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    ron aantekeningen

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    Toon aantekening(en)

      Hiërarchische termen



      Gelijksoortige termen


      • UF Handicaps
      • UF Physical handicaps
      • UF Déficience physique
      • UF Handicap
      • UF Handicap physique
      • UF Deficiencia física
      • UF Invalidez

      Verwante termen


      13 Archivistische beschrijving results for Disabilities

      GB 0120 MSS.7352-7353 · 1858-1859

      Two volumes of a manuscript diary, 1858-1859, recording the daily activities of James Patterson, a master at the Deaf and Dumb Institution, Manchester, run by his uncle. As well as the daily routine of teaching, Patterson describes his own studies at the School of Art, his interest in athletics and sports, communication with his family in Cornwall and a visit to London over Christmas 1858 (in which he walks about the city, visits the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Crystal Palace at Sydenham and another establishment of that name at Great Portland Street, and witnesses some mesmeric experiments).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4713 · Collectie · 1986-1994

      Records of the London Boroughs Disability Resource Team including documents relating to training courses, publications, administration. Also includes an annual report of the London Boroughs Disability Committee.

      Zonder titel
      Pole, William (1814-1900)
      GB 0117 MS 625 · sub-fonds · 1859

      Diagrams and manuscript of paper on colour blindness prepared by Sir William Pole, prepared for his paper published in 'Philosophical Transactions' in 1859.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 SA/CAP · 1977-1991

      The archive consists mainly of the Secretary's correspondence files and the files of the various working parties, plus a broad range of publications.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4172 · Collectie · 1841-2005

      Records of the Royal Association for Deaf People. The collection contains a wealth of information relating to the development of work with Deaf people over the 19th and 20th centuries in London and south-east England, including relief of the necessitous poor in the 19th century, the establishment of Deaf church communities from the 1880s and the early promotion of Sign Language as a recognised form of communication in the 1850s by Reverend Samuel Smith.

      The records include:

      Corporate records (LMA/4172/A) in relation to the Association's Trustee Committee, Standing Subcommittee, Executive Committee, Building Committee, Spiritual Subcommittee, Personnel Committee, Property and Personnel Sub-Committee, Finance and Fund Raising Committee, Public Relations Subcommittee, secretary's correspondence, annual reports, agreements, permanent year end papers, annual general meetings, Board of Trustees papers, and Essex Deaf Council.

      Financial and Staff records (LMA/4172/B) consisting of accounts, legacies, salaries and expenses, and Staff meetings Minutes, and administration.

      Records of Saint Faith's Home (LMA/4172/C) consisting of minutes of the Management Committee, accounts, and registration.

      Branch and Mission Church records (LMA/4172/D) in relation to Croydon Branch, Saint Barnabus Church in Lerwisham, Saint Matthews Mission and Saint Paul's Hall in Walworth, Woolwich Deaf and Dumb Mission in Beresford Square, Saint Bedes in Lambeth, All Saints in Croydon, Saint Saviours Chapel on Oxford Street, Saint John of Beverely on Green Lane, All Saints in West Ham, and Saint Cedd in Romford.

      Printed Material and photographs (LMA/4172/E) consisting of press cuttings, magazines and newsletters, events material and talks, photographs, posters/leaflets and advertising material, staff resources, and historical notes.

      Audio-visual records (LMA/4172/F) consisting of videos and audio cassettes.

      Electronic records (LMA/4172/G) consisting of documents saved on a CD.

      Property records (LMA/4172/H) in relation to 120 Selhurst Road in Croydon, 26 Harold Road in Essex, and 4 The Drive in Middlesex.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2134 ACE G · 1952-1993

      Most although not all of the material relates to the 1950s and 1960s when the College was at its height of research activity.
      Research Committee minutes A CE G 1 - Minutes of meetings of Education and Research Committee (1952-1953), of Research Committee (1953-1975), and of Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976); Research Committee papers A CE G 2 - Supporting papers for meetings of Research Committee (1953-1969) and Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976).

      Research Committee circulars A CE G 3 Progress reports, 'Blunderbus' letters, Between Ourselves, consolidated comment circulars and related material (1955-1969).

      Research Committee general correspondence ACE G4 (1953-1978); Chairman's [Dr Pinsent] correspondence ACE G 5 (1952-1970).

      Policy Subcommittee papers A CE G 6 Papers, including minutes of meetings, agendas, reports and correspondence, of the Policy Subcommittee of the Research Committee (1964-1965).

      Research Foundation Board minutes A CE G 7 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of Research Foundation Committee (1960-1961), of the Research Foundation Board (1961-1974) and of the joint meetings of the Research Foundation Board and the Education Foundation Board (1960-1976); Research Foundation Board papers A CE G 8 Supporting papers for meetings of Research Foundation Board, including duplicate minutes and agendas, reports, applications and some correspondence (1960-1971).

