Área de identidad
Código de referencia
- 1997 - 1998 (Creación)
Volumen y soporte
3 boxes or 0.03 cubic metres
Área de contexto
Nombre del productor
Historia biográfica
The documentary was produced by 3BM for Channel 4, Oregon Public Broadcasting, RTL and ITEL. 3BM is an independent television production company founded in October 1995 by Jeremy Bennett, Simon Berthon, Marion Milne and Malcolm Brinkworth. It has offices in London and Bath and specialises in production of documentaries in the historical, current affairs and popular science and human interest fields.
The Berlin Airlift was produced by Jeremy Bennett and directed by Marion Milne. Other members of the production team included Professor Avi Shlaim, Historical Consultant; Tamzin Fry, Production Manager; Rosalind Bentley, Film Research; Helen Seaman, Research; and David Spiers, Editor.
Institución archivística
Historia archivística
GB 0099 KCLMA Berlin Airlift 1997 - 1998 collection level 3 boxes or 0.03 cubic metres 3BM Television
The documentary was produced by 3BM for Channel 4, Oregon Public Broadcasting, RTL and ITEL. 3BM is an independent television production company founded in October 1995 by Jeremy Bennett, Simon Berthon, Marion Milne and Malcolm Brinkworth. It has offices in London and Bath and specialises in production of documentaries in the historical, current affairs and popular science and human interest fields.
The Berlin Airlift was produced by Jeremy Bennett and directed by Marion Milne. Other members of the production team included Professor Avi Shlaim, Historical Consultant; Tamzin Fry, Production Manager; Rosalind Bentley, Film Research; Helen Seaman, Research; and David Spiers, Editor.
Presented to the Centre by Jeremy Bennett, 3BM Television, 13 May 1999.
Transcripts of 45 interviews recorded for The Berlin Airlift, a television documentary produced by 3BM Television for Channel 4's Secret History series and broadcast on 29 June 1998. Those interviewed include individuals and or relatives of individuals connected with the airlift operation which took place in response to the Berlin blockade, 24 June 1948 - October 1949, notably members of the armed forces of UK and USA including the RAF, RN and WAAF, a representative of the Foreign Office, journalists and authors, German interpreters, German civilians and children, members of Soviet administration and relatives of servicemen.
Attention is given to direct roles and experience of the airlift but also seeks views of its historical significance to them personally and to the wider world. Topics covered in the interviews relate to causes of the blockade, Stalin's aims for Germany after 1945, the potential threat of war in 1948, British and US responses to the blockade, Soviet intelligence gathering and espionage in the UK Foreign Office, attitudes of British servicemen to American servicemen in Germany and vice versa, German experience of the Soviet conquest of Berlin in 1945 and ensuing occupation, living conditions at the air bases in West Germany and in Berlin, food and fuel shortages, rationing, operation of the black market, prostitution, relations between conquered and occupying forces, 'no fraternisation' rule, the logistics of the airlift operation - aircraft maintenance, loading and unloading of supplies, Soviet harassment, experience of pilots and crew, incidents such as air crashes, evacuation of Berliners including children, and Operation Little Vittles. The role of significant individuals such as Ernest Bevin (1884-1951), British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at the time, and Gen. Lucius D. Clay (1897-1978), Military Governor of Germany 1947 - 1949, are also discussed.
Notable participants include Sir Frank Kenyon Roberts (1907-1998) diplomat and Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during 1948 - 1949, Mrs Jessamy Waite, widow of Air Cdre Reginald Newnham Waite (1901-1975), who devised and organised the airlift operation, and Col Gail S Halverson who became known as the 'Candy Bomber' for his drops of packages of candy attached to miniature parachutes to the children of Berlin.
Transcripts include questions and answers, and the tape counter numbering has been logged. The interviewer is not identified. Where interviews were translated this has been noted. Some names, places or phrases have been guessed at, or spelled phonetically by the transcriber. No information is given about the date or identity of the transcriber.
There is no identifiable order of the interviews, hence the transcripts have been maintained in the order received.
Open, subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Director of Archive Services.
Summary guide entry on-line and due to be published in hard copy. Detailed catalogue available in hard copy in the College Archives reading room.
King's College London Liddell Hart Centre for MilHCMA holds microfilm copies of the papers of Air Cdre Reginald Newnham Waite (1901-1975).
Cambridge University: Churchill Archives Centre holds correspondence and papers of Sir Frank Kenyon Roberts (1907-1998) diplomat.
