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        951 Descrição arquivística resultados para Catholicism

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        Chaussegros, Vital (1769- )
        GB 0120 MSS.1556-1582 · 1814-[1845]

        Papers of Vital Chaussegros on magic and occultism, 1814-[1845].

        Sem título
        Nazi propaganda leaflets
        GB 1556 WL 833 · Coleção · [1934]

        Copies of Nazi propaganda leaflets including a leaflet announcing a solidarity meeting to be held in Trier, 1 July 1934; appeal to Roman Catholic boys and girls to join the Hitler Youth, refuting the accusation that the Hitler Youth movement is a heathen organisation that seeks the extirpation of religion.

        Sem título
        Catholic Evidence Guild, Westminster
        GB 0122 CEG · 1918-2007

        Papers of the Westminster chapter of the Catholic Evidence Guild, 1918-2007, including minutes of the Inter Guild Conferences, 1928-1986; minutes of the Westminster Catholic Evidence Guild, Oct 1920-Sep 1986; minutes of the practical training committee, 24 May 1929-Jun 1939 and 19 Jul 1941; library records, May 1964-1981; photograph albums and loose photographs; press cuttings, 1925-1926; book: The Catholic Evidence Movement, by Henry Browne, (London, 1921); report of the Westminster meeting, 1918; Birmingham Guild handbook, 1921; Inter Guild conference handbooks, 1924-1972; 'The Guildsman' and 'Guild Newsletter', Jun 1972-2007.

        Sem título
        GB 0122 V · 1851-1910

        Papers of Cardinal Vaughan, 1851-1910, including correspondence on topics including the visitation of parochial churches of Regulars (Benedictines and Jesuits), 1875-1885; the Donelan case (Cambridge University hostel), 1894-1901 and Anglican Orders, 1894-1901. Correspondents include, among others, Cardinal James Gibbons, Baltimore; John Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute; Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk; George Forrest Browne, Anglican Bishop of Stepney; Bishop William Clifford; Bishop William Ullathorne; the Earl of Halifax; Bishop Robert Brindle; Lord Acton and Rafael Merry del Val. Also, notes on the foundation of St Joseph's, Mill Hill, 1851-1866; press cuttings; Vaughan's diaries, 1853-1881, covering visits to Rome, American tours and early Salford days; ordo recitandi and directories, 1873-1880 and 1882-1902.

        Sem título
        German Religious Poem
        GB 0103 MS GERM 13 · 17th century

        Manuscript poem, 17th century, 'Himmelfahrt Der Ordensleute' (ascension of orders), in rhyming couplets. Folio 1r bears an inscription dated 1660, describing the text as a humorous poem on the meeting of the Roman Catholics, Jesuits, monks, etc, with the apostle Peter at the celestial gates, probably unpublished. On the last leaf (f 5v) a copper engraving is pasted, depicting the Rhine and Main from Cologne to Würzburg, and on the water boats full of Jesuits, apparently fleeing. A single Jesuit toils along the river bank with his sack full of treasures belonging to the Roman Catholic Church, which are being lost en route.

        Sem título
        Milledonne Manuscript
        GB 0103 MS ITALIAN 5 · [17th century]

        Manuscript volume [17th century] containing Antonio Milledonne's 'Historia de sacri concili divisa in due libri ... ' (history of the holy council [presumably the Council of Trent] in two volumes).

        Sem título
        Declaration of the landholders of Clogherny
        GB 0096 MS 162 · 1829

        Manuscript volume containing a 'Declaration of the landholders of the parish of Clogherny', 1 Oct 1829, being a Protestant declaration in favour of law and order, religious toleration and loyalty to the constitution, acknowledged and reciprocated by the Catholic population of the area.

