Electoral systems

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Electoral systems

Electoral systems

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Electoral systems

257 Archival description results for Electoral systems

257 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0101 PP.CYN · 1984-

Platforms, manifestos, constitutions, speeches, interviews and posters from 1984 onwards issued by the National Unity Party (Cyprus, Northern) and the Social Democratic Party (Cyprus, Northern).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 106 7EWD · Fonds · 1905-1989

Papers of Emily Wilding Davison comprising personal papers (1909-1913), including employment papers (1913), personal correspondence (1909-1913), writings (1911-1913), papers related to membership of Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) (1912-1913) and to her death (1913-15); papers of Rose and Tom Lamartine Yates related to the Davison inquest; WSPU papers (1905-1914), and papers of other suffrage organisations (1910-1914); papers of the Suffragette Fellowship and the Women's Record Room (1936-1940); photographs (1908-1914), miscellaneous items including 'Justice Tea' teabags, revolving picture of 'elusive Christabel', newspapers and cuttings (1910-1988); posters and illustrations (1908-1914); papers related to the Cat and Mouse Act (1913); artefacts; additional papers (1980s).

Davison , Emily Wilding , 1872-1913 , suffragette
De Morgan family
GB 0096 MS 913 · 1753-1975

Papers of the De Morgan family, [1756-1928], comprising material relating to the suffragette movement, such as photographs, newpapers, press cuttings and pamphlets; correspondence of Augustus de Morgan, with correspondents including Sir Frederick Richard Pollock, Sir George Biddle Airy, Sir John William Lubbock, John Wrottesley (2nd Baron Wrottesley), John Radford Young, Sir John Frederick William Herschel, John Finlaison, and General Sir John Briggs; correspondence of William Frend de Morgan, mainly with members of his family and Sir Edward Coley Burne Jones; material relating to the de Morgan and Frend families, notably family photographs, drawings, letters, legal documents and memorabilia; letters from Sophia and Mollie de Morgan to Joan Antrobus; manuscript and typescript copies of stories and essays by William and Mary de Morgan; papers relating to Sophia de Morgan's Memoir of her husband Augustus, including letters, reviews and working notes; bundle of letters containing correspondence concerning a petition to the women of America from the women of England about the abolition of slavery; printed material, mainly works by Augustus de Morgan; letters to Francis Baily, [1820-1940]; letters from Thomas Henderson to Thomas Galloway, 1834-1842; 5 watercolours of Scotland by Frances Shakerley, [1920-1930].

De Morgan , family
GB 106 7CFD · Fonds · 1920-1931

The archive consists of letters from Charlotte Despard to Charles Wilson (1920-1932) ; photograph of Mrs Wilson (c. 1920); and a diary of a trip to the USSR (1930).

The letters cover the periods 1920-1922 and 1930-1932, and were written to Mr Charles Wilson of Willington, County Durham, Mr Wilson was a political activist who worked with the Durham miners, and Mrs Despard lectured to his students in 1921 and 1930. In the letters Mrs Despard refers to Mr Wilson's poetry; she also sent him a poem that she had written. She refers to her own political activities, in Ireland, lecturing for the Labour Party against British Policy in India. She also mentions several of the illnesses that were beginning to restrict severely such activities.

Despard , Charlotte , 1844-1939 , President of the Women's Freedom League
GB 0074 F/DCK · Collection · 1886-1949

Personal papers of Willoughby Hyett Dickinson, Lord Dickinson of Painwick. These papers reflect Dickinson's interests as a London County Councillor, an MP and a peer, and also his involvement in the London Liberal Federation, of which he was Chairman 1896-1918, the World Alliance for promoting International Friendship through the Churches and the League of Nations Union.

Dickinson , Willoughby Hyett , 1859-1943 , 1st Baron Painswick , politician
GB 0101 PP.DQ · 1962-

Platforms, manifestos and election leaflets issued by the Dominica Freedom Party, the Dominica Labour Party, the Dominica United People's Party and the LeBlanc Labour Party, from 1962.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 3032 ED 320 PAM · 1965-

Pamphlets, poems, declarations, reports, manifestos and conference proceedings from 1965, issued by the Central General de Trabajadores (Dominican Republic), Centro de Estudios de la Educación (Dominican Republic), Centro de Investigación y Apoyo Cultural (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Centro de Planificación y Acción Ecuménica (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Grupo de Acción Crítica (Dominican Republic), Instituto de Comunicación y Educación (Dominican Republic), Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones, International Student Conference, Núcleo Comunista de los Trabajadores (Dominican Republic), Partido Revolucionario Dominicano, Sociedad de Amistad con los Pueblos, and the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.

