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identificadores para entidades coletivas
Área de descrição
Datas de existência
Physiology was originally part of the Department of Natural Science at Chelsea Polytechnic and, from 1933, the Department of Biology. Instruction in Physiology continued to be provided by this department until 1951, and mostly comprised teaching for the intermediate and final BSc General degree of the University of London. Some instruction was also provided for Pharmacy students, but Physiology constituted only a small part of the course and Pharmacology was not taught. The Department of Physiology was formed in 1952 then, in 1954, the growing importance of Pharmacology was finally acknowledged and a Department of Physiology and Pharmacology was created. This became a major department with an emphasis on evening and part-time classes gradually giving way to more full-time courses. Postgraduate and research courses were provided alongside the BSc Special degree in Physiology. Pharmacology was introduced as a specialised subject for the BPharm, while a Diploma of Technology was instituted in 1958. Physiology and Pharmacology were split into separate departments when Chelsea was incorporated into the University of London in 1966. The Department of Physiology continued at Chelsea College until the merger with King's College London in 1985.