GB 1697 A.CHULS - Committee of Heads of University Law Schools Archive

Identity area

Reference code



Committee of Heads of University Law Schools Archive


  • 1974-2000 (Creation)

Extent and medium

7 boxes

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

The Committee of Heads of University Law Schools (CHULS) sees its role as representing law schools and their management to the funding councils and other established committees in the legal sector, promoting mutual respect and active co-operation between law schools regionally, nationally and internationally, considering and advising relevant bodies on the structure, development and resourcing of legal education, disseminating information and good practice concerning legal education, assisting in the promotion of good management practice in law schools and liaising with the Association of Law Teachers (ALT), Society of Public Teachers of Law (SPTL) and other bodies on matters of mutual interest. CHULS began its active life as an SPTL committee concerned with specific issues relating to law schools and law teaching in universities. Its first meeting was held under SPTL auspices at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) on 27th September 1974, when the President of SPTL, Professor C F Parker, was appointed to the Chairmanship of CHULS. At its fourth meeting on 28th November 1975, it was agreed that CHULS should cease to be a committee of SPTL but should be constituted instead as an autonomous body, though close links with SPTL were still to be maintained. CHULS developed initially as a committee whose members represented all law schools in universities financed by the University Grants Committee which taught a law degree. Representatives of polytechnics, the Inns of Court School of Law and the College of Law were thus excluded. In September 1984 the Committee agreed on the desirability of holding joint meetings with the Heads of Polytechnic Law Schools, who had formed their own Committee to represent institutions offering Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) degrees carrying exemption from the academic stage of professional education. On February 11 1992 a meeting was held to discuss a merger of the two Committees. The merger finally took place on 30 November 1992, with the creation of a newly constituted CHULS consisting of an Executive Committee with powers to appoint sub-committees as required. Membership was open to all institutions currently in membership of the two earlier committees, and other institutions of higher education which were in receipt of funding from a higher education funding council and which offered their own law degrees recognised by the professional bodies as giving exemption from the academic stage of legal education were made eligible to apply. Officers of the reconstituted Committee consisted of a Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. In 1996 the two latter offices were amalgamated. CHULS' activities have included gathering information on staff recruitment and student admission procedures, monitoring the impact of Law Society and Council of Legal Education (CLE) regulations and of new teaching courses, reporting on funding for legal research and law libraries, examination of copyright on legal materials and provision of advice to bodies such as the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committees on Legal Education. Some of its findings have been published.

Archival history

GB 1697 A.CHULS 1974-2000 Sub-fonds of Records of Legal Education Archives 7 boxes School of Public Teachers of Law , Committee of Heads of University Law Schools

Committee of Heads of University Law Schools
The Committee of Heads of University Law Schools (CHULS) sees its role as representing law schools and their management to the funding councils and other established committees in the legal sector, promoting mutual respect and active co-operation between law schools regionally, nationally and internationally, considering and advising relevant bodies on the structure, development and resourcing of legal education, disseminating information and good practice concerning legal education, assisting in the promotion of good management practice in law schools and liaising with the Association of Law Teachers (ALT), Society of Public Teachers of Law (SPTL) and other bodies on matters of mutual interest. CHULS began its active life as an SPTL committee concerned with specific issues relating to law schools and law teaching in universities. Its first meeting was held under SPTL auspices at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) on 27th September 1974, when the President of SPTL, Professor C F Parker, was appointed to the Chairmanship of CHULS. At its fourth meeting on 28th November 1975, it was agreed that CHULS should cease to be a committee of SPTL but should be constituted instead as an autonomous body, though close links with SPTL were still to be maintained. CHULS developed initially as a committee whose members represented all law schools in universities financed by the University Grants Committee which taught a law degree. Representatives of polytechnics, the Inns of Court School of Law and the College of Law were thus excluded. In September 1984 the Committee agreed on the desirability of holding joint meetings with the Heads of Polytechnic Law Schools, who had formed their own Committee to represent institutions offering Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) degrees carrying exemption from the academic stage of professional education. On February 11 1992 a meeting was held to discuss a merger of the two Committees. The merger finally took place on 30 November 1992, with the creation of a newly constituted CHULS consisting of an Executive Committee with powers to appoint sub-committees as required. Membership was open to all institutions currently in membership of the two earlier committees, and other institutions of higher education which were in receipt of funding from a higher education funding council and which offered their own law degrees recognised by the professional bodies as giving exemption from the academic stage of legal education were made eligible to apply. Officers of the reconstituted Committee consisted of a Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. In 1996 the two latter offices were amalgamated. CHULS' activities have included gathering information on staff recruitment and student admission procedures, monitoring the impact of Law Society and Council of Legal Education (CLE) regulations and of new teaching courses, reporting on funding for legal research and law libraries, examination of copyright on legal materials and provision of advice to bodies such as the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committees on Legal Education. Some of its findings have been published.

