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        42 Archivistische beschrijving results for Christianity

        42 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        SMETHAM, James (1821-1889)
        GB 0370 JS · 1853-1877

        Letters written by James Smetham, 1853-1877, mainly to William Davies, concerning his work, schemes to raise money and his religious beliefs. Smetham called his letters "ventilators" and they often took the form of handmade notebooks with their contents resembling diaries or commonplace books. Other correspondents include Rev Thomas Akroyd, Quintin Hogg (1845-1903), Charles Mansford, Charles Gabriel Dante Rossetti (1828-1882), John Ruskin (1819-1900) and Frederic James Shields (1833-1911). Also letters to Sarah Smetham, his widow, from William Davies, 1889-1895.

        Zonder titel
        HEAD, Sir Henry (1861-1940)
        GB 0113 MS-HEADH · 1891-1909

        Sir Henry Head's papers, 1891-1909, consist of his casebooks of patients with Herpes Zoster, with sketches and photographs, chiefly from Head's work at the London Hospital, 1891-1909, and his casebooks of patients with various diseases, with sketches and charts, from his work at the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, Victoria Park, 1894.

        Zonder titel
        Nutt, William Harwood
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 7-8 · 1892-1904

        Papers, 1892-1904, of William Harwood Nutt, concerning his time with the London Missionary Society at Fwambo and Kambole in Central Africa, and comprising letters, 1892-1896, to and from his family and other correspondents; notes on supplies, 1892-1894; journals, 1892-1896, including notes on trips; meteorological registers, 1893-1895; surgical and medical records, 1894; three official papers on African affairs, 1895-1896; manuscripts, notes, and sketches, including maps, on Central Africa, its people, customs and beliefs, climate and topography; photographic negatives and prints of people and scenes; manuscript papers by Nutt on native treatment of disease in Central Africa, 1904.

        Zonder titel
        Thompson, Ralph Wardlaw
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Home Personal Boxes 2-3 · 1746-1918

        Papers, 1746-1918, of and relating to Dr Ralph Wardlaw Thompson and his family, comprising correspondence and papers concerning his antecedents and family, 1746-1872, including letters to the Rev Dr Ralph Wardlaw, 1795-1852, and papers concerning Dr John Wardlaw, 1838-1872; Bible given to Ralph Wardlaw Thompson by his parents, 1847; four letters to Thompson, 1851-1866, including one from Ralph Wardlaw; palm leaf address to Thompson and Albert Spicer, London Missionary Society (LMS) deputation members in India, 1882; Thompson's diaries of a deputational visit to India, China and South Africa, 1882-1883; notes of deputational visits to South Africa, 1892, 1898, and to the South Seas and Papua New Guinea, 1897; notes on the LMS conference at Shanghai and on a deputational visit to India, 1907; notes for speeches, 1880s-1890s and undated; decorative addresses presented to Thompson, 1880, 1908; letters received on Thompson's death, 1916; biographical material on Thompson collected by Basil Mathews, 1916-1918.

        Zonder titel
        Holmes, John Henry
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Papua New Guinea Personal Boxes 3-7 · 1893-1933

        Papers, 1893-1933, of John Henry Holmes, comprising diaries, 1893-1900, 1906-1907, 1915, including observations on his activities and on life in Papua and notes on subjects including anthropology; correspondence with Alfred Cort Haddon, 1904-1906, 1922, comprising letters received and copy letters sent and chiefly concerning Holmes' study of Elema totemism; typescript articles on Papuan beliefs, including the totemism of the Elema tribes, 1914 and undated; printed comparative tables of languages spoken in different parts of Papua, 1915; photographs showing examples of the technology of the Orokaiva tribes of northern Papua; sketch maps of Papua; manuscript notes on anthropology, 1913; typescript children's stories about missionary work and life in Papua, set in the Moru and Urika districts, 1933 and undated.

