Carter , Francis (Frank) William , 1938-4 May 2001 , academic

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Carter , Francis (Frank) William , 1938-4 May 2001 , academic

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        Professor Francis (Frank) William Carter was Head of the Department of Social Sciences at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) at University College London (UCL) and Honorary Fellow of the UCL Geography Department. After attending Wulfrum College of Education in Wolverhampton, he studied at the universities of Sheffield and Cambridge and the London School of Economics. He lectured at King's College before joining UCL in October 1966, where he researched primarily the historical geography of the Balkans and Eastern Europe, covering themes such as agriculture, migration, city development and the environment.

        Sources: Clout, Hugh 'In Memorium Francis William Carter 1938-2001: An Appreciation' in Nations, Nationalism and the European Citizen; 'Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Development in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union: A Collection of Essays in Memory of Professor Francis 'Frank' Carter (Ed. Turnock, David 2005) and Turnock, David 'Obituaries: Francis William Carter 1938-2001' in The Geographical Journal Vol. 169, No. 3 (Sep. 2001) pp. 275-276


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