        Sem título
        UNDERHILL, Evelyn (1875-1941)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP75 · 1874-1997

        Papers of and relating to Evelyn Underhill, 1874-1997 and undated, comprising personal correspondence of and concerning Underhill, 1888-1969 and undated, the correspondents including Baron Friedrich von Hugel (three letters, 1911-1916), Underhill's husband Hubert Stuart Moore (117 letters from Underhill to Moore, 1890-1912 and undated, and 30 letters from Moore to Underhill, 1898-1906 and undated), Rabindranath Tagore (typed transcripts of 10 letters from Underhill to Tagore, 1913-1914), and members of the Underhill family, the subjects ranging from Catholicism, travels in Italy, Switzerland and France, publications and lectures, spiritual matters and advice, mysticism, health, and World War Two; correspondence, 1907-[1954], with various publishers concerning Underhill's publications (some posthumous) and broadcasts, including copyright, costs, sales and royalties; manuscripts and typescripts containing proposed holiday itineraries and recording Underhill's impressions while travelling in Italy, Switzerland and France, 1898-1899, 1901-1907; poetry, 1917-1923 and undated, including some work which was published; a speech at King's College London on being elected a Fellow, 1927; an article on 'The Fountain of Life: an iconographical study', published in 1910; material relating to spiritual development, 1921-1939, mainly under the guidance of Baron Friedrich Von Hugel and including transcripts of his letters, 1921-1924, and other items on spiritual advice, confessions, goals and progress; papers relating to retreats and religious writings, 1924-1932 and undated, including notebooks and texts of addresses; printed material by and concerning Underhill, 1926-1941, 1990, including some of her publications; press cuttings, 1891-1949, mainly reviews of Underhill's work but also including early published pieces; sketchbooks and drawings, 1892-1911 and undated, including sketches and watercolours of marine scenes in Britain, ecclesiastical subjects, and Italian and French architecture; photographs, c1925-c1930s and undated, including a photograph and negatives of Underhill (one at Pleshey), a portrait of Baron Von Hugel, marine views, and views of French and Italian castles and towns; material relating to the Underhill family, 1874-1940, including the marriage certificate of Evelyn Underhill's parents, 1874, a family tree, c1891, a copy of Evelyn Underhill's will, 1940, and details of books in Dr Williams's Library, London, which originated from Underhill's library; obituaries of and articles about Underhill, 1941-1997, including theses, bibliographies, memoirs, biographical material and reflections on her work; newsletters of the Evelyn Underhill Association, 1992-1997.

        Sem título
        DELL, Robert Edward, 1865-1940, journalist
        GB 0097 DELL · 1895-1973

        Material for a biography of Robert Edward Dell, 1895-1973, collected by his elder daughter Sylvia Blelloch in the 1960s, notably family correspondence, 1854-1940, mainly between Dell and his wife and daughters; general correspondence to Robert and Sylvia Dell, 1889-1973, with correspondents including Edmund Bishop concerning Catholic affairs, Clifford Sharpe, Dorothy Frances Buxton (wife of Charles Roden Buxton), Joseph Cailleux (French Minister of Finance), Herbert George Wells, Rabbi Stephen Wise (Rabbi of the Free Synagogue, New York), Maxim Litvinov (Soviet Foreign Minister), Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (President of the League of Nations Union), and Diana Sheean (wife of James Vincent Sheean); letters and press cuttings relating to the publication of Germany unmasked (Martin Hopkinson, London, 1934) and The Geneva racket, 1920-1939 (Robert Hale, London, 1921), 1934-1973; papers concerning Dell's relations with Anatole France, [1913-1939], including typescript copies and photocopies of correspondence between the two, [1913-1922], material relating to the Cercle Carre, and a typescript of part of 'Anatole France as I knew him' by Dell, [1930-1939]; rough draft of an autobiography by Dell, [1930-1940]; typescript articles by Dell, 1900-1940, mainly concerning European politics following World War One, especially relating to Germany and France, and the build up to World War Two; published pamphlets and articles by Dell, 1899-1940, notably relating to Catholicism, foreign affairs, and the Geneva League Assembly; biographical material relating to Dell, [1950s-1960s], including papers relating to Dell's membership of the Fabian Society, his work as Editor of the Surrey Mirror, his work as a Catholic modernist, as well as photographs, certificates and correspondence of Sylvia Blelloch relating to her research.

        Sem título
        Brown, William Thomas
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Europe/FBN 1 ( Box 587) · 1861-1890s

        Papers, 1861-1890s, of William Thomas Brown, including observations on Spain and religious matters, and comprising a journal, presumed to be Brown's, 1861-1863; journal with copies of letters sent and received, 1869-1870; manuscripts on 'Contributions towards a History of Methodist Schools in Spain', 1869-1873, and 'Glimpses of a Mission in Spain', including copies of letters, 1880s-1890s.

