GB 1432 CLPLGU - City of London Polytechnic - London Guildhall University

Identity area

Reference code



City of London Polytechnic - London Guildhall University


  • 1969-2002 (Creation)

Extent and medium

69 boxes ca. 17 linear metres (CLP) - 33 boxes ca. 12.5 linear metres (LGU)

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Anthony Crossland, in his notable 1965 Woolwich speech, laid out the Government's vision for a binary system of Higher Education within the UK: i.e. universities and polytechnics, where the latter would concentrate on high-level vocational skills. He claimed that, whilst it is always sensible to build on what already exists if rapid expansion is to be achieved within limited resources, it is also important to offer an alternative channel to H.E. that is distinct from the established University system in a number of ways:

Distinct in traditions that have been inherited from its precursors in the non-university sector

Distinct in its adaptability and responsiveness to social change

Distinct organisationally

Distinct in the kind of students that it attracts

The City of London Polytechnic was formed in 1970 from an amalgamation of the City of London College, the Sir John Cass College and the Navigation College at Tower Hill and it was one of the first of the London-based polytechnics to be so designated. It was initially organised into 4 Schools:

The Sir John Cass School of Science and Technology

The Sir John Cass School of Art

The School of Navigation

The School of Business Studies

In 1972 it became one of the first institutions in the country approved to run a modular degree. In 1977 it took responsibility for the running of the Fawcett Library (subsequently renamed the Women's Library), the oldest established women's library in the UK. It merged with the London College of Furniture in 1990. In 1992 the Polytechnic was granted university status - and, with that, its own degree-awarding powers - by the Further and Higher Education Act of that year and was renamed London Guildhall University.

Archival history

GB 1432 CLPLGU 1969-2002 Collection (fonds) 69 boxes ca. 17 linear metres (CLP) - 33 boxes ca. 12.5 linear metres (LGU) City of London Polytechnic and London Guildhall University

Anthony Crossland, in his notable 1965 Woolwich speech, laid out the Government's vision for a binary system of Higher Education within the UK: i.e. universities and polytechnics, where the latter would concentrate on high-level vocational skills. He claimed that, whilst it is always sensible to build on what already exists if rapid expansion is to be achieved within limited resources, it is also important to offer an alternative channel to H.E. that is distinct from the established University system in a number of ways:

Distinct in traditions that have been inherited from its precursors in the non-university sector

Distinct in its adaptability and responsiveness to social change

Distinct organisationally

Distinct in the kind of students that it attracts

The City of London Polytechnic was formed in 1970 from an amalgamation of the City of London College, the Sir John Cass College and the Navigation College at Tower Hill and it was one of the first of the London-based polytechnics to be so designated. It was initially organised into 4 Schools:

The Sir John Cass School of Science and Technology

The Sir John Cass School of Art

The School of Navigation

The School of Business Studies

In 1972 it became one of the first institutions in the country approved to run a modular degree. In 1977 it took responsibility for the running of the Fawcett Library (subsequently renamed the Women's Library), the oldest established women's library in the UK. It merged with the London College of Furniture in 1990. In 1992 the Polytechnic was granted university status - and, with that, its own degree-awarding powers - by the Further and Higher Education Act of that year and was renamed London Guildhall University.

Internal accumulation by London Guildhall University during the course of business.

Records of the City of London Polytechnic and London Guildhall University, London, comprising (but not limited to):

Governance papers; Annual/statutory reports and accounts; Strategic plans; Ceremonial Prospectuses; Course handbooks; Students' Union magazines and handbooks; Student records*; Staff magazines

  • Requests involving personal data will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and on a case-by-case basis.

The surviving archives of all precursor institutions of London Metropolitan University are currently being appraised in detail following their relocation to a central facility at 25 Old Castle Street, London, E1 7NT

Enquiries should be made by email to

Details available upon request

The Public Record Office holds papers relating to the City of London Polytechnic at BS 9/7/19; COAL 78/357 (Energy conservation); ED 114/1652/4 (modular degree scheme); ED/114/1652/7 (Sociology Department); ED 182/111 (College schemes); ED 271/42/3 (Law Degree courses). London Metropolitan Archives holds papers relating to the Polytechnic under the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA).

City of London Polytechnic and London Guildhall University by Sean Glynn (London Guildhall University, 2002).

Compiled by Robert Baxter as part of the RSLP AIM25 Project. Sources: London Guildhall University website; survey information by Janet Foster, May 2000; records management survey of City of Polytechnic administrative and academic departments by Meg Sweet, Jan 1987; catalogue of the City of London Polytechnic archives by Meg Sweet, Feb 1987. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Oct 2001; May 2021 Higher education institutions Universities Technological institutes Social science education Humanities education Educational administration Educational governing bodies Legal education Governing bodies University governing bodies Higher science education Computer science education Vocational education Commercial education Libraries Academic libraries Educational supervision Educational governing boards Educational institutions Arts Mathematics education Transport Organizations City of London Polytechnic City of London London England UK Western Europe Europe

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Internal accumulation by London Guildhall University during the course of business.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Records of the City of London Polytechnic and London Guildhall University, London, comprising (but not limited to):

Governance papers; Annual/statutory reports and accounts; Strategic plans; Ceremonial Prospectuses; Course handbooks; Students' Union magazines and handbooks; Student records*; Staff magazines

  • Requests involving personal data will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and on a case-by-case basis.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling

The surviving archives of all precursor institutions of London Metropolitan University are currently being appraised in detail following their relocation to a central facility at 25 Old Castle Street, London, E1 7NT

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Enquiries should be made by email to

Conditions governing reproduction

Details available upon request

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Allied materials area

Related units of description

The Public Record Office holds papers relating to the City of London Polytechnic at BS 9/7/19; COAL 78/357 (Energy conservation); ED 114/1652/4 (modular degree scheme); ED/114/1652/7 (Sociology Department); ED 182/111 (College schemes); ED 271/42/3 (Law Degree courses). London Metropolitan Archives holds papers relating to the Polytechnic under the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA).

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

London Metropolitan University Special Collections

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English