        Zonder titel
        Melanesian Mission
        GB 0102 MEL M · Created 1848-1984

        Records, 1848-1984, of the Melanesian Mission, including minute books; correspondence, journals and diaries of pioneer missionaries including R H Codrington and J C Patteson; correspondence of more recent missionaries; logs relating to the Mission vessels including the first 'Southern Cross' log book, 1855. Material relating to the Church of Melanesia includes the proceedings of the Provincial Synod from its inception in 1975, conference reports, and lists of missionaries from the Mission's beginnings to the 1920s. Printed materials include the Southern Cross Log, 1895-1954, 1963-1973, and Annual Reports, 1864-1939 (1917 and 1923 missing). There are also a large number of photographs and manuscript maps of the Diocese of the Melanesian Mission dating from 1875 onwards.

        Zonder titel
        Baldwin, Arthur
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 12-13 (Box 608) · 1889-1902

        Papers, 1889-1902, of Arthur Baldwin, comprising diaries, 1889-1899, describing his journeys, work and life in Africa, including domestic activities and agricultural concerns; letters from Baldwin to his mother, 1889-1902, recounting his activities; letters from F Coillard to Baldwin, 1893-1895, concerning missionary work and concerns; undated manuscript notes on Coillard; undated map marked 'Proposal for a new mission Moomba'; letter to Mr Baldwin from F Pickering, 1897; letter to Mrs Baldwin from Mrs C Thackeray in New Zealand [1908]; nine photographs of southern Africa, mostly undated landscapes but including one of mission staff, 1899, among them some indigenous workers.

        Zonder titel
        Hunt, John
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 36-37 (Boxes 649-650) · 1833-1938

        Papers, 1833-1938, of and relating to John Hunt and his family, comprising correspondence, 1833-1868, of John and Hannah Hunt, the correspondents mainly family members but including some other missionaries; 'scrapbook' kept at the Wesleyan Theological Institution, Hoxton, commencing 1835, containing entries by Hunt on religious subjects; certificates, 1838, of ordination and oath of allegiance; Hunt's journals, 1838-1848, including the journey to Fiji and life and work there, one volume including an autobiographical account of his early life and religious experiences; Hunt's sermon notes and religious writings, largely undated [1830s-1840s], including a volume presented to R B Lyth, 1842; poems by Hunt, including some Fijian verses, undated; Hunt's manuscript memoir of the Rev William Cross [1843-1844]; pen believed to have belonged to John Hunt; photographic copies of a portrait of Hunt; the first Tongan Bible [published in 1839], with an inscription regarding its provenance, 1842; printed letter by James Calvert on Hunt's death, 1848; biographical account of Hunt [by R B Lyth] [after 1848]; notebook [of Hannah Hunt], some entries inscribed E A Hunt and dated 1860, including notes on Lincolnshire and other English localities, the Scriptures, poetry, Shakespeare, and history; notebook of poems from Elsie and Hannah Hunt to their mother [Hannah Hunt], 1875; photograph [of Hannah Hunt]; miscellaneous papers of Hannah Hunt Richings, 1864-1881, including photographs of her and her husband Lewis, undated; notebook of Eliza-Ann Hunt, containing diary entries, 1874-1888, and other entries including poetry and stories; papers, 1920-1938, including letters, press cuttings, and notes, relating to John Hunt, his work in Fiji, and his Lincolnshire connections.

        Zonder titel
        Brooking, Robert
        GB 0102 MS 380587 · (1839-1859) [1980s]

        Photocopy of a typescript transcript of the diary, 1839-1842, 1845, 1855-1859 (some gaps), of the Rev Robert Brooking, describing his missionary work, experiences, and local customs in west Africa and Canada, including transcript of a letter from T B Freeman, Cape Coast (west Africa), to Robert Brooking, 1855, describing the work of the mission there. With an article [1980s] by Helen Allen on the life of Robert Brooking.

        Zonder titel
        Fidler, William
        GB 0102 MS 380725 · 1825-1827

        Diary, 1825-1827, of the Rev William Fidler, describing his voyage from Bristol to St Vincent accompanied by his wife Anna and other Methodist missionaries, and containing detailed descriptions of events and places during his first two years in the West Indies, and religious reflections.

