Cell biology

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Cell biology

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Cell biology

      • UF Cytochemistry
      • UF Cytology
      • UF Cytochimie
      • UF Cytologie
      • UF Citología
      • UF Citoquímica

      Verwante termen

      3 Archivistische beschrijving results for Cell biology

      GB 0120 SA/SRL · c 1901-1988

      Papers of the Strangeways Research Laboratory, c 1901-1988, comprising papers of T S P Strangeways; annual reports including 1929-1950; minutes and correspondence of the Trustees, 1929-1971; account books and ledgers, 1929-1970; papers relating to funding from various bodies, 1929-1975; papers relating to Medical Research Council funding, c.1962-1969; papers relating to grants, c.1963-1970 and c.1967-1980; administrative records, 1931-1971; general correspondence, 1942-1947, 1954-1956, and 1965-1970; assorted files, 1930s-1960s; miscellaneous historical material including research by George Eric Howard Foxon; minutes of the Radium Commission, 1932-1943; and papers relating to C F Robinow, E M Brieger and Michael Abercrombie.

      Zonder titel
      DAVSON, Hugh (1909-1996)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP98 · 1951-1980

      The papers of Hugh Davson comprise correspondence, working papers and printed reports, 1950-1988; including correspondence with the Medical Research Council, notably project applications and progress reports, 1951-1978; concerning Davson's publications, with reviews, 1962-1978; with the Wellcome Trust, 1974-1980; descriptions of recent research on the eye, 1970-1978; correspondence between Davson and colleagues in the United Kingdom, Europe and North America, mainly on administrative and publishing matters, including grant applications, conference organisation and reviews of new articles and books, 1958-1980.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 PP/MLV · 1895-1988

      Papers of Marthe Vogt, relating almost entirely to Vogt's scientific career, 1895-1988. Personal material is found in section A and includes a rare set of publications by her distinguished scientist parents Oskar and Cécile Vogt (A/1/2-4), a bibliography of Oskar Vogt (A/1/1), plus biographical information on Marthe Vogt (A/2) and various certificates of awards presented to her (A/3). Section B chiefly comprises notebooks and other papers relating to her experimental research, from Vogt's Berlin days through to the early 1980s. This research, meticulously recorded by Vogt, formed the background to many of her important and seminal papers in the field of neurotransmitters. The bulk of the collection is formed by Section C; 20 boxes of Vogt's correspondence covering all aspects of her work and career, chiefly from her arrival in Britain in 1935 up until 1988. This has been listed in detail and is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Section D is a rather miscellaneous grouping of material relating to various aspects of Vogt's work. It includes papers and lectures on her adrenal research (D/1), lists of those who were sent reprints of her published articles (D/2), some ephemera relating to the Institute of Animal Research at Babraham (D/3), Vogt's University of Berlin doctoral thesis 1929 (D/4/1) and some book reviews written by her between 1952 and 1983 (D/4/2). The photographs comprising Section E include portraits of Vogt's father, mother and sister taken in Germany (E/1), an excellent collection of portraits of Marthe Vogt (E/2) and series documenting her attendance at conferences all over the world (E/4) and her many colleagues-friends and contacts (E/3).

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