Environmental degradation

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    ron aantekeningen

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    Toon aantekening(en)

      Hiërarchische termen

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Environmental degradation

      • UF Environmental changes
      • UF Environmental deterioration
      • UF Détérioration de l'environnement
      • UF Modification de l'environnement
      • UF Daños medioambientales
      • UF Desgaste medioambiental
      • UF Deterioro del entorno

      25 Archivistische beschrijving results for Environmental degradation

      GB 0074 ACC/0986 · Collectie · 1964-1967

      Photograph and press release relating to the unveiling of a commemorative plaque at Heathrow Airport.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 GC/63 · 1898-1910

      Case transcripts, press cuttings, memoranda, reports and correspondence acquired by Henry Hillyard, Sanitary Inspector to Malvern UDC, relating to cases concerning responsibility for polluted water at a hydropathic establishment and a school in Malvern, 1898-1910.

      Zonder titel
      Environmental Research Group
      GB 0100 KCLCA S KSBHS/ERG · 1993-2005

      Collection comprises data gathered by the Environmental Research Group, 1993-2005, on air quality in the following regions and counties: Greater London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Sussex and Kent. Also, annual reports of the London Air Quality Network, Air Quality in London, (South East Institute of Public Health), Feb 1944-2005.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 BEAVER · 1900-1966

      This collection covers four aspects of the life of Sir Hugh Beaver: biographical and personal material; professional correspondence; personal correspondence; and lectures, speeches and addresses.
      A) Biographical and personal: This section contains letters from friends and family sent to Sir Hugh, drafts and extracts for his autobiography, Sir Hugh's pocket diaries and desk diaries and notes press cuttings and correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's time in the Punjab Police.
      B) Professional: This section contains correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's time in Canada, correspondence between Sir Hugh and Sir Alexander Gibb, correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's job at the Ministry of Works and building projects undertaken by the Ministry, correspondence relating to business affairs at Guinness, correspondence relating to his work on various committees during his time at Guinness.
      C) Correspondence: This section contains personal correspondence relating to Sir Hugh and his family. It is arranged in chronological order.
      D) Lectures, Speeches and Addresses: This section contains lectures, speeches and addresses on industrial planning, education, management practices, air pollution, industry and economics.

      Zonder titel
      COL/CC/PBC · Deelarchief · 1866-1956

      Records of the Sanitary Committee (1866-1897) and the Public Health Committee (1898-1956) including minutes, 1866-1956; committee papers, 1906-1956; report books, 1866-1956; Burial Board letter books, 1948-1956 and subject files, 1867-1955. Subjects include handling of condemned food; house drainage; sanitary inspectors; slaughter houses; bacteriologists; pigeon nuisance; the Housing Act 1936; the National Health Service; the London County Council health committee; smoke abatement and the City of London Cemetery including footpaths, boundaries, fees for internment, maintenance and arrangements for civilian deaths during the Second World War.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 GP/31 · 1904-1955

      Papers of Thomas Jeeves Horder, 1904-1955, including Horder's appointment diaries, [one at St Bartholomew's Hospital and one at his private practice], memorabilia, Horder's talks and writings, obituaries and appreciations of his life and work, and a very small accumulation of case notes, apparently from his private practice.

      Zonder titel
      ACC/2766 · Collectie · 1881-1886

      Laboratory notebook possibly compiled in laboratories at Crossness Pumping Station, Belvedere Road, Abbey Wood, SE2; containing wide range of analyses including: water quality, gas testing, Thames mud, sand, sewage, cow shed water, asbestos, petroleum, and so on. Several entries concern a Thames Pollution enquiry. The volume also contained 'Oxygen Sag Curve' analyses of the Thames. It is probable that the work was carried out for the Metropolitan Board of Works.