        Zonder titel
        Campbell, John
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 3, 5 · 1772-1840

        Papers, 1772-1840, of and relating to John Campbell, concerning his family, life and work and comprising miscellaneous papers, including certificates and handbills, 1772-1829; miscellaneous correspondence, 1784-1818; correspondence on Campbell's death, 1840; notes for sermons, 1826 and undated; notes on Campbell from the Dictionary of National Biography and genealogy, undated; original sketches from his South African travels, 1813 and undated, and illustrations from his published accounts of his travels, 1815, 1822; proof copy of An Account of the London Missionary Society, c1823; a tract, A Brief Comparison ... of Popery and Protestantism [author unknown; after 1791], with a notebook cover containing odd notes, undated; notebook containing diary entries on an London Missionary Society (LMS) deputation to Norfolk, 1806; New Testament (Edinburgh, 1802) inscribed by John Campbell, 1803, and with a note by him, dated 1839, describing how he preached from it extensively, from Orkney to Cornwall and at the Cape of Good Hope; a tract for children, Cuff, the Negro Boy [by John Campbell, undated].

        Zonder titel
        Lenwood, Frank
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Home Personal Boxes 7-9 · c1870-1959

        Correspondence and papers, c1870-1959, of and relating to Frank Lenwood, including papers and correspondence, c1870-1920, concerning his parents Walter and Charlotte Lenwood; his early essays and press cuttings about him, c1881-1910; letters to his parents and correspondence about his schooling, 1882-1895; letters received from various correspondents, 1893-1933; printed circulars and personal letters from Lenwood and his wife Gertrude from trips to London Missionary Society (LMS) missions in China, India, Benares, the South Seas and Papua, 1906-1916, 1922; letters to various correspondents on religious and personal matters, 1916-1934, including his connection with Greengate Congregational Church; notebooks relating to preaching, 1926-1934 and undated; working papers on the `Oxford Group' movement, c1931-1933; copies of his articles and pamphlets, 1900-1933; copy of An order for the Solemnization of Matrimony ... with an order for the Burial of the Dead, undated, with annotations by Lenwood, 1900-1934 where dated; extracts from his diaries and letters, 1893-1935, for the use of his biographer, and reviews of the biography, 1936-1937; correspondence about the disposal of his books and papers, 1959.

        Zonder titel
        Smith, Edwin
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 13-14 & MMS Boxes 611B-C · 1877-1949

        Papers, 1877-1949, of Edwin Smith, comprising Smith's typescript and manuscript translations from religious texts into the Ila language, 1905-c1915, manuscript account of Ila, 1902, and manuscript account of Primitive Methodist missions in Africa, c1929; Smith's general official correspondence files, 1901-1913, the subjects including mission activities and finance; press cuttings, notes, and manuscript by Smith on the Baila-Batonga mission, 1890s-1900s; press cuttings on African, missionary, and Methodist affairs, 1897-1907, Smith's journal, 1898-1901, notes, typescripts and printed material, 1877-1924 and undated, by Smith and others on Ila and missionary work, and two manuscripts in Afrikaans, 1877 and undated (copy letters of the Rev John Smith, 1885-1886); undated photographs of Aliwal North, Basutoland, Nanzela and Kasenga missions (Ref: Box 611B); a letter from Smith in Aliwal North to his mother, 1900 (Ref: Box 611C/1); diary and pamphlet concerning Smith's journey to Nanzela, 1909 (Ref: Box 611C/2); Smith's diaries of trips to Egypt, Palestine, the Sudan, USA, Canada, and South Africa, 1929-1949 (Ref: Box 611C/3).

        Zonder titel
        Pollard, Samuel
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 29-30 (Boxes 639-640) · 1885-1915

        Papers, 1885-1915, of the Rev Samuel Pollard, comprising 12 diaries, 1885-1915, describing life and work in China; manuscript and typescript accounts and letters by Pollard and cuttings by Pollard and other authors, 1900s-1910s (some undated), describing missionary work and life and customs in China, including remote regions; eight photographs, undated, including local people, Pollard, and Pollard's grave.

