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240 Archivistische beschrijving results for Books

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GB 106 PC/06 · 1930-[2008]

The catalogued Pamphlet Collection comprises over 12,000 titles dating from approximately 1830 to the present. The Pamphlet Collection consists of printed material less than 60 pages in length and includes government policies, reports, annual reports and campaigning material, primary law, including Bills and Acts. The subject material of the collection reflects and enriches the wide range of topics held elsewhere in the Women's Library.The topics covered include: English fiction, children's stories, poetry, women's organisations, feminism, role of women in society - UK and abroad, nursing, sex discrimination law, divorce law, employment, occupations, careers, equal opportunities, labour law, pension law, social security, taxation, housing, health, pregnancy, abortion, birth control, domestic violence, mothers, one-parent families, children, family life, housekeeping, religion, ordination, arts, costume, suffrage. Organisations include Equal Opportunities Commission, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, National Union of Suffragettes, National Society for Women's Suffrage, US Women's Bureau, American National Red Cross, Union of Jewish Women, National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, National Federation of Women's Institutes, Fawcett Society, National Council for the Unmarried Mother and Her Child, British Federation of University Women, Association of University Women Teachers, Divorce Law Reform Union. Most of the material is in English, but there are also pamphlets in other languages, such as Italian, German and French.The pamphlets are arranged in two sections - one for standard sized pamphlets and one for oversized pamphlets.

The 'UDC Pamphlet Collection' [Universal Dewey Decimal Classification]: In addition to the main Pamphlet Collection is the 'UDC Pamphlet Collection.' The UDC collection was the first pamphlet collection created by the Library and consists of approximately 10,000 pamphlets dating from mid nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries, covering all subjects. As the collection was gradually acquired during the Library's first 20 years of life, it was arranged by subject, using the Universal Decimal Classification system. The pamphlets were primarily deposited by organisations and individuals, although some purchases were made. There is a finding aid kept with the collection but the collection was never catalogued and therefore remained a hidden resource within the Library for more than 80 years. Unsurprisingly other libraries did not collect most of these pamphlets. In 2007 as part of a cataloguing funding bid preliminary sampling of the collection against Copac (the merged online catalogues of 24 university research libraries in the UK, plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland) found that over 60% of the UDC pamphlets were not listed in these major research collections. This is a very significant level of unique printed material.Cataloguing of the UDC collection started in 2007 and as the pamphlets are catatogued, they are transferred to the main pamphlet collection described above. As at 2009 the collection was partially catalogued and The Library was seeking additional funds to complete the project.

Zonder titel
GB 1446 MS 4 · Collectie · 1854

Manuscript copy of a dictionary of the Fernandian tongue in two volumes, 12 May 1854, collected by John Clarke from the people of the island of Fernando Po and the adjacent continent, 1 Jan 1841 to 11 May 1847.

Zonder titel
GB 1446 MS 38 · 1861-1862

Two volumes of vocabularies of Indigenous Australian languages compiled by Col W Champ entitled 'Aboriginal vocabulary, comprising the Ballaarat, Bacchus Marsh, Melbourne and Gipps Land: dialects with a selection of dialogues and familiar phrases', 1861 (revised, 1862) and 'Supplement to the aboriginal vocabulary, comprising the Mount Gambien and Wonnin dialects', 1862, with a loose insert of a vocabulary of words having the same meaning in different parts of Australia by 'Mitchell', sent to Champ by Sir Edmond Burry.

Zonder titel
GB 1446 MS 6 · Collectie · 1839-1871

Vocabulary of the Indigenous Australian dialect, Wiradhuri, collected by James Günther, 1839, including notes on grammar, added by Günther, in 1840 and 24 Aug 1871.

Zonder titel
GB 2108 KUAS4 · [1490-1980]

Circa 5000 books collected by Vane Ivanovic. The strength of the library is books on 20th Century Balkan history and books on the Second World War, although there are books on a number of other subjects including the history of the Olympic Games and Spear-fishing. There are also a small number of books pre-dating 1900, going back to the 1490s. The vast majority of books are in English, although a small number are in other Western European languages or Serbo-Croat.

