Área de identidad
Código de referencia
- 1968- (Creación)
Volumen y soporte
3 boxes
Área de contexto
Nombre del productor
Historia biográfica
The pressure and interest group materials assembled here date predominantly from the 1970s and 1980s and their content has almost certainly been influenced by the research interests of those collecting them as well as by the prevailing issues of the time. Thus whilst the lobbying efforts of the business community are not represented in this collection a variety of women's groups and pro-labour organisations are, along with several movements concerned with human rights in general. In addition there is a wide selection of materials from different Québécois groups, dealing both with the province's constitutional status around the time of the 1980 referendum and with other domestic issues.
Institución archivística
Historia archivística
The Commonwealth Pressure Group Materials collection was built up alongside that of the Political Parties, which was begun in 1960-61, and likewise concentrated on the collection of primary material. The main method of gathering material has been to appeal directly to pressure groups throughout the Commonwealth, though contributions from Institute members and staff following visits to relevant countries have been significant. More recently material has been collected by means of downloading documents from the websites of significant groups and movements.
GB 0101 PG.CN 1968- Collection (Fonds) 3 boxes Institute of Commonwealth Studies
The pressure and interest group materials assembled here date predominantly from the 1970s and 1980s and their content has almost certainly been influenced by the research interests of those collecting them as well as by the prevailing issues of the time. Thus whilst the lobbying efforts of the business community are not represented in this collection a variety of women's groups and pro-labour organisations are, along with several movements concerned with human rights in general. In addition there is a wide selection of materials from different Québécois groups, dealing both with the province's constitutional status around the time of the 1980 referendum and with other domestic issues.
The Commonwealth Pressure Group Materials collection was built up alongside that of the Political Parties, which was begun in 1960-61, and likewise concentrated on the collection of primary material. The main method of gathering material has been to appeal directly to pressure groups throughout the Commonwealth, though contributions from Institute members and staff following visits to relevant countries have been significant. More recently material has been collected by means of downloading documents from the websites of significant groups and movements.
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the British Columbia Federation of Women, the Canada West Foundation, the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples, the Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian League of Rights, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, the Committee of Anglophones for Sovereignty-Association, the Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, the Comité pour le réveil indépendantiste, the Conseil du patronat du Québec, the Elector's Action Movement (Vancouver), the Fondation des Québécois pour le Oui, the Groupe socialiste des travailleurs du Québec, Human Action to Limit Taxes, In Struggle!, the Ligue des droits de l'homme, L'organisation des jeunes indépendantistes pour un Québec communautaire, the Mouvement etudiant pour le oui, the Mouvement québécois pour combattre le racisme, the National Council of Women of Canada, the National Women's Liberal Commission, the Progressive Youth Movement, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Vancouver Status of Women, the Workers' Defence Alliance.
Further accruals are expected, some in electronic form.
Alphabetically by group, and then in rough chronological order.
Open to all for research purposes; access is free for anyone in higher education.
Copies can usually be obtained - apply to library staff.
English and French.
Records at item level on library catalogue (SASCAT)
See also Canada: Trades Unions Material (TU.CN) and Canada: Political Party Material (PP.CN), as well as Political Party, Trades Unions and Pressure Group Materials for other Commonwealth countries, and related material in the library's main classified sequence, all held at ICS.
Description compiled by Daniel Millum, Political Archives Project Officer at the Institutes of Commonwealth and Latin American Studies. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Created 28/01/2004 AIM25 British Columbia British Columbia Federation of Women Canada Canada West Foundation Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples Canadian Civil Liberties Association Canadian League of Rights Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform Comité pour le réveil indépendantiste Committee of Anglophones for Sovereignty-Association Conseil du patronat du Québec Elector's Action Movement (Vancouver) Federalism Fondation des Québécois pour le Oui Groupe socialiste des travailleurs du Québec Human Action to Limit Taxes In Struggle! Labour movements Labour relations Liberation movements Ligue des droits de l'homme Mouvement etudiant pour le oui Mouvement québécois pour combattre le racisme National Council of Women of Canada National Women's Liberal Commission North America Political doctrines Political movements Political science Politics Progressive Youth Movement Public Service Alliance of Canada Quebec Separatism Vancouver Vancouver Status of Women Womens liberation movement Workers' Defence Alliance
Origen del ingreso o transferencia
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Área de contenido y estructura
Alcance y contenido
Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the British Columbia Federation of Women, the Canada West Foundation, the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples, the Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian League of Rights, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, the Committee of Anglophones for Sovereignty-Association, the Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, the Comité pour le réveil indépendantiste, the Conseil du patronat du Québec, the Elector's Action Movement (Vancouver), the Fondation des Québécois pour le Oui, the Groupe socialiste des travailleurs du Québec, Human Action to Limit Taxes, In Struggle!, the Ligue des droits de l'homme, L'organisation des jeunes indépendantistes pour un Québec communautaire, the Mouvement etudiant pour le oui, the Mouvement québécois pour combattre le racisme, the National Council of Women of Canada, the National Women's Liberal Commission, the Progressive Youth Movement, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Vancouver Status of Women, the Workers' Defence Alliance.
Further accruals are expected, some in electronic form.
Sistema de arreglo
Alphabetically by group, and then in rough chronological order.
Área de condiciones de acceso y uso
Condiciones de acceso
Open to all for research purposes; access is free for anyone in higher education.
Copies can usually be obtained - apply to library staff.
Idioma del material
- inglés
Escritura del material
- latín
Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras
English and French.
Características físicas y requisitos técnicos
See also Canada: Trades Unions Material (TU.CN) and Canada: Political Party Material (PP.CN), as well as Political Party, Trades Unions and Pressure Group Materials for other Commonwealth countries, and related material in the library's main classified sequence, all held at ICS.
Instrumentos de descripción
Records at item level on library catalogue (SASCAT)
Puntos de acceso
Puntos de acceso por materia
- Doctrina política » Federalismo
- Relaciones laborales » Movimiento obrero
- Relaciones laborales
- Movimiento político » Movimientos de liberación
- Doctrina política
- Movimiento político
- Ciencia política
- Ciencia política » Política
- Doctrina política » Separatismo
- Movimiento político » Movimientos de liberación » Movimiento de liberación femenina
Área de control de la descripción
Identificador de la institución
Reglas y/o convenciones usadas
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- inglés