        Zonder titel
        Stephenson, Gladys
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 31-32 (Boxes 642-643) · c1909-1976

        Papers, c1909-1976, of Sister Gladys Stephenson, comprising diary of journey to China, 1915; journals of visits to Korea and Peking, 1926, 1936 and undated; journal of her time in the internment camp, 1942-1945; diaries recording daily events, 1946-1971; long letter from Gladys Stephenson, 1945, from the Shanghai internment camp recounting her experiences, and typescript copies; manuscript and typescript accounts of a journey to Hong Kong, Malaya and the Holy Land, 1961; other typescript and manuscript notes, accounts, or addresses by Gladys Stephenson recounting her experiences, largely undated, including one relating to the great floods (1931); two photographs of a chapel used by the Methodist hospital, Hankow, and papers relating to a stained glass window, 1940; printed material on Christianity, missionary work and missionaries, nursing and training, and other aspects of life in China, including hospitals in Hankow, 1909-1976, largely dating, 1920s-1960s.

        Zonder titel
        Palmer, Samuel and Sarah
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Africa/FBN 9 (Box 603) · 1828-[1933]

        Papers, 1828-[1933], of Samuel Palmer and his wife Sarah, comprising memo book, dated 1828, including diary entries on the journey to South Africa, 1829, various accounts, lists of equipment, and other notes, many entries undated; letter from Samuel Palmer to John Dunman concerning his wife, preparations for the voyage to Africa, and ordination, 1829; account of travels in southern Africa [by Mrs Palmer], 1830; letter from Mrs Palmer to her family following her husband's death, 1846; manuscript copy of an obituary notice of Samuel Palmer from the Watchman [1846]; account of journey from South Africa to St Helena [by Mrs Palmer], 1853, with a short inventory of children's clothes appended; typescript copy [1933] of the couple's marriage certificate (1829); manuscript notes on the lives of Samuel and Sarah Palmer [early 20th century].

        Zonder titel
        Thomas, John
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 37-41 (Boxes 652-657) · 1786-1875

        Papers, 1786-1875, of John and Sarah Thomas, including John Thomas's journals and memoranda books, 1821-1875, including his religious reflections, life in England and Tonga, and missionary work; sermon notes, undated; manuscripts on Tonga and the South Seas, including mythology, religion, history, and ranks of chiefs, undated; photographs, prints and drawings, most unlabelled, of people and places in Tonga, undated [1820s-1850s?]; two accounts of the life of Sarah Thomas by John Thomas [1867 or after]; miscellaneous correspondence, 1825-1873, of John and Sarah Thomas, including letters from John Thomas to Wesleyan Mission House; journals of Sarah Thomas (née Hartshorn), 1826-1855, including her experiences in Tonga; account book for building a new Methodist chapel in Glasgow, 1786-1792; steward's account book, 1813-1820, of the Methodist Society, Glasgow, including Leaders' meetings minutes, 1813-1820.

        Zonder titel
        Goodyer, Samuel
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Indies/FBN 3 (Box 590) · 1873-1890

        Journals, 1873-1890, of Samuel Goodyer, describing his training, preparations for missionary work in Jamaica, religious practices including preaching and praying, his reading, the journey to Jamaica, missionary work and impressions of Jamaica, and his return to England.

        Zonder titel
        Rounds, Philip Rigby
        GB 0102 MS 380572 · 1946-1948

        Manuscript journals, Aug 1946-Sep 1948, of Philip Rounds, including the period while he worked for the teak merchants McGregor & Co in Toungoo, Burma (Myanmar), containing detailed daily entries including religious reflections, his preparations and journey to Burma, work and life there, and trip home via Africa, also including notes of letters sent and finances. Also includes miscellaneous inserted ephemera, some undated, including invitations, advertisements for hotels, and press cuttings.

        Zonder titel
        Mather, Percy Cunningham
        GB 0102 CIM/PP 6-13 · 1911-1938

        Papers, 1911-1938, of and relating to Percy Cunningham Mather, comprising letters to Mather from various correspondents, 1911-1931; letters of condolence on his death, 1933; letters from Mather, 1911-1933, largely to his sister Edith, including his experiences in China; typescript letters from Mather in Chuguchak (Tacheng), Sinkiang (Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu), to prayer companions, 1930-1932, describing his impressions and activities; six journals, 1911-1917, recording his activities; articles by Mather in Young China, 1928-1929; articles on Mather's life, 1933, 1938 and undated.

