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            98 Descripción archivística resultados para Genocidio

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            GB 1556 WL 518 · Colección · 1945

            Partial alphabetical list (letters R-Z) of names of the survivors of Lodz ghetto, Poland, during World War Two, including date of birth and last known address (1939). Created, 13-27 June 1945.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 570 · Colección · 1943-1945

            Microfilm of correspondence and papers regarding the fate of Jews in Slovakia, 1943-1945, chiefly between the German Foreign and Security offices in Berlin and representatives of the regime in Pressburg (Bratislava), including letters from Karl Adolf Eichmann, SS-Obersturmbannführer. Correspondence chiefly dates from after the Slovak National Uprising, Aug-Oct 1944, which had included a relatively high percentage of Jews.

            Sin título
            Rauff, Walter (1906-1984)
            GB 1556 WL 619 · 1938-1983

            Papers relating to Walter Rauff, 1938-1983, including contemporary biographical and autobiographical accounts of both Rauff and his second wife, Edith Knacke; copies of correspondence between Gaubschat (the company contracted to design and manufacture the gas vans) and Rauff; copies of transcripts of personal statements and declarations of Rauff regarding his involvement in Nazi atrocities, (generated during the course of legal proceedings against Rauff and his former colleagues).

            Sin título
            Brody-Pauncz family papers
            GB 1556 WL 627 · 1870-1971

            Personal papers of the Brody-Pauncz family,1870-1971, comprise papers of George Brody's forbears, Samu, Ilona and Sigismond, 1870-1969 (627/1); papers of George Brody, 1903-1960 (627/2); papers of Irma Brody, 1909-1958 (627/3); material relating to Nazi persecution, including Jewish ID cards and special passes signed by Raoul Wallenberg, 1942-1971 (627/4) and family correspondence, 1918-1946; nd (627/5).

            Sin título
            Cohn/Baer family papers
            GB 1556 WL 628 · 1900-1960

            Papers documenting in part the lives of members of the Cohn and Baer families, Berlin Jews some of whom were sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp, 1900-1960. Chiefly comprising birth and death certificates, permits and travel documents. Including Martha Cohen's identity card with the conspicuous letter 'J' on the cover denoting Jew and which bears the additional information that she was 'evacuated' from Berlin on 16 Dec 1942; order from the Amtsgericht, Berlin, that Martha Cohen must adopt the forename 'Sara' to identify her as a Jew, 11 Jan 1939; order stamped by the Gestapo that Martha Cohen must leave Germany, 1 Oct 1942 and an inventory of the possessions of Sally Baer, prior to his transportation to Theresienstadt.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 691 · Colección · 1956-1957

            Papers of I G Farben, 1956-1957, relate to the company's use of slave labour and comprise a copy of a letter from I G Farben denying that Salomon Freimann worked for them whilst a concentration camp inmate and a copy of an agreement between I G Farben and the Conference of Jewish Material Claims against Germany, concerning claims arising out of the employment of Jewish concentration camp prisoners in their factories in the region of Auschwitz.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 846 · Colección · 1944

            Copy of a letter from the head of a section in the German Foreign Office in Berlin, Wagner to Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Head of Security Police, 5 Jul 1944, containing a German translation of an intercepted telegram from the British Legation in Bern to the British Foreign Office, London. The latter contains an account of the systematic murder of millions of European Jews by the Nazis with particular reference to the fate of the Hungarian Jewish population.

            Sin título
            Jewish war orphans, Holland
            GB 1556 WL 907 · Colección · 1947-1949

            Papers concerning Jewish war orphans, 1947-1949, consists of case papers relating to the fate of Dutch Jewish foster children whose parents died during the Holocaust. Eleven cases are represented here, out of a total of 1363.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 910 · Colección · 1943-1946

            Papers concerning Nazi war crimes, comprise an unrelated collection of papers which document Nazi war crimes, notably including a copy of a circular letter, with certified English translation, of the inspector of the Sicherheitspolizei and SD regarding the special treatment of foreign workers, 1945; report of a 'work education camp' at Lahde-Weser and Liebenau and certified translations of documents from the Sicherheitspolizei and SD regarding 'special treatment' of resistance movement members at Auschwitz, 1943.