Zonder titel
GB 2108 KUAS44 · [1930-1989]

Ephemera, correspondence and other material relating to Kingston School of Art (later Kingston College of Art). Subjects covered include exhibition invitations, the Reginald Brill Exhibition (1998-9); and minutes of Kingston School of Art Governor's Meetings [1950]-1966.

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Publishing News Archive
GB 2108 KUAS67 · [1950]- 2008

Documents created during the publication of Publishing News magazine. This includes a complete run of the magazine, copies of other publications by Publishing News, research files on companies and individuals associated with the book trade pulled together by the editors of the magazine, photographs used in the magazine, documents relating to the British Book Awards, reference books on the book trade, and some digital records. Publishing New's website has also been archived and can be searched at .

Zonder titel
GB 106 10/09 · Archief · c 1910

Scrapbook of press cuttings and printed ephemera on a range of subjects, 1910, including the suffrage campaigns, the General Election and the death and funeral of King Edward VII. Includes commemorative postcards of the latter.

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GB 106 10/36 · Archief · 1907-1917

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings from the regional and specialist press, including many articles written by Cécile Matheson, relating to the Birmingham Women's Settlement and her other social welfare interests and activities.

Zonder titel
Hill, Octavia: letter (1908)
GB 0096 AL142 · Archief · 1908

Letter from Octavia Hill of 190 Marylebone Road, London to Miss Brinton, 13 May 1908. Accompanying the gift of a book.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL202 · Archief · 1831

Letter from William Wilberforce of Elmodon House, near Birmingham to the Reverend William Jay, 30 Dec 1831. 'I feel honor'd as well as gratified by the proof of your esteem and regard for me which you give by desiring to place my name at the head of your new publication'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL28 · Archief · 1874

Letter from John Morgan Cobbett of Edenbridge, Kent to John Salkeld, bookseller, 13 Feb 1874. Ordering books; [the enclosed list of books is missing].

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
Cowen, Joseph: letter
GB 0096 AL44 · Archief · 1889

Letter from Joseph Cowen of Stella Hall, Blaydon-on-Tyne, [County Durham] to John Salkeld, bookseller, 21 Apr 1889. Asking for books to be sent; [the enclosed list of books is missing].

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
Paget, T E: letter (1904)
GB 0096 AL455 · Archief · 1904

Letter from T E Paget of Charterhouse, Godalming, [Surrey] to Mrs Waller [wife of Augustus Désiré Waller], 7 Mar 1904. Discussing payment of her son's school fees and Paget's reading of one of her husband's books (title not mentioned).

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL469 · Archief · [1870]

Letter from Sir Henry Holland of 72 Brook Street, [London] to George Grote, Jan [1870]. Covering note accompanying a reprint of Holland's Recollections of past life, '... with very considerable additions ... [which] were suggested to me by yourself and several other friends'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
DuPonceau, P S: letter
GB 0096 AL47 · Archief · 1831

Letter from Peter Stephen DuPonceau of Phildelphia, [Pennsylvania] to J Vaughan, Esq, 19 Nov 1831. Asking him 'to send the enclosed [a copy of An Historical Review of the ... Silk Culture, Manufacture and Trade, etc (1831)] to your excellent nephew'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL482 · Archief · 1857

Letter from Count Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone Libri-Carrucci dalla Sommaia of London to [Augustus De Morgan], 26 May 1857. Promising to send him catalogues [of his sales of books and manuscripts] once they are corrected. Reporting the death of [Augustin Louis] Cauchy.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL518 · Archief · 1921

Letter from Reginald Baliol Brett of Roman Camp, Callander, [Perthshire] to Queen Mary, 21 Nov 1921. Concerning various books, including In Whig Society, 1775-1818 (1921), edited by Mabell [Ogilvy], Countess of Airlie.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL80 · Collectie · 1881

Papers of Alexander Macdonald, 1881, comprise a letter to John Salkeld, bookseller asking him to forward J Godkin's 'Land War in Ireland'.

