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        278 Description archivistique résultats pour Géographie

        273 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        SHEDDEN, Robert
        GB 0402 RSH · 1841-1940

        Papers of Robert Shedden made during his voyage on the NANCY DAWSON from London to the Bering Strait via Goa and Singapore, 1848-1849, including observations, chronometer ratings and calculations for positions.

        Sans titre
        YOUNG, Capt Allen (1827-1915)
        GB 0402 SAY · Collection · 1857-1920

        Papers of Sir Allen William Young, 1857-1920, including ship's logs of the voyages of the PANDORA and the HOPE to the Arctic and the COROMANDEL and the MARLBOROUGH to India; journals kept on the FOX (the search for Sir John Franklin) and other voyages; nine scrapbooks of press cuttings entitled 'Shipping' and miscellaneous items.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 SPI · 1855-1892

        Photocopies of letters from African explorers, 1855-1892, including letters to C Geigler, Chief of Sudan Telegraphs at Khartoum, and to others, 1855-1892, from Samuel White Baker, Richard Francis Burton, Romolo Gessi, James Augustus Grant, David Livingstone, Charles Chaille Long, E Schnitzer (Emin Pasha) and Henry Morton Stanley; copies of letters from Colonel Charles George Gordon to Samuel White Baker and others, 1873-1884 and copies of letters of Lady Florentia Sale, 1842.

        Sans titre
        BANKS, Sir Joseph (1743-1820)
        GB 0402 SSC/1 · 1788-1811

        Papers of Sir Joseph Banks, 1788-1811, comprise microfilm, and enlarged prints from the microfilm, of papers held in the Sutro Collection, State Library of California concerning subjects including the Africa Association.

        Sans titre
        CAREY, Arthur D (d 1936)
        GB 0402 SSC/14 · 1884-1935

        Papers of Arthur Douglas Carey, 1884-1935, comprise a diary of a journey in Ladak, Tibet, and Sinkiang, 25 May 1885 to 19 May 1886; two letters from John Biddulph to (H E M) James (who travelled part way with Carey), 2 June and 24 June 1884, giving advice on travel in Central Asia; four letters from Ney Elias to Carey 27 Sept 1885, 13 Nov 1885, 3 Sept 1886, 20 March 1886 and official correspondence to and from Carey concerning his journey.

        Sans titre
        BOURNE, F S A and TRATMAN, J N
        GB 0402 SSC/9 · Collection · 1897

        Bourne and Tratman collection, 1897, comprises barometric and hypsometric observations, upper Yangtse Kiang, 1897 and correspondence from Tratman.

        Sans titre
        VANDELEUR, Lt Col Seymour (1869-1901)
        GB 0402 SVA · Collection · 1893-1901

        Observation files of Maj Seymour Vandeluer, 1893-1901, comprising observations on altitudes and bearings in Uganda, 1895 and observations on altitudes, meteorological observations and bearings, upper Nile and Sudan, 1899.

        Sans titre
        MACFADYEN, Dr William Archibald
        GB 0402 WMA · 1920-1948

        Geological and route notebooks of William Archibald MacFadyen, 1920-1948, including pre war notebooks in Egypt, Farsan Island, Romania, British Somaliland; Iraq and Syria, notebooks made during World War Two in North Africa, Sicily, Corsica and Italy and notebooks made in post war British Somaliland for the General Survey.

        Sans titre
        SNOW, William Parker (1817-1895)
        GB 0402 WPS · 1851-1910

        Papers of William Parker Snow, including four volumes of press cuttings and notes on North and South America, 1849-1850 and 1861-1867; notebooks containing material on Arctic matters including one volume of Arctic letters and maps; two volumes of press cuttings; one volume of extracts from correspondence with Lady Franklin and Sophia Cracroft about the PRINCE ALBERT and a proposed voyage in search of Sir John Franklin; journal, 4-15 Jul 1850 on board PRINCE ALBERT and journal of a voyage to Australia and residence in Melbourne, 1853.

        Sans titre
        STRAIGHT, Whitney (1912-1979)
        GB 0402 WST · 1962-1965

        Papers of Whitney Willard Straight, 1962-1968, comprising correspondence, press cuttings and papers concerning his visits to the Sahara and to Socotra.

        Sans titre
        Grant, James Andrew (1935-1990)
        GB 0117 MS 856 · sub-fonds · 1965

        Expedition papers of James Andrew Grant relating to the Royal Society expedition to the Solomon Islands in 1965 and to subsequent work in Australia. Includes a large number of photographic slides.

