Corporation of London

Identity area

Authorized form of name

Corporation of London

Description area


The Corporation of London also acts through its officers, some of whose offices originate in the medieval period. The earliest known holders of the office of Town Clerk (now the Chief Executive) and the Chamberlain (the chief financial officer), for example, both date from the 13th century although the offices themselves may date from the 12th century. Others, such as that of the Comptroller and City Solicitor (the head of the legal department), result from the amalgamation of different offices originating from medieval and Elizabethan times.

The City Marshal acts as the peacekeeper to the Lord Mayor of London, leads processions and represents the Lord Mayor at all Entries of Troops into the City.

The Swordbearer is a ceremonial role dating back to 1420; and is the most senior of the Lord Mayor's three personal staff officers. The Swordbearer supervises the protocol of ceremonial events, wearing a fur hat which was known as Cap of Maintenance and carrying the Lord Mayor's Sword of State which dates to 15th century.