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      Escuela confesional

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      Escuela confesional

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        Escuela confesional

        • Usado para Catholic schools
        • Usado para Koranic schools
        • Usado para École catholique
        • Usado para École coranique
        • Usado para Escuela católica
        • Usado para Escuela coránica

        Términos asociados

        Escuela confesional

        178 Descripción archivística resultados para Escuela confesional

        178 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        GB 0074 P92/MRY · Colección · 1561-1978

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Kennington Park Road, Newington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; Churchwardens' records; minutes of the Vestry, the Parochial Church Council and the Church Building Committee; registers of preachers; financial records; records relating to the construction of the new church including plans; papers relating to St Mary Newington National Schools; parish magazines.

        Also minutes of the Governors and Guardians of the Poor; removal orders; records of the workhouse including admission and discharge records; registers of children at the South Metropolitan District Schools; financial accounts relating to poor relief.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P94/MRY · Colección · 1559-1981

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Stoke Newington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, confirmations, banns and church services; preachers' books; legal documents relating to church property; financial records and papers relating to parish expenditure; Churchwardens' accounts; papers relating to parochial schools; parish magazines and notices.

        Also papers of the parish constable; records of poor relief distributed; papers of the Overseers of the Poor; papers of the Surveyors of Highways.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P94/MTS · Colección · 1848-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint Matthias, Wordsworth Road, Stoke Newington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and confirmations; registers of church services; financial records; papers relating to the parish schools; Trust records; parish magazines; records of church personnel; papers relating to parish boundaries and the benefice; records regarding the church building, vicarage and church hall; papers of parish charities; and historical publications.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P95/IMM · Colección · 1854-1966

        Records of the parish of Immanuel, Streatham Common, including baptisms (1854-1965); marriages (1855-1966); banns of marriage (1854-1968); confirmations (1899-1900); church service registers (1859-1960); Vestry minutes (1860-1913); Parochial Church Council minutes (1913-1961); accounts (1931-1968); Immanuel Church School manager's minutes (1937-1961); cash books (1919-1943); correspondence, memoranda, plans and photographs.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/1410 · Colección · 1932-1972

        Records of the Saint Laurence Church of England School, Cowley, comprising registers of attendance; registers of school meals; register of infectious diseases; sales book of needlework made by pupils; and returns of the school meals service. The records in this collection date from 1932 when the school provided primary education. Two years of attendance and school meals registers have been retained as examples of the records produced by the school.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/1879 · Colección · 1912-1926

        Records of Saint Philip's School, Bethnal Green, comprising minute book of the managers.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2203 · Colección · 1662-1991

        Records of Hornsey Parochial Charities, including Chair's minutes and agendas; Trustees minutes; reports; financial accounts; property registers; rent demands; charity schemes; conveyances; gifts and legacies; correspondence; valuations of investments, and other administrative papers.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2386 · Colección · 1829

        Records of the Parish of Saint Marylebone, comprising an order of removal from Saint Marylebone to Saint Botolph without Aldgate.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P69/DUN2 · Colección · 1516-1978

        Records of the parish of Saint Dunstan in the West, Fleet Steet, City of London. The records include parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns, burials), Vestry minutes and Churchwardens' accounts, rate assessments and rentals, deeds and legal papers and records relating to the parish schools.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P70/JN · Colección · 1863-1938

        Records of the parish of Saint John, Battersea, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations, parishioners and church services; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; parish school log books; and parish magazines.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P70/MIC · Colección · 1872-1995

        Records of the church of Saint Michael, Wandsworth Common, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, and church services; Parochial Church Council and Vestry minutes; deeds and papers regarding church buildings and the school site; faculties and other papers relating to church building maintenance; correspondence regarding church redevelopment; papers regarding parish boundaries; papers relating to organisations run by the church including the day centre; financial accounts; booklets and parish magazines.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P70/SAV · Colección · 1865-1986

