Denman , Thomas , 1733-1815 , physician

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Denman , Thomas , 1733-1815 , physician

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        Born, Bakewll, Derbyshire, 1733; educated at Bakewell grammar school; studied medicine at St George's Hospital, London from 1853; surgeon's mate in the navy, surgeon, 1757; attached to the ship Edgar to 1763; continued his medical studies, attending the lectures on midwifery of Dr Smellie; graduated MD, Aberdeen, 1764; began practice as a physician, Winchester; surgeon to a royal yacht; lectured on midwifery, and continued to do so for fifteen years; physician accoucheur to the Middlesex Hospital, 1769-1783; licentiate in midwifery, College of Physicians, 1783; moved to Feltham, Middlesex, 1791 and reduced his practice; made the practice of inducing premature labour in cases of narrow pelvis and other conditions general in England; died, London, 1815.

        Publications include: Essays on the Puerperal Fever, and on puerperal convulsions (J Walter, London, 1768); A Letter to Dr. Richard Huck, on the construction and method of using vapor baths [London, 1768]; Aphorisms, respecting the distinction and management of preternatural presentations [London, c 1780]; Directions for the application of the forceps [London, c 1780]; An Essay on Uterine Hemorrhages depending on Pregnancy and Parturition (J Johnson, London, 1785); An Essay on Difficult Labours (J. Johnson, London, 1787-1791); An Essay on Natural Labours (J Johnson, [London,] 1786); An Essay on Preternatural Labours (J Johnson, London, 1786); A Collection of Engravings, tending to illustrate the generation and parturition of animals, and of the human species (J Johnson, London, 1787); An Introduction to the Practice of Midwifery (J Johnson, London, 1794, 95); Observations on the Cure of Cancer (J Johnson, London, 1810).


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