Cultural exhibitions

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Cultural exhibitions

      Cultural exhibitions

        Gelijksoortige termen

        Cultural exhibitions

        • UF Art exhibitions
        • UF Exposition d'art
        • UF Exposición de arte

        Verwante termen

        1 Archivistische beschrijving results for Cultural exhibitions

        1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 2108 KUAS215 · Archief · 1969-2017

        Handwritten document by Iris Murdoch giving her thoughts on the definition of Love, written on request for artist George Pappas. With an accompanying letter written by Iris Murdoch dated 15 Jul 1969 agreeing to write a piece for him, plus a postcard, brief biography of and review of an exhibition by George Pappas.

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