            Sin título
            Benario family papers
            GB 1556 WL 915 · Colección · 1920s-1980s

            Papers of Benario family, 1920s-1980s, comprise copies of documents and photographs regarding the life of Olga Benario-Prestes, including papers documenting her relationship with the authorities; a letter written to her husband whilst in custody in 1938; photographs regarding the founding of a gallery in her name in Berlin in 1984 and further papers regarding the Benario family history, including a family tree and many photographs.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1058 · Colección · c 1943, 1987

            Papers of Annie Hoek-Wallach, c 1943, 1987, notably include an illustrated book entitled Ha-ha, Ja ja written and illustrated by Annie Hoek-Wallach, dedicated to her husband, Dr. Henri Hoek, c 1943; notes documenting the lives of Annie and Henri Hoek, placing the illustrated book Ha ha Ja ja in context, undated, and a possibly incomplete, taped interview with Annie Hoek-Wallach, 1987.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1180 · 1938

            Order from the Führer des SS Oberabschnittes Österreich, Vienna, to all SS units referring to an order of Gauleiter Buerckel that all section leaders were to be responsible for preventing actions by the SS against Jews and that if measures have to be taken against Jews these would be carried out by the authorities and the Gestapo, 5 April 1938.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1189 · Colección · 1942

            Letter from a woman to her children and her husband prior to her deportation to Theresienstadt (includes an English translation).

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1199 · 1956

            Papers of Hinda Elsztajn, 1956, comprise an interview transcript of Hinda Elsztajn, former inmate at Auschwitz and victim of Dr. Carl Clauberg, one of the infamous physicians of Block 10 who experimented on prisoners.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1218 · 1944-1959

            Typescript report into conditions at Westerbork concentration camp entitled 'Kollektive Arbeit einer Widerstandsgruppe'; also correspondence between members of Wiener Library staff and Professor David Cohen regarding the reliability of the report as a historical document, including a short paper on the subject, 1944-1959.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1258 · 1994-1997

            Correspondence, 1994-1997, regarding the history of Jews in Poland with special reference to the blood libels of Tarnobrzeg and the 1946 Kielce pogrom. Also included is a copy translation of the historical files of Tarnobrzeg.

            Sin título
            Kien, Peter (1919-1944): Papers
            GB 1556 WL 1365 · 1943-1995

            Papers relating to Peter Kien, 1943-1995, including original and copies of manuscripts and transcriptions of Kien's writings, personal documentation and sketches; publicity material relating to the performance of the Der Kaiser von Atlantis oder der Tod dankt ab, for which Peter Kien wrote a libretto; articles about his life and work and transcript of Petra Kiener's radio programme 'Peter Kien nicht vergessen'.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1368 · 1987-2002

            Papers of the Reunion of the Kindertransport (ROK) organisation, 1987-2002. The collection comprises papers relating to Bertha Leverton's (founder and primary administrator of ROK) work planning reunions; writing and editing monthly newsletters; acting as a liaison to 'Kinder' and those interested in the Kindertransport; conducting educational lectures on the history of the Kindertransport; and generally promoting its story. Chiefly comprising letters, unpublished memoirs, and newspaper articles. The collection also includes a number of audio tapes, video tapes and photographs.

            Sin título
            GB 0064 PKM · Colección · 1884-1933

            Papers of Sir William Christopher Pakenham. The papers relate to official and personal aspects of Pakenham's life and cover the period 1884-1933, though the main focus is 1904-1922. They are particularly strong on his period as naval attache to Japan (1904-1905), with whom Great Britain had an alliance and include copies of reports to the Naval Intelligence Department; accounts of battles at Port Arthur and Tsushima including position charts and photographs and freqent personal letters to his aunt, Lady Jessica Sykes. They also cover his period in the eastern Mediterranean and role intervening in the Armenian massacre of 1909, including requests from the local population for protection. In the period leading up to and during World War I there are reports and correspondence of both a strategic, technical and operational nature. In the period after World War One, there is a lengthy series of personal correspondence with Admiral David Beatty (1871-1936). Other correspondents include Admiral Charles Beresford (1846-1919); Winston Churchill; Admiral Sir Asheton Gore Curzon-Howe (1850-1911); Admiral John Arbuthnot Fisher (1841-1920); Lord Geddes, British Ambassador, Washington (1879-1954); Walter Hume Long, politician (1854-1924) and Sir Claude MacDonald (1852-1915). Includes the dispute between Fisher and Beresford over naval reform and the controversy over the Battle of Jutland. There is correspondence, lecture notes and photographs relating to the tour of the coast of Noth America in 1922 and the later grounding and salvage of his ship HMS RALEIGH.

