Identity area

Reference code





  • 1871-1965 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

20.99 linear metres

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

The Education Committee of the London County Council consisted of 35 members of the Council and a number of co-opted members who were invited to serve on the Committee because of their experience in the educational field. The Committee was divided into smaller sub-committees, each with a specific focus, for example the Further Education Sub-Committee concerned itself with the policy and management of all after school-age education. The Education Officer and his staff carried out the decisions of the Committees and acted as their advisers.

To avoid over-centralisation, London was divided into 9 divisions, each consisting of about three of the metropolitan boroughs. Every division had a local office, the headquarters of the divisional officer who was the representative of the Education Officer. School inspectors were also based at the divisional office.

Archival history

LCC/EO/GEN 1871-1965 Collection 20.99 linear metres LCC , London County Council x London County Council

The Education Committee of the London County Council consisted of 35 members of the Council and a number of co-opted members who were invited to serve on the Committee because of their experience in the educational field. The Committee was divided into smaller sub-committees, each with a specific focus, for example the Further Education Sub-Committee concerned itself with the policy and management of all after school-age education. The Education Officer and his staff carried out the decisions of the Committees and acted as their advisers.

To avoid over-centralisation, London was divided into 9 divisions, each consisting of about three of the metropolitan boroughs. Every division had a local office, the headquarters of the divisional officer who was the representative of the Education Officer. School inspectors were also based at the divisional office.

Acquired with the records of its parent body, the London County Council.

Records of the London County Council Education Officer's Department relating to organisational, financial and general matters, 1871-1965.

General files on a variety of topics including statutes and legal decisions affecting education; the Royal Commission on London Government; Education Bill, 1930; Education Act, 1936; the Pearson and Davidson Committees on Financial Adjustments between Local Education Authorities; Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1953; Government grants to local education authorities; financial economies; Board of Education and Ministry of Health circulars and memoranda; educational activities of the City Livery Companies; proposed reforms in educational system; Inspection policy; standards for planning school buildings; Departmental Committee on Playgrounds; provision of new schools and re-organisation of existing schools; General Strike, 1926; criticisms of London educational system; teaching of domestic subjects; policy on corporal punishment; wearing of jewellery by school children; left-handed children; travelling facilities for school children; Cadet Corps in schools; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) educational programmes; children and "A" category films; attendance of school children at entertainments; unsatisfactory school premises and schools requiring major repairs; attendance of school children at ceremonial functions; exhibitions and demonstrations; White Paper on Educational Reconstruction and Education Bill, 1943; holiday journeys and exchanges; working papers for report on "Ten Years of LCC Education, 1904-14"; working papers for report on "Twenty Five Years of LCC Education, 1904-29"; working papers for report on "Fifty Years of LCC Education, 1904-54"; educational reconstruction after the Second World War; Committee on School Libraries; Coronation celebrations, 1911, 1937 and 1953; press releases and brochures relating to school opening ceremonies; Royal Commission on Museums; the Horniman Museum; the Geffrye Museum; the Museum of Costume (Langley-Moore Collection); examination procedure for appointments to LCC administrative and clerical staff; Departmental Committee on Children and the Cinema (Wheare Committee); effect of Hop-picking missions on school attendance.

Papers of Central Consultative Committees of Headmasters and Headmistresses and other Advisory Bodies, including the Special Joint Sub-Committee on Supply Teachers; Special Joint Sub-Committee on difficulties of senior schools; Special Joint Sub-Committee on junior school staffing; Joint Conference on promotion from infant to junior schools; Joint Sub-Committee on School reports; Special Sub-Committee on mobility of teaching staff and Central Standing Joint Conference on Evening Institutes. Also minutes, agendas and papers of the Central Consultative Committees of Headmasters and Headmistresses and their sub-committees and minutes, agendas and papers of the Consultative Committee on Educational Matters, Standing Joint Advisory Committee and Conferences of Chairmen of Education Committees and Chief Education Officers of London and the Home Counties.

Minutes of the Standing Conference of LCC Divisional Education Officers; minutes of meetings of School Inspectors; minutes of Board of Examiners; and minutes of the Conference on Training Girls for Domestic Service.