        Sem título
        Cousins, (Ethel) Constance
        GB 0102 MS 380325 · Created 1865-1974

        Papers, 1865-1974, of and relating to (Ethel) Constance Cousins, including correspondence with her family, photographs, press cuttings and the unpublished typescript biography by her niece Janet E. Cousins. Also includes letters dated 1893-1900 from her father, Rev. William Edward Cousins, chiefly from Madagascar.

        Sem título
        Hake, Andrew
        GB 0102 PP MS 46 · Created 1949-1991

        Papers and correspondence, 1949-1991, of Andrew Hake, accumulated during the course of his career in Kenya as an industrial missionary. The papers reflect the diversity of his work and interest in the urban and industrial community in Nairobi. The collection also includes publications collected by Hake, including Kenyan government publications and publications of the National Christian Council of Kenya.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 A/KNW · Coleção · 1936-1977

        Records of the Kensington Welfare Association and other related welfare associations, 1936-1977.

        Minute book of the Kensington Welfare Association, 1955-1966. Annual reports of the Kensington Association for Rescue and Preventative Work, 1936-1945. Annual reports of the Kensington Association for Moral Welfare, 1946-1966. Annual reports of the Kensington and Chelsea Deaneries Welcare Association, 1969-1977. Annual report of the Fulham Ruri-Decanal Council for Moral Welfare Work, 1949-1950.

        Circular of the Deanery Association for Moral Welfare Work, 1955. Annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare, 1959-1963. Annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Wel-care, 1972-1977. Annual report of the London Council for Welfare of Women and Girls, 1965-1966.

        Sem título
        GB 0122 Bo · [1903-1935]

        Papers of Francis Alphonsus Bourne as Archbishop of Westminster, [1903-1935], including material on the Holy See; Bishop's conferences; synods; religious orders; Vicars General and Chaplaincies; Papal Encyclicals; ecclesiastical and diocesan matters; moral, social and political issues; ecumenicalism; media, communications and publications; foreign countries; national and international institutions; government; embassies; hospitals; trusts, foundations and communities; lectures; homilies; patronages; personal correspondence; staff; invitations; education bills; visits; finance; St Edmund's College, Ware; missions, including in Austria, Germany and India and boy scouts and girl guides.

        Sem título
        Catholic Missionary Society
        GB 0122 CMS · 1910-2001

        Papers of the Catholic Missionary Society (CMS), 1910-2001, including the journal of the CMS, Catholic Gazette, 1910-2001; financial accounts, 1995-1999; photographs; a history of the CMS; correspondence regarding the CMS to act as relaters for Christian Unity Dialogue; Catholic Enquiry Centre legacies, 1987-1995; Catholic Enquiry Centre correspondence; papers relating to Missionary Priests; minutes of the CMS, 1979-2001; papers relating to CMS Missions.

        Sem título
        GB 0122 Hi · [1935-1943]

        Papers of Arthur Hinsley as Archbishop of Westminster, [1935-1943], including material on the Holy See; Bishop's conferences; synods; religious orders; Vicars General and Chaplaincies; Papal Encyclicals; ecclesiastical and diocesan matters; moral, social and political issues; ecumenism; media, communications and publications; foreign countries; national and international institutions; government; embassies; hospitals; trusts, foundations and communities; lectures; homilies; patronages; personal correspondence; staff; invitations; education; visits and finance.

        Sem título
        Series E: private correspondence and diaries
        GB 0122 Series E · Série · 1598-1847

        Private correspondence and diaries, 1598-1847, comprising:

        E1: An extended letter from John Sargeant (1623-1710) in his defence, bound in a volume, giving 'a catalogue of all the pieces I have writ for Catholic Faith; together with the Occasion, the Process and Upshot of the Controversies between myself and the Protestant writers', Paris, 1700.

        E 2: Volume of letters, 1596-1606, chiefly in Spanish, notably from Don Gomez Suarez de Figueroa of Cordova, Duke of Feria to Thomas Fitzherbert and from Jane Dormer, Duchess of Feria; Lord Bothwell; Thomas Fitzherbert and Sir Francis Inglefield.