            Sin título
            GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 7 · 1944-1945, 1989

            Armed Forces Oral Histories; World War II Combat Interviews is a themed microfiche collection of 375 typescript combat interviews, together with narrative accounts and official supplementary materials including field orders, periodic and operations reports, statistical data, sketch maps and overlays, 22 May 1944-10 May 1945. Documents include accounts relating to US 1 Infantry Div during Operation NEPTUNE, the amphibious assault on France, 6 Jun 1944, the landing at Omaha Beach, Normandy, France, 6 Jun 1944, the Battle of Aachen, Germany 8 Oct-22 Oct 1944, the defensive in the Ardennes Forest, 16 Dec-31 Dec 1944, the drive to the Rhine and subsequent bridgehead established at the Ludendorff bridge, Remagen, Germany, 17-31 Mar 1945; US 2 Infantry Div during the Brest Campaign, France, 25 Aug-18 Sep 1944, and the drive from the Rhine river to Leipzig, Germany, 21 Mar-20 Apr 1945; US 3 Infantry Div during the invasion of Southern France, Aug 1944-Feb 1945; US 4 Infantry Div and the liberation of Luxembourg, 16 Dec-24 Dec 1944; US 5 Infantry Div during operations at Fort Driant, Belgium, and Metz, France, 9 Nov-24 Nov 1944; 8 Infantry Div operations during the reduction of the Crozon peninsula, France, 1 Sep-19 Sep 1944; 9 Infantry Div and the US aerial bombing of US troops during the Normandy breakout, 24-29 Jul 1944; intensive fighting experienced by 28 Infantry Div in during the Battle of Hurtgen Forest, 2-16 Nov 1944; US 35 Infantry Div winter fighting in the Ardennes Forest, 26 Dec 1944-23 Jan 1945; 36 Infantry Div during Operation DRAGOON, the Allied landings in Southern France, Aug 1944; 42 Infantry Div during the battles in the Saverne Gap, Alsace, France, 4 Jan-26 Jan 1945; 65 Infantry Div drive to Struth, Austria, 7 Apr-8 May 1945; 69 Infantry Div contact between US and Soviet forces on the banks of the Elbe River, 25-26 Apr 1945; 71 Infantry Div and the surrender of German Army South, 18 Apr-8 May 1945; 80 Infantry Div during the Moselle River crossing and subsequent fighting during the Lorraine Campaign from the Seille River to the Saar River, 12 Sep-5 Dec 1944; the establishment of an Allied defensive base at Ste Mere Eglise by 82 Airborne Div and its subsequent fighting during Operation MARKET GARDEN, the large-scale Allied parachute drop to seize the Nijmegen- Grosbeek high ground in the Netherlands, 6 Jun-26 Sep 1944; the capture of Hannover, Germany, during the Rhine-Ruhr-Elbe Operation by 84 Infantry Div, 1 Apr- 9 May 1945; 94 Infantry Div co-operation with Free French forces on the St Nazaire- Lorient Front, 8 Sep-30 Oct 1944; 101 Airborne Div combat operations near Carentan, Cotentin Peninsula, France, and ensuing problems due to the scattered parachute drop pattern, 6-10 Jun 1944; French 2 Armoured Div during the advance to liberate Paris, France, and Strasbourg, France, 6 Jun-28 Nov 1944; US 7 Corps during operations from the break-out at Normandy, France, to the liberation of German concentration camp at Nordhausen, Germany, Jul 1944-Apr 1945; US 7 Army invasion of Southern France, detailing the importance of intelligence furnished by the Maquis French resistance movement, 15 Aug 1944.

            Sin título
            GB 0074 ACC/2805/06 · Colección · 1917-1967

            Records from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel Brodie, 1917-1967, including public messages, circular letters, prayers and appeals issued by the Chief Rabbi; orders of service; correspondence with a variety of individuals and organisations including the Anglo-Jewish Association, Aria College, the London Beth Din, the Board of Deputies, the Central Council of Jewish Religious Education, Jewish Day Schools Council, the Jewish Board of Guardians, Jews' College, the London Jewish Hospital; the Kashrus Commission; the Kosher School Meals Service, the London Board of Jewish Religious Education, London County Council, the Rabbinical Commission, the London Board for Shechita, and the United Synagogue.