      Zonder titel
      MCS · Collectie · 1847-1862

      Letters patent appointing the commissioners; orders of court; minutes of various Committees including the General Purposes Committee, By-laws Committee, Committee on Claims, Disposal of Refuse Committee, Finance Committee, Trial Works Committee, Sewage Manure Committee and Ordnance Survey Committee; original contracts for the construction of new sewers, including plans, sections and elevations; registers of in-letters; letter books for out-letters; drainage applications; registers of applications to construct sewers and drains; registers of proposed drainage of buildings; registers of house drainage; register of complaints; applications for private works on sewers and drains; registers of streets showing existence or absence of sewers and drains; surveyor's report books; staff records; financial accounts; rate books; printed items bound into volumes, including reports (several written by Joseph Bazalgette), papers, resolutions, prospectuses, surveys and inspections on various subjects including sewers and drains, cesspools, sewage, manure, waterways, flushing operations, public health, industrial sites, public conveniences, subterranean surveys, tides and water supply; minutes of the Commissioners and plans and maps of sewers, drains and waterways.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0099 KCLMA McGeoch · 1946-1996

      Papers of Vice Admiral Sir Ian McGeoch, 1946-1996, including papers from McGeoch's naval career including his time as commander of Royal Navy Base Portsmouth, 1955; as Naval Liaison Officer, RAF Coastal Command, 1955-1956 and as Flag Officer, Submarines and Northern Ireland and Scotland, 1965-1970.

      Research notes, essays and transcripts of talks by McGeoch on naval topics including research notes for The Princely Sailor: Mountbatten of Burma; editorials and articles by McGeoch for Naval Forces; correspondence including with Vice Admiral Sir Louis Le Bailly, 1993-1994; Sir John Hackett and Michael Howard, 1971; papers relating to the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies including correspondence regarding submissions and talks by McGeoch, newsletters, annual reports, articles by McGeoch, council minutes, charter, bye-laws and standing orders, 1950-1991 and printed books and journals on military history.

      Papers and correspondence on topics including party politics in McGeoch's local area, particularly the Conservative Party, 1971-1974; the British Atlantic Council, 1974-1994; national security, disarmament and arms control, 1974-1986; the security of North Sea oil rigs, 1975-1981; fisheries and pollution in the North Sea, 1976; the Baltic and Mediterranean protection of the marine environment; UK defence policy, 1981; the British Atlantic Committee, 1983-1984; the Atlantic Treaty Association Assembly, Toronto, 8-13 Oct 1984; House of Commons Defence Committee, 1986-1988; the future of the Royal Navy Engineering College, Manadon, and McGeoch's campaign to keep it open, 1993; McGeoch's letter to The Times and on whether Polaris submarines should have a Christian launching service and the education of Royal Navy officers, 1993-1994.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 RAMC · 17th century - 20th century

      Reports, diaries, memoirs, photographs and memorabilia given to the Royal Army Medical Corps Museum and Library by former officers and men of the Corps. Some date back to Marlborough's campaigns of the late 17th century; there is also material relating to the continuing European and Imperial conflicts of the 18th and early 19th centuries, the Crimean War (1854-1856), the Boer War and the Balkan conflicts of the early 20th century, the two World Wars, the Korean War and other smaller conflicts thereafter.

      Zonder titel
      Max Lock Archive
      GB 1753 MLA · Archief · 1936-1988

      Papers of Max Lock, 1936-1988, produced and collected by Max Lock and the Max Lock Group, relate to Lock's career as a planner and architect and to wider issues in planning, particularly after World War Two, and comprise working papers (including survey papers) and finished material.

