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      Hierarchical terms


      BT Food

      Equivalent terms


      • UF Drinks
      • UF Breuvage

      Associated terms


      78 Archival description results for Beverages

      78 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0102 PP MS 37 · Created 1881-1891

      Papers, 1881-1891, of Donald James Mackay, 11th Baron Reay, as Governor of Bombay, comprising correspondence, memoranda, petitions and other papers, 1884-1889 and undated, on A'bkari administration (a system of licences for the distillation and sale of spirits in Bombay); correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports and other papers, 1881-1891 and undated, relating to military and naval subjects; correspondence, memoranda, minutes and reports, 1885-1890 and undated, on education; correspondence and other papers, 1881-1891 and undated, on agriculture; correspondence and other papers, 1884-1889 and undated, on sanitation and water works; correspondence and papers, 1884-1891 and undated, on various other subjects including administration, hospitals, irrigation, railways and finance; addresses of welcome to Lord Reay, 1886-1890 and undated; a drawing of Bombay harbour and accompanying manuscript plan, undated; manuscript map of Karachi Harbour Board, 1887.

      Mackay , Donald James , 1839-1921 , 11th Baron Reay , Governor of Bombay
      GB 0074 CLC/B/158 · Collection · 1804-2005

      Records of Matthew Clark and Sons, wine and spirit brokers, comprising partnership agreements, 1887-1923; annual reports and accounts, 1948-98; correspondence and other administrative papers, 1804-1992; memoranda books, 1861-c 1930; accounts, 1810-1945; sale catalogues and price lists, 1821-1995; papers concerning operations, 1849-1995; accounts of the directors of the firm, 1888-1970; photographs; staff list; leases and histories of the company, 1847-2005.

      Matthew Clark and Sons , wine and spirit brokers
      GB 0074 ACC/2305/05 · Collection · 1949

      Memorandum and articles of association for Medway Mineral Waters Limited, 1949.

      Medway Mineral Waters Ltd
      GB 0809 Murphy · 1890s-1900s

      Papers of Sir Shirley Foster Murphy, 1890s-1900s, comprise correspondence and both unpublished and published work in the fields of health and medicine and relate to his work as a medical officer. The collection notably comprises correspondence from Dr Ernest Pfeiffer, 1899-1901 (Murphy/01); handwritten extracts and notes from works concerning slaughterhouses and meat inspection, [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/02); manuscript titled 'Alcohol in relation to the Child and to National Health', [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/03); manuscript notes on topics including 'liberty and authority' and 'alcohol and poverty', [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/04); published paper concerning the sale to the public of tuberculous meat (British Congress on Tuberculosis for the Prevention of Consumption, by Shirley Murphy, Medical Officer of Health of the Administrative County of London), [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/05) and an address, perhaps given to his colleagues at County Council of London on the subject of food supplies, with reference to tuberculosis, [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/06).

      Murphy , Sir , Shirley Foster , 1848-1923 , Knight , public health official
      GB 0102 OA1 · (1876-1949) 1972-1974

      Cassette copies and transcripts of recordings of unedited interviews assembled, 1972-1974, for the radio series 'Plain Tales from the Raj', including material not included in the broadcast programmes, and comprising c200 hours of material. The 82 subjects interviewed, including men, women, adults and children, lived and worked in India from the late 19th century to Independence (1947) and the interviews cover a wide range of civilian and military experience between 1876 and 1949. Military personnel range from the Commander in Chief of the Army in India to Army privates. Civil servants of various ranks and members of the business and commercial world, for example tea planters, are also included. Women mainly comprise wives and daughters, but also include a few nurses and governesses. The project covered the lives of the British in India and, although the material touches upon the effect of the Raj on India and its indigenous inhabitants, only a small number of Indians and Eurasians were interviewed. Subjects covered include accommodation and living conditions; daily routine; social life and recreation; health and sanitation; the effects of India postings on family life; relations between the British, other Europeans, Indians and Eurasians in social and work environments; events such as riots and earthquakes; the fauna and landscape of India; and political events. Full typescript transcripts (including inaccuracies in some cases) exist for most, but not all, of the recordings.