            Correspondence with congregations in Great Britain and Ireland, including arrangements for pastoral tours, and correspondence with congregations abroad including in America, Australia, Canada, France, India, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa and the Soviet Union.

            Correspondence on subjects including anti-semitism, kosher food, marriage, relief organisations, congregations, education, yeshivot, refugees, Hebrew pronunciation, Israel, liberal Judaism and reform synagogue, Russian Jews, shechita, sopherim training, and teacher training.

            Papers relating to the Committee on Calendar Reform including minutes and resolutions of protest. Papers relating to refugees and post-war reconstruction, including report on Belsen Concentration Camp, reports and correspondence of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, Commission on the Status of Jewish War Orphans in Europe, Refugee Rabbis Relief Programme and speeches made at the League of Nations.

            PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

            Sin título
            Walters-Kohn, Eric (b 1906)
            GB 1556 WL 1154 · 1886-1994

            Material, 1886-1994, comprising copies of published and unpublished documents including a dedication to the mayor of Koritschen by members of the Jewish community; article by Eric Walters-Kohn, March 1994 on his experiences in Dachau and Buchenwald; copy of an article by Eric Walters-Kohn from Die Gemeinde, (the official paper of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien), 15 March 1994, regarding the life of Dr Louis Poborski, a distant relative, and formerly close friend of Theodor Herzl.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1226 · Colección · 1936

            Report by August Grüber on conditions in Dachau concentration camp, 1936, giving a classification of prisoners in the camp also including mention of cabaret evenings replete with reference to jokes about conditions.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1239 · 1945-1948

            Papers of Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief, 1945-1948, comprise reports and memoranda documenting, in part, the challenges encountered by receiving such a large group of refugees with all their attendant problems. Included are some pamphlets and brochures regarding the CBF activities with children from concentration camps.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1281 · Colección · 1959

            Papers of the Internationale Auschwitz Komitee (IAK), 1959, comprising short statements from former inmates at Auschwitz and correspondence between the IAK (including Hermann Langbein, secretary) and other organisations regarding the prosecution of perpetrators at Auschwitz, including Josef Mengele, Adolf Heinz Beckerle, Josef Klehr, Hermann Krumey, Adolf Eichmann and Paul Kümmel.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1298 · 1996

            Copies of contemporary documents, 1944, compiled by Richard H Levy while researching for the article 'The Bombing of Auschwitz Revisited: A Critical Analysis' in Holocaust Genocide Studies, Vol 10, No 3, 1996, on the topic of why Auschwitz was not bombed by the Allies.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1342 · 1946

            Copy letter from Hela Cymerman to Lucjan Blit describes the fate of the depositor's mother, who survived the Warsaw ghetto only to be murdered at Majdanek concentration camp, Poland.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 1411 · 1985-1991

            Papers of Reginald Yarnitz Freeson, 1985-1991, comprise correspondence and cuttings regarding the death of Josef Mengele, including a copy of the original Brazilian police forensic report of the body exhumed in 1985 said to be that of Mengele (1411/44) and a descriptive list of the key letters (1411/1). Correspondents include the German Ambassador to Great Britain, the Frankfurt Public Prosecutors Office; the Director of the US Office of Special Investigations, Washington; the Brazilian Ambassador to Great Britain.

            Sin título
            Cahn, Sophie: Red Cross letter
            GB 1556 WL 1459 · 1942

            Red Cross letters, 1942, between Sophie Cahn in Great Britain and her family in Rheydt, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany, prior to their deportation.

            Sin título
            Manes, Eva: Letter from a friend (1957)
            GB 1556 WL 1536 · Colección · 1957

            Papers of Eva Manes, 1957, comprise a typscript letter addressed to Eva Manes from an unidentified friend of the family describing what happened to Eva's parents and other friends and acquaintances after her departure from Berlin before the war. The author also describes his own experiences after the war in Berlin.

            Sin título
            Manes, Eva: Correspondence (1945-1947)
            GB 1556 WL 1549 · Colección · 1945-1947

            Papers of Eva Manes, 1945-1947, comprise correspondence from friends and relatives of the Manes family.