      They include correspondence; notes and card indexes; photographs (some aerial), slides, drawings, maps and plans; Bills, Acts, white papers and other official publications; books, articles, reports and other publications (some annotated); typescripts; press cuttings; and conference papers. The bulk of the material dates from the 1940s to the early 1970s. Material relating to Lock's career and projects within the UK includes papers on his time as a Watford councillor and his architectural practice in the 1930s, including a timber house he designed at Stanmore, Middlesex; Hull, 1939-1957, including conflicts between Lock and his superiors; Scalby, 1940-1941; Middlesborough, 1943-1970; Hartlepool, 1946-1970; Portsmouth, 1948-1973; Salisbury, 1949-1969; Sutton Coldfield, 1950-1967; Bedford, 1950-1971; Sevenoaks, 1954-1965; Aberdare, 1957-1959; Stratford (West Ham), 1957-1962; Hackney and Shoreditch, 1960-1971; Woodley, 1962-1969; Oldham, 1962-1971; Covent Garden, 1963-1971; Battle, 1964; Brentford and Chiswick, 1964-1970; Torbay, 1968-1969; Dunstable, 1968-1972; Greater London Development Plan Inquiry, 1969-1971, and other material on GLC planning and transport; Beverley, 1969-1972. Material on projects and visits overseas includes papers on Scandinavia, 1937-1939, 1946-1949; India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 1946-1955; the Netherlands, including the Town Planning Institute Tour (1946), 1946-1957; the Americas, including Brazil, the West Indies and the USA, 1952-1969; Italy, 1952-1970; the Middle East, including Iraq and Jordan, 1954-1958; Australia, 1959-1960; Aden, 1960-1961; Kuwait, 1961; Nigeria, including Kaduna and Maiduguri, 1962-1975.

      The collection includes a large volume of accumulated material, 1944-1987, largely printed material by other authors, including other planners, planning bodies and architects, some from architectural and planning journals and from the national and regional press, on planning and related issues both in the UK and overseas, such as planning law and procedures; central and local government and administration; public inquiries; housing; historic buildings; urban development; industry and retail; transport infrastructure, including roads and ports; traffic, noise, and the environment; social and economic issues including employment, labour, and social class; population levels and density; public amenities and utilities; land use and open space; and statistical data. Some papers relate to the affairs, including legal and financial matters, of the Max Lock Group; the architectural work of Max Lock and Partners; premises in Victoria Square, London; and the Max Lock Group Nigeria. Papers of or concerning Lock himself include his notebooks and other papers reflecting the development of his ideas; papers relating to publications and broadcasts; papers relating to professional bodies, including the TPI, RIBA, TCPA and UDAG; personal correspondence; photographs of him and his friends; papers on music and architecture, including lecture notes; articles about Lock, and his obituary in the Independent, 3 May 1988.

      Zonder titel
      CLA/006 · Collectie · 1667-1988

      Papers of the Commissioners of Sewers, City of London, covering the regulation, planning and financing of works to maintain and improve drainage, sewers, paving and lighting in and around the City of London. The papers reflect ninteenth century concerns about the pollution of the River Thames.

      The collection includes plan books, 1835-1900; plans c 1770s-1840s; administrative records, 1863-1899; deeds, 1680 onwards; Journal of the Commissioner of Sewers, 1680-1898; Proceedings of the Commissioners of Sewers, 1765-1797; minute books, 1827-1898; report books, 1696-1885; printed reports, 1832-1899, including accounts and reports on sewers, pavements, housing, sanitary matters, slaughter houses, food, gas, electric lighting, water, cemeteries, cholera and tramways; letter books, 1768-1851; papers relating to street paving, 1718-1913; papers relating to the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Sewage Discharge, 1853-1903; record of air raid damage to sewers, 1940-1947; financial records, 1667-1918.

      Zonder titel
      CLA/036 · Collectie · 1646-1857

      Records of the Courts of Conservancy, 1646-1857, including sessions held in London, Essex, Middlesex, Kent and Surrey for breaches of regulations covering encroachments, wharves, fishing, obstructing or fouling the river and similar offences. The papers include grand jury presentments, writs, court minutes, court notes, court orders, committee minutes and administrative papers.

