Campbell , Thomas , 1777-1844 , poet

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Campbell , Thomas , 1777-1844 , poet

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        Thomas Campbell was born in 1777, the son of a Glasgow merchant who lost his fortune whilst Thomas was young. He was educated at Glasgow Grammar School, and became a classics scholar at Glasgow University, 1791-1796, where he participated in debates and undertook poetical translations from Greek. Following a short period as a tutor in Mull, 1795, and Argyllshire, 1796, he settled in Edinburgh as a law clerk and tutor. His first publication was Pleasures of Hope (Mundell and Son, Edinburgh, 1799). Pensioned by the Crown in 1805, he continued to write. He became Lord Rector of Glasgow University, 1826-1829. Campbell died at Bologne in 1844 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.


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