Institute for the Study of the Americas
PER/B · Collection · 1987-1998

Registers of electors for London boroughs including Barking and Dagenham; Barnet; Bexley; Brent; Bromley; Camden; Croydon; Enfield; Greenwich; Hackney; Hammersmith; Haringey; Harrow; Havering; Hillingdon; Hounslow; Islington; Kensington; Lambeth; Lewisham; Westminster; Merton; Newham; Redbridge; Richmond; Southwark; Sutton; Tower Hamlets; Waltham Forest and Wandsworth, 1987-1998.

Registers are created and maintained by borough councils.
GB 0074 LMA/4562 · Collection · 1999-2001

The Enfield Southgate Constituency Labour Party collection consists of papers and correspondence of the co-ordinating group, papers and correspondence relating to the structure review, and campaign papers and video.

Enfield Southgate Constituency Labour Party
ESKRIGGE, Edith (1872-1948)
GB 106 7EES · Fonds · 1897-1999

The archive consists of photographs and postcards relating to the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) Pilgrimage in 1913, including photographs of Eskrigge and fellow suffragists camping en route to London; letters received from individuals such as Eleanor Rathbone, and organisations, such as the Canning Town Settlement, relating to her suffrage campaigning and social welfare work; and biographical information about Eskrigge.

Eskrigge , Edith , 1872-1948 , suffragist and social welfare worker
Fabian Society Archives
GB 0097 FABIAN SOCIETY · 1881-1980

This collection consists of material relating to the principle functions of the Fabian Society. It includes correspondence; early papers and memorials; minutes and papers of the executive committee, the finance and general purposes committee and the home research committee; and material relating to lectures, publications, local societies, schools and conferences, groups and bureaux of the society, relations with the Labour Party, conferences, biographies of early members, and information gathered on electoral constituencies and issues in local government.

Fabian Society
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0044 · Collection · 1886-1902

Parliamentary register, containing information about electoral constituencies, political issues, clubs, socialist organisations, press cuttings of local election results, election leaflets and reports on constituencies by members. Complied by H E Williams of the Fabian Society.

Fabian Society
GB 106 2LSW · Fonds · 1871-1967

The archive consists of CCNSWS Minutes: Executive and Finance Committee; annual reports,1871-1878, 1883-1888; correspondence; scrapbooks. CNSWS Minutes of the Executive Committee 11890-1892, 1894-1895; finance ledger 1896-1900. LSWS Minutes: executive committee 1903-1932, finance committee 1918-1939, employment committee 1919-1934, public works 1934-1944, appeals committee 1912-1918; annual reports 1911, 1914, 1935, 1936; reports of annual meeting and papers 1905-1915; committee papers 1906-1918; circular letters; resignation letters; legal documents; organisation committee files 1905-1913; correspondence; pamphlets; papers; constituency books; programmes; leaflets; handbills; posters; account book; collecting bag; badges. Junior Council of the LNSWS: executive committee minutes 1929-31, 1932-1937, 1939; various committee minutes 1928-1939; scrapbooks; annual reports; brochure; photographs. Fawcett Library committee minutes 1926-1940, 1951-1967; library reports 1940-1950; annual reports 1945-1967.

The catalogue descriptions sometimes use the term 'holograph', usually in relation to correspondence. This means 'in the author's own hand'.

The uncatalogued material includes minutes and campaigning material of constituent committees, reports, policy papers, correspondence and accounts papers 1930-c.1980, administration and other papers, including material related to the Women's Service Trust and about the establishment of The Fawcett Library.

The Women's Suffrage Petition Committee x Kensington Committee Women's Suffrage Provisional Committee , London Branch National Society for Obtaining Political Rights for Women
London [National] Society for Women's Suffrage x LNSWS Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage x CNSWS London National Society For Women's Suffrage x LNSWS Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage
Central National Society for Women's Suffrage
Central and East of England Society for Women's Suffrage
Central and Western Society for Women's Suffrage
Central Society for Women's Suffrage
London Society for Women's Suffrage
London Society for Women's Service
London and National Society for Women's Service
Fawcett Society
GB 0106 9/14 · Fonds · 1894-1929

The collection contains letters to Mrs Badley (often in response to a birthday gift received) which discuss family news, the Conciliation Bill, the women's movement, Second World War and Mrs Fawcett's trips to Palestine, 1894-1929.