      Clinical Research Ethics Committee minutes A CE G 9 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of the Clinical Trials Ethical Committee (1981-1989) and of the (renamed) Clinical Trials Ethics Committee (1989-1993).

      Oral Contraception Working Party papers A CE G 10 Reports and correspondence of the Oral Contraception Working Party, later called the Oral Contraception Executive Committee (1965-1970). See also papers ARE Manchester Research Unit.
      Hospitals and Preventive Medicine Working Party A CE G 10 Papers of Working Party on Relationship of General Practitioners with Hospitals and Preventive Medicine. (1959-1961).

      Psychiatry and the General Practitioner Working Party A CE G 12 Reports and correspondence (1956-1958).

      General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel A CE G 13 Minutes, agendas and reports of General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel (1968-1974).

      Records Unit A CE G 14 Reports and correspondence of the Records Unit (later the Records and Statistics Unit) Working Party (1954-1965).

      Epidemic Observation Unit A CE G 15 Reports and correspondence of the Epidemic Observation Unit, based in Dr. G. Watson's Surrey practice (1954-1963) See also papers ARE Research Units.

      Research Symposium papers A CE G 16 Reports and correspondence concerning College research symposia (1955-1968).

      Diagnostic indices A CE G 17 Diagnostic indices developed by Research Committee (c.1962-1968).

      Research Registers A CE G 18 Register of members' interests and participation in research, and central register of faculty research. (c.1953-1970); Research Register papers A CE G 19 Reports and correspondence concerning research register (c1953-1969).

      Measles investigation papers A CE G 20 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into the complications of Measles (1953-1958).

      Respiratory disease investigation papers A CE G 21 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into respiratory tract disease and acute chest infection, including chronic bronchitis (1953-1960).

      Tonsillectomy Study A CE G 22 Reports and correspondence of tonsillectomy study carried out by the North Midland (Sheffield) Faculty (1953-1961).

      Morbidity Survey A CE G 23 Reports and correspondence concerning first national survey of morbidity (1953-1965). [See ARE A5-7 Papers of Birmingham Research Unit for later Morbidity Surveys].

      Congenital Deafness Investigation A CE G 24 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into congenital deafness (1954-1955).

      Obstetric Card A CE G 25 Reports and correspondence concerning development of obstetric diagnostic record card (1954-1964).

      Prescribing Habits Study A CE G 26 Reports and correspondence concerning prescribing (or therapeutic) habits (1954-1960).

      Pink Disease Investigation A CE G 27 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Pink Disease [babyhood mercury poisoning] conducted by the South-West England Faculty (1955-1956).

      Asthma Investigation A CE G 28 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into asthma in childhood conducted by Welsh Faculty (1955-1959).

      Farmer's Lung ACE G 29 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Farmer's Lung conducted by Dr F Staines (1955-1961).

      Pernicious Anaemia ACE G 30 Reports and correspondence concerning study of pernicious Anaemia (1955-1960).

      Epilepsy Investigation ACE G 31 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into epilepsy and convulsive disorders of children under five years old (1955-1968).

      Virus Disease A CE G 32 Reports and correspondence concerning Dr. R. Pinsent's paper on virus disease (1955-1956).

      Headache investigation A CE G 33 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty into headache (1955-1956).

      Research Techniques A CE G 34 Reports and correspondence concerning study of research techniques, including the 'Family Folder' and the 'Portfolio Plan' (1956-1957).

      Herpes Zoster Investigation A CE G 35 1956 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by Midland Faculty into the use of Vitamin B12 in the treatment of herpes zoster (1956).

      Diabetes Survey A CE G 36 Reports and correspondence concerning a proposed survey conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty on diabetes (1957).

      Daffodil Dermatitis Investigation A CE G 37 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by South-West England Faculty into daffodil dermatitis (1956-1957).

      Hypertension study A CE G 38 Reports and correspondence concerning studies ofhypertension variously conducted by Dr. A. de la Mallett, Dr. D. Wheatley, the Northern Home Counties Faculty, and the New South Wales Faculty (1957-1960).

      Pharmacopoeia Revision A CE G 39 Reports and correspondence concerning revision of the British Pharmacopoeia (1953-1962).

      Intercontinental Medical Statistics ACE G40 Reports and correspondence concerning Intercontinental Medical Statistics (1958-1961).

      Operational Research survey A CE G 41Reports and correspondence concerning survey of operational (or organisational) research in general practice (1959-1963).

      Persantin trial A CE G 42 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Persantin' by Dr. L. Hunt of Pfizer Ltd. (1959-1960).

      Drug Addiction Working Party A CE G 43 Reports, correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Drug Addiction Working Party (1959).

      Alcoholism study A CE G 44 Correspondence concerning proposed study group on alcoholism, including material regarding the Joseph Rowntree Social Service Trust's Steering Group on Alcoholism (1959-1960).