        Sans titre
        JONES, A G E
        GB 0402 AGJ · 1967-1984

        Papers of A G E Jones including biographical notes on Sir Allen Young, 1981; biographical notes on John L Cope, 1982; lists of ships leaving London for New South Wales and Van Diemans Land, 1786-1825; copies of press cuttings relating to finding the grave of one of Franklin's men in North Canada, 1984; copies of two letters on the loss of the log book of the DISCOVERY, 1904; copy of an article by Jaones in 'Notes and Queries' Dec 1984 on the crew of the TERROR and Franklin's last voyage; copies of two pages from the log of the SOUTHERN CROSS; typescripts of 'The Southern whale fishery' and 'Danial Bennett and Company', 1968.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 ALM · 1908-1915

        Papers of Aeneas Lionel Acton Mackintosh comprising copy in Mackintosh's hand of his journal of a sledge journey from SS AURORA laying relief depots for Shackleton's party on the Trans-Antarctic expedition, 25 Jan 1915-15 Apr 1915 and copy of a typescript diary by Mackintosh during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1 Jan 1908-4 Mar 1909.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 AP/49-53 · sub-fonds · 1830-1938
        Fait partie de RGS ADDITIONAL PAPERS

        Papers relating to the work of the Royal Geographical Society, cientific enquiries, instruments and instruction, 1830-1938, including rough minutes of the Scientific Committee, 1830; note on the potential effects of the projected magnetic expedition, 1842; draft letter to Sir Robert Peel, 1843; plan for correcting and extending knowledge of the Chinese Empire; suggestions for the captains of vessels proceeding to the Antarctic seas, 1892; notes on instruments including of the Instruments Committee, 1857-1860; memorandum on training travellers to make useful scientific observations, by Clements Markham, 1879; draft of proposed arrangement with Mr Coles for instruction, 1879; rough minutes of Scientific Purposes Committee, 1879; instruction and instrument report, 1881; list of instruments lent to travellers, 1877-1883; proposals for instruments, 1884; report on instruments, 1894; prospectus for a 'Course of Instruction in Practical Astronomy and Surveying…' as given by E A Reeves, 1922; 'Course of instruction in exploratory survey and field astronomy', by Col C F Close, 1931; minutes, notes and correspondence of the Committee of Supervision of Instruction, 1936-1938 and instruments catalogues, 1862-1941.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 CB11 · 1941-1946

        Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1941-1946, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include Prof Hans Ahlmann, William G V Balchin, Miss Lucy Evelyn Cheesman, Francis Chichester, Augustine Courtauld, Charles Frederick Arden-Close, Thomas Walter Freeman, Rupert Thomas Gould, Edward Heawood, Arthur R Hinks, Thomas Henry Manning, Einar Mikkelsen, Prof Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor, Prof James Alfred Steers, Sir Mark Aurel Stein, Frank Sydney Smythe, James Mann Wordie, the War Office, United Nations, K S Sandford, Scott Polar Research Institute, Wilfred Thesiger and the Ordnance Survey.

        Sans titre
        RAE, Dr John (1813-1893)
        GB 0402 DJR · 1852-1883

        Papers of Dr John Rae, 1852-1883, including drafts of eleven letters, 1852-1856, addressed to the Admiralty and others on Arctic exploration; letter to H W Feilden, 19 Apri 1878; six short essays on Arctic subjects including 'On certain phenomena observed on the Arctic coast', and on treatment of frostbite; nine letters to Rae from various correspondents, 1855-1883 and diary on board the screw yacht FOX on a north Atlantic voyage, Jul-Nov 1860.

        Sans titre
        FLOYER, Ernest Ayscoghe (1852-1903)
        GB 0402 EAF · [1880-1900]

        Papers of Ernest Ayscoghe Floyer comprising computations of positions, Egypt, 1892 and other papers relating to Egypt, the Nile valley and Sinai.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 EE · 1918-present day

        Papers of the Mount Everest Committee and the Joint Himalayan Committee, 1918-1953, including correspondence, minute books, reports, lectures, publications, films, photographs, papers relating to stores and equipment, press cuttings, papers relating to personnel, financial papers relating to the 1921, 1922, 1924, 1933, 1935, 1938 and 1953 expeditions to Mount Everest.

        Papers of the Mount Everest Foundation including correspondence and printed material relating to expeditions, minutes, annual reports, audit papers and applications for expeditions, 1953 onwards.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 PST · Collection

        These include two early works on shipbuilding: Matthew Baker's 'Fragments of English Shipwrightry', c 1586, and Sir Anthony Deane's 'Doctrine of Naval Architecture', 1670, held in the Pepysian Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Other examples include copies of two letters written by Sir Francis Drake, ([1540]-1596) 1587 and 1589, a copy of his will, 1595, and one of his 'Pilot of the Caribbean and Azores', 1596; copies of the will of Captain Cook, made in 1776, and of fifty-six letters by or about Lord Nelson, 1780 to 1805, and the personal papers of Nevil Maskelyne (1732-1813), Astronomer Royal.

