Biology education

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      Biology education

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          Biology education

            8 Archivistische beschrijving results for Biology education

            GB 0100 KCLCA CNU, 1993/NUFF, 1994/CDD, 1995/CNU, 1996/CNU · 1949-1993

            Records of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP), 1949-1993 but mainly dating from the 1960s and 1970s, including general administrative papers, 1961-1974; the Secondary Science Education Programme, 1965-1974; the Junior Science Project, 1960-1974; the Combined Science Project, 1964-1970; A-level in Physical Sciences, 1955-1974; Physics A- and O-level, 1963-1972; Chemistry O-level, 1962-1974; Chemistry A-level, 1962-1974; Biology O-level, 1962-c1973; Biology A-level, 1963-1972; records relating to publications, also including material on NFSTP administration, 1949-1992; published texts, 1960-1993; and film loops and accompanying teaching notes, 1966-1978, for various subjects and age groups.

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            GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/STP · 1961-1974

            General administrative and reference papers, 1961-1974, of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, comprising correspondence and other papers, 1962-1973, including progress reports relating to dependent projects, correspondence on trustees, circulars to schools, material on teachers and teaching materials, staffing, curriculum development and training, correspondence with other bodies including the Association for Science Education and the Schools Council, and papers on trials, coordinators, and budgets for projects; papers relating to meetings and conferences, 1961-1972, including sixth-form science teaching, educational aid overseas, training science teachers, and Nuffield O-levels and A-levels; papers relating to publications and films, 1963-1973, including correspondence on films with Unilever Ltd and the BBC and on text books, and correspondence with publishers; papers relating to apparatus and equipment, 1964-1974, including correspondence with manufacturers, orders, papers on safety, laboratory design and storage of apparatus, equipment trials, and lists of suppliers; papers relating to teaching materials and examinations, 1964-1973, including examination papers on O- and A-level physics, physical sciences, chemistry and biology, papers relating to CSE examinations, correspondence on the acceptance of pupils with Nuffield qualifications at universities, and papers on programmed learning, multiple choice testing, and pupils' responses.

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            Film loops and accompanying teaching notes, 1966-1978, produced for the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, on various subjects and for different age groups. Some were made in collaboration with university departments and companies. They comprise Biology O-level film loops, 1966-1967, and teaching notes, 1968-1977 where reprinted, published by Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, the Longman Group Ltd and Penguin Books Ltd and directed and edited by Ian Hills; Chemistry O-level film loops, 1966-1967, and teaching notes, 1968-1977 where reprinted, published by Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, the Longman Group Ltd and Penguin Books Ltd and produced by the Film Unit of the Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd with Denis Segaller as producer; Advanced Biology film loops, 1970, published by Penguin Books Ltd and produced by James Archibald and Associates Ltd; Advanced Chemistry film loops, 1970-1972, produced by World Wide Pictures Ltd; Advanced Physics film loops, 1971, produced by James Archibald and Associates Ltd; Secondary Science film loops, including some trial versions, 1970-1974, published by the Longman Group Ltd and produced by Halas and Batchelor Ltd with Dorothy Dallas as supervising editor; Combined Science film loops, 1970-1972, some with reprinted teaching notes, 1976-1978, published by Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, the Longman Group Ltd and Penguin Books Ltd and produced by Stewart Films Ltd, Malvern.

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            GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/BAL · 1963-1972

            Records, 1963-1972, on the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project Biology A-level course, comprising administrative files, 1965-1970, including minutes of meetings, notes on topics and project work, discussion papers and copies of letters; correspondence files, 1965-1972, the subjects including topics, trials schools, acceptance of pupils with BAL at universities, colleges of advanced technology and medical schools, and requests for information; papers relating to meetings and conferences, 1963-1971, including minutes of the consultative committee, 1964-1968, and papers of the working party, area meetings, and various committees; papers on course contents and Topics Reviews, 1965-1970; papers on publications, 1966-1972, including publishers' introductory pamphlets, correspondence with publishers, and reviews of publications; Teachers' Guide and related papers, 1964-1971; papers relating to examinations, students, and students' texts, 1964-1971, including comments on examinations and results; papers on apparatus and materials, 1964-1971, including correspondence with suppliers; papers relating to questionnaires, 1966-1967, including returns from pupils and teachers' comments on course topics, known as Chapter Feedback.