        Records of parish of Saint Saviour, Battersea, including registers of baptisms, marriages and confirmations; preachers' books, service books and church service registers; papers relating to the appointment of clergy; photographs of clergy; correspondence and legal documents relating to parish boundaries and land owned by the parish; papers relating to the benefice; faculties, plans and correspondence relating to the maintenance of the church, vicarage and church halls; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; administrative correspondence; financial accounts; papers relating to organisations related to the church including parochial charities, the parish school, Sunday School, and societies; newspaper cuttings; parish magazines and historical notes.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P72/TMS · Colección · 1848-1919

        Records of the parish of Saint Thomas, Bethnal Green, including registers of baptisms and marriages, and minutes of meetings of the committee of St Thomas' National Schools.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P76/JS2 · Colección · 1790-1978

        Records of the parish of Saint James, Pentonville, including registers of baptisms, burials, marriages, confirmations and banns of marriage; registers of preachers; registers of church services; papers of the incumbent; papers relating to church property including plans; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings including architect's surveys; annual reports; financial records; Vestry minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; Managing Committee of the Pentonville Charity School minute book and other School papers; papers relating to parochial charities; scrapbooks, photographs and newsletters.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P78/CTC · Colección · 1846-2020

        Records of the parish of Christ Church, Greenwich, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and church services; preachers' books; account books; Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to the benefice; papers relating to the church building and the church hall; and papers relating to the parish school.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P78/TRI1 · Colección · 1868-1949

        Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Blackheath Hill, including registers of baptisms and marriages; registers of church services and preachers; papers relating to church buildings including plans of the Vestry Hall; orders relating to parish boundaries; financial accounts; Vestry meeting minutes; correspondence and reports; papers relating to the parish school; and parish magazines, posters and histories. Also papers relating to Emmanuel Mission Church.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P79/JNJ · Colección · 1826-1988

        Records of the parish of Saint John of Jerusalem, Hackney, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; orders of service; registers of church services; Parochial Church Council minutes and papers; papers relating to staff; papers regarding parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; papers regarding the maintenance of the church building and the church hall; financial records; Vestry minutes; papers of parochial charities and parochial schools; and parish magazines.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P79/MAA · Colección · 1865-1982

        Records of the parish of St Michael and All Angels, Hackney, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; registers of banns of marriage; church services registers; curates' licences; papers relating to the benefice including terriers, correspondence and documents regarding the Vicarage; papers relating to the maintenance of the church; financial records; papers of the Vestry and the Parochial Church Council; papers relating to the Church School; papers relating to the Scouts and papers regarding Saint Martin's Mission Church.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P79/TMS · Colección · 1820-1969

        Records of the parish of St Thomas, Clapton Common, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, and banns; clerical licences; parish magazines; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; registers of church services; preachers' books; papers relating to the rebuilding of the church; financial records; papers relating to missions; and papers of the Upper Clapton National School.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P80/MTW · Colección · 1867-1975

        Records of the parish of Saint Matthew, West Kensington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; a history of the parish; papers relating to the establishment of the parish; faculties relating to fixtures and fittings in the church; financial accounts; Vestry meeting minutes; Parochial Church Council meeting minutes; minutes of the Managers of Saint Matthew's School and deeds to the school premises.

        Also some baptism registers for the Christ Church Chapel of Ease, Hammersmith.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P81/TRI · Colección · 1872-1968

        Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Hampstead, including registers of baptisms, marriages, and banns of marriage; financial records; Parochial Church Council minute books and correspondence; church service registers; curates' licences and related papers; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to glebe lands; records of the Churchwardens; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings including the vicarage and parochial rooms; minutes, legal documents and correspondence relating to Trinity National School; papers of the Overseas Club; parish newsletters and annual reports.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P82/AND · Colección · 1558-1989