      Zonder titel
      COL/SJ · Deelarchief · 1216-1997

      Papers relating to railways, 1839-1983, including reports, evidence and petitions relating to the construction of new lines and stations; papers relating to fires, 1522-1974, including papers on the provision of fire fighting equipment, the introduction of fire insurance policies and the establishment of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade; papers relating to the Great Fire of London, 1667-1966, including acts, orders and financial accounts relating to the rebuilding of the City of London including receipts from Christopher Wren, papers relating to the investigation into the cause of the Fire, financial accounts of funds to relieve those affected, descriptions and accounts of the Fire; papers relating to Royal and Municipal Commissions, 1816-1969; papers relating to war 1692-1995, including papers relating to the Corporation's activities during World War One; air raid precautions and casualties, Roll of Honour of Civilian War Dead in the City of London and papers relating to the bombing of Guildhall, World War Two and City of London salute to the task force, Falklands Campaign, 1982.

      Papers relating to transport, 1663-1985, including hackney coaches and hackney carriages, carts and carmen, stage coaches, river traffic, tramways, omnibuses and buses, subways, Heathrow and Fairlop Airports, the London Underground and the Channel Tunnel terminal in London; papers relating to shipping, 1610-1989; papers relating to trades and crafts, 1510-1991, including bills, wages, regulations, acts and petitions regarding bricklayers, carpenters, carters, founders, glaziers, masons, painters, paviors, plasterers, plumbers, smiths, wireworkers, button makers, butchers, chimney sweeps, hairdressers, ironmongers, spoon makers, paper makers, tanners, tailors, rakers, midwives, engravers, clock makers and printers; papers relating to the Honourable Artillery Company, 1503-1967.

      Papers relating to the history of London, 1565-1994, including "An exposicion of the Kinges prerogative collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitz-Herbert and other olde writers of the lawes of England" by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, 1565, "Londinopolis: An Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, The Imperial Chamber, and chief Emporium of Great Britain: Whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster, with the Courts of Justice, Antiquities, and new Buildings thereunto belonging" by James Havel, 1657, and various other antiquarian and modern books, articles and pamphlets on the history of London; papers relating to health and medicine, 1657-1994, including bills of mortality, papers relating to the outbreak of plague in London, 1665-1666, letters, reports and conference papers relating to the control of cholera; papers regarding provisions, 1607-1990, including warrant authorising the Mayor to receive venison out of the Royal Parks, 1607 and papers of committees investigating the high price of provisions, 1767-1822; papers relating to the government of the City of London and Greater London, 1849-1993; papers relating to the provision and price of gas, 1828-1918; papers relating to the supply of water to the City, 1538-1992; papers relating to the placing, erection and upkeep of statues and monuments in London, 1680-1995; papers relating to weights and measures, 1678-1997, including records of action taken against those using false weights and measures and registers of weighed goods; papers relating to seals and medals, 1285-1995, including examples of medieval seals and register of documents sealed; papers relating to insignia and plate, 1650-1993, including information on the Collar of SS, Diamond Badge or Jewel, Mace, Crystal Mace, Swords, City Purse, Mayoralty Seal, Robes and Sceptre and inventories of City plate; papers relating to the population of the City of London, 1719-1982, including "A compu tation of the increase of London and parts adjacent; with some causes thereof, and remarks thereon", 1719, population returns, 1821-1897 and population studies and articles; papers regarding tolls, 1605-1833, including Acts, bonds, exemptions and leases; papers relating to the postal service, 1741-1938, including examples of early stamps and papers relating to the Penny Post; papers relating to the carrying out of writs, 1460-1965, including writs of habeas corpus, certiorari, subpoenas and jury summons; papers relating to the textile trade, 1674-1995, including orders, rates, inventories, petitions relating to the production of textiles including cloth, lace and wool, bonds of searches and sealers of tanned leather, 1699-1804, and articles on the history of textiles.

