Engel , Carl , 1818-1882 , German organologist and musicologist

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Engel , Carl , 1818-1882 , German organologist and musicologist

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        Carl Engel was born in Hanover in 1818 and after being taught the piano and organ there moved to Manchester in 1846, and then to London in 1850. He began to establish an exceptional library and instrument collection. He became organological adviser to the Victoria and Albert Museum and produced a formidable Descriptive Catalogue. Many of his other publications were devoted to European folk music. He died in London in 1882. His publications include The Music of the Most Ancient Nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians and Hebrews (London, 1864); An Introduction to the Study of National Music (London, 1866); A Descriptive Catalogue of the Musical Instruments in the South Kensington Museum (London, 1870, revised 1874); Musical Myths and Facts (London, 1876); 'The Literature of National Music', articles in Musical Times, 1878-1879; 'Music of the Gypsies', Musical Times, 1880; 'Aeolian Music', Musical Times 1882.


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