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GB 0103 MS LAT 11 · 13th century, 1425, 16th century-17th century

Manuscript volume, apparently dating from 1425, containing a dictionary of medical terms and other treatises. Marginal comments throughout, 16th-17th century, including medicinal recipes, the entries frequently stating the name of the person who found them beneficial and the date. The fly-leaf bears text of theological content in a 13th-century script.

Zonder titel
Crane, Walter
GB 0096 SL IV 66-67,69-72 · sub-fonds · 1865-1884

Six illustrated manuscripts by the artist Walter Crane, including three notebooks produced for his children - 'Beatrice Crane Her Book', 'Beatrice's Painting Book' and 'Lancelot His Book'. Also includes the manuscripts for two published works 'The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde' and 'Thoughts in a Hammock' and 'A Herald of Spring', and drawings for an unpublished version of the traditional ballard 'The Blind Beggar's Daughter'.

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GB 0096 MS 1153 · Archief · c 1950-1986

Papers of Dr Negley Harte relating to the history of the University of London, c1950-1986, comprising material collected for Dr Negley Harte's book, The University of London 1836-1986 - an illustrated history (Althlone Press, 1986). Including copies of some illustrations.

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GB 0117 MS 246 · 1657-1673

Letters from Sir Robert Moray to his friend Alexander Bruce, Earl of Kincardine, also known as 'The Kincardine Papers'. Bruce was sick of the ague in Bremen for part of this time, and the letters were written to alleviate the tedium of of Bruce's illness, hence ranging over topics which might not otherwise have been the subjects of correspondence. They include accounts of chemical experiments in his laboratory, his interest in magnetism, medicine in all its aspects, horticulture, fuel, whale fishing, its risks and profits, coal mining, water wheels and tide mills, stone quarrying and the various qualities of different stones, the pumping works needed for undersea coal mines at Bruce's home at Culross in Fifeshire, even to the trees whose wood was best for pipelines, and the diameter of the bore best suited to the purpose. Familiarity is shown with mathematical and surveying instruments, with music, and all sorts of mechanical devices and especially clocks and watches, more particularly the taking out of a patent in respect of a clock for use at sea for finding longitude. Bruce is advised on the choice of books over a wide range of subjects. Moray includes anecdotes to amuse his ailing correspondent; he describes his quiet life and is enthusiastic about many of his chemical experiments. Notable at the end of the letters Moray added what he described as his Masonic signature - a pentagram which also occurs in his crest.

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GB 0100 KAL/A22 · Collectie · [1925]

Manuscript volumes of Revd Bertram Seaborne Mercer, [1925], comprising 'Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon', by Mercer; Greek lexicon by Mercer and notebook containing notes on Biblical passages in English, Hebrew and Greek.

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GB 0369 SCO · 1964-1992

Mnutes and related papers of the SCONUL Slavonic and East European Group (SEEG) and Advisory Committee on Slavonic and East European Materials (ACOSEEM) and also papers relating to specific projects of SEEG and ACOSEEM including surveys of information and library requirements, a working party on transliteration of Cyrillic and work towards a union list of Slavonic and East European serials, 1964-1992.

Zonder titel
GB 0114 MS0097 · c 1957

Papers of John Hull Grundy, c 1957, comprising lecture notes; and a photograph album containing images of his study.

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GB 0114 MS0153 · 1948

Papers of Andrew Francis Jackson, 1948, comprising an album of 43 photographs of skulls, jaws, teeth casts and young patient's teeth, to accompany the Charles Tomes lecture Growth and Development from the Clinical Aspect of Orthodontics, delivered to the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 16 Jul 1948.

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GB 0100 KCLCA DH/PP1 · 1944-1987

Dr Freedman's research papers for the opening historical talk at a symposium held to mark Dulwich Hospital's centenary celebration in 1985. Includes correspondence; drafts and text of final version of the talk; plans of the hospital; some 1940s and 1950s electrocardiograms (ECGs) 'on Eindovers string galvanometer' [possibly made at Dulwich Hospital], and programmes for the opening of the operating theatre suite, 1958 and the opening of a new ward in the renal unit, [mid 1980s]. (Note: the talk was never given as the celebration was cancelled.)

