Identity area
Reference code
- 1895-1951 (Creation)
Extent and medium
1 box
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Charles Donovan obtained his MD at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1889 and was commissioned into the Indian Medical Service in 1891. After service in Burma, he was posted in 1898 to Madras to take up an appointment in the Surgeon-General's Office. He was Second Physician at the Government General Hospital until 1910 and then Superintendent at the Royapetta Hospital until his retirement in 1919. He was also Professor of Physiology at the Madras Medical School, studying at King's College, London, during his leave in 1901, and visiting colleagues in the field of tropical medicine in Paris, Edinburgh and Liverpool. His research came to concentrate on Kala-azar, which was prevalent in Blacktown, a densely-populated part of Madras, and in June 1903 he identified the parasite now known as Leishmania donovani.
Amy Skelland was widowed in 1907. She qualified as a nurse in 1909, having trained at the Government General Hospital at Madras, and she was matron of the Royapetta Hospital at the time that Donovan was Superintendent. His reference for her (B.2/4) mentions her "very good knowledge of microscopical work" and the "great help" she had been in "the record keeping of special cases that interested [him]".
Archival history
GB 0120 WTI/DON 1895-1951 Collection (fonds) 1 box Donovan , Charles , 1863-1951 , physician and specialist in tropical medicine
Skelland , Amy Anna Caroline , 1883-1972 , nurse
Charles Donovan obtained his MD at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1889 and was commissioned into the Indian Medical Service in 1891. After service in Burma, he was posted in 1898 to Madras to take up an appointment in the Surgeon-General's Office. He was Second Physician at the Government General Hospital until 1910 and then Superintendent at the Royapetta Hospital until his retirement in 1919. He was also Professor of Physiology at the Madras Medical School, studying at King's College, London, during his leave in 1901, and visiting colleagues in the field of tropical medicine in Paris, Edinburgh and Liverpool. His research came to concentrate on Kala-azar, which was prevalent in Blacktown, a densely-populated part of Madras, and in June 1903 he identified the parasite now known as Leishmania donovani.
Amy Skelland was widowed in 1907. She qualified as a nurse in 1909, having trained at the Government General Hospital at Madras, and she was matron of the Royapetta Hospital at the time that Donovan was Superintendent. His reference for her (B.2/4) mentions her "very good knowledge of microscopical work" and the "great help" she had been in "the record keeping of special cases that interested [him]".
These papers came to the Wellcome Tropical Institute by several routes:
Those in section A.1 appear to have been handed over to the curator of the Wellcome Museum of Medical Science by Professor L J Bruce Chwatt; those in A/2-6 were 'found 18/11/88 amongst the general administrative papers of WMMS', apparently deposited by Colonel Donovan's daughter Mrs H E O'Neil, MBE, FSA; and those in Section B were given to the Tropical Institute in 1988 by Mr Geoffrey Twine, to whom they had been given by Mrs Skelland's brother. The Wellcome Tropical Institute collections were accessioned by the Wellcome Library's Contemporary Medical Archives Centre (CMAC) in 1989; following reorganisation this now forms part of the Library's Archives and Manuscripts Department.
Papers of Colonel Donovan including correspondence with Sir Ronald Ross 1903, Letters and telegram regarding investigation and confirmation of the newly-discovered leishmania donovani 1903-1904, Donovan's published works 1904-1909, later correspondence with Raghavendra Row 1912-1914, material on the subject of herbal medicine 1895-1922 and biographical material.
Papers of Mrs A A C Skelland including personal certificates, etc, 1909-1934, job references 1910-1928 and drawings and watercolours 1917-1921.