            Sin título
            Curtis, Ruth Dina: Personal papers
            GB 1556 WL 1551 · 1937-2000

            Papers of Ruth Dina Curtis, 1937-2000, comprising copies of correspondence between Ruth Dina Curtis and her family [1940s], an identity card for Herbert Cohn and a biographical account in English of Ruth Dina Curtis (nee Heideman) by her son.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 532 · Colección · 1939-1940

            Reports and personal accounts describing the conditions of Jews in Poland under German occupation including lists of victims, details of deportations and concentration camps; situation reports, 1939-1940.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 539a · Colección · 1978

            The trial of the de-naturalisation of Feodor Fedorenko (aka Feoder Dimitrievich Fedorendo aka Feoder Fedorenko aka Vladimir Serduik), former Ukranian prison guard at Treblinka, initially took place at Waterbury, Connecticut, USA. It was adjourned, to be reconvened in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The case was brought on the accusation that Fedorenko had illegally obtained naturalisation as a US citizen because he had lied at the time of entry into the US, by withholding the fact he was a guard at the death camp, Treblinka. However, the judge in this case, refused to believe the testimony of the witnesses for the prosecution, claiming that they had conspired and that their testimony was coached. The case was later successfully appealed, and Fedorenko became the first Nazi war criminal to be deported to the Soviet Union. In a court in Southern Ukraine, June 1986, he was found guilty in of treason; voluntarily going over to the side of the Fascist aggressors; taking part in punitive actions against the peaceful population; and mass executions of citizens of many countries. He was sentenced to death in Kiev in 1986.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 592 · 1930s-1970s

            Jüdische Nachrichten dossiers on Jewish asylum during the Nazi persecution: 592/1: Folder containing material from the dossier of Armand Brunschvig arranged under the following headings: Rejection of Jewish refugees; Geneva Regional Command and Reception Camp; various accounts regarding refugee experience in Switzerland
            592/2: Folder containing dossier entitled 'What was known about the fate of the Jews in Switzerland'
            592/3: Folder containing dossier entitled 'Swiss asylum policy with respect to Jewish refugees'
            592/4: Copy documentation concerning the case of Dr Alfred Bergmann, KPD member, who in April 1940 was handed over to the Gestapo by a Swiss police officer, and discovered dead a few days later. The collection includes a copy trial judgement from the Swiss central criminal court, 29 January 1969 and various copy press cuttings
            592/5: Copy documentation regarding anti-Nazi activities of the Swiss.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 598b · c 1940-1977

            Personal papers of Dr A B Belton, formerly Bela Berend, Rabbi of the Budapest Ghetto, 1944. The papers document, in part, his activities in Hungary during the war; his trial by the Hungarian authorities for war crimes; his involvement with post war libel cases relating to his role as leader of the Jewish Council in Budapest, 1944; his relationship with prominent figures in the United States; his views about Israel and politics in the Middle East.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 611 · 1934-1996

            Papers relating to the persecution of Gypsies under the Nazis, 1934-1996, including personal statements of Sinti and Roma on Nazi persecution; interview transcripts; copies of trial documentation; copies of journal articles; essays; photograph; correspondence; summary of a Nuremberg document No. 4037 regarding the registering of Gypsies, 21 May 1943; photograph of an extract from a list of regulations concerning the treatment of Gypsies for the Militärbefehlshaber in Serbien, 30 May 1941; photograph of an extract of a report issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und SD in which it is stated that 2100 Jews and gypsies were executed in revenge for the shooting of 21 German soldiers near Topola, Serbia, 9 Oct 1941; transcription of an official circular issued by the ministry of internal affairs, Prague, regarding the restriction of movement for Gypsies in Moravia and Bohemia, Dec 1941; translation of an official circular issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bratislava, regarding the travel limitations of Gypsies on state railways, 13 Jun 1944 and copy of a map of the Gypsy ghetto in Lodz.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 624 · Colección · 1948-1978

            Copies of the papers of Lisbeth Sokal-Wieselberg, 1948-1978, documenting the fate of her parents, Viennese Jews, who perished in the Holocaust, and her attempts to claim compensation, including declarations of death of Max and Nanette Schein from the district court in Vienna, Feb 1948 and letter from the regional government with enclosures of the courts' decisions on compensation, 1960-1978.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 648 · 1950-1971

            Papers of Michael Zylberberg, 1950-1971, including personal correspondence, 1966-1971; autobiographical account and articles by Zylberberg, 1950-1968 and nd.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 719 · Colección · 1939-1948

            Correspondence of Lazarus Horowitz, 1939-1948, comprising letters from friends and relatives thanking him for his help and describing their plight in either fleeing from the Nazis or being held captive by them.