        E 7 and 8: Two volumes of Bishop Robert Gradwell's journal whilst rector of the English College, Rome. Volume 1, 1817-1825 and volume 2, 1825-1828.

        E 11 Volume of the correspondence of Charles Edward Stuart, c 1764-1769 including with Henry Benedict Stuart and members of the French Court including the French Queen. The volume also contains the correspondence of Lady Webb.

        E 12 Volume containing notes on legal practice, possibly made by Edmund Blount, Clifford's Inn, 1695.

        Sem título
        Series F: manuscript treatises
        GB 0122 Series F · Série · [1558-1900]

        Manuscript treatises and follows:

        F 1: 'Annales Elizabethae Reginae', by Anthony Champney, 1558-1603. 1 vol. Latin.

        F 3: Declaration of the Vicars Apostolic and their Coadjutors in Great Britain in defense of the Catholic faith, 1826. 1 vol. English.

        F 4: Treatise from regular leaders (Jesuits or Benedictines) of England, against Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon as part of the approbation controversy entitled 'A survey of the Answere to the Bishop of Chalcedon his letter to the lay Catholics of England sent to him by the heads of three regular orders in England', 1629. 1 vol. English.

        F 5: De quimdecim gloriosis Anglia martyribus breuis historia,

        ab Henrico Stilo Benedictino, ex Anglico sermone, in Lamu translate, ex me'I ciori ordine collocate.Pro verae virtutis preniys, falsisceleris poenas subimus.
        Gislenpopoli. 1 vol. Latin.

        F 6: Sixteenth century Commonplace book concerning the reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries. 1 vol. Latin.

        F 7: Volume of additions to Charles Butler's Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Roman Catholics, given to the Vicar Apostolic of the London District by Butler, 1822. 1 vol. English.

        F 8: Partial transcript of B28: Volume of contemporary catalogues of the English martyrs, 17th century.

        F 9: Transcriptions of manuscripts in Series A comprising:

        Transcription of 'Collectanea B' or 'Collectanea de martyribus', the collection of Father Christopher Greene, chiefly containing correspondence between Richard Verstegen and Father Person's, 1592-1594. This collection is no longer in the possession of the Westminster Diocesan Archives as it was exchanged with Stonyhurst College in 1921.

        Transcription of Shelly's supplication to Queen Elizabeth I, 1585, in Series A, volume 4, p 33.

        Transcriptions of papers relating to martyrs from Series A.

        F 10: Transcriptions of papers relating to martyrs from Series A. 1 file.

        F11-F17: Biographical notes on priests in penal times by Canon Edward Burton, arranged alphabetically. 7 boxes. English.

        F18-19: Theological treatises by Jos[eph] Stapleton, eighteenth century. 2 vols. Latin.

        F 20: Sermon notes on the Resurrection and other topics. 1 vol. English.

        F 21: Two unbound manuscripts: 'The origin, distinction and mutual independence of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Power' by Bishop William Poynter, and 'The Contemplative Solitaire and Spiritual Guide' by Father George of St Joseph. 2 items. English.

        Sem título
        Sacramental registers
        GB 0122 SR · 1715-1985

        Sacramental registers including Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Burial and Death registers and Marriage Bans for parishes and churches and priest's registers, including:

        Archbishops' Private Chapel: Confirmation registers, 1854-1901.

        Bavarian Chapel, Warwick Street: Baptism registers, 1748 -1909 and

        Marriage registers, 1747-1840 and 1856-1922.

        Westminster Cathedral: Baptism registers, 1809-1906; Confirmation registers, 1856-1909 and Marriage registers, 1856-1914.

        Clerkenwell, SS Peter and Paul: Marriage registers, 1979-1985.

        Commercial Rd, SS Mary and Michael (including Virginia St Mission): Baptism registers, 1832-1893 and Marriage registers, 1856-1899.

        Ealing, Mission of St Joseph and St Peter: Baptism registers, 1772-1855.

        Saffron Hill mission (Holy Family): Baptism registers, 1842-1852 and 1855-1876.

        Baldwin Gardens mission (St Bridget's): Baptism registers, 1851-1872; Confirmation registers, 1857-1875 and Marriage registers, 1854-1876.

