Zona de identificação
Código de referência
- 1887-1947 (Produção)
Dimensão e suporte
24 boxes
Zona do contexto
Nome do produtor
História biográfica
Alfred George Gardiner, 1865-1946, was born in Chelmsford and worked for the Chelmsford Chronicle and the Bournemouth Directory as a boy. In 1887 he became a member of staff of the Northern Daily Telegraph in Blackburn and in 1899 became editor of the Blackburn Weekly Telegraph. In 1902 he was appointed editor of the Daily News which he made into one of the leading liberal journals of the day. After a period of disagreements with the Cadbury family, who owned the Daily News, over his opposition to Lloyd George, he resigned. From 1915 he also contributed to the Star under the pseudonym 'Alpha of the Plough'.
Entidade detentora
História do arquivo
GB 0097 GARDINER 1887-1947 Collection (fonds) 24 boxes Gardiner , Alfred George , 1865-1946 , author and journalist
Alfred George Gardiner, 1865-1946, was born in Chelmsford and worked for the Chelmsford Chronicle and the Bournemouth Directory as a boy. In 1887 he became a member of staff of the Northern Daily Telegraph in Blackburn and in 1899 became editor of the Blackburn Weekly Telegraph. In 1902 he was appointed editor of the Daily News which he made into one of the leading liberal journals of the day. After a period of disagreements with the Cadbury family, who owned the Daily News, over his opposition to Lloyd George, he resigned. From 1915 he also contributed to the Star under the pseudonym 'Alpha of the Plough'.
The majority of this collection consists of letters to Gardiner, written mainly when he was editor of the Daily News. There are also press cuttings on subjects of interest to Gardiner, including Sir William Harcourt and Lloyd George, and press cuttings of Gardiner's own journalism.
This collection is arranged in 7 sections: 1) General Correspondence (arranged alphabetically by correspondent), 1897-1946; 2) Family Letters, 1896-c1920; 3) Diaries and Writings, c1880-1945; 4) Materials collected and compiled by Gardiner for a study of David Lloyd George, c1921- c1923; 5) Press cuttings, 1817-1946; 6) Legal and Financial Papers, 1865-1940; 7) Various (including photographs, family memorabilia, and ephemera), c1880-1941; Appendix) Photocopies of letters to Gardiner retained by his family, c1907-c1917.
Copyright is retained by Gardiner's family.
Printed handlist and online catalogue available.
Output from CAIRS using template 14 and checked by hand on March 27, 2002 27 Mar 2002 Blackburn Weekly Telegraph , newspaper Daily News , newspaper Gardiner , Alfred George , 1865-1946 , author and journalist George , David Lloyd , 1863-1945 , 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor , statesman x Lloyd George of Dwyfor , 1st Earl Government Harcourt , Sir , William George Granville Venables , Vernon- , 1827-1904 , Knight , statesman x Vernon-Harcourt , Sir , William George Granville Venables Journalism Liberal Party Newspapers Northern Daily Telegraph , newspaper Periodicals Publications Star , newspaper Communications media Information sciences
Zona do conteúdo e estrutura
Âmbito e conteúdo
The majority of this collection consists of letters to Gardiner, written mainly when he was editor of the Daily News. There are also press cuttings on subjects of interest to Gardiner, including Sir William Harcourt and Lloyd George, and press cuttings of Gardiner's own journalism.
Sistema de arranjo
This collection is arranged in 7 sections: 1) General Correspondence (arranged alphabetically by correspondent), 1897-1946; 2) Family Letters, 1896-c1920; 3) Diaries and Writings, c1880-1945; 4) Materials collected and compiled by Gardiner for a study of David Lloyd George, c1921- c1923; 5) Press cuttings, 1817-1946; 6) Legal and Financial Papers, 1865-1940; 7) Various (including photographs, family memorabilia, and ephemera), c1880-1941; Appendix) Photocopies of letters to Gardiner retained by his family, c1907-c1917.
Zona de condições de acesso e utilização
Condições de acesso
Condiçoes de reprodução
Copyright is retained by Gardiner's family.
Idioma do material
- inglês
Sistema de escrita do material
- latim
Notas ao idioma e script
Instrumentos de descrição
Printed handlist and online catalogue available.
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Zona do controlo da descrição
Identificador da instituição
Línguas e escritas
- inglês