      Papers relating to probate, 1693-1786, including estate inventories, letters of administration and notes on legal customs; papers relating to the regulation of fireworks and bonfires within the City, 1673-1857; papers relating to archaeological investigations in the City of London, 1972-1989; extracts relating to archery in Finsbury Fields, 1521; reports and articles relating to the armorial bearings of the City, 1216-1973; bullion certificates, 1696-1819; licences issued for the right to use calcium carbide, 1897-1919; papers relating to convex lights, 1692-1694; papers relating to conveyancing, 1770-1948 and various other papers relating to aspects of the administration of the City of London including common soil, conservation, criminal prosecutions, city customs and liberties, the Customs House, erection of hoardings, gifts and presentations, regulation of gunpowder, income tax, the London Building Acts, licensing, lotteries, regulation and licensing of petroleum, precedent books, precepts issued by the Mayor or Common Council, bills for printing and stationery, the Olympic Games, pageantry, proclamations, brewers and public houses, the Shops Act, smoke abatement and clean air, street cleaning, theatres, the unemployed, Viewer's reports, wharves, woods and forests, newspapers and cuttings, fishing, the Festival of the City of London, coffee houses, coinage, the Bank of England and other financial institutions.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 PP/HEW · 1904-1983

      Papers of Sir Harold Whittingham including A. Personal Papers and Early Career, 1904-1956, including papers on cancer research, Glasgow, 1904-1915; B. RAF Sandfly Fever Commission, Malta, 1921-1952; C. RAF Medical Services, c.1920-1945; D. Biochemistry Lectures, London School of Tropical Medicine, 1926-1930; E. British Red Cross Society, 1946-1959; F. Flying Personnel Research Committee, 1940-1976; G. British Airways Overseas Corporation, 1945-1970; H. International Air Transport Association Medical Committee, 1949-1960; J. World Health Organisation, 1948-1968; K. Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1958-1976; L. History of RAF Medical Services, 1958-1983 and M. Publications, 1911-1975.

      Zonder titel
      Hunter, Donald (1898-1977)
      GB 0120 PP/HUN · 1910-1977

      Papers of Donald Hunter, 1910-1977. There are two large, parallel series of case files and reference files (section C) relating to a wide range of conditions, most but not all connected with occupational hazards and many being dermatological or osteopathic, as well as factory visit notes, correspondence, both personal and professional, publications, writings, and audio-visual material.

      Zonder titel
      WRIGHT, John ([1770]-1844)
      GB 0074 CLC/520 · Collectie · 1719-1831

      Papers of John Wright relating to his campaign to improve the water supply of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company. The records comprise: papers relating to the water supply in the Metropolis, 1719-1831; and letter of appeal concerning John Wright's efforts to improve the water supply, 1829.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/2558 · Collectie · 1582-1976

      Records of Thames Water predecessor companies (water supply) and local authorities (waste water management including sewer network), comprising the following:

      ACC/2558/CH: Chelsea Waterworks Company

      ACC/2558/DV: Darenth Valley Main Sewerage Board

      ACC/2558/EL: East London Waterworks Company

      ACC/2558/GJ: Grand Junction Waterworks Company

      ACC/2558/KE: Kent Waterworks Company

      ACC/2558/LA: Lambeth Waterworks Company

      ACC/2558/LC: Lee Conservancy Catchment Board

      ACC/2558/LL: London Local Authorities, Metropolitan Board of Works, London County Council and Greater London Council

      ACC/2558/MW: Metropolitan Water Board

      ACC/2558/NR: New River Company

      ACC/2558/S: Shadwell Waterworks Company

      ACC/2558/SR: Staines Reservoir Joint Committee

      ACC/2558/SV: Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company

      ACC/2558/TW: Thames Water Authority

      ACC/2558/WK: West Kent Main Sewerage Board

      ACC/2558/WM: West Middlesex Waterworks Company

      The records include corporate records and minutes, staff records, clerk's papers, records relating to water supply and distribution, technical reports, purchase records, property records, legal papers, plans, substantial series of photographs, glass plate negatives and lanterns slides (especially clean water: under ACC/2558/MW/PH, ACC/2558/MW/GP and ACC/2558/MW/L and sewer and waste water: under ACC/2558/LL/PH) and financial accounts and ledgers.