Reports by the Education Officer, LCC Education Department, to Education Sub-Committees; reports by the Clerk of the Council to the Education Committee and Sub-Committees; reports by the Educational Adviser to Education Committee and Sub-Committees. Reports, including "Survey and Inspection of Non-Provided Schools", 1905; "Effect of the Survey of Non-Provided Schools on the School Accommodation of London" - First report by Executive Officer, 1906; "Some problems of Education in London", 1915; report on the effect of the proposed raising of the school-leaving age, 1930; report on the Three-Year Educational Building and Financial Programme; Conference of Local Education Authorities on School Building, County Hall, January 1961; miscellaneous printed reports on education finance, grants, building programmes and legislation, 1896-1938; programmes and guides to Festivals, exhibitions and other events, 1910-1946. Register of accommodation for LCC Schools and non-provided schools, arranged by electoral divisions.

Directories and handbooks issued by the Education Service. Samples of typical school administrative records, including Stock and Stores Books; Books and Apparatus Stock Books; Needlework Account Books; Needlework Cash Books; Science Apparatus Stock and Stores Books; Registers of Fees and School Disbursements Account Books. Sample question papers set at LCC examinations; question papers and results sheets for various LCC Examinations including examinations for promotion of clerical assistants to the general clerical class, for appointments to the General Typewriting Service and for promotion within the London Fire Brigade; Board of Education Circulars.

General: LCC/EO/GEN/1; Central Consultative Committees: LCC/EO/GEN/2; Consultative Committee Minutes: LCC/EO/GEN/3; Minutes of Meetings of Officers: LCC/EO/GEN/4; Reports (General): LCC/EO/GEN/5; Reports to Education Committee and its Sub-Committees: LCC/EO/GEN/6; Registers: LCC/EO/GEN/7; Directories and handbooks: LCC/EO/GEN/8; Samples of School Records: LCC/EO/GEN/9; Examination papers: LCC/EO/GEN/10.

These records are available for public inspection, although records containing personal information are subject to access restrictions under the UK Data Protection Act, 1998.

Copyright: City of London.


Please see online catalogues at:

For further information on the history of the LCC please see Achievement: A Short History of the London County Council by W Eric Jackson (1965), LMA Library reference 18.0 1965, The London County Council 1938, LMA Library reference 18.7 SER 4, and The Youngest County: A description of London as a county and its public services, 1951, LMA Library reference 18.0 1951.

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. April to June 2009 Educational grants Education Act 1936 c41 Educational buildings School buildings Law Legislation Educational legislation Education Act 1944 c31 Educational management School inspections Educational institutions Schools Educational finance Economics of education Educational development Educational reform Wars (events) World wars (events) World War Two (1939-1945) People People by occupation Personnel Educational personnel Teachers Teaching materials Audiovisual aids Educational television School punishment Corporal punishment Education Museums LCC , London County Council x London County Council Education Committee , London County Council Education Officer , London County Council BBC , British Broadcasting Corporation x British Broadcasting Corporation Horniman Museum and Gardens The Geffrye Museum London England UK Western Europe School discipline Europe Educational environment

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Acquired with the records of its parent body, the London County Council.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Records of the London County Council Education Officer's Department relating to organisational, financial and general matters, 1871-1965.