Fawcett , Dame , Millicent Garrett , 1847-1929 , feminist and suffragist
GB 106 7MGF · Fonds · 1870-1929

The archive consists of the personal papers of Millicent Garrett Fawcett; correspondence (related to suffrage; the Henry Cust case, the Northwest Durham by-election (1914) and on the status of women in India (1899-1918)); items relating to the Paris Women's Congress (1919) and Fawcett's Stansfeld lecture (1921-1902); papers relating to the creation of the Commission of Inquiry's report into South African Concentration Camps (1901-2), including Fawcett's personal diary of the visit and official report with photographs, pamphlets and tickets inserted; papers related to the role of Women in the Great War (including a large collection of press cuttings); personal memorabilia, including Philippa Fawcett's Irish holiday diary (1893) and albums and a bag owned by Millicent Garrett Fawcett; personal financial papers; a variety of working papers of Millicent Garrett Fawcett (1880-1929), including notes on speeches, volumes and articles she received or wrote herself.

Fawcett , Dame , Millicent Garrett , 1847-1929 , feminist and suffragist
Fiji General Elections, 1977
GB 0101 ICS 19 · 1977

Files of press cuttings from the'Fiji Sun and the Fiji Times relating to the General Elections in 1977.

Not known
GB 0101 PP.FJ · 1972-

Manifestos, speeches, posters, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Alliance Party, the Fiji Labour Party, the Federation Party and the National Federation Party.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Filmer, Sir Edward, 3rd Bt
GB 0096 MS 399 · 1713-1716

Written on the blank leaves of a copy of Parker's Ephemeris for 1713. Notes from 1713-16 including the results of the poll in the elections for the County and Boroughs of Kent in September 1713 and February 1714. Also includes particulars of Sir Edward Filmer's expenditure on provisions for the latter election.

Filmer , Sir , Edward , d 1755 , 3rd Baronet , politician
GB 0097 FISHMAN · 1983-1992

Material deposited by Dr Nina Fishman relating to the organisation and administration of the political groups 'Tactical Voting 87' and 'Common Voice', 1983-1992, comprising documents setting out aims and issues, regulations and legal matters, press releases, letters and articles written to national newspapers, press cuttings on tactical voting and electoral reform, material concerning funding, letters of support from the public, data and letters relating to constituency monitoring, pamphlets, and ephemera.

Fishman , Nina , fl 1987-1995 , Dr
FRAENKEL, Elsa (1892-1975)
GB 106 7EFR · Fonds · 1957-1967

The archive consists of photocopies of letters sent to Fraenkel by Pankhurst mainly concerned with an exhibition of the latter's paintings which Elsa organised and which was held in London in 1959. Includes a pastel drawing of Pankhurst by Fraenkel (c.1957).

Fraenkel , Elsa , 1892-1975 , sculptor and artist
GB 106 7HFD · Fonds · 1910-1959

The archive consists of notes for speeches, correspondence, press cuttings, Women's Social and Political Union papers, family records including photographs and objects, papers related to the arrest and imprisonment of both Franklin and Duval.

Franklin , Hugh , 1889-1962 , suffragist Duval , Elsie , 1892-1919 , suffragist
GB 0101 PP.GM · 1954-

Periodicals, constitutions, manifestos, platforms, communiqués, speeches, codes of conduct, letters and other miscellaneous election materials from 1954, issued by the Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction (Gambia), the Gambia Muslim Congress, the Gambia Peoples Party, the Gambia Workers' Union, independent candidates, the National Convention Party (Gambia), the People's Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism (Gambia), the Peoples' Progressive Party (Gambia) and the United Party (Gambia).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0372 GANLEY · Fonds · 1916-1966

Papers of Caroline Selena Ganley, 1916-1966, including typescript autobiography, c1955; miscellaneous papers concerning her career and work, including desk diary and miscellaneous papers and correspondence, 1916-1966.

