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Born, 17 April 1874; educated, Medical Department, King's College London; awarded the University of London Exhibition in Zoology, 1893; University Scholarship in Physiology, 1895; awarded Exhibition and Gold Medal in Physiology, and First class honours in Materia Medica, 1898; House Surgeon, King's College Hospital, 1901; Assistant Demonstrator, King's College London, 1902-1904, and Demonstrator, 1904-1905; Sambrooke Surgical Registrar, King's, 1902-1906, and Senior Surgical Registrar and Tutor, 1910-1912; Assistant Surgeon, King's, 1912; Surgeon, King's, 1919; Senior Surgeon and Lecturer in Surgery, King's; Fellow of King's College, 1931; Hunterian Professor, Royal College of Surgeons, 1926 and 1933; Surgeon-Rear-Admiral and Consulting Surgeon, Royal Navy; retired from King's College, 1934; appointed Consulting Surgeon, King's College Hospital, and Emeritus Lecturer on Surgery to the Medical School; died 29 November 1945.
Publications: Glandular enlargement and other diseases of the lymphatic system (1908); part author of A manual of surgical treatment (Longmans & Co, London, 1912).