Identity area
Reference code
- 1937-2003 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
24 boxes
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Until 1930 the College did not have a permanent Secretary, but in December 1930 the President recommended that the private secretary of Sir William Fletcher Shaw, Miss W E Mallon be appointed as permanent Secretary to the College. Initially the function of the Secretary was purely administrative, as the College grew in size the Secretary became the senior manager of the College, responsible for general management of the College and all its departments in direct liaison with the College Officers, Council and committee chairmen. As the College Secretary's responsibilities expanded, it became necessary to pass certain functions to other departments or officers (for example, in the 1980's responsibility for overseas affairs was passed to the Vice President). In 1999 a Personnel Officer was appointed, under the overall control of the College Secretary. The role involves:
Attendance of Council meetings, the Finance and Executive Committee and Council elections.
Control of special funds.
Operational and management responsibility for major projects.
Overseeing the production of educational resources for training and continuing professional development.
Providing general education development support and advice in a number of forums.
In 2005 the post was renamed as the Chief Executive/Secretary to the Board of Trustees.
Archival history
Early records created by the first Secretary (1930) are mixed with the President's papers. Some correspondence of the College Secretary relating to major functions has been removed and placed in subject-based series (see allied materials).
GB 1538 RCOG/A8 1937-2003 fonds 24 boxes Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Until 1930 the College did not have a permanent Secretary, but in December 1930 the President recommended that the private secretary of Sir William Fletcher Shaw, Miss W E Mallon be appointed as permanent Secretary to the College. Initially the function of the Secretary was purely administrative, as the College grew in size the Secretary became the senior manager of the College, responsible for general management of the College and all its departments in direct liaison with the College Officers, Council and committee chairmen. As the College Secretary's responsibilities expanded, it became necessary to pass certain functions to other departments or officers (for example, in the 1980's responsibility for overseas affairs was passed to the Vice President). In 1999 a Personnel Officer was appointed, under the overall control of the College Secretary. The role involves:
Attendance of Council meetings, the Finance and Executive Committee and Council elections.
Control of special funds.
Operational and management responsibility for major projects.
Overseeing the production of educational resources for training and continuing professional development.
Providing general education development support and advice in a number of forums.
In 2005 the post was renamed as the Chief Executive/Secretary to the Board of Trustees.
Early records created by the first Secretary (1930) are mixed with the President's papers. Some correspondence of the College Secretary relating to major functions has been removed and placed in subject-based series (see allied materials).
Almost all the records have been transferred to the Archives by the College Secretary/Chief Executive; one or two miscellaneous items were transferred by other departments (e.g. some staff handbooks were transferred from the College Library in 2001).
Correspondence files which reflect the changing responsibilities of the College Secretary, with records relating to the Journal, gifts and donations, and correspondence with other royal colleges and related bodies. College papers regarding Dr Ornella Moscucci's unpublished history of the RCOG (1987-1999). Also records concerning the Faculty of Family Planning (1976-1992) and Birthright, later Wellbeing (1985-2003), and papers of College Secretary's meetings (1996-2003).
Records of the College Secretary's Office are transferred to the Archives as reference ceases and disposed of in accordance with Disposal Agreement No 4 between the College Secretary and the Archivist.
These records are closed because they contain information about planning and policy.
An alphabetical list of founder Members is available from the College Archivist. This is list has been copied from the first Annual Report 1929-1930 and there is also a copy from the fifth Annual Report 1934.
The College Archives holds card indexes of deceased and living MRCOG holders between 1929 and 1998. The indexes note the date of admission to the MRCOG.
Imported from the RCOG catalogue and edited by Sarah Drewery.
General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997.
Import: Oct 2008; edit: Feb 2009. History of Medicine Educational supervision Governing bodies Organizations Associations Societies Medical societies History Family planning Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Almost all the records have been transferred to the Archives by the College Secretary/Chief Executive; one or two miscellaneous items were transferred by other departments (e.g. some staff handbooks were transferred from the College Library in 2001).
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Correspondence files which reflect the changing responsibilities of the College Secretary, with records relating to the Journal, gifts and donations, and correspondence with other royal colleges and related bodies. College papers regarding Dr Ornella Moscucci's unpublished history of the RCOG (1987-1999). Also records concerning the Faculty of Family Planning (1976-1992) and Birthright, later Wellbeing (1985-2003), and papers of College Secretary's meetings (1996-2003).
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
Records of the College Secretary's Office are transferred to the Archives as reference ceases and disposed of in accordance with Disposal Agreement No 4 between the College Secretary and the Archivist.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
These records are closed because they contain information about planning and policy.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Finding aids
An alphabetical list of founder Members is available from the College Archivist. This is list has been copied from the first Annual Report 1929-1930 and there is also a copy from the fifth Annual Report 1934.
The College Archives holds card indexes of deceased and living MRCOG holders between 1929 and 1998. The indexes note the date of admission to the MRCOG.
Access points
Subject access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997.
- English