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- 1816-1860 (Creation)
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1 Volume
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Archival history
GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/14 1816-1860 Fonds 1 Volume Various.
No further information.
No further information.
Scrapbook containing:
poster, William Burt declaring Captain Studholme Hogson as a "scoundrel and a coward", by William Burt, published by William Burt (1p) (n.d)
pamphlet, 'Copies of several ancient acts of Parliament, in reference to county and borough elections, are here re-published, for the information and guidance of the public', by Samual Cook, published by Eagle Press (4p) 15 March 1859)
portrait, [Daniel O'Connell], (n.d.)
portrait, 'The [...] of radical reform is this, that every man reform himself; and then, and not till then, shall we have universal reformation...', printed by B. Shillgford, engraved by S. Allen (n.d.)
portrait, 'J. Mitchel: sanctioned by the Confederation Committee. The profit of this publication to go towards the defence fund for the political victims. All others are spurious' (n.d.)
portrait, [Richard Oastler], (n.d.)
portrait, 'George Dawson, M.A.', drawn by H. Anelay, from The People's Journal (n.d.)
press cutting, 'Dudley Representation', describing the political persuasion of the working class and impact of the Reform on the town of Dudley, from the Daily News (1p) ([1845])
portrait, 'Feargus O'Connor', engraved by W. Read (n.d.)
portrait, [James Bronterre O'Brien?], (n.d.)
portrait, 'W. Frost', engraved by W. Read from an original painting (n.d)
portrait, 'Joseph Raynor Stephens' (n.d.)
portrait, 'John Collins', (n.d.)
portrait, 'Daniel ', engraved by G. J. Stodart (n.d.)
portrait, 'Your faithful servant Daniel O'Conell', engraved by W. Holl., printed by T. Carrick (n.d.)
portrait, 'Daniel O'Conell, the great catholic emancipator' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Daniel O'Connell', from the painting by T. Carrick (n.d.)
portrait, 'Joseph Hume' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Jospeh Hume', from a painting by G.P.A. Healy, engraved by W. Holl. (n.d)
portrait, '[..] William Scholefield', presented to the subscribers of the Birmingham Mercury, Oct. 6th 1849, produced by R.B. Moody 7 Co. (6 October 1849)
portrait, 'William Scholefield, ESQ. M.P. Birmingham', engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph by Whitlock of Birmingham (n.d.)
presscutting, 'Parliamentary portraits : Mr. Scholefield, M.P' (1p) (n.d.)
portrait, 'The late Joseph Sturge', engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph by Whitlock of Birmingham (n.d.)
portrait, 'Richard Oastler, Esq.', published in the British Churchman (May 1844)
portrait, press cutting, 'Mr Muntz, MP for Birmingham' (n.d.)
illustration, press cutting, 'Presentation of the Chartist petition by Mr Fergus O'Connor' (n.d.)
portrait, press cutting, 'Mr. Feargus O'Connor' (n.d)
illustration, 'The National Convention. As it met on Monday the 4th of February 1839 at the British coffee house' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Great meeting of the political unions, on New Hall Hill, Birmingham, May 1832' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Bristol during the riots 1831', engraved by R. Dawson from an old print, published by William Mackenzie, London (n.d.)
illustration, press cutting, 'Charist riots at Newport' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Living made easy. Charity tubes to convey the smell from the tables of the rich for the benefit of the poor operatives' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Henry Hunt, ESQ. M.P. for Preston' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Thomas Attwood, ESQ. M.P. for Birmingham' (n.d.)
handbill, 'Address to the middle and working classes of Birmingham and surrounding districts, from the committee appointed at a public meeting of the Friends of the People's Charter, held in the large room, back of the Ship Inn, Steelhouse Lane, December 23rd, 1885' (1p) (30 December 1855)
poster, 'Cobbett's address to the men of Staffordshire!' (1p) (25 May 1833)
handbill, 'To the people, ought all laws made by national authority to be obeyed? This subjected will be discussed in the Dudley Chartists' room, at six o'clock on Sunday evening, July 26th, 1848', by Samuel Cook (1p) (26 June 1848)
handbill advertising a public meeting on 10 September 1857 discussing the People's Charter, by D. Wallwork (1p) (1857)
handbill, 'Reform! Reform! Reform! The manifesto of the National Reform Association', re-published by the order of the committee of the Dudley Mutual Improvement Society (1p) (26 January 1852)
handbill, 'Preservation of the peace. At a special meeting of the Dudley Political Union, held at the Swan Inn, on Friday evening, November 18th 1831', by Jospeh Pitchfork and Samuel Cook (1p) (1831)
illustration, 'The Political Drama no. 57', 'Interior of an English workhouse under the new poor law act' (n.d.)
