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Born, 1875; Educated at Notting Hill High School, following by University College London, graduating BSc; Awarded an 1851 Exhibition to study bacteriology in Vienna and Munich, and also in Liverpool; Appointed (against considerable opposition as a woman) to the Jenner Memorial Research Studentship at the Lister Institute, London, 1905; work with (Sir) Charles J Martin at the Lister Institute on the process of disinfection, 1905-1908; War work on tetanus antitoxin and serum diagnosis of typhoid, paratyphoid and dysentery, 1915; Secretary of the Medical Research Council Accessory Food Factors Committee, 1918-1945; With colleagues at the Lister, travels to Vienna under the auspices of the Accessory Food Factors Committee to investigate nutritional deficiencies, leading to the discovery of the roles of ultraviolet light and administration of codliver oil in preventing rickets, 1919-1922; Returns to the Lister, continues studies on nutritional factors, 1922; Secretary of the League of National Health Section Committee on the Physiological Bases of Nutrition, 1934-1937.
Moves with the Lister Institute Division of Nutrition to Sir Charles Martin's house in Cambridge, work on nutritive value of bread, flour and potatoes, 1939-1945; founder member of the Nutrition Society, 1941; Retires, becomes member of governing body of the Lister Institute, 1945; President of the Nutrition Society, 1956-1959; died, 1977.