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            GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/TEXT · 1960-1993

            Published texts of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP), 1963-1993, and associated material, 1960-1991, including books for teachers and pupils, other teaching materials, trial material, and some publishers' brochures. The publications are Nuffield Primary Science (the SPACE project), Collins Educational, 1993; Nuffield Junior Science, William Collins Sons & Co Ltd, 1967; Teaching Primary Science, Macdonald Educational, 1975-1978; Nuffield Science 11 to 13, Longman Group Ltd, 1986-1987; Nuffield Science for Key Stage 3, Longman Group Ltd, 1990-1992; NFSTP Secondary Science, trials, 1968; Nuffield Secondary Science, Longman Group Ltd, 1970-1972; NFSTP Combined Science, trial editions, 1966; Nuffield Combined Science, Longman/Penguin Books, 1970; Nuffield Combined Science Themes for the Middle Years, Longman Group Ltd, 1977-1978; Nuffield Home Economics, Hutchinson Education, 1982-1985; Nuffield Science 13 to 16, Longman Group Ltd, 1979-1981; Nuffield Secondary Mathematics, Heinemann, 1991; NFSTP Biology, trial course, 1963-1968; Nuffield Biology, Longman/Penguin Books, 1966-1967; Revised Nuffield Biology, Longman Group Ltd, 1974-1975; NFSTP Chemistry, provisional editions, 1964-1965; Nuffield Chemistry, Longman/Penguin Books, 1966-1969; NFSTP Chemistry, provisional edition, 1964; Revised Nuffield Chemistry, Longman Group Ltd, 1975-1980; NFSTP Physics, draft and trial editions, 1964-1969; Nuffield Physics, Longman/Penguin Books, 1966-1969; Revised Nuffield Physics, Longman Group Ltd, 1985-1986; Nuffield Assessment in Science, Longman Group Ltd, 1988; Nuffield Co-ordinated Sciences, Longman Group Ltd, 1988; Nuffield Modular Sciences (Pathways Through Science), Longman Group Ltd, 1992-1993; Nuffield Working with Science Project, Longman Group Ltd, 1977-1978; Nuffield Working with Science for Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education, 1986; NFSTP A-level Physical Science, [1969-1971]; Nuffield Advanced Science: Physical Science, Penguin Books, 1972-1974; NFSTP A-level Biology, trial scheme, 1966-[1968]; Nuffield Advanced Science: Biology, Penguin Books, 1970-1971, Longman Group Ltd, 1981-1982; Revised Nuffield Advanced Science: Biology, Longman Group Ltd, 1985-1988; NFSTP A-level Chemistry, trial material, 1966-1969; Nuffield Advanced Science: Chemistry, Penguin Books, 1970-1971; Revised Nuffield Advanced Science Chemistry, Longman Group Ltd, 1984; NFSTP A-level Physics, trial version, 1969-1970; Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics, Penguin Books, 1970-1971; Revised Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics, Longman Group Ltd, 1985-1986; books on design and technology: P J Black and G Matthews, In place of confusion (Nuffield-Chelsea Curriculum Trust, 1980s) and P J Black and Robin Murray, Design and Technology across the curriculum (Heinemann, 1989); Investigating the Nature of Science, Longman, 1990; Nuffield Foundation Science Teacher Education Project (STEP) progress reports, 1964-1966, trial curriculum units, 1971-1972, and publishers' brochure, 1974; foreign editions of Nuffield texts, 1967-1985, including Spanish, Italian, Turkish, German, Hebrew, Dutch, French and Japanese; scientific publications by other bodies, 1960-1991, including the Royal Meteorological Society, Heinemann Education Books Ltd, Allyn and Bacon Inc, Boston, USA, Macdonald Educational, Crystal Structures Ltd, CEGB, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conneticut, USA, and Unilever Ltd.

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            GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/BOL · 1962-c1973

            Records, 1962-c1973, on the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP) Biology O-level course, comprising general papers and correspondence, 1962-1971, including course contents and Five Year Trial Course; papers relating to meetings and conferences, 1962-1971, including the consultative committee; correspondence with schools, 1964-1966; papers relating to publications and visual aids, 1964-1967; Nuffield Foundation Biology O-level Texts, published by Longmans/Penguin Books, and related papers, 1963-1973, including NFSTP progress reports, 1964-1966, NFSTP Biology Newsletter, 1963-1964, and students' textbooks, 1966-1969; papers relating to examinations and projects, 1963-c1973, including question papers and reports on examinations, marking schemes, analyses of results and data on pupils' ability; Teachers' Guides to courses and information/teaching papers, 1963-1972; questionnaires and comments on Biology O-level including papers relating to revision of the course, 1963-1971; papers relating to apparatus and equipment, 1964-1968.