handbill, 'The result of the glorious struggle of the radicals of Dudley, with the Tories of Dudley', by Samuel Cook (1p) (7 January 1835)
handbill, 'Peel and his ministry have resigned!', by S. Cook, (1p) (12 December 1845)
handbiil, 'Political unions', by a political unionist (1p) (n.d)
handbill, 'The Bury Parliamentary reform proclamation', by Saml. Cook, re-published by order of the Dudley Religious Political Union (1p) (7 December 1851)
handbill celebrating the dissolution of the Austrian and Prussia empires in to democratic states, 'Amen! Says Samuel Cook', taken 'from the Standard of Jan 16, 1849' (1p) (1849)
handbill, 'At a special meeting of the Dudley Political Union, held on tuesday evening, Dec. 2. , 1834', by Samuel Cook (1p) (2 December 1834)
handbill, 'The six points of the People's Charter' (1p) (1837)
satirical poster about the 'Weakly Times' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Copy of S. Cook's letter to General Garibaldi, and translation of the general's reply; with Mr. Jaffrays commentary' (1p) (n.d.)
-handbill advetising a lecture entitled 'No church rates!' to be given by J. Kingsley (1p) (n.d.)
handbill with quote from the Quarterly Review, September 1845, 'presented to them by a poliltical dissenter' (1p)
(3 October 1845) (2 copies) -
handbill, stating a request by Samuel Cook for the working men and women of Dudley attend several town meetings (1 p) (5 February 1848)
handbill, 'To all people, especially religious. Was it a serpent, or was it a chimpanzee, or orang outang, or some other similar creature that beguiled Eve to take the forbidden fruit?, by Samuel Cook (1p) (15 July 1848)
handbill, 'What saith the scriptures about neutrals?' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Another horrible! Horrible! Horrible mine explosion', by Samuel Cook (1p) (8 March 1847)
handbill, 'Mine accidents, their causes and remedies', by Samuel Cook (1p) (5 Novmeber 1845)
poster, 'As the public meeting of the inhabitants of Dudley, held in pursuance of a requistion signed by more than one hundred electors..' (1p) (17 December 1834)
handbill, 'Another horrible! A most horrible mine disaster!, by Samuel Cook (1p) (18 November 1846)
handbill, 'The miners of the Walsall district are respectfully informed that a public meeting will be held on business of importance to their welfare...', meeting will be addressed by W.M. Daniells (1p) (n.d)
handbill, 'Mine accidents, their causes and remedies!' , by Dr. Murray, (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'The Liverpool meeting' (1p) (15 October 1845)
poster, 'Religion! Loyalty! and Himley!', by T. Hawkes (1p) (2 December 1819)
handbill, 'Who are the most valuable members of society, labouring men, or gentlemen and soldiers?' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Copy of a notice on the door of Saint Thomas's Church', by Samuel Cook (1p) (8 May 1858)
handbill, 'Five of the first principles of Dudley radical political philosophy', by Samuel Cook (1p) (18 December 1835)
handbill, 'The bible is the best political book in the world!', by Samuel Cook (1p) (1 September 1836)
handbill, 'Another Easter parish blunder', by Samuel Cook (1p) (24 March 1856)
handbill, 'The word "Easter" in the 4th verse of the 12th chapter of acts, is a notorious lie', by Samuel Cook (1p) (20 April 1848)
handbill, 'Politics', by Samuel Cook (1p) (22 September 1817)
handbill, 'Public charities and the annual presentation of their accounts to the churchwardens', by Samuel Cook (1 p) (1 December 1860)
handbill, 'To the rate payers of Dudley' (1p) (12 September 1845)
handbill, 'Christ-mass', a poem by Mr. Wright (1p) (2 January 1827)
handbill, 'Extracts from the will of the late Rev, Henry Antrobus' (1p) (9 December 1766?)