      Flumidin trial A CE G 45 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Flumidin' organised by Bayer Products Ltd. (1959-1960).

      Cancer Study Group A CE G 46 Reports and correspondence of Cancer Study Group (1960-1967).

      Glaucoma survey A CE G 47 Correspondence concerning glaucoma survey (1960).

      Tamar Valley Soil study papers A CE G 48 Reports and correspondence concerning study of the consequences for human health of the mineral composition (particularly lead concentrations) of soil in the Tamar Valley (1963-1964).

      Hernia study A CE G 49 Reports and correspondence concerning study of hernia conducted by Dr. E. Gancz of the South-East England Faculty (1963-1966).

      Roadside Lead survey A CE G 50 Reports and correspondence concerning comparative study of levels of lead concentration in roadside privets near Newcastle, Falmouth and Tavistock (1963-1966).

      Multiple Sclerosis study A CE G 51 Reports and correspondence concerning study of multiple Sclerosis.

      Air Pollution study A CE G 52 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of air pollution in London and Sheffield (1964-1966).

      Linkage study A CE G 53 Correspondence concerning studies of linkage of medical records conducted by the College Records Unit (in North Staffordshire) and the Northern Ireland Faculty (1964-1966).

      Mental Illness survey A CE G 54 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of mental illness (1964-1965).

      Nurse referral study A CE G 55 Reports and correspondence concerning study of general practitioners' patterns of nurse referral (1964-1967).

      Nutrition in Pregnancy survey A CE G 56 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of nutrition in pregnancy conducted by the College in conjunction with the Ministry of Health (1964-1966).

      Records Summary Card A CE G 57 Reports and correspondence concerning development of a records summary card ('S' card) by the College Records and Statistical Unit (1956-1968).

      Diabetes Survey Working Party A CE G 58 Reports and correspondence of Diabetes Study Working Party (1962-1968).

      Congenital Abnormalities survey A CE G 59 Reports and correspondence concerning a survey of congenital abnormalities (1960-1966).

      Epsom College survey A CE G 60 Papers concerning health survey of Epsom College schoolchildren (1965).

      Nutrition and Disease study A CE G 61 Reports and correspondence concerning a 'longitudinal' study of nutrition and disease, particularly dietary sugar, conducted by Prof. J. Yudkin (1965).

      .Trace Element Uptake study A CE G 62 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral trace element uptake in vegetation conducted by the College in conjunction with the Chester Beatty Research Institute (1965-1966).

      Schizophrenia study A CE G 63 Reports and correspondence concerning study of schizophrenia (1966-1970).

      Welsh Soils Discussion Group A CE G 64 Reports and correspondence of Welsh Soils Discussion Group of University College of North Wales (1967-1971).

      Urban Mineralization Study A CE G 65 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral composition of the soil in the Birmingham urban area (1972).

      Viral Diseases in Pregnancy study A CE G 66 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of viral diseases in pregnancy (1972).

      Meldon Reservoir study A CE G 67 Reports and correspondence concerning mineral trace elements in the Meldon Reservoir (formerly West Okemont Valley) (1968-1972).

      Scientific Foundation Board A CE G 68 Records relating to the Scientific Foundation Board. (1976-1993).

      Zonder titel
      GB 2381 GSES · Collectie · [1990]-

      Material created by the University of East London's MA in Gender, Ethnicity and Sexuality to support study, from [1990] to the time of writing, comprising: a series of folders containing academic papers related to gender, ethnicity and sexuality arranged alphabetically by the surname of the author; printed books, articles, periodicals, journals, course materials, statistics, newssheets, conference materials, academic papers and press cuttings. Topics include racism, multiculturalism, feminism, sexuality, religion, the state, society, development, aid, education, health, culture, gender, international organisations, war, community, human rights, nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, migration, refugees, citizenship, ethnicity and indigenous people.

      Zonder titel
      Action for Blind People
      GB 2805 · Collectie · 1876-2003

      Archives of the Action for Blind People / London Association for the Blind (LAB), comprising:

      minutes of LAB Directors' and Annual General Meetings, 1944-1972;

      minutes of LAB Homes and Hostels / Buildings Sub-committee, 1928-1932; Buildings and Estates / General Purposes and Buildings Committee, 1932-1942; General Purposes and Trading subcommittee 1942-1946 and Building and Estates Sub committee, 1946-1948;

      minutes of LAB Finance sub-committee, 1928-1930; 1930-1938; Finance and general purposes subcommittee, 1938-1952;

      minutes of the LAB Ladies Committee of the Association, 1911-1917; and Sales sub-committee of the Ladies Committee, 1920;

      LAB Memoranda and Articles of Association, 1910, 1962, 1978, 1985; List of officers and patrons of the Association, 1857-1965;