        Records of the parish of Saint Andrew, Holborn Circus. The main archive dates from the 17th century, with parish registers from 1558 (baptisms, marriages, burials and preachers), vestry minutes from 1601 and rate assessments from 1665. The archive includes records of the City part of the parish and of the Middlesex part ("above Bars"). Most records are joint (City and Middlesex), but rate books in particular are often separate. Also includes papers relating to parochial charities, papers of the trustees, papers of the school and poor law records.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P83/ALL1 · Colección · 1839-1979

        Records of the parish of All Saints, Caledonian Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and confirmations; church services registers; papers relating to parish boundaries; financial records; papers relating to the church building and the church hall; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to the parish school; and parish magazine.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P83/JUD · Colección · 1855-1973

        Records of the parish of Saint Jude, Mildmay Grove, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; church service registers; records relating to parish boundaries; benefice documents; papers relating to the maintence of the church fabric; financial records; and papers relating to parish charities and schools.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 P83/MRK · Colección · 1854-1980

        Records of the parish of Saint Mark, Tollington Park, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services and preachers; Churchwardens' accounts and other financial records; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings, fixtures and fittings including faculties, drawings and designs; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; correspondence and other administrative records; annual reports; papers relating to parish societies and schools; and parish magazines.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2712/JOA · Colección · 1852-1875

        Records of the Jews' Orphan Asylum, consisting of minutes of the Ladies Society and the Education Committee.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/3218 · Colección · 1920-1921;1952-1955

        Records of the Parish of St James, Edmonton, comprising photocopied register of banns, 1952-1955; and St James Edmonton Boys School, comprising penny bank ledger, 1920-1921.

        Sin título
        Brentwood Diocesan Archives
        GB 2322 · 1791-2003

        Archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brentwood comprising:

        papers relating to the foundation of the Diocese including correspondence files concerning foundation, February-November 1917; Canon Burton's notes on the history of individual parishes in the diocese, 1917; general files relating to diocesan history, 1917-2003; files relating to Causes of Martyrs (beatification and canonization of local martyrs), 1917-2003;

        Diocesan administrative papers relating to the Holy See, arranged by Vatican 'departments' including Propaganda Fide, Secretariat of State, Holy Office (Doctrine of the Faith), Congregation of the Council, Apostolic Penitentiary, Seminaries and Education, Bishops, Clergy, Religious, Liturgy (Rites), Sacraments, Saints, Varia (non-Christians, Christian unity, migrants, congresses/jubilees, communications, laity, miscellaneous) , and printed Papal documents, Apostolic Delegate/Nuncio (from 1938-), Bishops' Roman Agency/Dataria, Papal blessings, and Ad Limina Visits (regular visits of the Diocesan Bishop to Rome), 1917-2003;

        general correspondence of the Bishops of Brentwood, and some biographical information, including Bernard Nicholas Ward, Apostolic Administrator 1917, Bishop 1917-1920; Arthur Doubleday, 1920-1951; George Andrew Beck, Coadjutor, 1948-1951, Bishop, 1951-1955 includes papers relating his work on Catholic education; Bernard Patrick Wall, Bishop 1956-1969, includes material relating to Vatican II; Patrick J Casey, Bishop 1970-1980; and Thomas McMahon, Bishop 1980-present;

        administrative papers relating to Hierarchies, (national and international) including the Synods of Bishops; English and Welsh Bishops, 1917- present; other Bishops, 1917- present; military ordinary and chaplains, 1917-present; Hierarchy meetings (includes some printed minutes from 1867, but is mainly 1917-present); Hierarchy Commissions and Committees; Jubilees and celebrations; National Pastoral Congress, 1980; Papal visit, 1982;