      British Broadcasting Corporation , Radio 4
      Perlman, Melvin Lee
      GB 0102 PP MS 38 · Created 1890-1987

      Papers, 1890-1987, of Melvin Perlman, comprising correspondence; research data gathered during 1959-1962 for his study on Toro marriages in Uganda; data gathered for his research on Tea Estate Workers in Uganda; and his articles and lectures.

      Perlman , Melvin Lee , 1933-1988 , anthropologist
      GB 0097 POSTGATE · Collection · 1830-2000

      The papers of Raymond Postgate, 1830-2000, contain mainly administrative and personal correspondence which are catalogued as correspondence and subject files. Six further sections contain personal papers, Postgate's papers in relation to World War One, his writing research notes and drafts, his work with the Good Food Club and wine writing, and research papers relevant to a biography of his life. There is a large separate section for photographs, many of which are of the Postgate and Lansbury families. The collection also includes four individual sections of letters and papers belonging to George Lansbury, Daisy Postgate, Nellie Lansbury and Helen Hibberd.

      Postgate , Raymond William , 1896-1971 , socialist historian and journalist
      GB 0074 LMA/4453/P · Collection · 1845-1953

      Records of R White and Sons Limited, soft drinks manufacturers, including a ledger covering profits and sales figures for R White & Sons from 1845 through to 1951 along with obituaries, details on property and wages, and a corporate and financial history of the Company. Also included are examples of bottle labelling and newspaper cuttings of Company adverts.

      R White and Sons Ltd , soft drinks manufacturers
      Recipe Book Collection
      GB 0120 MSS.7722-7731 · 18th century-19th century

      A small collection of English medical and cookery receipt books, assembled from several sources, 18th-19th century.

      GB 0074 ACC/2305/44 · Collection · 1959-1963

      Records of Saccone and Speed Limited, wine and spirits merchants, comprising papers and correspondence, mainly related to purchase by Courage, Barclay and Simonds and subsequent re-organisations.

      Saccone and Speed Ltd , wine and spirits merchants
      GB 0074 ACC/2305/53 · Collection · 1912-1964

      Records of Santovin Limited, wine and spirits merchants, comprising Directors' and general meeting minutes; copy minutes of Yardley's London and Provincial Stores and of Santovin about withdrawal of authority to sign cheques; copy special resolution of extraordinary general meeting and certificate of incorporation.

      Santovin Ltd , wine and spirits merchants
      GB 0120 MSS.4423-4463 · 1837-1885

      Holograph manuscripts of publications by Joseph von Schneller, notes, and some material by other persons collected by von Schneller, 1837-1885.

      Schneller , Joseph , von , 1811-1885 , physician
      GB 0102 MS 380477 · Created 1909-1932

      Records, 1909-1932, of Serdang Central Plantations Ltd, comprising Articles of Association, correspondence, annual reports and agreements relating to the voluntary liquidation and reconstruction.

      Serdang Central Plantations Ltd
      GB 0074 CLC/504 · Collection · 1820-1851

      The records of Benjamin Slowman, merchant, comprise an order book 1835-42; bought ledger, cash book and vouchers 1820-50; business correspondence 1823-51; and a release regarding the estate of Moses Lewvy, 1848.

      Slowman , Benjamin , fl 1820-1873 , wine and spirit merchant
      GB 0074 LMA/4434/M · Collection · 1945-1970

      Records of Thomas Mcandie and Company Limited, exporters of whisky, comprising minute book for directors' meetings, annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings, register of members and shares, and annual returns. Also records of Duncan MacLeod and Company Limited, comprising annual returns.

      Thomas Mcandie and Co Ltd , exporters of whisky
      GB 0096 AL116 · Fonds · 1791

      Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 18 Nov 1791. Describing the condition and people of Bavaria. Speaking of the Elector's troops: '... I know of no Troops that are so well and so comfortably clothed as ours, both for Summer and Winter ...'. Giving details of the crops, minerals and commerce of Bavaria. 'It would be difficult,'he writes, 'to convey to your Lordship an adequate idea of the Ignorance, Superstition and corruption which pervade and darken every part of this neglected Country.' Says that the clergy and nobility hold a monopoly of the beer in Bavaria: '... which is the great source of their riches, and on that account Drunkenness must be encouraged.'