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            GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/PBN · 1949-1992

            Records, 1949-1992, largely originating from the Publications Department of the the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP) and concerning the planning and production of publications for various subjects but also originating from other sections and concerning the administration of the NFSTP and the operation of its various projects. The records include files, 1963-1979, on staff of the Publications Department and Project team members of NFSTP; files on finance and management of the NFSTP, 1964-1991; minutes and meeting papers of the Nuffield Continuation Fund Committee, 1969-1976, and the Nuffield-Chelsea Curriculum Trust, 1986-1989; agreements with publishers, 1964-1986; permissions granted by Nuffield to reproduce or quote material, 1982-1991; publicity and promotion materials for Nuffield courses, 1979-1983; index cards with publishing, production and sales information for Nuffield publications, 1966-1978; and correspondence and agreements relating to foreign publication rights, 1966-1976. The rest of the material comprises correspondence with authors, editors and publishers concerning preparation and production of material, drafts, proofs, photographs, artwork, and trial and final material including film loops, pertaining to publications on all O-level science subjects, 1963-1970s; O-level biology, 1964-1975; O-level Chemistry, 1966-1970s; Chemistry Background Books, including Stages 1, 2 and 3, Additional Option Books, and Background Books not published, 1949-1970; O-level Physics, 1963-1966; the production of film loops for various subjects, 1962-1982, and rights in them, 1963-1975; revised O-level Biology, 1970-1976; revised O-level Chemistry, 1969-1977; all A-level science subjects, 1963-1978; A-level Biology, 1965-1976; A-level Chemistry, 1963-1965; preparation and production of Chemistry books, 1966-1975; Chemistry book permissions, 1966-1972; a proposed booklet on A-level Chemistry in association with Texaco Ltd, 1983-1984; proposal for an experimental scheme to test the value and operational procedures for examining chemistry (Nuffield) at A-level in a modular structure, c1990; general papers on Physics, 1968-1988, including A-level examination papers, 1970-1988; papers relating to the revised Nuffield A-level examination, 1984-1988, including reports of the awarders, 1986-1988; Physics Trials Booklets on various topics, both teachers' guides and students' books, c1968-1970; permissions for Physics books, 1966-1975; permissions for Physics and the Engineer, 1965-1972; correspondence relating to the development of the A-level Physical Sciences course, 1966-1972; papers relating to film loops on all subjects except Physical Sciences, 1967-1973; revised A-level Chemistry texts, early 1980s; revised A-level Physics text, 1985; papers relating to an evaluation study of Revised Nuffield Advanced Physics, 1988; papers on the development of the Combined Science Project (for 11-13 year olds), 1965-1980; publications for Combined Science, 1966-1972; papers on the planning the Combined Science Continuation Project, including trial materials, 1970-1983; papers on publications for Secondary Science, 1966-1973; publications for Nuffield 13 to 16, 1976-c1982; publications for Science in Home Economics, 1964-1981; Nuffield Secondary Maths; files relating to smaller-scale Nuffield Science Teaching Projects, or Projects partly financed, sponsored or supported by Nuffield, 1970-1992, including a project on science for primary teachers, reform of curricula and syllabuses, and modular courses.

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            GB 0100 KCLCA Q/EPH/SYL, Q/EPH/RPT, Q/EPH/PBN, QSU, QOSA · 1909-1986

            Queen Elizabeth College publications, including prospectuses, handbooks and reports, 1909-1986. This class of material comprises printed literature describing the history of the College, its students and staff and the academic content of individual subjects and departments and consists mainly of brochures, guidebooks and reports. It comprises a set of the Department/College's prospectuses for prospective students, with brochures covering the work of particular courses and specific qualifications and degrees, including Nutrition, Biology, Physiology and Mathematics, 1909-1985 (Ref: Q/EPH/SYL); Annual Reports, 1916-1984, loose and some bound reprints, containing calendars of College events, staff changes and publications, clubs and societies, the first destination of former students, and lists of registered students in the reports between 1924-1965. Reports from 1966-1984 also contain student statistics and accounts (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT1); Annual Reports of the Principal covering examinations, benefactions and reports on teaching, 1925-1950 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT2); Dean's/Warden's Reports, containing examinations, benefactions and information on the destination of students, 1917-1923 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT3); Report of the auditors to the College Council, 1972-1980 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT4); a variety of booklets and brochures advertising appeals, careers information for students, descriptions of the work of departments for prospective students, health and safety issues and the facilities of the College Library, and describing the history of the College, 1919-1986 (Ref: Q/EPH/PBN); Students Union handbooks, 1954-1964 (Ref: QSU); Old Students' Association handbooks with a small quantity of editorial correspondence, the constitution and rules of the Association, its membership and finance (Ref: QOSA).

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