handbill, 'Women of Dudley, and women of the United Empire of Great Britain, prepare for the approaching election!', by Samuel Cook (1p) (4 July 1947)
handbill, 'To the inhabitants of the world', concerning the Poor Law Guardians, by Samuel Cook (1p) (21 August 1854)
handbill, 'Church rates! Seizures in Dudley during the year 1837' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Bible politics', by Samuel Cook (1p) (10 May 1836)
handbill, 'To rate payers of Dudley' (1p) (12 December 1845)
handbill, 'Bibile politics' (1p) (1 July 1845)
handbill, 'To the people. No government in its corporate capacity as a government, has legitimate right to interfere with the Christian religion of a people', by Samuel Cook (1p) (20 March 1847)
poster, 'Statement of the churchwarden's accounts, for the parish of Dudley, form October 10th, 1830 to Easter 1831' (1p) (2 March 1832)
large handbill, 'Why are you a dissenter?' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'A second edition of S. Cook's letter, with an additional extract from a late Act of Parliament, in reference to the mode of serving summons to the magistrates of Dudley', by Samuel Cook (1p) (14 August 1837)
handbill, 'Dudley toryism verus Dudley radicalism, 6 or 8 tories aganist 1 radical' (1p) (1 February 1836)
handbill, 'Some of the princples of Dudley radicalism', by Samuel Cook (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'S. Cook's broken window' (1p) (2 December 1834)
handbill, 'Grand fracas between Rough Joe and Nimble Dick' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Bravo!!! Three cheers and one cheer more for the Establishment in France, of a republican form of government', by Samuel Cook (1p) (26 February 1848)
handbill, '40s to £20' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Westry meeting, Thursday, March 1st, 1860. The new assessment of property!' (1p) (25 February 1860)
illustration, 'Bristol - charge of the 3rd Dragoon Guards at the Bristol riots, October 29-31, 1831' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Manchester - the Manchester adn Cheshire yeoman charging the mob, August 16, 1819' (n.d.)
No further arrangement at present.
Photocopying and scanning facilities are available for a charge and will be completed by archival staff if condition and copyright permits. Digital photography (without flash) is permitted for research purposes on completion of the Library's Copyright Declaration form and with respect to current UK copyright law.
ADLIB Online Catalogue.
Entry compiled by Natalie Whistance.
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
18 September 2012. Electoral reform Chartism Reform movements Political reform Political movements Politics Political science
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
No further information.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Scrapbook containing:
poster, William Burt declaring Captain Studholme Hogson as a "scoundrel and a coward", by William Burt, published by William Burt (1p) (n.d)
pamphlet, 'Copies of several ancient acts of Parliament, in reference to county and borough elections, are here re-published, for the information and guidance of the public', by Samual Cook, published by Eagle Press (4p) 15 March 1859)
portrait, [Daniel O'Connell], (n.d.)
portrait, 'The [...] of radical reform is this, that every man reform himself; and then, and not till then, shall we have universal reformation...', printed by B. Shillgford, engraved by S. Allen (n.d.)
portrait, 'J. Mitchel: sanctioned by the Confederation Committee. The profit of this publication to go towards the defence fund for the political victims. All others are spurious' (n.d.)
portrait, [Richard Oastler], (n.d.)
portrait, 'George Dawson, M.A.', drawn by H. Anelay, from The People's Journal (n.d.)
press cutting, 'Dudley Representation', describing the political persuasion of the working class and impact of the Reform on the town of Dudley, from the Daily News (1p) ([1845])
portrait, 'Feargus O'Connor', engraved by W. Read (n.d.)
portrait, [James Bronterre O'Brien?], (n.d.)
portrait, 'W. Frost', engraved by W. Read from an original painting (n.d)
portrait, 'Joseph Raynor Stephens' (n.d.)
portrait, 'John Collins', (n.d.)
portrait, 'Daniel ', engraved by G. J. Stodart (n.d.)
portrait, 'Your faithful servant Daniel O'Conell', engraved by W. Holl., printed by T. Carrick (n.d.)
portrait, 'Daniel O'Conell, the great catholic emancipator' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Daniel O'Connell', from the painting by T. Carrick (n.d.)
portrait, 'Joseph Hume' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Jospeh Hume', from a painting by G.P.A. Healy, engraved by W. Holl. (n.d)
portrait, '[..] William Scholefield', presented to the subscribers of the Birmingham Mercury, Oct. 6th 1849, produced by R.B. Moody 7 Co. (6 October 1849)
portrait, 'William Scholefield, ESQ. M.P. Birmingham', engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph by Whitlock of Birmingham (n.d.)