        Sans titre
        GLENNIE, Brig Edward Aubrey (1889-1980)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Glennie · Created 1915-1959

        Seventeen volumes of Survey of India. Geodetic Report, 1922-1940 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1928-1945), with editions of Survey of India. Supplement to the Geodetic Report Volume VI. Indian deflection and gravity stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931) and Survey of India. Supplement to the GeodeticReport 1937. Isostatic reductions of Indian Gravity Stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1939). Eight volumes of Survey of India. General Report, 1947-1955 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1959).Twelve volumes of Survey of India. Technical Report, 1947-1954 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1957). Six volumes entitled Survey of India. Professional Paper No 15. The pendulum operations in India and Burma 1908 to 1913 by Capt Harold John Couchman, Royal Engineers, Deputy Superintendent, Survey of India (Government of India, Dehra Dun,India, 1915); Survey of India. Geodetic triangulation by Capt Guy Bomford, Royal Engineers, Superintendent, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 27. Gravity anomalies and the structure of the Earth's crust by Maj Edward Aubrey Glennie (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1932); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 30. Gravity anomalies and the figure of the Earth by B L Gulatee, Mathematical Adviser, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1940); damaged volume entitled Survey history [1950]; The Survey of India during war and early reconstruction 1939-1946 by Brig Sir Oliver Wheeler (Surveyor General of India, Office ofthe Geodetic and Research Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1955). War Office map case containing forty three printed maps of western Europe, mainly France and Germany, and twenty two printed maps of the UK, various scales [1944].

        Sans titre
        LCC/AR/BA · Collection · 1856-1967
        Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

        Records of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to the control of buildings and streets under the London Buildings Act 1894 and subsequent Acts. Records include subject and policy files (including procedures, precedents, diagrams, plans, petitions, legislation, sub-committee papers, statistics, bye-laws, reviews, standards and fire reports), 1856-1965; subject and policy files for the District Surveyors, 1856-1936; subject and policy files for new building materials, 1891-1941; returns and abstracts of the District Surveyors, 1889-1954; registers of alterations to names of streets and numbering of houses, 1856-1935; reports, 1889-1965, on matters concerning building regulation, on matters affecting the District Surveyors and on the naming and numbering of streets; Ordnance Survey maps of London amended to show street name changes, proposed new roads, building numbering, borough boundaries and future road positions, 1883-1967.

        Sans titre
        COL/TSD/EG · Collection · 1736-1997
        Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

        Records of the Technical Services department relating to the City Engineer, including authority to set up posts to preserve foot passage, 1736; Order from the Common Council to remove projecting signs, water spouts and so on to prevent obstructions, 1764; abstract of streets, lanes, courts, alleys and so on within the City showing the position and depth of public sewers, by William Haywood, surveyor, 1847; papers regarding the scheme of Frank Forster, engineer, for the drainage of districts north of the Thames, 1850-1851; papers regarding the schemes of the Great London Drainage Company, 1852-1854; report by Joseph Bazalgette and William Haywood on the sewage and drainage north of the Thames, with related papers including plans, objections and correspondence, 1853-1855; report by Joseph Bazalgette and William Haywood on the sewage and drainage south of the Thames, 1856; plans by Joseph Bazalgette in connection with Southern high level sewers, 1861; papers regarding the construction of the Commissioners of Sewers' new offices at Basinghall Street, including reports, agreements, plans, photographs and correspondence, [1860]; papers regarding the Central London Railway including acts and bills, petitions, correspondence, memoranda, plans, progress reports, evidence and invoices, particularly for Bank, St Paul's and Chancery Lane stations, 1871 - 1909; papers relating to the Royal Commission on London Traffic, consisting of interviews and evidence presented by City officials including the mayor, engineer, surveyor, chair of Bridge House Estates Committee, Public Health Department medical officer, City Solicitor, Superintendent of Police and the Director of the Great Northern Railway Company, 1903-1904; regulations for the laying of mains and so on beneath the public streets and for opening and closing pavements in the City, 1909; annual report of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, 1926-1927; papers relating to the clearing and repair of war damage, 1941-1946; articles and notes relating to the history of street lighting in the City of London, 1941-1976; photograph albums recording various streets and walkways in the City, focusing on street signs, [1990]; the City Engineer Quality Commitment manual, 1993 and consultation paper The Way Ahead: traffic and the environment, 1993.

        Also papers relating to the numbering and naming of City streets, including register of numbered and renamed streets, 1853-1899, lists of streets with corrections to their names, 1878-1982, London County Council orders and correspondence, 1898-1955, Greater London Council orders and correspondence, 1971-1979, orders for the renaming of specific streets, 1986-1997.

        Also papers relating to the Holborn Valley Improvement works, including acts and bills, papers of the Improvement Committee, observations and reports, memorandums, correspondence, applications for jobs, publicity material, estimates and abstracts of costs, engineer's financial accounts, technical measurements and other data, contracts, notebooks, speeches, lists of properties affected by the works, sales catalogues, correspondence with gas, water and telegraph companies, photographs, papers relating to statuary on the bridge including the Prince Consort memorial and papers relating to the exhumation of St Andrew's churchyard and the removal of remains, 1863 - 1873.