Ganley , Caroline Selena , 1879-1966 , co-operative movement activist and politician
General Election 1992
GB 0097 GENERAL ELECTION 1992 · 1992

Material relating to the 1992 General Election, including addresses, leaflets, posters and other ephemera from throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, representing all political parties, including the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, the Scottish National Party, the Green Party, the Natural Law Party, and a range of parties from Northern Ireland.

General Election 1997
GB 0097 GENERAL ELECTION 1997 · 1997

Material relating to the 1997 General Election, including addresses, leaflets, posters and other ephemera from throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, representing all political parties, including the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, the Scottish National Party, the Green Party, the Natural Law Party, and a range of parties from Northern Ireland.

General Election 2001
GB 0097 GENERAL ELECTION 2001 · Collection · 2001

Papers of General Election 2001, contain election addresses and ephemera collected during the 2001 General election campaign and County Council elections.

GB 0097 GENERAL ELECTION 2005 · Collection · 2005

General Election 2005 ephemera collection, 2005, comprises campaign literature and publicity material produced by candidates in the 2005 General Election.


Ephemera for candidates in the 2010 General Election, local council elections and local mayoral elections, including the following constiuencies:

  • Hackney South and Shoreditch

  • Leyton and Wanstead

  • Holborn and St Pancras

  • Lewisham East

  • Poplar and Limehouse

  • Streatham

  • Hackney North and Stoke Newington

  • Cities of London and Westminster

  • Hammersmith

  • Hackney, Leabridge Ward

  • Streatham Hill Ward

  • Hackney

  • St Katherine's & Wapping

  • Blackheath

  • Holborn and St Pancras

  • Westminster

  • Hackney Wick

German election material
GB 1556 WL 1405 · 1896-1933

The German election material collection consists of election propaganda covering the era of the Weimar Republic, especially the final years. There are many flyers from the NSDAP, but also other parties, like the Zentrum, the SPD and the KPD.

Roedner , Helmut , fl 2002
GB 0101 PP.GH · 1950-

Manifestos, speeches, posters, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Action Congress Party (Ghana), the Convention People's Party (Ghana), the Ghana Congress Party, the National Alliance of Liberals (Ghana), the National Conciliation Party (Ghana), the National Liberation Movement (Ghana), the New Patriotic Party (Ghana), the Northern People's Party (Ghana), the People's Democratic Party of Ghana, the People's National Party (Ghana), the People's Vanguard (Ghana), the Popular Front Party (Ghana), the Progress Party (Ghana), the Third Force Party (Ghana), the United Gold Coast Convention, the United National Convention (Ghana), the United Party (Ghana) and the United Revolutionary Front (Ghana).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.GI · 1972-

Constitutions, manifestos, pamphlets, sample voting papers, newspapers, articles and miscellaneous election materials from 1972 onwards issued by the Democratic Party of British Gibraltar, the Gibraltar Labour Party and Association for the Advancement of Civil Rights, the Integration with Britain Party and the Party for the Autonomy of Gibraltar.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GOLDSTEIN, Vida (1869-1948)
GB 106 7VDG · Fonds · 1902-1919

The archive consists of diaries (1902, 1908); albums (1902, 1911); volumes of press cuttings (1900-1937); letter-books (1919); manuscript of article (undated). These refer to her 1902 visit to the United States of America, her 1903 Federal Senate election campaign (Australia) and her 1911 visit to England.

Goldstein , Vida , 1869-1948 , feminist and suffragist
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0771 · Collection · 1918-1964

Political papers of Alan Crosland Graham. The early papers refer to his appointment as private secretary to the Earl of Balfour, Secretary of State for War, from 1925 to 1929, and Viscount Halisham, President of the Council, from 1932 to 1935, and his parliamentary contests at Stirling, Denbigh, Darwen and Wirral. During World War Two his papers illustrate an involvement in anti-Nazi and anti-Communist groups in Europe, and there are files relating to Austria, Poland, France and the Never Again Committee.

Graham , Alan Crosland , 1896-1964 , Captain MP
GB 0101 ICS 23 · 1968

Transcripts of two Granada Television 'World in Action' programmes on the Guyana Elections of 1968, 'The Trail of the vanishing voter', broadcast 11 Dec 1968 and 'The Making of a Prime Minister', broadcast 6 Jan 1969; with OpinionResearch Centre survey on electoral registers for Guyana, Oct 1968 and transcript of the results of general elections in Guyana, 1964 and 1968.

