Comprehensive schools

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Bereik aantekeningen

  • Non-selective secondary schools providing all types of education.
  • École secondaire non spécialisée dispensant des enseignements dans divers domaines.
  • Escuela secundaria no especializada que imparte enseñanzas en diferentes áreas.

ron aantekeningen


Toon aantekening(en)

    Hiërarchische termen

    Comprehensive schools

    Comprehensive schools

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Comprehensive schools

        Verwante termen

        Comprehensive schools

          7 Archivistische beschrijving results for Comprehensive schools

          GB 0366 MD · 1940s-1990s

          Papers reflecting many aspects of Duane's career. In particular, the collection includes reports, memoranda and correspondence relating to Duane's headships of Howe Dell Secondary School, Hatfield (1949-1951); Alderman Woodrow Secondary Boys' School, Lowestoft (1951-1959); and Risinghill School, Islington (1959-1960). Also included are published and unpublished writings, lectures, correspondence, press cuttings and transcripts of interviews reflecting Duane's broad interests in education including on the following topics: the nature of intelligence, teacher training, discipline and punishment, 'delinquency', 'de-schooling', religious instruction and moral education, comprehensive education, non-authoritarian and 'progressive' education. Background research material, drafts and correspondence relating to his MPhil thesis at the University of Nottingham 'An Experiment in Progressive Education in a State School' (1977) [later published as The Terrace: An Educational Experiment in a State School (London: Freedom Press, 1995)] are also included.

          Zonder titel
          SIMON, Brian (1915-2002)
          GB 0366 SIM · Collectie · 1940s-1990s

          Papers relating to the life and work of Brian Simon, 1940s-1990s, including memoirs from Simon's time at Kurt Hahn's progressive school at Salem; talks, articles, reviews, lectures and other papers by Simon; correspondence, [1952-1990], including with Caroline Benn and Norman Morris; press cuttings, 1967-1989, chiefly comprising obituaries and biographical material (of others); working papers, chiefly in preparation for the following publications by Simon: Studies in the History of Education, 1780-1870 (1960), Education and the Labour Movement, 1870-1920 (1965), The Politics of Educational Reform, 1920-1940 (1974) and Education and the Social Order, 1940-1990 (1991); papers relating to the National Union of Students; papers relating to visits abroad; publishers' correspondence and personal photographs and scrapbooks.

          Zonder titel
          Polytechnic Secondary School
          GB 1753 PSS · Archief · [1885]-1986

          Records, [1885]-1986, of the Polytechnic Secondary School, its predecessors and successors, consisting of membership records, comprising Day School registers, 1890-1892, 1905-1911, including lists of free scholarships, 1891-1894, Girls' Day School register, 1900-1906, and Polytechnic Secondary School lists, 1925-1935; administrative papers, including papers relating to a conference between the Governing Body and H M Inspectors concerning inspection of the Polytechnic Secondary School, 1929, circulars from the London County Council, Ministry of Health and Board of Education and other papers relating to the evacuation of the school, 1939-1940, Instrument dealing with the government of the Quintin School, 1951, file relating to management of the Quintin School, including Governors' minutes, 1962-1967, and miscellaneous other papers relating to the school; material relating to events, comprising Polytechnic Intermediate & Technical School for Boys programme of swimming display, 1890, programme of annual sports, 1920, Speech Day programmes, 1920-1922, 1926, 1930-1931, 1934, 1951, 1968, including Headmaster's reports, 1925-1926, 1929-1930, 1933-1924, programmes of presentation of athletic prizes, 1929-1930, 1934, including Headmaster's report, 1928-1929, programme for the opening of the new building, 1957; printed material, comprising photocopy of a prospectus of the Polytechnic Middle Class School for Boys [1885], Commercial School fifth form gazette, 1903, The Old Quintinian, 1912-1913, The Quintinian, 1920, 1927-1943, 1949-1959, The Polytechnic Secondary School [1938], L C B Seaman, The Quintin School 1886-1956: a brief history (London, 1957), and The Quintin School Hymn Book, undated; photographs of pupils, staff, activities and sports teams, c1888-[1960s], some undated; ephemera, artefacts and memorabilia, including dictionary inscribed F H Master, 1917, Christmas crackers, 1938, engraved House Fours cup, 1939, school cap and tie, and undated song sheet; papers of Lehman Robert Baars relating to his time at the school, 1931-1935, including reports, exam results and school lists; papers relating to an exhibition on the school, 1986.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0366 HR · Collectie · c1920-1980s

          Papers of Harry Alfred Rée, comprising a small amount of very general correspondence, most dating from 1969-1974; letters to the press, 1964-1976; lectures, including to students at the University of York and to teachers' associations; addresses and scripts of broadcasts, 1950s-1970s; articles, reviews and other writings, 1940s-1970s. The collection also includes a substantial amount of material relating to Henry Morris and his contemporaries. Some of this is original material, 1920s-1960s, such as correspondence with Morris; writings, broadcasts and speeches by Morris; press cuttings and other biographical material; printed materials relating to the village colleges; photographs; audio- and video-tapes. The remainder comprises material generated by Rée as a result of his research on Morris, 1969-1980s, including correspondence with friends and colleagues of Morris and drafts of chapters for an edited volume of Morris's writings.

          Zonder titel
          CORNALL, Peter (b 1930)
          GB 0366 PC · Collectie · 1954-1998

          Papers of Peter Cornall, 1954-1998, relating to all stages of his professional career, including talks, lectures and articles; internal administrative papers written for the schools in which he worked; materials written for circulation amongst colleagues and the wider world; and his own personal reflections. They reflect many of his personal educational interests including comprehensive education, curriculum development, internal school management, falling rolls, school headship, school self-evaluation, educational guidance, and value-added by schools. Also included is a report of a study visit made to the United States in 1963.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0366 PRI · Collectie · 1976-1987

          Records of the Programme for Reform in Secondary Education, incuding papers of the Chairman, George Varnava, namely minutes 1982-1987,editions of PRISE News, 1976-1986, press cuttings, pamphlets, conference papers, memoranda, reports and some correspondence.

          Zonder titel
          Accounts of Unstreaming
          GB 0366 UNS · Collectie · 1968

          Letters from teachers in around 20 schools in reply to a letter by Douglas John Foskett, Librarian of the Institute of Education, asking for their views on unstreaming, including personal experiences and opinions on unstreaming.

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