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GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP119 Leathes · [1350-1863]

Collection comprises correspondence with Philip Hammersley Leathes, manuscript papers, diaries, devotionals, dictionaries and pedigree rolls, title deeds and indentures, printed books and pamphlets, catalogues and the manuscripts of the architect, John Carter, [1350-1863]. Notably including correspondence from George Nayler of the College of Arms and Nicholas Carlisle, Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, relating to publications of the Society, discoveries of antique brass plate, and the exchange of manuscripts between antiquaries, [1790-1838]; loose manuscript papers collected by Leathes, describing ornamentation in early printed devotionals, a fictional narrative entitled 'The amorous Jill: A tale', narrative of the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, notes relating to the observation of comets, including the comet of 1811, copies of charters of the reigns of Edward IV and Henry VII, papers relating to the Portland Vase, British Museum, fragments describing inscription on newly discovered brass plate, 1747-1829; pedigree rolls tracing the lineage of the English Crown, [1450, 1762]; manuscript volumes including collection of biblical extracts, liturgical handbook, autograph book with colour illustrations, antiquarian ephemera such as funeral memorials, armorials and the creation of nobles, volume by Francis Harrison entitled, 'The elements of navigation' with colour charts, tables and illustrations, dictionaries of Celtic and Saxon words, notes on the teaching of mathematics, commonplace book drawing on ancient and modern authors, manuscript diary including progress of architectural tour of Europe; title deeds and indentures for families in Nottingham, Southampton, London and Hungerford, residency certificates in Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire, 1650-1751; printed books and pamphlets on the subjects of antiquarianism, genealogy and architecture, 1778-1853; manuscripts of John Carter, architect, acquired at his death in 1817 by his executor, Leathes, notably including autobiographical notebooks by Carter describing architectural subjects and tours, commonplace book, correspondence with Leathes, loose notes on linguistics and the ships of the Russia Company, obituaries of Carter and sale catalogue from his estate, 1700-1818; manuscript catalogues and display captions relating to the Leathes' papers, King's College London, 1819, 1837.

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GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP47 · Created 1849-1921, 1958 (predominant 1910-1921)

Correspondence and notes, some in Greek, 1910-1918, including two letters to Burrows from Alex P Ralli about Greek translation, and one letter to Percy Neville Ure, Assistant Lecturer in Classics, University of Leeds; volume containing notes on an annotated copy of Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticum et ad Nationes Libri Duo ex fide Optimorum Codicum Manuscriptorum edited by Franciscus Oehler (Eduardi Anton, Halae Saxonum, 1849); Greek vocabulary notebook addressed to Burrows; volume containing printed cuttings, notes and shorthand, on books, poems, authors and the pleasures of reading, [1886-1892]; framed letter, 5 May 1920, from Burrows to Eleftherios Venizelos, (1864-1936), statesman, and Prime Minister of Greece, wishing Venizelos luck with his political struggle on his return to Greece; framed photograph of Venizelos, 1913; framed photograph [of Burrows]; typed list of books given to the Classical department of King's College London by Burrows, 1920; probate of the will and codicil of Burrows, 1920; deeds of appointment of new trustees of will and codicil, 1921, 1958.

Zonder titel

Queen Elizabeth College publications, including prospectuses, handbooks and reports, 1909-1986. This class of material comprises printed literature describing the history of the College, its students and staff and the academic content of individual subjects and departments and consists mainly of brochures, guidebooks and reports. It comprises a set of the Department/College's prospectuses for prospective students, with brochures covering the work of particular courses and specific qualifications and degrees, including Nutrition, Biology, Physiology and Mathematics, 1909-1985 (Ref: Q/EPH/SYL); Annual Reports, 1916-1984, loose and some bound reprints, containing calendars of College events, staff changes and publications, clubs and societies, the first destination of former students, and lists of registered students in the reports between 1924-1965. Reports from 1966-1984 also contain student statistics and accounts (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT1); Annual Reports of the Principal covering examinations, benefactions and reports on teaching, 1925-1950 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT2); Dean's/Warden's Reports, containing examinations, benefactions and information on the destination of students, 1917-1923 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT3); Report of the auditors to the College Council, 1972-1980 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT4); a variety of booklets and brochures advertising appeals, careers information for students, descriptions of the work of departments for prospective students, health and safety issues and the facilities of the College Library, and describing the history of the College, 1919-1986 (Ref: Q/EPH/PBN); Students Union handbooks, 1954-1964 (Ref: QSU); Old Students' Association handbooks with a small quantity of editorial correspondence, the constitution and rules of the Association, its membership and finance (Ref: QOSA).