      LAB Analysis of Balance sheets, 1857-1956; Audit notebook, 1924-1926; Annual statements of accounts 1931, 1934-1939; Account book (of donations?) 1961-1981; Bought ledger and Blind average books, 1928-1945; Managers (weekly) reports, 1886-1887;

      scrap book containing press cuttings relating to the Association, 1937-1965; Scrap book containing Association publicity material including flyers for events and fundraising circulars, 1928-1954;

      LAB Visitors Book, 1954-1978;

      printed matter including Annual Reports 1876-77; 1879-1987; The Blind Record, 1914-1924, 1937-1938; News for LAB, Numbers 5, 7, 8 [1960s-1970s]; Re:Action 2001-2003;

      printed catalogues [1920s-1930s]; 'Plastic mouldings by the Blind'; Brochures and leaflets relating to LAB Hostels, Cooper Lodge postcards; opening of Swail House, Epsom, 1952;

      files relating to moulding shop development Reports and notes, 1954-1955; Welding lesson notes, 1988; correspondence relating to bequests, 1972-1983; papers and letters relating to the opening of the Russell Hotel, Bognor Regis, by Princes Alexandra, Jul 1968;

      photographs 1920s-2003;

      Hearth and Home, 1936, (renamed Alphega (Sportswear) Ltd, then Lafega) Hearth and Home share certificates, 1910-1926; Lafega Register of members, directors, managers, transfers and mortgages and charges, 1910-1971; Minutes of H& Board of directors of the Company, including register of shareholders, 1910-1926; minutes of H&H/ Lafega annual meetings and directors' meetings, 1925-1944; Lafega Annual statements of accounts, 1936-1972 (incomplete);

      Wheyo Tool Company Ltd
      minutes of Directors, 1964-1970; Register of shares, and company directors etc, 1949-1971; minutes of AGM 1971; Annual statement of accounts, 1964-1971;

      Zonder titel
      GB 2805 Barclay · 1893-1943

      Archives of the Barclay institutions comprising minutes of the Committee of the Barclay Institutions for the Blind, 1919-1931; Barclay Workshop reference book, [1905-1943]; minutes of Barclay Workshops (for Blind Women), 1905-1912; 1912-1926; 1926-1942; Barclay Home Reports, 1893-1942; Barclay Workshop Reports, 1906-1943.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0113 MS-WILSH · 1930-1968

      Henry Leonard Wilson's papers, 1930-1968, relate to his unpublished paper on the blindness of the poet John Milton, and consist of correspondence relating to the paper, drafts of the paper, notes on Milton, articles by others on Milton, and correspondence between Ruth Wilson, Wilson's widow, and the Royal College of Physicians library about the posthumous publication of the paper.

      Zonder titel
      HCA/HART AND MCLEAN · [1974-1999]

      Papers collected by Alan Hart and David McLean, including material relating to the following organisations: AIDS AHEAD (AIDS Health Education and Advice for the Deaf): correspondence and papers, newsletters, press cuttings, c 1987-1990; Campaign for Homosexual Equality, c 1979-1985, including conference papers, reports and newsletters of Croydon, Lewisham, Hampstead and Islington and Haringey CHE groups; Frontliners, a self-help group for people with AIDS or ARC, 1988-1992, including annual reports and accounts, financial records, correspondence, minutes and issues of Frontiers, the Frontliners magazine; Gays and Lesbians in Accountancy (GALIA), 1995-1996: newsletters and circulars; Albany Society, 1983, and London Lesbian and Gay Centre, 1983; Gay Community Organisation and GCO Distribution Services, 1980-1984, including papers relating to the foundation of GCO, minutes of meetings, correspondence, financial accounts, grant applications; Greater London Council (GLC) Gay Working Party, Haringey and Islington Councils Lesbian and Gay Working Groups, 1984-1986: minutes, correspondence and other papers; Open University Gay Society/Open University Lesbian and Gay Society, 1975-1985, including correspondence, newsletters; Terrence Higgins Trust, 1985-1987: newsletters, reports, circulars. Also includes: World Health Organisation papers relating to AIDS, including papers of WHO 'First International Conference on the Global Impact of AIDS', London, March 1988, newsletters and other publications, 1987-1990; publications, leaflets and press cuttings, [1974-1995], mainly regarding AIDS (including AIDS and the deaf), gay rights, gay parenting and sex education; gay fiction and photo magazines (including Gay Confessions, Kurt), brochures issued by travel agents specialising in gay holidays, gay and lesbian guides to London and other ephemera, 1970-1995; publications isssued by Inner London Education Authority and other education-related organisations re racial and sexual equality, c 1985-1987; letters to Alan Hart and David McLean, 1994-1999, mainly from MPs and politicians re debates on age of homosexual consent and Section 28; two Thethil Gay News cartoons by Peter Wicker, 1974; badges.

      Zonder titel