        Papers relating to street easements including registers of petitions and applications, 1849-1899; registers of licences for hoards and scaffolds, 1858-1897; register and rental of licences for easements, 1899-1902; counterfoil licences for easements under vaults, 1870-1899; counterfoil licences for easements under coal plates, cellar flaps and so on, 1870-1899; counterfoil licences for easements over private lamps, signboards, cranes and so on, 1870-1899; counterfoil licences for easements over sky-signs, 1891-1896; counterfoil licences for easements over and under, 1899-1907; counterfoil licences for easements over reflectors, 1899-1907; counterfoil licences for easements upon and beneath vaults, 1907-1954; counterfoil licences for easements over lamps, signboards, cranes and so on, 1907-1939; notices regarding cellar flaps, 1881-1891; notices regarding projections, issued under the Sewer Act, 1899-1932 and indexes to registers of petitions and applications, 1849-1899.

        Sans titre
        Petherick, John (1813-1882)
        GB 0120 MSS.5787-5791 · 1862-1870

        Travel journals and papers of John Petherick and his wife Katherine Harriet Petherick, 1862-1870.

        Sans titre
        GB 0120 MSS.6010-6012 · 1884-1909

        Journal and papers of William Hoffman, including Congo journal (at the rear of the volume (separately paginated 1-19) is an incomplete journal of the Emin Pasha expedition, 1887) and papers written by Hoffman, mainly autobiographical memoirs of his African travels.

        Sans titre
        Decle, Lionel (fl. 1893-1906)
        GB 0120 MSS.6017-6024 · 1893-1900

        Notebooks and letter book of Lionel Decle concerning his travels in Central and East Africa, 1893-1900.

        Sans titre
        Sabine, Sir Edward (1788-1883)
        GB 0120 WMS/Amer.109-111 · 1813-1820

        The items in this collection are concerned with ornithology. WMS/Amer.109 is a copy of part of William Bartram's work on North American birds, while WMS/Amer.110-111 comprise Sabine's own observations, respectively on the Niagara frontier of Canada and in the Arctic during Parry's 1819-1820 expedition in the Hecla.

        Sans titre
        KURZ, Otto (1908-1975)
        GB 1370 WIA, Otto Kurz · Collection · c 1930-1975

        Notes, working papers and correspondence of the art historian Otto Kurz, c 1930-1975. Topics covered include: the Baroque, notably the painters Guido Reni, Carracci; faked art; critical edition of Marco Polo's 'Description of the World'; Christian manuscripts; 'Die Legende vom Künstler' (Historiography); astrological manuscripts; Eastern astrology; cultural history of material goods; costume and Jewish Art.

        Sans titre
        Royal Anthropological Institute Archives
        GB 1446 Archives · Collection · 1843-2007

        A1 Ethnological Society of London Council Minutes, 2 Jan 1844-1826, Jan 1869; A2 Ethnological Society of London List of members elected, 1844, 1846, 1868-1871; A3 Anthropological Society of London Council Minutes, 1863-1871; A4 Anthropological Society of London Ordinary Meetings - Minutes, 24 Feb 1863-1831, Jan 1871; A5 Anthropological Society of London Office: Letters to the Society, 1865-1866, [1 Jan 1867], A-D, G-S (incomplete); A6 Anthropological Society of London Finance: Membership subscription ledgers, 1863-1872; A7 Anthropological Society of London: Finance: Receipted accounts, Jan 1863-Dec 1866; A8 Anthropological Society of London: Reports on papers submitted to the Anthropological Review, 1866-1867; A8 Anthropological Society of London Supplements: Miscellaneous addresses, lists, and circulars published by the Society, 1863-1868; A9 Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Journal: Record of papers submitted to the Journal, including date of receipt, 1871-1952.

        Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) series comprising: A10 RAI Council Minutes, 1871-2007; A11 RAI Executive Committee Minutes, 17 Apr 1900-1931, May 1961; A12 RAI Ordinary meetings: Minutes, 1871-1935; A13 RAI Council: Meeting attendance books, 6 Mar 1871-2007; A14 RAI Ordinary meetings: Attendance books, 1892-1987; A15 RAI Finance: Receipts and payments, 1880-1958; A16 RAI Finance: Petty cash expenses, 15 Aug 1879-4 Aug 1900; A17 RAI Library Committee Minutes, 23 June 1891-19 Nov 1981; A18 RAI General Correspondence (office day-to-day), 1871-1968; A19 RAI: Daily attendance of members and visitors, 1 Nov 1881-20 Oct 1908; A20 RAI Finance: Fellowship subscriptions, 1881-1885, 1910-1958; A21 Predynastic Research Committee: Papers and correspondence on the Fayum and Kharga Oasis Expeditions, 1927-1976; A22 Anthropological Survey Committee: report by Northcote W Thomas in the Central Province of Southern Nigeria, 1910; A23 Human Biology Research Committee: Minutes, 8 Jan 1932-1924, Apr 1934; A24 Rivers Memorial Fund: History, minutes, correspondence and other papers, 1922-1954.

        A25 RAI Journal: Reports of referees on papers, 28 Mar 1893-12 May 1938; A26 India Research Committee Minutes, 18 Mar 1931-6 July 1932; A27 RAI: Finance: Nominal ledgers of expenditure and receipts, 1915-1970; A28 Man: Subscribers to Man, 1901-1953; A29 Man. Finance, 1906-1916; A30 RAI: Register of the despatch of the Journal, 1894-1899; A31 Ethnological Society, Anthropological Society, and RAI membership (Fellowship) lists, 1869-1955, 1995-2007.