      Cataloguing of this collection has been funded by Thames Water. For more information about the cataloguing project which was completed September 2019, please see 'The Thames Water Treasure Trove' in 'Source' magazine, July 2016 (library reference: 24.217 THA). London Metropolitan Archives would like to thank Thames Water for funding the cataloguing of this collection.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/2558/LC · Collectie · 1881-1984

      Records of the Lee Conservancy Catchment Board, including minutes of Board meetings; papers relating to staff including wages and superannuation; papers regarding the Sadler's Mill stream diversion; papers regarding flood relief and defences; correspondence and papers of the Association of River Authorities; papers relating to clearing the river; petitions; rainfall statistics; fishing rights; papers regarding members of the Board; drainage schemes; public relations files; papers regarding the Water Resources Act 1973; reports; papers regarding the acquisition of properties; and agreements for works, clearing, drainage, diversions, improvements, flood prevention, land sales and so on.

      Zonder titel
      LCC/PC/GEN · Collectie · 1845-1966

      Records of the London County Council Public Control Department, 1845-1966, including subject and policy files on various topics including the Royal Commission on Local Taxation; Smoke Nuisance Abatement (Metropolis) Bill; smoke nuisances, atmospheric pollution, smog and fogs; smoke in Thames tunnels; and electricity generating stations. Annual Reports of the Chief Officer of the Public Control Department and annual reports of the Public Control Committee and of the Inebriates Acts Committee. Other papers including Acts of Parliament relevant to the work of the Public Control Department; notes and instructions for guidance of inspectors; examples of warrants issued to officers authorising them to institute proceedings in the courts; solicitor's reports and legal opinions on public control matters.

      Zonder titel
      LCC/PH/GEN · Collectie · 1867-1967

      Records of the London County Council Public Health Department relating to organisational and general matters, 1867-1967, including copies of relevant Parliamentary legislation; reports on investigations by Council officials; legal cases; papers relating to the introduction of the National Health Service; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of buildings run by the Public Health department; conference and committee papers; statistics; papers relating to various public health issues including refuse disposal, drainage and sewers, air pollution, water supply, water quality and slum clearance. Reports and printed papers relating to public health, including booklets, posters and pamphlets produced by the LCC to advertise and explain their health services.

      Papers of Sir Allen Daley (Principal Medical Officer, 1929-1938; Deputy Medical Officer of Health, 1938-1939 and Medical Officer of Health, 1939-1952), consisting of a collection of extracts from medical and other journals, 1912-1938. Papers of Dr J. Letitia D Fairfield, CBE, a Medical Officer and, later, Senior Medical Officer in the Public Health Department, 1911-1948, consisting of memoranda and correspondence arising in the course of her duties, articles written by her and other articles from medical and other journals on subjects of interest in connection with her duties.

      Also collection of 360 files relating to the treatment of tuberculosis by the General Public Health Department of the London County Council, 1904-1950. Many of the files are concerned with particular hospitals and sanatoria in England, which specialised in the treatment and rehabilitation of tuberculous patients. The files contain descriptions of the sanatoria, reports of their management, correspondence, financial accounts and details of particular cases. These details include the welfare of patients, as well as arrangements for their travelling expenses. The files also relate to the provision of TB administration in war time, the treatment of service men and their families, and also of refugees. The files contain information relating to the treatment of diseases associated with TB, including lupus, syphilis, silicosis and asbestosis, osteomyetitis and poliomyelitis. Progress in the treatment of TB can be traced in the files relating to the value of treatment in Switzerland, and in the files concerned with Open Air Schools. Emphasis is also placed on the importance of mass radiography as an aid towards the detection of TB at an early stage, and file 360 contains a number of such X-Ray negatives.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0809 Pettenkofer · [1891]

      Papers of Max Joseph von Pettenkofer, [1891], relate to his interest and work concerning sanitation and pollution and comprise a handwritten manuscript titled 'On the self purification of rivers'.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0103 BMLA · 1921-c1971

