Identity area
Reference code
- c 1755 (Creation)
Extent and medium
1 volume, 1 ms list
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
John Ellis was born in Ireland in c 1710. He was a merchant in London until 1764, when he became an agent for West Florida, and subsequently for Dominica in 1770. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society, and published his An Essay towards the Natural History of the Corallines in 1755. He was awarded the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1768, for his research in this area. He published various other works on aspects of natural history, including descriptions of the coffee-tree, the mangostan and the breadfruit. Linnaeus named a group of boraginaceous plants 'Ellisia' in his honour. He died in 1776.
Archival history
GB 0114 MS0038 c 1755 Collection (fonds) 1 volume, 1 ms list Ellis , John , c 1710-1776 , zoologist
John Ellis was born in Ireland in c 1710. He was a merchant in London until 1764, when he became an agent for West Florida, and subsequently for Dominica in 1770. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society, and published his An Essay towards the Natural History of the Corallines in 1755. He was awarded the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1768, for his research in this area. He published various other works on aspects of natural history, including descriptions of the coffee-tree, the mangostan and the breadfruit. Linnaeus named a group of boraginaceous plants 'Ellisia' in his honour. He died in 1776.
The provenance of the items in the collection is unknown.
Papers of John Ellis, 1755, comprising a manuscript copy by an unknown author, of John Ellis An Essay towards the Natural History of the Corallines (1775); and an undated manuscript list by an unknown author, of desiderata in the West Indies, found at the end of a tract by John Ellis held in the Library A description of the mangostan and the bread-fruit (1775) TRACT B. 272 (3).
As outlined in Scope and Content.
Access available by appointment with the Deputy Librarian.
No photocopying permitted from ms volume.
Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1928) by Victor G Plarr.
Card catalogue.
Original printed volume of An Essay towards the Natural History of the Corallines is availble in the Library.
A microfilm copy of the ms volume is available.
Published works by John Ellis:
An Essay towards a Natual History of the Corallines (1775); Directions for bringing over seeds and plants, from the East-Indies (1770); 'Copies of two letters, I - to Dr Linnaeus FRS. II - To Mr William Ailon. 2 plates' (1771); Some additional observations on the method of preserving seeds from foreign parts (1773); An historical account of coffee (1774); A description of the mangostan and the bread-fruit (1775).
Published work about John Ellis:
Solander, D The natural history of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the globe by the late John Ellis. Systematically arranged and described by the late Danial Solander. (1786); Harmer, Sir S F John Ellis and the Linnaean species of polyzoa; John Ellis and the animal nature of Zoophytes (1930); Harmer, Sir S F The original drawings of John Ellis (1931); Savage, S John Ellis and his manuscripts (1934).
Material by John Ellis:
Correspondence and Papers - Linnaean Society of London.
Papers 1752-1776 - The Royal Society.
Letters to Thomas Birch 1754-1759 - British Library Manuscript Collections.
Letters to Danial Solander 1760-1763 - British Library Manuscript Collections.
Compiled by Anya Turner.
Sources: Information summarised from the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
Aug 2008 Agricultural products Caribbean Ellis , John , c 1710-1776 , zoologist Fruit Plant products Zoology
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
The provenance of the items in the collection is unknown.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Papers of John Ellis, 1755, comprising a manuscript copy by an unknown author, of John Ellis An Essay towards the Natural History of the Corallines (1775); and an undated manuscript list by an unknown author, of desiderata in the West Indies, found at the end of a tract by John Ellis held in the Library A description of the mangostan and the bread-fruit (1775) TRACT B. 272 (3).
System of arrangement
As outlined in Scope and Content.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Access available by appointment with the Deputy Librarian.
Conditions governing reproduction
No photocopying permitted from ms volume.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Published works by John Ellis:
An Essay towards a Natual History of the Corallines (1775); Directions for bringing over seeds and plants, from the East-Indies (1770); 'Copies of two letters, I - to Dr Linnaeus FRS. II - To Mr William Ailon. 2 plates' (1771); Some additional observations on the method of preserving seeds from foreign parts (1773); An historical account of coffee (1774); A description of the mangostan and the bread-fruit (1775).
Published work about John Ellis:
Solander, D The natural history of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the globe by the late John Ellis. Systematically arranged and described by the late Danial Solander. (1786); Harmer, Sir S F John Ellis and the Linnaean species of polyzoa; John Ellis and the animal nature of Zoophytes (1930); Harmer, Sir S F The original drawings of John Ellis (1931); Savage, S John Ellis and his manuscripts (1934).
Finding aids
Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1928) by Victor G Plarr.
Card catalogue.
Allied materials area
Existence and location of copies
A microfilm copy of the ms volume is available.
Related units of description
Material by John Ellis:
Correspondence and Papers - Linnaean Society of London.
Papers 1752-1776 - The Royal Society.
Letters to Thomas Birch 1754-1759 - British Library Manuscript Collections.
Letters to Danial Solander 1760-1763 - British Library Manuscript Collections.
Access points
Subject access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English