        Ely Place mission (St Etheldreda): Baptism registers, 1877-1947; Confirmation registers, 1856-1948; Marriage registers, 1855-1975 and Death registers, 1857-1923.

        French Chapel (Little George St, nr Portman Sq): Baptism registers, 1909-1911 and Marriage registers: 1846-1910.

        Gower Street, Catholic Chaplaincy: Marriage registers, 1988-1990.

        Imperial Chapel: Baptism registers, 1765-1816; Marriage registers, 1766-1805 and Death registers, 1794-1806.

        Isleworth, Our Lady of Sorrows and St Bridget of Sweden: Baptism registers, 1746-1809 and Confirmation registers: 1747-1777.

        Islington, St John: Index to Baptisms, 1841-1819; Baptism registers, 1840-1844, 1851-1871, 1890-1902; Confirmation registers, 1851-1862 and Marriage registers, 1844-1880.

        Kensington, Our Lady of Victories: Baptism registers, 1823-1850, 1852-1922 and Marriage Registers: 1852-1927.

        Kentish Town, Our Lady Help of Christians: Baptism registers, 1849-1854.

        Lincoln's Inn Fields, SS Anselm and Caecilia (inc. Sardinian Chapel): Baptism registers, 1731-1920; Marriage registers, 1729-1838, 1850-1856 and Death registers: 1858-1861.

        Mile End, Guardian Angels: Baptism registers, 1869-1890 and Marriage registers, 1904-1962.

        Moorfields, St Mary: Index to Baptisms: 1840, 1845-1854, 1856-1861; Baptism registers, 1763-1907; Marriage registers, 1777-1821; Burial registers, 1819-1853 and Death registers, 1857-1860.

        Neapolitan Chapel: Baptism registers, 1772-1855.

        Old Hall Green: Baptisms, 1811-1830, 1855-1925; Marriage registers, 1812-1848; Confirmation registers, 1812-1848 and Death registers, 1856-1913.

        Palace St, SS Peter and Edward: Index to Baptisms, 1864-1940; Baptism registers, 1857-1963; Confirmation registers, 1863-1886, 1905-1942 and Marriage registers, 1859-1973.

        Priests Registers including of: Rev James Barnard, 1764-1788; Rev Joseph Bolton, 1766-1781; Rev George Howe, 1796-1798; Fr Richard Dillon, 1750-1753; Fr James Barnard, 1763-1796; Rev James Barnard, 1791-1800; Rev Elston Lacy, 1715-1743; Rev Thomas Varley, 1767-1786; Bishop Poynter confirmation register, 1826-1843; Bishop Bramston confirmation register, 1826-1843; Bishop Gradwell confirmation register, 1826-1843; Bishop Griffiths confirmation register, 1826-1843; Rev Joseph Hodgson, 1802-1818; Fr John Lindow, 1765-1793; Fr John Lindow, 1793-1798; Fr Peter Brown, 1757-1767; Fr Patrick Moore, 1830-1835; Fr Benedict Short, 1763-1787; Fr Emanuel Dias Santos, 1802-1815; Fr Emanuel Dias Santos, 1815-1828; Fr Joseph Anson, 1803-1812; Fr Thomas Horrabim, 1778-1806 and Fr Thomas Cottrell, 1776-1778.

        Romford, St Edward the Confessor: Death register, 1858-1877.

        Soho, St Patrick's: Index to Baptisms, 1780-1938; Baptism registers, 1790-1899; Confirmation registers, 1818-1854; Marriage registers, 1838-1856; Marriage Bans, 1858-1886 and Death registers, 1882-1902.

        Southwark, St George's Fields: Baptism registers, 1801-1826.

        Tottenham, St Francis de Sales: Baptism registers, 1794-1823, 1827-1868, 1890-1929; Confirmation registers, 1856-1905, 1908-1968 and Marriage registers, 1827-1856, 1859-1949 .

        Underwood Rd, St Anne (Spitalfields): Index to Baptisms, 1848-1909; Baptism registers, 1848-1920; Confirmation, 1856-1891; Index to Marriages, 1851-1934 and Marriages, 1851-1890.

        Venetian Embassy: Baptism registers, 1744-1796 and Marriage registers, 1744-1754, 1772-1788.