Agenda, minutes and papers of the Committee, 1989-1992, were deposited in 1997 by Professor P Jackson, CHULS Secretary, and those from 1992 to 2000 were deposited by Professor R W Painter, current Secretary/Treasurer. Papers of the CHULS Working Party on Four Year Degrees and the Working Party on Implications for Law as a Discipline of the Leverhulme Report and the Circular Letter from the Chairman of the University Grants Committee (UGC), were deposited in 1996 by Professor W L Twining, Chairman and Convenor. The majority of the correspondence and papers of Professor G Zellick was deposited in 1999 by Professor Zellick. Further correspondence and papers, 1988-1990, were deposited in 1999 by Professor R W Painter.

The Archive of the Committee of Heads of University Law Schools consists of agenda, minutes and papers of the Committee, 1974-2000; papers of the Chairman, Professor William Twining, and Secretary of the CHULS Working Party on Four Year Degrees, 1978-1980; papers of the Convenor, Professor William Twining, of the CHULS Working Party on Implications for Law as a Discipline of the Leverhulme Report and the Circular Letter from the Chairman of the University Grants Committee, Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, 1983-1984; correspondence and papers of Professor Graham John Zellick, CHULS Chairman, 1988-1990; file on CHULS' participation in the Law Society's Academic Consultative Committee, 1990.

The records were appraised and listed by the Co-ordinator of the Records of Legal Education project between 1996 and 1998.

Further accruals are expected.

Arranged in series as in Scope and Content.

Open, except access to unpublished papers in the file on CHULS' participation in the Law Society's Academic Consultative Committee is only permitted 30 years after the last date on file.

Copyright declaration form to be completed.

Detailed catalogue available at the IALS and on-line at

Compiled by Annabel Dodds for the RSLP AIM25 Project. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Aug 2000 Associations Committee of Heads of University Law Schools Dyer , Sir , Henry Peter Francis , Swinnerton- , b 1927 , 16th Baronet , mathematician x Swinnerton-Dyer , Sir , Henry Peter Francis x Dyer , Sir , Peter , Swinnerton- x Swinnerton-Dyer , Sir , Peter Educational administrators Educational personnel Higher education institutions Law Law Society , Academic Consultative Committee Legal education Legal profession Legal systems Organizations Professional associations Society of Public Teachers of Law , Committee of Heads of University Law Schools Twining , William Lawrence , b 1934 , Professor of Jurisprudence UGC , University Grants Committee x University Grants Committee Vocational education Zellick , Graham John , b 1948 , Professor of Law Personnel People by occupation People Educational institutions

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Agenda, minutes and papers of the Committee, 1989-1992, were deposited in 1997 by Professor P Jackson, CHULS Secretary, and those from 1992 to 2000 were deposited by Professor R W Painter, current Secretary/Treasurer. Papers of the CHULS Working Party on Four Year Degrees and the Working Party on Implications for Law as a Discipline of the Leverhulme Report and the Circular Letter from the Chairman of the University Grants Committee (UGC), were deposited in 1996 by Professor W L Twining, Chairman and Convenor. The majority of the correspondence and papers of Professor G Zellick was deposited in 1999 by Professor Zellick. Further correspondence and papers, 1988-1990, were deposited in 1999 by Professor R W Painter.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

The Archive of the Committee of Heads of University Law Schools consists of agenda, minutes and papers of the Committee, 1974-2000; papers of the Chairman, Professor William Twining, and Secretary of the CHULS Working Party on Four Year Degrees, 1978-1980; papers of the Convenor, Professor William Twining, of the CHULS Working Party on Implications for Law as a Discipline of the Leverhulme Report and the Circular Letter from the Chairman of the University Grants Committee, Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, 1983-1984; correspondence and papers of Professor Graham John Zellick, CHULS Chairman, 1988-1990; file on CHULS' participation in the Law Society's Academic Consultative Committee, 1990.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling

The records were appraised and listed by the Co-ordinator of the Records of Legal Education project between 1996 and 1998.


Further accruals are expected.

System of arrangement

Arranged in series as in Scope and Content.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open, except access to unpublished papers in the file on CHULS' participation in the Law Society's Academic Consultative Committee is only permitted 30 years after the last date on file.

Conditions governing reproduction

Copyright declaration form to be completed.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Finding aids

Detailed catalogue available at the IALS and on-line at

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English