        A32 Library: Register of books presented, 1880-1885, 1919-1941, 1950-1972; A33 James Cowles Prichard Centenary, 1948; A34 Local Correspondents, 1933-1942; A35 Exhibition of Colonial Art, 1949; A36 British Association: Committee to Organise Anthropometric Investigation in the British Isles: minutes and diary, 12 Sep 1902 - 7 Sep 1908; A37 Ways and Means Committee: Minutes, 23 July 1945-4 Mar 1953; A38 RAI: Finance: passbooks, 1920-1941; A39 Notes and queries on anthropology, Sixth edition, 1951; A40 Royal Society Tercentenary, 1960; A41 Herbert Spencer Trust, 1916-1937; A42 Featherman, Americanus Bequest, 1903-1921; A43 Applied anthropology, 1928-1939.

        A44 Leases: Premises, maintenance, 1909-1947; A45 Centenaries and RAI history, 1943-2007; A46 Finance Committee, 1974-1983; A47 Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett: Correspondence and papers on human remains from Kanam and Kanjera, Kenya, 1931-1932; A48 RAI Library Committee: Meeting attendance, 1894-1948; 1971-19 Nov 1981; A49 Library catalogues, 1882-1967; A50 Co-operative Housing Schemes, 1914-1961; A51 Library Administration, 1914-1976; A52 Conference on problems and prospects of European archaeology, 1944; A53 Autograph letters; A54 Keith, Sir Arthur: Correspondence, 1949; A55 Truganini: Correspondence with the Tasmanian Museum, 1954; A56 Imperial Bureau of Anthropology, [1908-1911]; A57 Friends of the RAI: Committee for Liaison with the Friends, Committee on Anthropology in Industry, 1947-1961; A58 British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research: Letters, minutes and papers, 1914-1963; A59 British Ethnography Committee Minutes, 1948-1957, 1969; A60 Dining Club, Sherry Club, Garden Party, Strawberry Teas, 1930-1977.

        A61 Swanscombe Committee, 1936-1964; A62 Congrès international des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques: Correspondence, papers, and minutes, 1912-1934, 1937-1939; A63 Fellows' application forms, 1901-1965; A64 Americanist Congress, 1912-1955; A65 International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, 1931-1933; A66 Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund, 1944-2007; A67 Graig-Lwyd Excavation Committee, Expenditure, 1920; A68 Hornell, James, and Huxley Memorial Lecture, 1948-1949; A69 Fawcett papers, 1951-1961.

        A70 RAI Museum Collection; A71 Census of British Anthropologists, 1940; A72 Library: Accession of books and pamphlets, 1891-1950; A73 William of Gloucester, HRH Prince, 1972-1973; A74 Library: catalogue arranged by the classification of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 1898-1919; A75 Committee for the Study of Beads, minutes, 3 Mar 1960-16 May 1961; A76 Standing Committee, Minutes, 1961-1978 [temporary entry]; A77 Publications Committee Minutes, 1961-1970 [temporary entry]; A78 Ethnographic Film Committee Minutes, 1957-1983; A79 Ethnomusicology Committee Minutes, correspondence and papers, 1953-1972; A80 Extraordinary General Meeting on Library transfer, 24 June 1976; A81 Committee on the export of works of art (Waverley Committee), 1951-1953; A82 Seligman Centenary symposium, 1973.

        A83 Press cuttings (general); A84 Library: Register of negatives, prints and slides, 1897; A85 Education Committee Minutes, 1974-1985 [temporary entry]; A86 Percy Amaury Talbot Prize for African Anthropology, 1947-2007; A87 International Conference on African Children, 1929-1931; A88 Wellcome Medal for Research in Anthropology as Applied to Medical Problems, 1931-2007; A89 Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee, 1947-1971; A90 Metallurgy and Archaeology Conference, 1963; A91 Blood Group Committee, 1951-1972; A92 Congrès international des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques, 1938-1960; A93 Conseil Permanent, 1934-1954; A94 RAI Membership (Fellowship) Correspondence, 1923-1975; A95 Honorary Officers Correspondence, 1934-2007; A96 Man and the Journal editorial(not yet catalogued); A97 Corporate Membership, 1948-1950; A98 Mankind Quarterly, 1960-1965; A99 Christmas cards, 1953-1962; A100 Companies Act, articles of association, by-laws, and regulations, 1871-2007; A101 Association copies and other related books; A102 Ephemera, 1926-2007; A103 Burton Library, 1954-1986; A104 Library visitors' book, 1950-1976; A105 Manuscript and House Archives Collections (Donors), 1936-2007; A106 British Committee for the Standardisation of Anthropometric Techniques, 1932-1960; A107 Anthropometric Survey of Great Britain, 1934-1935; A108 RAI Officers' Meetings, 1945-1961; A109 Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society, 1934-1937; A110 Committee on Honours and Awards; A111 Aborigines' Protection Society, 1839-1909; A112 Ethnological Society publications, 1848-1870; A113 Anthropological Society publications, 1863-1871; A114 RAI publications, 1871-2007; A115 Huxley Memorial Lectures, 1940-2007; A116 RAI Annual General Meeting minutes, 1968-2001; A117 Radcliffe Brown Memorial Fund for Social Anthropological Research, 1962-2007; A118 Man T-shirts, 1981-1992; A119 British Somaliland Archaeology Ethiopia Committee, 1946-1954; A120 Exhibition Committee; A121 Arthur Maurice Hocart Memorial Prize; A122 RAI Local Branches; A123 RAI Editorial Committee for the JRAI, 1937-1951; A124 Presidency Committee.