Granada Television
GB 0101 PP.GD · 1957-

Statements, histories, plans, manifestos, constitutions, journals, court reports and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Grenada Democratic Movement, the Grenada National Party, the Grenada United Labour Party, the Maurice Bishop Patriotic Movement, the National Democratic Party (Grenada), the New Jewel Movement, the New National Party (Grenada), The National Party (Grenada) and the Team for National Unity (Grenada). The materials gathered here cover both the struggle for independence prior to 1974 and the recriminations after the incidents of 1983, though nothing is extant from the period of PRG government.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.GY · 1950-

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, press releases, and miscellaneous election material at national and youth levels from 1950, issued by the Alliance of Patriotic Guyanese, the British Guiana Freedom Association, the Democratic Labour Movement, the Guyana National Liberation Movement, the National Democratic Party (Guyana), the Patriotic Coalition for Democracy (Guyana), the People's National Congress, the People's Progressive Party (Guyana), the Progressive Youth Organisation (Guyana), and the Working People's Alliance Guyana. The items held here deal mainly with issues of race, socialism, imperialism and democracy at but there are also materials relating to the liberalisation of Guyanese politics under Burnham's successor Desmond Hoyte and the eventual electoral triumph of Cheddi Jagan and the People's Progressive Party (PPP) in 1992.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.GY · 1950-1987

Pamphlets, memoranda, bulletins, leaflets, flyers, letters, guides, notices, reports, press releases, programmes, cards and addresses, 1950-1987, issued by the British Guiana Rice Producers' Association, the Civil Liberties Action Council (Guyana), the Committee Against Repression in Guyana, the Guyana Human Rights Association, Guyanese Against Dictatorship, the Pan-African Secretariat, the Women's Progressive Organisation (Guyana), and the Women's Revolutionary Socialist Movement (Guyana).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 106 7HAM · Fonds · 1867-1919

The archive consists of manuscript drafts of hymns written by John Ellerton (1867-1876) and the papers of Mr Hamer, a Welsh Congregational Minister, comprising notes for sermons, speeches and articles relating to social issues including women's suffrage and temperance (1891-1919).

Hamer , D , fl 1891-1919 , priest Ellerton , John , 1826-1893 , priest and hymn writer
GB 0096 AL370 · Fonds · 1850-1865

(i) Letters to Sir Graham Eden Hamond and Lady Hamond, 1850-1865. Mainly concerning references and testimonials for domestic servants, either formerly employed in or potentially to be engaged by the Hamond household. Including 1 receipt for £6 wages and a letter mentioning the 1852 general election.

(ii) Letter from Charles Scovell of Bembridge, Isle of Wight, to Mr Escount, 16 Feb 1865. Relating to the business affairs of Sir Andrew Hamond [Sir Graham Hamond's son and successor as baronet].

Hamond , Sir , Graham Eden , 1779-1862 , 2nd Baronet , naval officer
GB 106 9/19 · Fonds · 1908-1947

The collection contains the following: letters from Beatrice Webb to Miss M Lees (1908) on the treatment of infants in Oldham; Sidney Webb to Lady Strachey (1911) on model standing orders form; Beatrice Webb to Cavendish Bentinck (undated), Sidney Webb to CB (1912) on his role as suffragist, his wife's changing attitudes to the question and the Fabian Society; Sidney Webb to Cavendish Bentinck (1913); Ray Strachey to Sidney Webb (1919) asking permission to include name on advisory council with reply written on setting out position via women as 'blackleg' workers; Beatrice Webb to Miss Moore (undated.) on forms for committee membership sent out; card from Sidney Webb to Ray Strachey (1929) to say the copy of the requested publication is on its way and requesting payment); BW to 'Ruth' [Cavendish Bentinck] can't come to stay as too busy with BBC talk.

Webb , (Martha) Beatrice , nee Potter , 1858-1943 , social reformer and diarist
Webb , Sidney James , 1859-1947 , 1st Baron Passfield , social reformer and historian Strachey , Rachel Pearsall Conn (Ray) , nee Costelloe , 1887-1940 , feminist activist and writer
GB 0106 7HAS · Fonds · 1996

The archive consists of a bibliography and list of sources (held in international repositories) about Carrie Chapman Catt, founder and President of the International Alliance of Women, and founder of the League of Women Voters. It also includes a short typescript biography of Catt and a photocopy of a press cutting photograph of Catt (from Time magazine, 14 Jun 1926).