            Sin título
            Gurs concentration camp: postcards
            GB 1556 WL 758 · Colección · 1941

            Postcards sent by Berta Kahnheimer, a [German] Jewish inmate at Gurs concentration camp, France, including to Felix Müller, Geneva, 3 Jan 1941 and Dr Ludwig Marse, Geneva, 16 Nov 1941.

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 765 · Colección · 1976-1981

            Papers of Hillel (Gilel) Storch including copies of correspondence and enclosures between Storch and Gerald Fleming relating to relief and rescue of European Jewry towards the end of the Nazi era, 1976-1981; copies of correspondence and enclosures between Storch and Monty Penkower relate to Penkower's research for his book The Jews were Expendable, University of Illinois Press, 1983, on the diplomatic efforts to rescue and provide relief for Europe's Jews during the Holocaust, 26 Sep 1978-13 Jul 1979, the enclosures include the correspondence and other papers of, amongst others, Felix Kersten, Himmler's masseur; Count Folke Bernadotte, vice president of the Swedish Red Cross; Gerhart M. Riegner, World Jewish Congress, Sweden and Walter Schellenberg, Swedish diplomat. Copy of an article in Judisk Krönika, No. 1, 1981 on Storch's humanitarian achievements during the Nazi era.

            Sin título
            Bing family papers
            GB 1556 WL 867 · 1843-2004

            The Bing family papers, 1843-2004, comprise four separate deposits; copy letters from Mathilde (Tilly) Bing in a detention hostel in Berlin prior to deportation to the East to von Pappritz, 1943 (867/1); copy papers regarding the fine incurred by Clara Bing for not including the name Sara, depicting her Jewish ethnicity, 1939 (867/2); copy correspondence and papers of Heinz Bing, 1843-1945 (867/3) and various transcript correspondence including a letter from Fritz Mecklenburg to Heinz Bing, 2004 (867/4).

            Sin título
            GB 1556 WL 874 · Colección · 20th century

            Typescript reports by Kurt Sabatsky about individual Nazis and accounts of incidents of Jewish persecution including a report of a meeting between Hermann Göring, then head of the Gestapo, and Brodnitz and Alfred Wiener, representatives of the Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischen Glaubens, seeking reassurance that Jews would not be victimised; report on Buchenwald concentration camp and account of Sabatsky's dealings with Erich Koch, formerly Gauleiter of Ostpreussen.

            Sin título
            ADLER, H G (1910-1988)
            GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP147 · 1807-1997

            Papers of H G Adler 1807-1997, including photocopies of Adler's correspondence, 1947-1987, including with Hermann Broch and Heinrich Böll. Notebooks containing manuscript poems, 1924 and nd; photograph of Adler in old age. File entitled 'Theresienstadt private erinnerungen' containing items from Theresienstadt including drafts of poems, sketches, and notes to his first wife. Unpublished typescript copy of Leo Baeck's Die Entwick lung der Rechtsstekkung der Juden in Europe, vornehmlich in Deutschland, vom Beginn der Neuzeit bis in das XIX. Jahrhundert, (c 1942-1943). Corrected original typescript copy of Adler's Theresienstadt [1948], (beleived to be the second or third carbon copy). Typescript copies of Adler's Schuldig und Unshuldig, 1954-1967, Die Anseidlung dargestellt als Roman,Die Prüfung and England: Eindrück Eines Ahnungslosen. Typescript copy of articles by Adler including 'Gerdenken an Prag', 1981, and 'Die Protokolle der weisen von zion.' Photocopies of typescript books and articles by Adler, notably Der Mechanische Materialismus, Raoul Feuerstein and Die Orthodoxie des Herzens. Typescript poems by Adler, 1927-1988. Manuscript sheet music by Viktor Ullmann 'Der Mensch und sein Tag', based on poems by Adler. Tapes, including of an obituary of Adler broadcast on the BBC Czech Service, 1988. Complete collection of the first editions of the 24 works of Adler, four of which have extended presentation inscriptions by the author; periodical offprints by Adler and contributions by Adler to anthologies and books edited and translated by Adler. Printed photocopies of the statements made in the trial of Adolf Eichmann, bound in 6 volumes, in German, (Israeli Police, 1961), and transcripts for the preliminary investigations for the trial.; catalogue of the literary estate of H G Adler by Jeremy Adler and Franz Hocheneder and PhD dissertation by Franz Hocheneder 'HG Adler: Werk und Nachlass - Eine Bibliographische Studie', 1997.

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