presscutting, 'Parliamentary portraits : Mr. Scholefield, M.P' (1p) (n.d.)
portrait, 'The late Joseph Sturge', engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph by Whitlock of Birmingham (n.d.)
portrait, 'Richard Oastler, Esq.', published in the British Churchman (May 1844)
portrait, press cutting, 'Mr Muntz, MP for Birmingham' (n.d.)
illustration, press cutting, 'Presentation of the Chartist petition by Mr Fergus O'Connor' (n.d.)
portrait, press cutting, 'Mr. Feargus O'Connor' (n.d)
illustration, 'The National Convention. As it met on Monday the 4th of February 1839 at the British coffee house' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Great meeting of the political unions, on New Hall Hill, Birmingham, May 1832' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Bristol during the riots 1831', engraved by R. Dawson from an old print, published by William Mackenzie, London (n.d.)
illustration, press cutting, 'Charist riots at Newport' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Living made easy. Charity tubes to convey the smell from the tables of the rich for the benefit of the poor operatives' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Henry Hunt, ESQ. M.P. for Preston' (n.d.)
portrait, 'Thomas Attwood, ESQ. M.P. for Birmingham' (n.d.)
handbill, 'Address to the middle and working classes of Birmingham and surrounding districts, from the committee appointed at a public meeting of the Friends of the People's Charter, held in the large room, back of the Ship Inn, Steelhouse Lane, December 23rd, 1885' (1p) (30 December 1855)
poster, 'Cobbett's address to the men of Staffordshire!' (1p) (25 May 1833)
handbill, 'To the people, ought all laws made by national authority to be obeyed? This subjected will be discussed in the Dudley Chartists' room, at six o'clock on Sunday evening, July 26th, 1848', by Samuel Cook (1p) (26 June 1848)
handbill advertising a public meeting on 10 September 1857 discussing the People's Charter, by D. Wallwork (1p) (1857)
handbill, 'Reform! Reform! Reform! The manifesto of the National Reform Association', re-published by the order of the committee of the Dudley Mutual Improvement Society (1p) (26 January 1852)
handbill, 'Preservation of the peace. At a special meeting of the Dudley Political Union, held at the Swan Inn, on Friday evening, November 18th 1831', by Jospeh Pitchfork and Samuel Cook (1p) (1831)
illustration, 'The Political Drama no. 57', 'Interior of an English workhouse under the new poor law act' (n.d.)
handbill, 'The result of the glorious struggle of the radicals of Dudley, with the Tories of Dudley', by Samuel Cook (1p) (7 January 1835)
handbill, 'Peel and his ministry have resigned!', by S. Cook, (1p) (12 December 1845)
handbiil, 'Political unions', by a political unionist (1p) (n.d)
handbill, 'The Bury Parliamentary reform proclamation', by Saml. Cook, re-published by order of the Dudley Religious Political Union (1p) (7 December 1851)
handbill celebrating the dissolution of the Austrian and Prussia empires in to democratic states, 'Amen! Says Samuel Cook', taken 'from the Standard of Jan 16, 1849' (1p) (1849)
handbill, 'At a special meeting of the Dudley Political Union, held on tuesday evening, Dec. 2. , 1834', by Samuel Cook (1p) (2 December 1834)
handbill, 'The six points of the People's Charter' (1p) (1837)
satirical poster about the 'Weakly Times' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Copy of S. Cook's letter to General Garibaldi, and translation of the general's reply; with Mr. Jaffrays commentary' (1p) (n.d.)
-handbill advetising a lecture entitled 'No church rates!' to be given by J. Kingsley (1p) (n.d.)