        Walthamstow, St George: Death registers, 1851-1882.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/001 · Coleção · 1568-2002

        Records of the parish of Saint Martin, West Drayton, including baptism, marriage and burial registers; registers of services; register of fees; registers of banns of marriage; churchwarden's accounts; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building; papers relating to church rates; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes and accounts; papers relating to charity; papers relating to the parish school, including Manager's minutes, papers regarding rebuilding of the school and financial accounts; enclosure award; and papers of the Parish Committee.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/006 · Coleção · 1570-1991

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Hanwell, including registers of baptisms, confirmations, banns, marriages and burials; legal papers relating to property ownership; papers relating to the rebuilding of the church; financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to church societies and committees including the St Mary's Youth Fellowship, the Reconstruction Committee, the St Mary League, and the Halls Committee; correspondence; papers relating to the war memorial; papers relating to charities including almshouses; papers relating to Hanwell National School. Some papers relate to Saint Mark, Hanwell, St Thomas, Hanwell and St Christopher, Hanwell.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/007 · Coleção · 1565-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Sunbury on Thames, including registers of baptisms, confirmations, banns, marriages and burials; service registers; papers relating to endowments; papers of the churchwardens including accounts, rates, and papers regarding the maintenance of the church and churchyard; Vestry meeting minutes; Overseers of the Poor financial accounts; papers relating to parish charities; papers relating to Sunbury National Schools including minutes; papers of Sunbury Parochial Committee; papers of the Church Rebuilding Campaign; papers relating to the cemetery; Enclosure Acts and awards; and maps of the parish.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/017 · Coleção · 1619-1956

        Records of the parish of St Mary The Virgin, Monken Hadley, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, and services; visitors book; Vestry meeting minutes; papers of parish charities; papers relating to the School of Industry and the Sunday School; and Church Council minute book.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/023 · Coleção · 1862-1923

        Records of the parish of Christ Church, Crouch End, including registers of baptisms, marriages and church services; financial accounts of the Churchwardens; Vestry minutes; and Parochial Church Council minutes.

        Also records of St Andrew's Mission Chapel, comprising register of baptisms and register of services.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/026 · Coleção · 1559-1965

        Records of the parish of St Leonard, Heston, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; and registers of graves.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/030 · Coleção · 1889-1981

        Records of the parish of Christ Church, West Green, near Tottenham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minute books and financial accounts; papers of the Sunday School; parish magazines and published history of the church.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/031 · Coleção · 1873-1961

        Records of the parish of Saint Paul, New Southgate, including registers of baptism and marriages; papers relating to income and endowments; papers of the Churchwardens relating to the maintenance of the church fabric; Parochial Church Council minutes and accounts of St Paul's Schools.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/036 · Coleção · 1861-1996

        Records of the parish of Saint Ann, Stamford Hill, comprising registers of baptisms and marriages.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/046 · Coleção · 1835-1989

        Records of Jesus Church, Enfield, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage and church services; papers relating to the benefice and glebe lands; papers relating to the church building including correspondence regarding alterations and restorations, faculties, plans, reports and surveys; Churchwardens' annual reports; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; papers relating to almshouses; and parish magazines.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/050 · Coleção · 1925-1979

        Records of the parish of Saint Matthew, Muswell Hill, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, and church services; papers regarding the church building and fittings, the vicarage and the church hall, including designs; financial accounts; correspondence; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; parish magazines and orders of service.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/052 · Coleção · 1539-2017

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Acton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, and church services; preachers' books; parish map; papers relating to tithes; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings and the churchyard; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes and financial accounts; Vestry minutes; Overseers of the Poor financial accounts; parochial reports; papers regarding parish charities including almshouses; parish magazines; press cuttings; and orders of services.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/053 · Coleção · 1884-1996

        Records of the parish of Saint Paul, Harringay, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; preachers' books; papers relating to parish boundaries including maps; correspondence; papers regarding the construction and maintenance of church buildings and the hall; financial accounts; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to church socieities and social events; photographs; press cuttings; and parish magazines.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/054 · Coleção · 1819-1974

        Records of the parish of Saint James, Enfield Highway, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials (including war graves), confirmation and church services; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers of Saint James School including log books; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/055 · Coleção · 1888-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint Alban, Acton Green, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations, and church services; orders of services; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; Finance Committee meetings; and parish magazines.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/058 · Coleção · 1570-1977