Compiled by Alison Field July 2001 Air transport Berlin Berlin airlift, 1948-1949 Berlin Blockade, 1948 Bevin , Ernest , 1881-1951 , Labour politician Boundaries Clay , Lucius DuBignon , 1897-1978 , US General East West relations Economic sanctions Europe Germany Halverson , Gail S , fl 1948-1949 , Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force International conflicts International law International relations International tensions RAF , Royal Air Force x Royal Air Force Rights of states RN , Royal Navy x Royal Navy Roberts , Sir , Frank Kenyon , 1907-1998 , diplomat Territorial rights Transport US Army Air Force WAAF , Women's Auxiliary Air Force x Women's Auxiliary Air Force Waite , Jessamy , fl 1997-1998 , widow of Air Cdre RN Waite Waite , Reginald Newman , 1901-1975 , Air Commodore Western Europe
Origen del ingreso o transferencia
Presented to the Centre by Jeremy Bennett, 3BM Television, 13 May 1999.
Área de contenido y estructura
Alcance y contenido
Transcripts of 45 interviews recorded for The Berlin Airlift, a television documentary produced by 3BM Television for Channel 4's Secret History series and broadcast on 29 June 1998. Those interviewed include individuals and or relatives of individuals connected with the airlift operation which took place in response to the Berlin blockade, 24 June 1948 - October 1949, notably members of the armed forces of UK and USA including the RAF, RN and WAAF, a representative of the Foreign Office, journalists and authors, German interpreters, German civilians and children, members of Soviet administration and relatives of servicemen.
Attention is given to direct roles and experience of the airlift but also seeks views of its historical significance to them personally and to the wider world. Topics covered in the interviews relate to causes of the blockade, Stalin's aims for Germany after 1945, the potential threat of war in 1948, British and US responses to the blockade, Soviet intelligence gathering and espionage in the UK Foreign Office, attitudes of British servicemen to American servicemen in Germany and vice versa, German experience of the Soviet conquest of Berlin in 1945 and ensuing occupation, living conditions at the air bases in West Germany and in Berlin, food and fuel shortages, rationing, operation of the black market, prostitution, relations between conquered and occupying forces, 'no fraternisation' rule, the logistics of the airlift operation - aircraft maintenance, loading and unloading of supplies, Soviet harassment, experience of pilots and crew, incidents such as air crashes, evacuation of Berliners including children, and Operation Little Vittles. The role of significant individuals such as Ernest Bevin (1884-1951), British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at the time, and Gen. Lucius D. Clay (1897-1978), Military Governor of Germany 1947 - 1949, are also discussed.
Notable participants include Sir Frank Kenyon Roberts (1907-1998) diplomat and Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during 1948 - 1949, Mrs Jessamy Waite, widow of Air Cdre Reginald Newnham Waite (1901-1975), who devised and organised the airlift operation, and Col Gail S Halverson who became known as the 'Candy Bomber' for his drops of packages of candy attached to miniature parachutes to the children of Berlin.
Transcripts include questions and answers, and the tape counter numbering has been logged. The interviewer is not identified. Where interviews were translated this has been noted. Some names, places or phrases have been guessed at, or spelled phonetically by the transcriber. No information is given about the date or identity of the transcriber.
Sistema de arreglo
There is no identifiable order of the interviews, hence the transcripts have been maintained in the order received.
Área de condiciones de acceso y uso
Condiciones de acceso
Open, subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Director of Archive Services.
Idioma del material
- inglés
Escritura del material
- latín
Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras
Características físicas y requisitos técnicos
King's College London Liddell Hart Centre for MilHCMA holds microfilm copies of the papers of Air Cdre Reginald Newnham Waite (1901-1975).
Instrumentos de descripción
Summary guide entry on-line and due to be published in hard copy. Detailed catalogue available in hard copy in the College Archives reading room.
Área de materiales relacionados
Unidades de descripción relacionadas
Cambridge University: Churchill Archives Centre holds correspondence and papers of Sir Frank Kenyon Roberts (1907-1998) diplomat.
Puntos de acceso
Puntos de acceso por materia
- Transporte » Transporte aéreo
- Derecho internacional » Derecho de los Estados » Derecho territorial » Frontera
- Relaciones internacionales » Relaciones Este-Oeste
- Conflicto internacional » Sanción económica
- Conflicto internacional
- Derecho internacional
- Relaciones internacionales
- Conflicto internacional » Tensiones internacionales
- Derecho internacional » Derecho de los Estados
- Derecho internacional » Derecho de los Estados » Derecho territorial
- Transporte
Área de control de la descripción
Identificador de la institución
- inglés