      Papers and correspondence of the British Maritime Law Association (BMLA), dating largely from 1947-c1971, with a few related items dating back to 1921, and comprising adminstrative papers and correspondence of the BMLA and its papers on issues in maritime law; papers and correspondence relating to the Comité Maritime International (CMI) and to overseas maritime law associations in Europe and America; and papers and correspondence on international conferences concerning issues of maritime law, held in Europe, the USA, and elsewhere, including conference documents, amendments, proceedings, and papers of the British delegation. The papers relate to issues in maritime law including limitations of shipowners' liability; bills of lading (issued by the carrier to the shipper on delivery of goods for shipment); the Hague Rules (defining the rights and liabilities of a carrier, introduced in Brussels in 1921 and adopted first as clauses in bills of lading and after 1923 as the Brussels Convention on Limitation of Liability); the 'gold clause' concerning contradictions in international conventions regarding the extent of liability; carriage of nuclear material by sea and the liability of operators, including the OEEC (Organisation for European Economic Co-operation) convention; and issues relating to oil pollution in the wake of the Torrey Canyon incident (1967).

      Zonder titel
      Chadwick Trust Archives
      GB 0103 CHADWICK TRUST · [1820s]-1984

      Records, [1820s]-1984, of the Chadwick Trust. Administrative papers comprise legal papers setting up the Trust, 1890-1896; minute books, 1895-1983; annual reports, 1962-1978; lists of securities, 1914-1917; corrected booklet The Chadwick Trust, 1926-1937; script of a proposed film treatment of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1958; signing-in book for meetings, 1972-1980. Financial papers comprise account books, 1958-1979; tax claims, 1972-1976; financial files, 1972-1980; correspondence on tax reclaimed, 1980. Papers on lectures given under the auspices of the Trust comprise announcements of lectures, 1913-1935; printed copies of lectures held under the Trust's auspices, 1930-1967, the subjects including public health and buildings, sewerage, nutrition, disease, air quality, training and public health, medical provision, and public health work overseas; other printed lectures and writings, 1896-1932, the subjects including aspects of sanitation, disease, and Sir Edwin Chadwick. Correspondence comprises general correspondence, 1913-1924, 1971-1982; correspondence of the Clerk of the Trust, 1969-1979; correspondence of G M Binnie, 1944-1980; Charity Commission correspondence, 1962-1978; correspondence relating to medals and a memorial prize, 1966-1978; Trustees, 1969-1977; receptions, meetings and lectures, 1970-1978; blue plaque, 1972-1976; costing of activities, 1974; annual reports, 1974-1979; transfer of the Trust to University College London, 1974-1984. Miscellaneous items pertaining to Edwin Chadwick, [1820s]-1889, include his diary [1820s] and patents of his inventions, 1871-1872. Other acquired papers comprise printed ephemera including circulars against inoculation [1914-1918] and undated printed extracts from a hymn on sanitation. Photographs include undated prints of Edwin Chadwick and other eminent scientists; undated slides for a lecture, including various 19th-century public figures, 19th- and 20th-century mortality rates, and various London hospitals; and photographs, 1980, of a plaque to Chadwick at his birthplace in Longsight, Greater Manchester.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 B/PIPPARD · 1909-1970

      Papers of Professor Alfred John Sutton Pippard, 1909-1970, comprising biographical papers, 1909-1969, including an unpublished autobiography written towards the end of his life, two scrapbooks covering his career, two scrapbooks relating to his Presidency of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1958-1959;
      papers relating to scientific work, 1918-1969, largely concerned with research on aircraft structures, including committee papers and reports prepared for the Aeronautical Research Council in the interwar years; papers relating to the Thames Pollution Committee including Pippard's own account of its work;
      papers relating to lectures, articles and broadcasting, [1920-1969], covering a variety of topics, including aircraft and aviation, engineering structures, education and training of engineers; BBC radio broadcasts, notably scripts for two series of talks to schools,1920s; correspondence, 1956-1967.

      Zonder titel