        Zonder titel
        Withers, Henrietta
        GB 0102 CIM/PP 93-118 · 1914-1974

        Papers, 1914-1974, of Henrietta (Hettie) Withers, comprising correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1936-1974 (mainly 1930s-1950s), including letters to her family, 1937-1941, letters from the China Inland Mission (CIM) London Council, 1947, and two booklets on the Emmanuel Home for the Homeless, Shanghai, 1939, 1945; diaries, 1915-1945 (some gaps), including typescript circular letters, 1927-1932, describing her work, activities and experiences in China, including references to the Sino-Japanese War and World War Two; notes, on talks given [post-1930], meetings addressed in Chefoo (Yantai), 1938-1939, and on Sisiang in Shensi province, undated; photographs and some watercolours, 1914-1965 and undated, the subjects including Chefoo, Miss Withers, other teachers, and children; passport, 1932, with endorsements for escorting children; typescript list of publications about CIM missionaries and readers' comments, 1960s-1970s.

        Zonder titel
        Moffat, Robert
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Box 4 · 1819-1970

        Papers, 1819-1970, of and relating to Robert Moffat and his family, comprising letters sent by Robert Moffat to various correspondents, 1838-1883, the bulk dating from the 1870s and 1880s; notes for sermons, undated; undated sketch of a tree; autographed photograph; coloured print of the mission premises at Kuruman station, undated (used as the frontispiece of Moffat's Missionary Labours); papers of Mary Moffat (née Smith), including manuscript journal of her journey to South Africa, 1819 (perhaps a copy), and a typescript copy, receipt signed by her, 1840, and letter, 1842; papers relating to Moffat and his family, 1890s-1970, including correspondence, typescripts, and press cuttings, and a typescript genealogy of his descendants, 1930.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Box 9 · 1573, 1763-1932

        Papers, 1573, 1763-1932, of and relating to John Theodosius Van Der Kemp, comprising pages from his diary, 1763-1791; list of patients in a Dutch military hospital, 1793-1794; miscellaneous papers, 1801-1804; correspondence, 1802-1811, the subjects including missionaries, supplies, travel, and colonial policy and administration; various undated manuscripts in his hand, including medical notes and notes for sermons; his Bible (1573), comprising the Old Testament in Hebrew and New Testament in Greek; papers relating to his family, 1816-1817, 1849, including financial affairs; miscellaneous papers on Van Der Kemp and Bethelsdorp, 1826 and undated; a manuscript on the conversion and call of Van Der Kemp to missionary work and his voyage to the Cape [early 19th century]; manuscript copy of his autobiography, apparently translated by F G Hooper, 1820; a manuscript précis and extracts from his autobiography [early 19th century]; correspondence and papers, 1921-1932 and undated, on Van Der Kemp, relating especially to A D Martin's biography Doctor Vanderkemp, and including press cuttings and a photograph of his grave.

        Zonder titel
        Lomas, Elizabeth
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Madagascar Personal Boxes 3-4 · 1846-1950s

        Papers, 1846-1950s, of Elizabeth Lomas, comprising certificates and testimonials for her education and teaching posts in England, 1888-1918; postcards of England; typescript and manuscript notes, addresses, stories, poems, etc, from her life in Madagascar [1919-1939]; diaries and notebooks including notes on personal and domestic matters, poetry, and press cuttings, 1920s-1930s; photographs of individuals, groups and places in Madagascar [1919-1939]; typescript circulars relating to missionary work in Madagascar, 1947-1950; various letters received, 1890s-1950s; various personal papers, 1900s-1950s; papers relating to Lomas family affairs, 1846-1916, including documents relating to probate and property and various certificates; photographs of her family and ancestors [19th-20th century].

        Zonder titel
        Saville, Alfred Thomas
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS South Seas Personal Box 6 · 1853-1888

        Papers, 1853-1888, of Alfred Thomas Saville, comprising diaries, 1853-1854, 1859-1888, including descriptions of his experiences at Airedale College, Highgate, in Huahine, and at Rye; answers to Ordination Questions, 1865; instructions from the London Missionary Society (LMS), 1866; two letters to his family and a letter from Reverend William George Lawes, 1867-1868; two draft letters to Dr Mullens at LMS headquarters, 1868-1869.