        papers relating to the Episcopal and Curial administration, including finance and property, Trust funds, Episcopal Registers/Bishop's House/Diocesan Offices, Chancery and Vicar General, Ad Clerum and circulars, 1917-present; Pastoral letters to clergy and peoples, 1917-present; Diocesan Synods, 1950s, and Synods of other Dioceses; Council of Priests and National Conference of Priests, 1960s-present; Diocesan Pastoral councils, 1980s-present; Deanery Conferences (including some minutes) 1980s-present; Diocesan publications including Brentwood Diocesan Magazine, 1920-1921, Diocesan Newsletters, 1970s-1980s; Diocesan Newspapers, 1980s-present; Diocesan Year Book, 1952-present; press cuttings, 1910-present;

        files relating to clergy serving within the Diocese Pre-1917 Clergy; Diocesan Clergy: General; and Diocesan Clergy - deceased; non-Diocesan Clergy, on loan, Chaplaincies, temporary faculties and applications refused; Clergy Funds and Associations; [1875]-present; among the priests of the diocese were John Carmel Heenan (Bishop of Leeds 1951-1957, Archbishop of Liverpool 1957-1963, Archbishop of Westminster 1963-1975, Cardinal 1965), John Petit (Bishop of Menevia 1947-1972), Brian Foley (Bishop of Lancaster 1962-1985), and Alfred Gilby (1901-1998) (Catholic Chaplain to Cambridge University, 1932-1965);

        papers relating to the Chapter of Canons, advisors to the Bishop, 1917-1984;

        files relating to individual parishes within the Diocese including official documents such as reports and visitation returns, [1910]-present; general parish files; and history and correspondence, 1917-present;

        administrative papers relating to other Diocesan Officials and Commissions including Diocesan Travelling Mission (to remote areas) and Private Chapels, 1952-1969; justice and peace, 1970s-present; ecumenism, 1970s-present; liturgy and music, 1970s-present; art and architecture/Historic Churches Commissions; pilgrimages, 1950s-present; Pastoral, Social Welfare and Youth, 1970s-present;

        administrative papers relating to Roman Catholic education including the Director of Vocations, Ecclesiastical Education Fund; and students files for Students for the priesthood, 1917-present; dimissorials (non-diocesan subjects); Senior Seminaries, 1917-present; Junior Seminaries 1917-present; other institutions, 1917-present; administrative papers of the Schools Commission / Director of Education, 1930s-present; papers relating to primary, secondary and independent schools in London Boroughs and Essex, mainly 1917-present; and administration of the Brentwood Religious Education Services (BRES) and catechetics, 1974-present;

        papers relating to Catholic societies, non-Catholic societies and social issues such as the Society of St Vincent de Paul, Catholic Women's League, Knights of St Columba, Legion of Mary etc, 1917-present;

        papers relating to Religious orders within the Diocese, and their members, including men religious and women religious; secular institutes, religious: general, and abortive foundations;

        papers relating to Diocesan buildings and architecture, including general files; files relating to the Cathedral; and files relating to war damage, 1940s-1950s;

        maps and plans, mainly of the local area and diocesan buildings, [1900]-present;

        photographs, 19th and 20th century, including portraits of clergy, and church and chapel buildings interior and exteriors;

        video and audio recordings of ceremonies and events;

        miscellaneous papers including manuscript writings of William Joseph Petre (1847-1893), 13th Baron Petre (Monsignor Lord Petre), priest, peer and educationalist;

        published works including Catholic Directory, 1850s-present; Brentwood Diocesan Directory, 1952-present; Catholic Who's Who, 1915-1952; and copies of published histories of parishes of the diocese; and volumes from the libraries of the Bishops of Brentwood;

        some material deposited with the Diocese by parishes includes of Harwich Roman Catholic Parish registers of Baptisms, 1864-1955; Confirmations, 1881-1947; Marriages, 1865-1952; deaths, 1864-1879; and parish notice books; Thorndon Park Roman Catholic Parish, (closed in 1946) registers including baptisms, 1791-1816, 1856-1882; and church marriages, 1857-1941; Witham Roman Catholic Parish register including baptisms, 1839-1957 and church marriages, 1841.

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