A. Papers of Colonel Donovan
1 Correspondence with Sir Ronald Ross 1903
2 Letters and telegram re investigation and confirmation of the newly-discovered leishmania donovani 1903-1904
3 Published works 1904-1909
4 Later correspondence with Raghavendra Row 1912-1914
5 Interest in herbal medicine 1895-1922
6 Biographical material, etc
B. Papers of Mrs A A C Skelland
1 Certificates, etc, 1909-1934
2 References 1910-1928
3 Drawings and watercolours 1917-1921
The papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, by prior appointment with the Archivist after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
Photocopies/photographs/microfilm are supplied for private research only at the Archivist's discretion. Please note that material may be unsuitable for copying on conservation grounds, and that photographs cannot be photocopied in any circumstances. Readers are restricted to 100 photocopies in twelve months. Researchers who wish to publish material must seek copyright permission from the copyright owner.
Photographs of WTI/DON/B.3/22 and 45 (watercolour drawings of leishmania by Mrs Skelland) are held by Wellcome Images at L32727C and L32728C.
In the Wellcome Library:
Research notes and lecture notes, etc., by Colonel Donovan are held as MSS. 2208-2216 and 5692-5697.
Copied from the Wellcome Library catalogue by Sarah Drewery.
General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997.
Mar 2009 Medical sciences Donovan , Charles , 1863-1951 , physician and specialist in tropical medicine Nursing Pathology Diseases Tropical diseases People People by occupation Personnel Medical personnel Physicians Women physicians Pharmacology Medicine, herbal Zoology Leishmania donovani Leishmania Entomology Skelland , Amy Anna Caroline , 1883-1972 , nurse Ross , Sir , Ronald , 1857-1932 , Knight , physician, parasitologist, tropical medicine specialist Trypanosomatina Kinetoplastida Zoomastigophora Mastigophora Sarcomastigophora Protozoa Organisms
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
These papers came to the Wellcome Tropical Institute by several routes:
Those in section A.1 appear to have been handed over to the curator of the Wellcome Museum of Medical Science by Professor L J Bruce Chwatt; those in A/2-6 were 'found 18/11/88 amongst the general administrative papers of WMMS', apparently deposited by Colonel Donovan's daughter Mrs H E O'Neil, MBE, FSA; and those in Section B were given to the Tropical Institute in 1988 by Mr Geoffrey Twine, to whom they had been given by Mrs Skelland's brother. The Wellcome Tropical Institute collections were accessioned by the Wellcome Library's Contemporary Medical Archives Centre (CMAC) in 1989; following reorganisation this now forms part of the Library's Archives and Manuscripts Department.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Papers of Colonel Donovan including correspondence with Sir Ronald Ross 1903, Letters and telegram regarding investigation and confirmation of the newly-discovered leishmania donovani 1903-1904, Donovan's published works 1904-1909, later correspondence with Raghavendra Row 1912-1914, material on the subject of herbal medicine 1895-1922 and biographical material.
Papers of Mrs A A C Skelland including personal certificates, etc, 1909-1934, job references 1910-1928 and drawings and watercolours 1917-1921.
System of arrangement
A. Papers of Colonel Donovan
1 Correspondence with Sir Ronald Ross 1903
2 Letters and telegram re investigation and confirmation of the newly-discovered leishmania donovani 1903-1904
3 Published works 1904-1909
4 Later correspondence with Raghavendra Row 1912-1914
5 Interest in herbal medicine 1895-1922
6 Biographical material, etc
B. Papers of Mrs A A C Skelland
1 Certificates, etc, 1909-1934
2 References 1910-1928
3 Drawings and watercolours 1917-1921
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
The papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, by prior appointment with the Archivist after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
Conditions governing reproduction
Photocopies/photographs/microfilm are supplied for private research only at the Archivist's discretion. Please note that material may be unsuitable for copying on conservation grounds, and that photographs cannot be photocopied in any circumstances. Readers are restricted to 100 photocopies in twelve months. Researchers who wish to publish material must seek copyright permission from the copyright owner.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
In the Wellcome Library:
Research notes and lecture notes, etc., by Colonel Donovan are held as MSS. 2208-2216 and 5692-5697.
Allied materials area
Existence and location of copies
Photographs of WTI/DON/B.3/22 and 45 (watercolour drawings of leishmania by Mrs Skelland) are held by Wellcome Images at L32727C and L32728C.
Access points
Subject access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997.
- English