        Zonder titel
        Newell, James Edward
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS South Seas Special Personal Boxes 1-16 · 1850s-1947

        Papers, 1850s-1947, of and relating to James Edward Newell, comprising diaries, 1870-1887, 1891-1892, 1898-1908, describing his life and activities, including life in Samoa; correspondence, c1880-1910, including letters received and letterbooks containing copies of outgoing letters; notes by Newell, 1870s-1900s, including various notebooks and commonplace books, and his recollections of Robert Louis Stevenson; sermon notes; typescript and manuscript mission reports, 1880s-1900s; printed and manuscript papers, 1880s-1900s, including talks and articles by Newell and others, relating to Samoan life, culture and anthropology, and missionary work, also including various printed proclamations and the Samoan constitution; press cuttings, 1850s-1900s, on Samoa, including colonial politics, on missionary affairs, and on Newell himself; copies of the newspaper Samoanische Zeitung, 1907; papers relating to Newell, 1910-1947, including manuscript notes, reminiscences, press cuttings, and a photograph of his grave in Gütersloh.

        Zonder titel
        Gray, S Douglas
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 15-20 (Boxes 613-623) · 1910-1962

        Papers, 1910-1962, of the Rev S Douglas Gray, comprising personal correspondence, 1910-1940s; personal papers, 1910-1950, among them journals and diary and autobiographical extracts, including accounts of journeys in Rhodesia (later Zambia), addresses on missionary work, notes for sermons, and papers on Gray's furloughs, MBE, health, and retirement; papers relating to missionary work, including correspondence with Missionary Society officials, 1924-1954, correspondence and papers on medical, educational, and evangelistic matters and on indigenous customs including marriage, 1919-1962, and printed material, 1911-1940s; circular letters and circuit and district reports, 1912-1951, on various circuits in north and south Rhodesia; papers, 1911-1955, largely typescript, on general missionary affairs in Rhodesia; correspondence with Oliver Roebuck, 1923-1925, 1930, and Roebuck's diary, 1923.

        Zonder titel
        Hill, David
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 24-29 (Boxes 630-636) · 1822-1917

        Papers, 1822-1917, of and relating to the Rev David Hill, including journals, 1865-1889 (some gaps); Hill's notes, sermons and addresses, 1863-1875 and undated, including some lantern slides, the subjects including the Old Testament, missionary work, China, including the opium trade and Chinese literature, and Hill's visit to America; letters from Hill to various members of his family, 1847-1896, and other correspondents, 1873-1895; various letters, 1847-1917, some to Hill, but including miscellaneous others; photographs of Hill and other subjects, including Chinese costumes; books belonging to Hill, 1857-1895, such as Bibles, a prayerbook, and hymnbooks; woodcut for visiting card; correspondence and papers, 1858-1897 and undated, some printed, relating to missionary work and other affairs in China, including anti-foreign riots, 1891; papers, 1877-1881 and undated, relating to the opium trade; Central China Lay Mission cash book, 1894-1899; printed papers, 1822-1917, including material relating to missionary work in China and to Methodism, including Methodism in York.

        Zonder titel
        Brown, William Thomas
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Europe/FBN 1 ( Box 587) · 1861-1890s

        Papers, 1861-1890s, of William Thomas Brown, including observations on Spain and religious matters, and comprising a journal, presumed to be Brown's, 1861-1863; journal with copies of letters sent and received, 1869-1870; manuscripts on 'Contributions towards a History of Methodist Schools in Spain', 1869-1873, and 'Glimpses of a Mission in Spain', including copies of letters, 1880s-1890s.

