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    Nota(s) sobre el origen


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      Términos jerárquicos


      Término General Agronomía


      Términos equivalentes


      • Usado para Cropping systems
      • Usado para Cultivation systems
      • Usado para Farming systems
      • Usado para Système cultural
      • Usado para Système de culture
      • Usado para Système de production agricole
      • Usado para Système d'exploitation agricole
      • Usado para Sistema de cultivo
      • Usado para Sistema de explotación agrícola
      • Usado para Sistema de producción agrícola

      Términos asociados


      1 Descripción archivística resultados para Cultivo

      1 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 0074 ACC/3025 · Colección · 1939-1989

      Personal papers of James Barr, employee of Trumans Ltd, including Transport and General Workers Union cards and papers, Truman's Sports Club rules and fixture lists, and papers relating to the company including redundancy scheme, annual excursions, regulations and agreements, 1939-1989; handbooks, programmes, rules, fixture lists and posters for the London Breweries Amateur Sports Association and the Highgate Harriers Athletic Club, 1951-1979; issues of company publications including 'The Black Eagle', the 'Truman Times', '1666', 'Truman News', 'Truman Topics', 'Watney Truman News' and 'Stag and Eagle' (Watney Combe Reid publication), 1948-1989; annual reports and pension scheme information, 1977-1989; and issues of 'The Master Brewer' and 'The National Brewery Museum Chronicle', 1968-1986.

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