Zonder titel
GB 1538 S12 · 1868-1947

Personal papers of John Martin Munro Kerr, 1868-1947, including his Birth certificate, Glasgow, 1868; photocopy of certificate of marriage to Emilia Andrewina Elizabeth Johansson. British Consul's Office, Gothenburg; birth certificate of Emilia Johansson Gothenburg, 1876; election as Honorary Fellow of American Gynaecological Society, 1912; letters to Munro Kerr encouraging him to seek the chair of midwifery, University of Edinburgh, with Munro Kerr's note, 1921-1922; commission appointing Munro Kerr Regius Professor of Midwifery, University of Glasgow, 1927; letters relating to illustrations for Munro Kerr's Operative Midwifery, first edition (London, 1908), and congratulatory messages, 1907-1909; contract between Munro Kerr and his publishers E & S Livingstone relating to Maternal Mortality and Morbidity (Edinburgh, 1933), 1933; minute of agreement between Munro Kerr and three of his co-authors with E & S Livingstone, publishers for publication of J M Munro Kerr and others Combined Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, third edition (Edinburgh, 1939), 1935; certificates of degrees and Fellowship, 1890-1947; address from the Senate of the University of Glasgow on retirement as Regius Professor of Midwifery, 1934.

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Aylward, Gladys
GB 0102 MS 291571 · Created 1936-1970s

Papers, 1936-1970s, of Gladys Aylward, comprising correspondence (1936-1939) with the Whiskin family during her time in China, press cuttings (1936-1970s), publications, notices, Chinese texts for children, calendars, photographs and miscellaneous items including Chinese accessories.

Zonder titel
Grierson, Sir George
GB 0102 MS 380622 · 1920-1941

Correspondence and papers, 1920-1931, largely typescript, concerning the possible acquisition of Sir George Grierson's library on Oriental languages and culture by the School of Oriental Studies and other matters relating to the School; letters concerning Sir George's death, 1941.

Zonder titel
Parsons Family
GB 0102 MS 380686 · (1902-1926), 1951-1998

Papers, 1902-1998, of the Parsons family, comprising three volumes of typescript copies of letters (1902-1926) written by the Rev and Mrs Parsons from Yunnan, China, the subjects including family matters and mission activities, descriptions of local people and culture, and references to the Miao language; unpublished Hua Miao-English dictionary and phrase book written by P Kenneth and R Keith Parsons, 1998; publications using 'Reformed' Pollard script, 1951-1994, including text books and school primer (some photocopies), collected by them.

Zonder titel
Furnivall, John Sydenham
GB 0102 PP MS 23 · Created 1917-1961

Papers, 1917-1961, of John Sydenham Furnivall, comprising correspondence (1948-1956), mostly with C W Dunn (co-editor of the Burmese-English Dictionary); draft annotated chapters of Reconstruction in Burma; statistics and other research material gathered for the above work; Furnivall's lecture notes, scripts of his talks, articles and manuscript research notes.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL 10 · Collectie · 1856

Letter from Baldassarre Boncompagni-Ludovisi, 1856 to [To Augustus De Morgan], asking for a copy of 'The Elements of the Mathematical art commonly called Algebra, expounded in two books, by John Kersey. 1717'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL 102 · 1881

Papers of Arthur Cowper Raynard, 1881, comprise a letter to Mrs [Sophia] De Morgan, widow of Augustus De Morgan, offering to lend her Professor Edward Singleton Holden's biography Sir William Herschel, his life and works (London, 1881).

Zonder titel