        Records of the parish of Saint Lawrence, New Brentford, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials; banns of marriage, and church services; papers relating to tithes and income; Churchwardens' papers; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings; Vestry minutes; papers relating to parish charities; minutes of the Trustees and managers of New Brentford Charity Schools (later the National Schools); National Schools log books and attendance registers; papers of the Overseers of the Poor including settlement examinations; Parochial Church Council minutes; parish magazines and photographs.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/063 · Coleção · 1885-1969

        Records of the parish of Saint Mark, Noel Park, Wood Green, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers of the Shropshire Mission to East London; minutes of St Mark's (Noel Park) Institute; photographs and parish magazines.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/070 · Coleção · 1866-1986

        Records of Saint Michael-at-Bowes, Southgate, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; registers of church services; papers relating to the work of the clergy and church staff; papers regarding parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; Churchwardens' financial accounts; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building, churchyard and church hall; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to Sunday schools and church schools; papers of church societies; parish magazines.

        Also papers of the mission churches of Saint Peter, Bounds Green; Saint Michael's, Tile Kiln Lane and Saint Mary the Virgin, Tottenhall.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/081 · Coleção · 1898-1984

        Records of the parish of Saint Philip the Apostle, Tottenham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage and church services; papers relating to parish property; papers regarding the church organ; financial accounts; minute books; reports and general correspondence.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/086 · Coleção · 1574-1921

        Records of the parish of Saint Nicholas, Shepperton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, and banns of marriage; preachers' books; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Vestry minutes and papers relating to parochial charities.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/089 · Coleção · 1875-1979

        Records of All Souls, Harlesden, including registers of baptism, marriage, banns of marriage and church services; financial accounts; Vestry minutes and Parochial Church Council minutes.

        Records of Saint Luke's Church, Willesden Junction, comprising Vestry minutes and registers of church services.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/090 · Coleção · 1874-1984

        Records of the parish of Saint Stephen, East Twickenham, including registers of banns of marriage; preachers' books; registers of church services; papers relating to the maintenance and repair of the church, vicarage and mission hall, including correspondence and plans; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes and verger's log book.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/093 · Coleção · 1865-1955

        Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Kilburn, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages and confirmations.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 DRO/101 · Coleção · 1750-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Ealing, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and church services; papers of the incumbent relating to the work of the clergy; papers regarding church personnel; parish boundaries; papers regarding the construction and maintenance of church buildings and the churchyard; churchwardens' papers; records relating to parish administration and finance, charities, societies and clubs; and printed material.

        The collection includes four items relating to the temporary iron church: a baptism register, 1882-93 (DRO/101/1), a preacher's book, 1882-93 (DRO/101/16), vestry minutes, 1882-93 (DRO/101/134) and churchwardens' accounts, 1889-93 (DRO/101/131). The rest, and bulk of the collection, relates to the permanent church of St. Peter. Of particular note are three scrapbooks (DRO/101/249-251), compiled by the parish after 1989, of various important items relating to the history of the parish.

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        GB 0074 DRO/102 · Coleção · 1907-1974

        Records of the parish of Saint Paul, Northfields, comprising a register of baptisms and five registers of marriages.

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        GB 0074 DRO/112 · Coleção · 1886-1978

        Records of the parish of St Michael and All Angels, Hillside, Willesden, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriages and church services; financial accounts; and Parochial Church Council minutes.

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        GB 0074 DRO/115 · Coleção · 1901-1971

        Records of the parish of Saint Laurence, Brondesbury, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services; and Annual Parochial Church Meeting minutes.

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        GB 0074 DRO/116 · Coleção · 1876-1990

        Records of the parish of Saint John, Northfields, Ealing, consisting of baptism registers 1876-1958, marriage registers 1876-1975, banns of marriages 1939-1987 and confirmation registers 1940-1947; and church service registers 1973-1990.

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        GB 0074 DRO/120 · Coleção · 1879-1980

        Records of the parish of Saint Mark, Hanwell, including baptism registers (1880-1980), marriage registers (1919-1979), banns of marriage registers (1940-1978), confirmation registers (1940-1979), and church service registers.

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