handbill with quote from the Quarterly Review, September 1845, 'presented to them by a poliltical dissenter' (1p)
(3 October 1845) (2 copies) -
handbill, stating a request by Samuel Cook for the working men and women of Dudley attend several town meetings (1 p) (5 February 1848)
handbill, 'To all people, especially religious. Was it a serpent, or was it a chimpanzee, or orang outang, or some other similar creature that beguiled Eve to take the forbidden fruit?, by Samuel Cook (1p) (15 July 1848)
handbill, 'What saith the scriptures about neutrals?' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Another horrible! Horrible! Horrible mine explosion', by Samuel Cook (1p) (8 March 1847)
handbill, 'Mine accidents, their causes and remedies', by Samuel Cook (1p) (5 Novmeber 1845)
poster, 'As the public meeting of the inhabitants of Dudley, held in pursuance of a requistion signed by more than one hundred electors..' (1p) (17 December 1834)
handbill, 'Another horrible! A most horrible mine disaster!, by Samuel Cook (1p) (18 November 1846)
handbill, 'The miners of the Walsall district are respectfully informed that a public meeting will be held on business of importance to their welfare...', meeting will be addressed by W.M. Daniells (1p) (n.d)
handbill, 'Mine accidents, their causes and remedies!' , by Dr. Murray, (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'The Liverpool meeting' (1p) (15 October 1845)
poster, 'Religion! Loyalty! and Himley!', by T. Hawkes (1p) (2 December 1819)
handbill, 'Who are the most valuable members of society, labouring men, or gentlemen and soldiers?' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Copy of a notice on the door of Saint Thomas's Church', by Samuel Cook (1p) (8 May 1858)
handbill, 'Five of the first principles of Dudley radical political philosophy', by Samuel Cook (1p) (18 December 1835)
handbill, 'The bible is the best political book in the world!', by Samuel Cook (1p) (1 September 1836)
handbill, 'Another Easter parish blunder', by Samuel Cook (1p) (24 March 1856)
handbill, 'The word "Easter" in the 4th verse of the 12th chapter of acts, is a notorious lie', by Samuel Cook (1p) (20 April 1848)
handbill, 'Politics', by Samuel Cook (1p) (22 September 1817)
handbill, 'Public charities and the annual presentation of their accounts to the churchwardens', by Samuel Cook (1 p) (1 December 1860)
handbill, 'To the rate payers of Dudley' (1p) (12 September 1845)
handbill, 'Christ-mass', a poem by Mr. Wright (1p) (2 January 1827)
handbill, 'Extracts from the will of the late Rev, Henry Antrobus' (1p) (9 December 1766?)
handbill, 'Women of Dudley, and women of the United Empire of Great Britain, prepare for the approaching election!', by Samuel Cook (1p) (4 July 1947)
handbill, 'To the inhabitants of the world', concerning the Poor Law Guardians, by Samuel Cook (1p) (21 August 1854)
handbill, 'Church rates! Seizures in Dudley during the year 1837' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Bible politics', by Samuel Cook (1p) (10 May 1836)
handbill, 'To rate payers of Dudley' (1p) (12 December 1845)
handbill, 'Bibile politics' (1p) (1 July 1845)
handbill, 'To the people. No government in its corporate capacity as a government, has legitimate right to interfere with the Christian religion of a people', by Samuel Cook (1p) (20 March 1847)
poster, 'Statement of the churchwarden's accounts, for the parish of Dudley, form October 10th, 1830 to Easter 1831' (1p) (2 March 1832)
large handbill, 'Why are you a dissenter?' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'A second edition of S. Cook's letter, with an additional extract from a late Act of Parliament, in reference to the mode of serving summons to the magistrates of Dudley', by Samuel Cook (1p) (14 August 1837)
handbill, 'Dudley toryism verus Dudley radicalism, 6 or 8 tories aganist 1 radical' (1p) (1 February 1836)
handbill, 'Some of the princples of Dudley radicalism', by Samuel Cook (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'S. Cook's broken window' (1p) (2 December 1834)
handbill, 'Grand fracas between Rough Joe and Nimble Dick' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Bravo!!! Three cheers and one cheer more for the Establishment in France, of a republican form of government', by Samuel Cook (1p) (26 February 1848)
handbill, '40s to £20' (1p) (n.d.)
handbill, 'Westry meeting, Thursday, March 1st, 1860. The new assessment of property!' (1p) (25 February 1860)
illustration, 'Bristol - charge of the 3rd Dragoon Guards at the Bristol riots, October 29-31, 1831' (n.d.)
illustration, 'Manchester - the Manchester adn Cheshire yeoman charging the mob, August 16, 1819' (n.d.)
System of arrangement
No further arrangement at present.
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Photocopying and scanning facilities are available for a charge and will be completed by archival staff if condition and copyright permits. Digital photography (without flash) is permitted for research purposes on completion of the Library's Copyright Declaration form and with respect to current UK copyright law.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Finding aids
ADLIB Online Catalogue.
Access points
Subject access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English