        Sans titre
        Barton, Alfred Bowyer (1825-1905)
        GB 0120 MSS. 5958-5963, 7589-7594 · 1853-1858, 1861-1862, 1967 and undated

        MSS. 5958-5963 comprise journals of A B Barton, mainly written while he was a medical officer in the service of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P & O), 1853-1858. They cover his journeys between Bombay, Singapore and Hong Kong; to the Crimea; and to the Far East. They include descriptions of the progress of the Chinese rebellion (MS. 5959), tending to and transporting the sick and wounded from Balaclava to Scutari (MS. 5960), and his shipwreck off the coast of Ceylon, together with General Henry Havelock, on the steamer Erin (MS. 5962). Some are manuscript or typescript copies. MSS. 7589-7594 comprise journals and sketches mainly relating to the Yangtse expedition, led by Captain Thomas W Blakiston, on which Barton served as a medical officer, 1861. One journal, MS. 7591, also records the end of the expedition and Barton's journey to Ceylon via Singapore, with entries on hunting expeditions in Ceylon. The journals are all fair copies. MS. 7592 comprises a narrative of the Yangste expedition read by Barton to the Royal Geographical Society, based on his journals. MS. 7593 is a series of mainly topographical illustrations relating to the expedition, comprising sketches by Barton, plus photographs and engravings based on other sketches by Barton, some of which were used to illustrate Five Months on the Yang-Tse by Thomas W Blakiston (London: John Murray, 1862). MS. 7594 comprises later papers of Brian M Gould relating to Barton and his journals, 1967 and n.d.

        Sans titre
        Folkes, Martin (1690-1754)
        GB 0120 MSS.1302, 2391-2392 & 5403 · 1745-1748

        Letters and papers of Martin Folkes sent to the Royal Society of London, 1745-1748 and mostly published in the Philosophical Transactions. The majority are initialled by Martin Folkes and endorsed with the dates when they were read to the Society. Partly printed. The papers cover a wide range of scientific subjects, in particular relating to natural history and biology (individual studies of mammals, fish, birds, plants, 'flora and fauna'); and a significant number re experiments involving electricity. Also: magnetism, geology, astronomy, poison, geography, chemistry - metallurgy, medicine, anatomy, and fossils. There are also some papers which pertain to Royal Society business.

        Sans titre
        Lepecq de la Cloture, Louis (1736-1804)
        GB 0120 MSS.3238, 3239 · 1790

        Holograph MSS of Louis Lepecq de la Cloture entitled 'Première section: faisant la suite de la seconde partie de la 'Collection d'observations sur les maladies et constitutions épidémiques, comprenant les observations météorologiques faites à Rouen depuis 1777 jusques en 1789. Suite de la seconde section sur les constitutions médicales'. Lettered on the spines 'Maladies épidémiques Vol. III, Vol. IV'. The second volume is apparently unfinished. Produced in Rouen.

        Sans titre
        Fellows, Sir Charles (1799-1860)
        GB 0120 MSS.5634 and 6959 · 1835-1871

        Correspondence and papers of Sir Charles Fellows and Lady Fellows (1835-1871) and illustrations from Fellows' second expedition to Asia Minor. The papers primarily reflect Fellows' interest in research into Asia Minor - in particular the Lycian marbles.

        Sans titre
        Cook Navigation Manuscript
        GB 0103 MS ANGL 7 · c1760

        Manuscript, c1760, entitled 'Directions for sailing from the harbour of Halifax to Quebec, by James Cook, Master of His Majesty's Ship Northumberland'. The text is written in Cook's hand throughout. Pasted into the manuscript are a table showing latitude and longitude of capes etc (f 17r) and a list of names, mostly of native chiefs encountered in the Pacific on Cook's first and second voyages (f 18r).

        Sans titre
        Engraving of Windsheim, Germany
        GB 0096 MS 992 · Unknown

        Hand coloured engraving of Windsheim (now Bad-Windsheim) in Germany, taken from an edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia.