        Zonder titel
        Freeman, Thomas Birch
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Africa/FBN 4-7 (Boxes 594-597) · 1837-1928

        Papers, 1837-1928, of and relating to Thomas Birch Freeman, comprising journals, 1837-1845, including his life and work in Africa; a manuscript account of a journey from Badagry to Dahomey, 1842-1843, perhaps prepared for publication, with a letter, 1843, from George Maclean concerning the manuscript; letterbooks, 1848-1857, containing copy letters from Freeman; Freeman's manuscript history of the rise and progress of Wesleyan missions in the Gold Coast to 1838 [after 1838], with later, undated manuscript transcript; typed transcript [20th century], lacking chapters I-II, of Freeman's reminiscences [1884] of the Gold and Slave Coasts, including his extensive travels in the region, and microfilm negative of the typescript; typed transcript [20th century] of two letters to Annie Goulstone (1849); copy certificate, 1928, recording Freeman's marriage to Lucinda Cowan (1840).

        Zonder titel
        Francis, Rev David Lloyd
        GB 0102 MS 380563 · Created 1933-1989

        Papers, 1933-1989, of David Lloyd Francis, comprising his diaries (1943, 1947-8) and correspondence concerning his work with the Melanesian Mission, the effects of the War on the Mission's work and his own work during this period. Later correspondence with the BBC is also included.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0099 KCLMA Freedman J · Created [1917-1919], 1939-1945, 1974

        Papers relating to his service in the Fleet Air Arm, 1939-1945 and 1974, principally comprising aerial propaganda leaflets collected by Freedman. 'Annals of minds at war', an article on aerial propaganda by John Moorehead, from The Daily Telegraph, 8 Mar 1974. Three scripture pamphlets issued by the United States Army, namely Roman Catholic and Protestant editions of 'The Gospelaccording to St Matthew' and 'Psalms from the Jewish Holy Scriptures', 1943-1944. Notebook of Trooper T W Thorn, Surrey Yeomanry, containing a diary covering his service in Salonika, Jun 1917-Jan 1919. Notes on the history and use of grenades, and descriptions and drawings of different types of grenades, [1917-1919].

        Zonder titel
        GB 0103 SHARPE · Created 1715-1957

        The collection contains correspondence, diaries, travel journals, accounts, library catalogues and commonplace books of the Kenrick, Reid, Rogers and Sharpe families, which all help to complete the picture of the four related families. The correspondence covers many topics and is especially interesting on three counts: first, for the many letters from eminent men and women; second, for the range and depth of discussion and exchange of ideas on literary, artistic, religious and philosophical matters; and third, for the day-to-day letters written between parent and child over several generations, which provide a detailed account of family life during the period.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0100 KCLCA Souter · 1889-1930s

        Working papers of Alexander Souter, 1889-1930s and undated, comprising 20 notebooks, 1889-1913, on his studies in Aberdeen and Cambridge and on classical and patristic sources for his later work in Oxford, Aberdeen and Italy, and also including a diary for 1890, with entries noting work completed, news cuttings relating to his interests, and a book containing short publications such as Souter's The Predicative Dative Especially in Later Latin (1926) and A fragment of an unpublished Latin text of the Epistles to the Hebrews with a brief exposition (1924); manuscript texts for articles and lectures, mostly annotated with the dates and places of delivery, 1911-1936, including 'Classical Studies in the United States of America', 'Four Great Scholars', 'The Latin Bible', The History of Latin Lexicography', 'Statius: the Poet of the Silvae', 'Statius Silvae, with special reference to the manuscript tradition', 'Pelagius's Commentary on the Epistles of St Paul', 'Recent Advances in Palaeography', 'St Augustine', 'Recollections of a Travelling Scholar' and 'Beginnings of Christianity in Africa'; manuscript catalogue of editions of Latin authors in Souter's collection (1918).

        Zonder titel
        Livingstone, David
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Miscellaneous Livingstone Boxes 1-11, Wooden Box · 1834-1950s

        Correspondence and papers, 1834-1950s, of and relating to David Livingstone, composed of three sub-collections.

        Official London Missionary Society (LMS) papers of and relating to Livingstone, 1834-1872, largely comprise a series of over 100 original letters from Livingstone to his friends and to the LMS in connection with his work as an LMS missionary, mostly from southern Africa, the bulk dating from the 1840s and 1850s, and also include letters between other correspondents and miscellaneous other documents relating to Livingstone; 15 letters, 1852-1855, of Mary Livingstone (née Moffat), probably mostly directed to LMS officials, with typescript copies.