Haskell , Anne
GB 0074 A/HVH · Collection · 1957-1984

Records of the Havering-Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party, including minutes of the General Management, Executive and Committees; annual reports and statements of account.

Records of the Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party comprising ward and branch minutes.

Records of the Havering Council Labour (Administration) Group comprising minute book.

Havering-Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party Havering Council Labour (Administration) Group
HAYMON, Sylvia (1917-1995)
GB 106 7HAY · Fonds · 1961-1965

The archive consists of correspondence with Margery Corbett Ashby, Theresa Garnett, Anne Guthrie, Mary Stott, etc; publications; booklets; bulletins; press cuttings and a photograph of Charlotte Despard. The collection is concentrated around articles written by Mrs Haymon for the Guardian newspaper in Nov 1961 and Apr 1962, entitled 'The End of the Women's Freedom League' and 'The Patient Suffragette', an account of Corbett Ashby's career.

Haymon , Sylvia Rosen , 1917-1995 , writer
GB 106 7MHE · Fonds · 1875-1923

The archive consists of two commonplace books kept by Margaret Heitland before her marriage, (1875 and 1884-1926); a register of articles received for publication in Queen Magazine (1909-1915); correspondence (including a letter from author Charlotte M Yonge); press cuttings and photographs.

Heitland , Margaret , 1860-1938 , suffragist and journalist
GB 0097 HENDERSON · 1916-1993

Papers of Jean Henderson, 1916-1993, notably material concerning her work as the prospective Liberal parliamentary candidate for St Albans, 1936-1942, including correspondence, circulars, speech notes and flyers; material relating to general election campaigns in which Henderson stood as the Liberal candidate for, successively, Barnet, Lincoln, and Luton, 1945, and 1949-1959, mainly comprising correspondence, speech notes, election ephemera and press cuttings; notes and press cuttings, [1930]-1979, covering a range of political issues and compiled by Henderson for use in speeches; papers relating to the Women's Liberal Federation, 1936-1975; papers relating to the Hendon Liberal Party, [1930]-1989, including material on local elections; Liberal party literature, 1927-1959, including pamphlets on political subjects and material concerning the Beveridge Report; papers of the Gladstone Benevolent Fund for Liberal Agents, 1972-1988, mainly comprising agendas and minutes; Liberal Party manifestos and circulars dealing with the Liberal alliance with the Democrats, 1988-1992, and Henderson's notes on the subject; material relating to the legal career of Jean Henderson, [1938-1993], including notebooks, speech notes, legal papers, fee books and correspondence.

Henderson , Jean , 1900-1997 , barrister and Liberal candidate
GB 106 7VJH · Fonds · 1900-c.1962

The archive consists of diaries, correspondence, photographs and memorabilia relating to Holme's activities as a suffragette; her work with the Women's Volunteer Reserve and the Scottish Women's Hospital Unit during the First World War; her visits to and relief work in Serbia / Yugoslavia; and her personal life and friendships. Many items across the collection relate to her girlfriend Evelina Haverfield.

Holme , Vera Louise , 1881-1969 , actress and suffragette
GB 0101 PP.HK · 1990-1994

Manifestos, leaflets, programmes and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood, the Liberal Party (Hong Kong) and the United Democrats of Hong Kong.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
HOOD, LORD (1724-1816)
GB 0074 ACC/0664 · Collection · 1790

Printed resolution of Lord Hood's Election Committee, 29 June 1790. The Committee resolves that since the "National Business at this present Crisis" occupies all Lord Hood's attention, preventing him from addressing the electors in person, his conduct is to be rewarded by the Committee's "most animated Exertions in his Lordship's Favor". It is resolved that by supporting Lord Hood in the poll, other public figures will be encouraged to emulate his example of devotion to duty, the virtue which has made the British Navy terrible to their enemies.

Also Royal Aquarium and Summer and Winter Garden, Westminster, programme for week ending 5 March 1887; listing Mr. Jules Levy and the Viennese Lady Orchestra; the Bozza Troupe, "Musical Knife Grinders", and announcing, for March 2nd, 3rd and 4th, the second great Terrier Show, applications for entry forms to Mr. G. Cruft.

Hood , Samuel , 1724-1816 , Viscount Hood , naval officer