        Sans titre
        GB 378 LDGSL/713 · Série · [1862-1881]

        Papers of Searles Valentine Wood Jnr, [1862-1881], comprising:

        Illustrated manuscript, 'A memoir in explanation of the structure of the glacial and post glacial beds.... in the Thames valley between London and the sea...', 1867; Ordnance Survey maps of East Anglia and the Thames Valley, annotated with geological lines, notes and colouring by Searles Valentine WOOD jnr, which were used as field maps during his research into glacial deposits in the south east of England, [1862-1881]; File of letters concerning the complaint by Searles Valentine Wood jnr about the alterations made to Joseph Prestwich's published paper on the Crag of Norfolk, Mar-Apr 1875.

        Sans titre
        MITCHELL, James (1787-1844)
        GB 378 LDGSL/801 · Série · [1832-1840]

        'Geological researches round London', comprising five volumes of manuscript copies, by a number of hands, of notes made by James Mitchell principally on the geology and botany of London and the Thames Valley during his residence in the City, [1832-1840]. Also includes some cuttings of Mitchell's published articles. An index to the papers appears at the front of each volume and the titles or subjects listed are:

        VOLUME 1

        Loampit Hill; Cavern on the side of Blackheath; Pit in the old Charlton Parish; Shooters Hill; Pit at New Charlton near Woolwich; Sundridge Park near Bromley; Erith; Crayford; Bexley Heath; Dartford; Road from London to Gravesend; Greenhithe Park; Northfleet (including fossils and plants); Shorne; Holly Hill; Gadshill; Pits at Chatham; Gravesend to Wrotham; Town Malling; Quarry near Maidstone; Kits Cotty; Isle of Sheppey; Cliff at Reculver; Margate Sands; Chatham to Canterbury; Key Street; Sittingbourne; Canterbury to Margate; Isle of Thanet; Sandwich; Richborough Castle; Channel Flints; Dover to Folkstone; Hayes Common; Pratts Bottom; Knockholt Beeches; Knockholt to Tunbridge; Tunbridge to Maidstone; London Clay in Kent; Sand found in the Thames; Brickmaking; Useful applications of Chalk; Limeburning; Great Lime; Lias Lime; Cement Stone; Heights in Kent; Manufacturing of Whitening.

        VOLUME 2

        Heights of various places in Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex above the low water according to the Trigonometrical Survey; London Clay; Remains of quadrupeds; Of gravel; Animal remains in flint found in the Clay; Kensington; Hampstead; Highgate; Tottenham Marshes; From London to Edgeware; Stanmore Common; Harrow on the Hill; London to Uxbridge; Amersham; Watford; Hatfield Herfordshire; Well at Beaumont Green; Ware; Hertford; Ware to Cambridge; London to Romford and Brentford; Brook Street; Warley Common; London to Chigwell and Ongar; Ongar; London to Cambridge by Epping; Saffron Walden; Alluvial soil on the banks of the Thames; Purfleet; Artesian Well in the Marsh near Purfleet; Button's Breach; Gray's Thurrock commonly called Grays; London to Woodbridge; Chiselhurst; Gravesend; Dartford Marshes; Orpington; Wandsworth; Knightshill; Kingston upon Thames; Croydon; Head of the Wandle; Carshalton; Beddington Surrey; Mitcham Common; Wells at Mitcham; Ashtead Surrey; Ewell Surrey; Carshalton Downs; Croydon to Merstham; London to Merstham; Merstham; Well below the Church at Merstham; Gatton Park; London to Reigate by Sutton; Reigate; London to Godstone; Godstone; The Bourne; Tilburstow; Bletchingly; Fuller's Earth Pits; London to Dorking; Dorking to Limepits; Dorking to Leith Hill; Leatherhead to Guildford; Guildford; Chelsworth House; Langdon Hills Essex.

        VOLUME 3

        New River Company's well at the end of Tottenham Court Road; Upper Clapton; List of minerals and fossils in the pits at Muswell Hill by Frederick Purdey; Brentford; Hounslow Heath; Hanwell; Wells at Hanwell; Harefield; Enfield; Northan; Cheshunt Street; Watford; Wades Mill; Puckeridge; Much Haddam; Royston; Tring; Strata of Essex; Waltham Abbey; Sewardstone; Epping Forest; Stratford; Dagenham; Ilford; Romford; Upminster; Peckham Rye; Counter Hill; Norwood; Epsom; Sutton; Cheam; Road from Croydon to Limpsfield; Merstham; Bletchingly; Nutfield and Fuller's Earth Pits; Barnes; Chertsey; Plumstead; Sydenham; Dartford Heath; Chiselhurst; Westerham; Farningham; Maidstone; Wrotham; Upnor; Cliff, Cooling and All Hallows; Cuxton; Halling; Isle of Sheppey; Sittingbourne; Windsor; North side of Bagshot Heath; Bagshot Heath; On the Blackheath formation; Druid Sandstone; On the changes produced on chalk flints.