        The LMS reference collection on Livingstone comprises typescript and manuscript copies of the LMS Livingstone letters; original letters relating to Livingstone, 1845, 1850; copies of other letters and documents by or relating to Livingstone, 1841-1881, held elsewhere, including a later copy of Livingstone's answers to LMS questions on becoming a missionary (1838); photocopy of Livingstone's Bechuana journal, 1853; two microfilms of materials on Robert and Mary Moffat and Livingstone; papers relating to Livingstone, 1850s-1950s, collected by the LMS, including copies of further LMS documents relating to him, typescripts, press cuttings and printed material on his life and fame and places associated with him.

        The Bruce Livingstone collection comprises original letters, largely from Livingstone to Robert Moffat, 1844-1857, and photocopies of four letters, 1847-1853, from David Livingstone to Charles Livingstone.

        Zonder titel
        Helmore, Holloway
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Box 1 · 1850-1861

        Papers, 1850-1861, of Holloway Helmore, comprising correspondence, largely between the Helmore family and Robert Moffat and his family, also including letters from Roger Price; and Helmore's journal of the journey from Kuruman to the Zambezi River for the purpose of establishing a mission among the Makololo, 1859, with typescript copies. With a typescript biography on Helmore, including photographs.

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        Calvert, James
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 33-36 (Boxes 645-648) · 1837-1910s

        Papers, 1837-1910s, of James Calvert and his wife Mary, including James Calvert's journals, 1838-1886 (some gaps), including his experiences in Fiji and South Africa; Mary Calvert's journal, 1863-1866; certificates, 1838, including those for ordination and marriage; personal and family papers, 1839-1887, including baptismal certificates, 1839-1846, photographs of children, and poems; correspondence of James and Mary Calvert, 1837-1892, the correspondents including John Hunt and other ministers, and members of the Calvert and Fowler families; memoranda books on missionary conferences in Adelaide, 1866, Grahamstown, 1873, 1880, and Bloemfontein, 1874; printed proceedings of conferences at Pietermaritzburg, 1877, and Natal, 1878; manuscript notes and addresses, 1830s-1890s, including autobiographical notes, sermons, and anecdotes of mission life; c30 bills, 1870-1890; press cuttings and articles by or about Calvert, 1840s-1910s.

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        Banks Photograph Collection
        GB 0102 MS 380389 · Created c1897-1949

        Papers, c1897-1949, of Alexander Banks, comprising photographs taken chiefly by Alexander Banks showing groups of missionaries, including the Banks, Hicks and Hodge families, Indian Christians, including the Das family, Hindus and Muslims, local festivals, buildings and views. Also included are copies of circular letters (1900-1902) and letters (1903-1906) from Alexander Banks; his diary (1899-1900); a record of orphanage children in India (1906) including photographs; and publications of the Regions Beyond Missionary Union.

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        GB 0102 MS 380482 · Created 1901-1934

        Diaries of Wilson Herbert Geller, 1901-1904, 1908, 1910-1914, 1930, and Mabel Love Geller, 1919, 1930-1934, documenting their life and work as missionaries in China.

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        Collins, Walter
        GB 0102 MS 380566 · 1891-1892

        Photocopies of papers, 1891-1892 and undated, of Walter Collins, comprising his journal, 1891-1892, covering his journey by sea and the overland journey to Lake Victoria, and his work around Kampala delivering goods to various missions, also describing the political situation and fighting between tribes, and the homeward journey; notebook, 1891, containing poems by Collins inspired by Biblical verses; undated notebook containing notes by Collins on Uganda; two books produced by the Church Missionary Society, 1892 and undated, on Uganda and its history, including published sketches; undated printed songs or hymns.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0102 PP MS 49 · Created 1893-1940

        Papers, 1893-1940, of the Rev Charles Perry Scott and the Rev Percy Melville Scott, together with those of fellow missionaries of the North China and Shantung Mission. Also included is a continuous series of the North China and Shantung Mission Quarterly Papers (January 1893-October 1936), and the correspondence and diaries of Maurice Woodforde Scott dating from his time in China with Butterfield & Swire (1934-1937).

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