sand and Trebla Sala estates in Besoeki residency in Java. Its leaseholds and other assets in Java were vested in: N.V. Rubber Cultuur Mij Bajoe Kidoel (from 1960 known as P.T. Perusahaan Perkebunan Bajoe Kidoel), N.V. Bajoe Kidoel Mij and N.V. Celebes Landbouw Mij (from 1960 known as P.T. Perusahaan Perkebunan Sulawesi).

        In 1933 it acquired Macassar Plantations Limited. Bajoe Kidoel Rubber and Produce Company Limited was acquired by London Sumatra Plantations Limited (CLC/B/112-110) in 1961, and in 1982 it became a private company.


        Legal status

        Functions, occupations and activities

        Mandates/sources of authority

        Internal structures/genealogy

        General context

        Relationships area

        Access points area

        Subject access points

        Place access points


        Control area

        Authority record identifier

        Institution identifier

        Rules and/or conventions used


        Level of detail

        Dates of creation, revision and deletion




            Maintenance notes