General files on a variety of topics including statutes and legal decisions affecting education; the Royal Commission on London Government; Education Bill, 1930; Education Act, 1936; the Pearson and Davidson Committees on Financial Adjustments between Local Education Authorities; Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1953; Government grants to local education authorities; financial economies; Board of Education and Ministry of Health circulars and memoranda; educational activities of the City Livery Companies; proposed reforms in educational system; Inspection policy; standards for planning school buildings; Departmental Committee on Playgrounds; provision of new schools and re-organisation of existing schools; General Strike, 1926; criticisms of London educational system; teaching of domestic subjects; policy on corporal punishment; wearing of jewellery by school children; left-handed children; travelling facilities for school children; Cadet Corps in schools; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) educational programmes; children and "A" category films; attendance of school children at entertainments; unsatisfactory school premises and schools requiring major repairs; attendance of school children at ceremonial functions; exhibitions and demonstrations; White Paper on Educational Reconstruction and Education Bill, 1943; holiday journeys and exchanges; working papers for report on "Ten Years of LCC Education, 1904-14"; working papers for report on "Twenty Five Years of LCC Education, 1904-29"; working papers for report on "Fifty Years of LCC Education, 1904-54"; educational reconstruction after the Second World War; Committee on School Libraries; Coronation celebrations, 1911, 1937 and 1953; press releases and brochures relating to school opening ceremonies; Royal Commission on Museums; the Horniman Museum; the Geffrye Museum; the Museum of Costume (Langley-Moore Collection); examination procedure for appointments to LCC administrative and clerical staff; Departmental Committee on Children and the Cinema (Wheare Committee); effect of Hop-picking missions on school attendance.

Papers of Central Consultative Committees of Headmasters and Headmistresses and other Advisory Bodies, including the Special Joint Sub-Committee on Supply Teachers; Special Joint Sub-Committee on difficulties of senior schools; Special Joint Sub-Committee on junior school staffing; Joint Conference on promotion from infant to junior schools; Joint Sub-Committee on School reports; Special Sub-Committee on mobility of teaching staff and Central Standing Joint Conference on Evening Institutes. Also minutes, agendas and papers of the Central Consultative Committees of Headmasters and Headmistresses and their sub-committees and minutes, agendas and papers of the Consultative Committee on Educational Matters, Standing Joint Advisory Committee and Conferences of Chairmen of Education Committees and Chief Education Officers of London and the Home Counties.

Minutes of the Standing Conference of LCC Divisional Education Officers; minutes of meetings of School Inspectors; minutes of Board of Examiners; and minutes of the Conference on Training Girls for Domestic Service.

Reports by the Education Officer, LCC Education Department, to Education Sub-Committees; reports by the Clerk of the Council to the Education Committee and Sub-Committees; reports by the Educational Adviser to Education Committee and Sub-Committees. Reports, including "Survey and Inspection of Non-Provided Schools", 1905; "Effect of the Survey of Non-Provided Schools on the School Accommodation of London" - First report by Executive Officer, 1906; "Some problems of Education in London", 1915; report on the effect of the proposed raising of the school-leaving age, 1930; report on the Three-Year Educational Building and Financial Programme; Conference of Local Education Authorities on School Building, County Hall, January 1961; miscellaneous printed reports on education finance, grants, building programmes and legislation, 1896-1938; programmes and guides to Festivals, exhibitions and other events, 1910-1946. Register of accommodation for LCC Schools and non-provided schools, arranged by electoral divisions.

Directories and handbooks issued by the Education Service. Samples of typical school administrative records, including Stock and Stores Books; Books and Apparatus Stock Books; Needlework Account Books; Needlework Cash Books; Science Apparatus Stock and Stores Books; Registers of Fees and School Disbursements Account Books. Sample question papers set at LCC examinations; question papers and results sheets for various LCC Examinations including examinations for promotion of clerical assistants to the general clerical class, for appointments to the General Typewriting Service and for promotion within the London Fire Brigade; Board of Education Circulars.

System of arrangement

General: LCC/EO/GEN/1; Central Consultative Committees: LCC/EO/GEN/2; Consultative Committee Minutes: LCC/EO/GEN/3; Minutes of Meetings of Officers: LCC/EO/GEN/4; Reports (General): LCC/EO/GEN/5; Reports to Education Committee and its Sub-Committees: LCC/EO/GEN/6; Registers: LCC/EO/GEN/7; Directories and handbooks: LCC/EO/GEN/8; Samples of School Records: LCC/EO/GEN/9; Examination papers: LCC/EO/GEN/10.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

These records are available for public inspection, although records containing personal information are subject to access restrictions under the UK Data Protection Act, 1998.

Conditions governing reproduction

Copyright: City of London.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Finding aids

Please see online catalogues at:

Description control area

Institution identifier

London Metropolitan Archives

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English