      Autograph, with signature.

      Thompson , Sir , Benjamin , 1753-1814 , Knight , Count von Rumford , scientist, natural philosopher, soldier and administrator
      GB 0074 ACC/3025 · Collection · 1939-1989

      Personal papers of James Barr, employee of Trumans Ltd, including Transport and General Workers Union cards and papers, Truman's Sports Club rules and fixture lists, and papers relating to the company including redundancy scheme, annual excursions, regulations and agreements, 1939-1989; handbooks, programmes, rules, fixture lists and posters for the London Breweries Amateur Sports Association and the Highgate Harriers Athletic Club, 1951-1979; issues of company publications including 'The Black Eagle', the 'Truman Times', '1666', 'Truman News', 'Truman Topics', 'Watney Truman News' and 'Stag and Eagle' (Watney Combe Reid publication), 1948-1989; annual reports and pension scheme information, 1977-1989; and issues of 'The Master Brewer' and 'The National Brewery Museum Chronicle', 1968-1986.

      Truman, Hanbury Buxton and Co Ltd , brewers x Trumans Ltd
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-191 · Collection · 1862

      Copy deeds of the sale, in 1903, of the wine and spirit merchant businesses of WH Tomsett and Company and Sinclair, Birch and Company, which were both owned by William Henry Tomsett (died 1903).

      W.H. Tomsett and Co , wine and spirit merchants Sinclair, Birch and Co , wine and spirit merchants
      GB 0074 LMA/4453/D · Collection · 1746-1976

      Production records for Whitbread and Company Limited, brewers, including papers covering all aspects of the production process such as brewing books for ale (1834-1969) and porter (1804-1976), brewing manuals from the 1960s, Head Brewer's reports, butt books (1925-1937) and fermentation books (1802- 1839). Also included are purchase ledgers and stock books for raw materials (1746-1971), sample and sediment reports (1913-1920) and papers relating to transportation and maintenance of the plants including a horse book (1881-1950) along with documentation on general production statistics.

      Furthermore a complete series of notebooks belonging to F.G.S Baker are available running unbroken from 1899 to 1925.

      Whitbread and Co Ltd , brewers
      GB 0074 LMA/4453/C · Collection · 1790-1982

      Sales records of Whitbread and Company Limited, brewers, including beer returns (1903-1959), complaints books (1925-1952), excise books (1935-1976), export ledgers (1953-1957), sales and nominal ledgers (1790-1821), estate trade books (1889-1979, these include both public and private trade along with records of the bottling stores), off-licenses and Company interests arranged by region. Also includes summaries, estimates and other sales statistics from across the Company together with papers from the Take Home division.

      Whitbread and Co Ltd , brewers
      GB 0074 CLC/B/059-03 · Collection · 1845-1960

      Records of William Coates and Company, wine merchants, consisting of order and voucher books and a book of tables.

      William Coates and Co , wine merchants
      GB 0074 CLC/B/059-04 · Collection · 1818-1912

      Records of Williams and Day, wine and spirits merchants, comprising bills, orders, receipts, accounts of customs paid, goods transfer notices and other financial papers 1818-28 (Mss 15553, 15555-61 and 15563); letters and miscellaneous papers 1818-1903 (Mss 15554 and 15562); price lists 1896-1912 (Ms 155564) and photographs (Ms 15565).

      Williams and Day , wine and spirits merchants
      Wine trade documents
      GB 0096 MS 743 · 1658-1795

      Collection of manuscripts relating to the wine trade, comprising:

      1. Indictment made by Edmond Trimer at the Middlesex Quarter Sessions held at Hicks Hall, 7 Jul 1658, to the effect that George Taylor, victualler of South Mimms, Middlesex, had sold 60 pints of wine (French, white, and Spanish sack) since 7 Aug 1657, contrary to the Act. Taylor had forfeited £600, and was to appear in court to answer the charge. Trimer claimed half the fine.
      2. Letter from John Hunter, British Consul at Seville and San Lùcar, 16 Mar 1790, to Henry Dundas, Treasurer of the Navy, enclosing a 'Proposal for a supply of wine for the British Navy to be shipped in San Lucar, and delivered in Portsmouth', and a 'Proposal for a deposit of wines in the Isle of Wight'. Both proposals are signed by John Hunter, 16 Mar 1790.
      3. Two letters from James Rannie, written at Leith, Scotland, including a covering letter dated 9 Mar 1795 to Henry Dundas, then Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, for a petition from the 22 'merchants, importers and dealers in foreign wines in Leith', against the proposed retrospective increase of duties on stocks of wine held by merchants on 24 Feb 1795 (wanting); and a letter from Rannie to Dundas dated 9 May 1795 concerning wines shipped to Dundas and wines reserved for him. (Rannie is spelt 'Rennie' in the endorsements.)
      4. Memorandum endorsed 'Attorney General's [Sir John Willes] opinion...Wine imported in flasks or bottles, whether the officers may accept the duties where no fraud appears', dated 29 May 1736.
      5. Draft of a bill to repeal the Acts of 1727 and 1745 setting duties on wine, endorsed 'A clause about wine imported in flasks or bottles'.
      Hunter , Sir , John , 1751-1816 , Knight , diplomat; Rannie , James , fl 1795 , victualler; Trimer , Edmond , fl 1658 , of Middlesex
      Wine trade petition
      GB 0096 MS 856 · 1743 or 1754

      Petition to Henry Pelham, First Lord of the Treasury, presented by glass makers giving 'Reasons against importing French Wine in Bottles', dating from either 1743 or 1754. Signed by Richard Ricardi, Gerard van Horn, William Jackson and Samuel Lowe.

      GB 0074 ACC/2305/47 · Collection · 1968-1970

      Records of Wolton and Attwood Limited, wholesalers in beer and spirits, including papers relating to the acquisition of the Company; memorandum and articles of association; balance sheet; copy board and extraordinary general meeting minutes; draft service agreements; stock transfer forms and financial accounts.

      Wolton and Attwood Ltd , wholesalers in beer and spirits
      GB 0074 CLC/L/BF · Collection · 1418-1962

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Brewers. The records were compiled from 1418, but they include title deeds dating from 1328/9. Records include charters; ordinances; Court minute books; Court and Livery lists; registers of freedom admissions; registers of apprentice bindings; financial accounts; papers relating to property including rent rolls; and papers relating to charities (other than those listed below).

      Records of Dame Alice Owen's Charity: The records include minutes, accounts, registers and estate papers. They are part of the archive of the Worshipful Company of Brewers (further information is given in the Company's introductory note). For further information see R A Dare, A History of Owen's School, 1613-1976, 1963. The records were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff.

      Records of John Baker's almshouses: These records are part of the archive of the Brewers' Company (further information is given in the Company's introductory note). They comprise: memoranda, 1881-9 (Ms 18360-1); deeds and associated documents, 1813-1901 (Ms 18363); specification for the construction of 7 almshouses, 1825 (Ms 18371); quarterly record of payments to almswomen, 1826-1908 (Ms 18372); list of applicants, 1901-2 (Ms 18373); and signed agreements and guarantees, 1826-61 (Ms 18374). Further references will be found in other Brewers' Company records such as minutes and accounts.

      Records of Richard Platt's charity: The records comprise statutes and ordinances, minutes and accounts, registers, estate records and plans.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Worshipful Company of Brewers
      GB 0074 CLC/L/DA · Collection · 1638-1978

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Distillers, 1638-1978. Records include registers of freedom admissions from 1638 and list of apprentices from 1659 as well as charters; ordinances; Court minute books; Court and livery lists; financial accounts; legal papers; photographs; inventories and deeds relating to property on Upper Thames Street.

      Please note: Access to Ms 06203-35A, 10808, 18873, 32941-59 is restricted.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Worshipful Company of Distillers
      GB 0074 ACC/2305/58 · Collection · 1898-1964

      Records of York Mineral Water Company Limited, including Directors' and general meeting minutes; Directors' attendance book for board, directors' and annual general meetings; certificate of incorporation; correspondence leading to liquidation, including memorandum and articles of association, 1958, with copy certificate of incorporation, 1898, and agreements.

      York Mineral Water Company Ltd