Identity area
Reference code
- 1948 -1965 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
2.08 linear metres
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
The Middlesex Fire Brigade was established in 1948, under the terms of the Fire Services Act 1947. The auxiliary branch of the fire service was re-established in 1949 under Home Office directives under the terms of the Civil Defence Act 1948 which again made the County Council a civil defence authority. This branch was set up to organise an emergency fire service which would come into operation in the event of a war. The Auxiliary Fire Service (or Civil Defence Corps) was trained by members of the regular fire service. Enrolment was open to women who worked as radio operators, despatch riders and control room staff. The men performed regular periods of duty as a backup to the regular service. There were 5 divisions consisting of approximately 30,000 volunteers in the Corps.
Archival history
The departmental files were preserved prior to 1965 in the Fire Brigade's registry. Here every file was allocated a running number on arrival. Files were kept in numerical order although there were no indices to these numbers. Nearly every file the department produced found its way into the registry.
MCC/FB/CD 1948 -1965 Collection 2.08 linear metres MCC , Middlesex County Council x Middlesex County Council
The Middlesex Fire Brigade was established in 1948, under the terms of the Fire Services Act 1947. The auxiliary branch of the fire service was re-established in 1949 under Home Office directives under the terms of the Civil Defence Act 1948 which again made the County Council a civil defence authority. This branch was set up to organise an emergency fire service which would come into operation in the event of a war. The Auxiliary Fire Service (or Civil Defence Corps) was trained by members of the regular fire service. Enrolment was open to women who worked as radio operators, despatch riders and control room staff. The men performed regular periods of duty as a backup to the regular service. There were 5 divisions consisting of approximately 30,000 volunteers in the Corps.
The departmental files were preserved prior to 1965 in the Fire Brigade's registry. Here every file was allocated a running number on arrival. Files were kept in numerical order although there were no indices to these numbers. Nearly every file the department produced found its way into the registry.
Acquired with the records of its parent authority, the Middlesex County Council, and with successor authorities.
Records of the Middlesex County Council Fire Brigade Department Auxiliary Fire Service, 1948-1965, including policy and administration files relating to: civil defence, planning, repair depots, personnel management, staff regulations, conditions of service, minutes of meetings of officers, tactical studies, tactical instructors, competitions, recreational facilities, and liaison with other authorities.
Files relating to recruitment and training including: recruitment policy, recruitment publicity including films, courses at civil defence training schools, rescue training, training films, exercises, promotions, women's section, allowances and expenses, medical examinations and long service medals.
Files relating to appliances and equipment including housing of vehicles and appliances, motor cycles, Bedford self propelled pumps, equipment for water relaying, stores and provisions, extension ladders, and training pamphlets.
The archives have been arranged into the following series: MCC/FB/CD/1 Policy and general; MCC/FB/CD/2 Recruitment and training; MCC/FB/CD/3 Equipment and appliances.
Available for general access.
Copyright to these records rests with the Corporation of London.
Please see online catalogues at:
For more records of the Fire Service see MCC/CL/FB and MCC/CL/L/FB. For London wide fire services see London Fire Engine Establishment (LFE) and London Fire and Civil Defence Authority (LFCDA).
For further information on the history of the Middlesex County Council please see Middlesex by Sir Clifford Radcliffe (2 editions, 1939 and 1953), LMA Library reference 97.09 MID; and The County Council of the Administrative County of Middlesex: 76 years of local government, 1 April 1889 to 31 March 1965, by Middlesex County Council (1965), LMA library reference S97.09 MID.
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. April to June 2009 Ambulance Service , Middlesex County Council Fire Service , Middlesex County Council Fire Brigade Committee , Middlesex County Council MCC , Middlesex County Council x Middlesex County Council Publicity Equipment Civil defence Buildings Architecture Public buildings Fire stations Advertising Communication process Defence State security Emergency services Transport Fire services Emergency vehicles Vehicles People Fire engines London People by occupation Personnel Emergency services personnel Fire fighters Government Conditions of employment Public administration Health services administration Organization and administration Personnel management Recruitment Training Vocational training England UK Western Europe Europe Middlesex
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Acquired with the records of its parent authority, the Middlesex County Council, and with successor authorities.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Records of the Middlesex County Council Fire Brigade Department Auxiliary Fire Service, 1948-1965, including policy and administration files relating to: civil defence, planning, repair depots, personnel management, staff regulations, conditions of service, minutes of meetings of officers, tactical studies, tactical instructors, competitions, recreational facilities, and liaison with other authorities.
Files relating to recruitment and training including: recruitment policy, recruitment publicity including films, courses at civil defence training schools, rescue training, training films, exercises, promotions, women's section, allowances and expenses, medical examinations and long service medals.
Files relating to appliances and equipment including housing of vehicles and appliances, motor cycles, Bedford self propelled pumps, equipment for water relaying, stores and provisions, extension ladders, and training pamphlets.
System of arrangement
The archives have been arranged into the following series: MCC/FB/CD/1 Policy and general; MCC/FB/CD/2 Recruitment and training; MCC/FB/CD/3 Equipment and appliances.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Available for general access.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copyright to these records rests with the Corporation of London.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
For more records of the Fire Service see MCC/CL/FB and MCC/CL/L/FB. For London wide fire services see London Fire Engine Establishment (LFE) and London Fire and Civil Defence Authority (LFCDA).
Finding aids
Please see online catalogues at:
Access points
Subject access points
- Architecture » Buildings
- Architecture
- Communication process » Advertising
- Communication process
- State security » Defence
- State security
- Transport
- Vehicles
- Personnel
- Government
- Personnel management » Conditions of employment
- Government » Public administration
- Personnel management
- Personnel management » Recruitment
- Training
- Training » Vocational training
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English