        VOLUME 4

        Section of the London and Croydon Railway; Of the London Basin; Of the London Clay; Age of the London Clay; Fossil wood in London Clay; Septaria or Cement Stone; Wells in London; Bognor Shells; Woolwich Shells; Mineralogical substances in Middlesex and Essex (Cement Stone, Pyrites, Selenite, Wood, Sulphate of Magnesium); Quartz; Gravel. Series of papers on the construction and description of water wells, including: Foul air - wells; Wells at Sanderstead, Norbury, Epsom Downs, Kent; Air pump used in well digging and well boring; Expense of well digging and well boring; Direction of underground currents; Foul air in Wells in Essex and Middlesex; Beds of sand in the blue clay beneath it; Wells rot each other; Wells at Sheerness and in Sheppey; As to whether digging or boring be preferable; Muswell Hill; Barnet; Hemel Hempstead; Tring; Buntingford; Royston; Hare Street; Danbury; Rochford and Rayleigh; Wallisea Island; Wigborough; Coast near Malden; Braintree; Croydon and the neighbouring Country; Brixton; Forest Hill; Well at Balham Hill; Well at Mortlake; St George's Hill; Kingston to Guildford; Weybridge; Well at Cobham; Godstone; Well at Merstham; Waltham on the Hill; Headley; Reigate; Red Hill Reigate; Dorking; Wells at Normanry and Ash; Wells in the Weald of Sussex; Reading; Newbury; Bexley Heath; Chelsfield and Well Hill; Wells at Margate; Great Baddon; Wells in various places.

        VOLUME 5

        Superficial strata of the county of Middlesex; Wells in Middlesex; Well at St Mary Woolnoth; Church Fenchurch Street; The Thames Tunnel; Mud and sand carried out by the Thames; Hampstead Heath; Watery action on the surface in Essex; On wells formed by digging and boring in Essex; Stratford in Essex; Chigwell and Chigwell Row; Kelvedon; Copford; Great Wakering; Wakering Marsh; Foulness Island; Walton on the Naze; On the watery action on the surface of the county of Surrey; On the sections at New Cross; on the strata of the of the Jolly Sailor Station of the Croydon Railway; Shirley sand pits; Addington Hills; Croham Hurst; Croydon; Woking Common; Leatherhead; Nettley Heath; Heights above the level of the Thames of places in and about London; On the foul air in the chalk and in the strata above the chalk in the country near London.

        Sans titre
        Ross, Sir James Clark (1800-1862)
        GB 0117 MS/237 · sub-fonds · 1824-1825
        Fait partie de Manuscripts General

        Log of the Proceedings on board HMS Fury on a voyage for the discovery of the North West Passage kept by James Clark Ross, 21 Jan 1824-5 Oct 1825.

        Sans titre
        Sabine, Edward (1788-1883)
        GB 0117 MS/239 · sub-fonds · 1818
        Fait partie de Manuscripts General

        Manuscript Journal Geographical Magnetical and Meteorological made by Captain Edward Sabine during Ross's Arctic Voyage in 1818.

        Sans titre
        Sabine, Sir Edward (1788-1883)
        GB 0117 MS 257 · 1818-1875

        Correspondence of Sir Edward Sabine, together with two volumes of correspondence on Terrestrial Magnetism by Sir Edward Sabine, Reverend Humphrey Lloyd and others.

        Sans titre
        Jephson, A J Mounteney
        GB 0102 MS 275953 · (1887-1889) [1960s]

        Photocopies of journals, 1887-1889, of A J Mounteney Jephson, comprising Books One to Four, giving a detailed description of activities of H M Stanley's expedition to relieve Emin Pasha, including the journey via Zanzibar, and the hardships faced. Book Three includes copies of some of Stanley's correspondence. Book Four, covering April to [October] 1889, is less detailed than Books One to Three, and less accurately dated. With typescript transcriptions of the journals [1960s] for Dorothy Middleton's published edition.

        Sans titre
        FERBER, August C F
        GB 0402 ACF · 1907

        Additional notes, 1907, to an article by August Ferber in the Geographical Journal entitled 'An Exploration of the Mustagh Pass in the Karakoram Himalayas', Vol. 30, No. 6 (Dec., 1907), pp. 630-643.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 ADC · 1904-1957

        Papers of Alexander Douglas Mitchell Carruthers, 1904-1957, comprise travel diaries and notebooks from Syria and Lebanon, Central Africa, Turkestan and Arabia; correspondence, notes, published articles and cuttings about birds, mammals and other natural history topics.

        Sans titre
        GOSTLING, Archibald Ernest Alfred
        GB 0402 AEG · 1932

        Typescript translations by Archibald Gostling, 1932, from the Spanish of accounts of a voyage to the Canary Islands by Nunez Cabeza da Vaca (c 1490-1564) and of book by Bartolome de las Casas (1484-1566) [possibly 'Very brief account of the Destruction of the Indies'].

        Sans titre
        MACONOCHIE, Alexander (1787-1860)
        GB 0402 AMA · 1833-1971

        Papers of Capt Alexander Maconochie, 1833-1971, including photocopies of letters concerning the Chair of Geography at London University and his decision to go to Van Diemen's Land, 1833-1836; a statement on his differences with Sir John Franklin, Mar 1839, including copies of letters from F M Innes, J C Macdougall, G Robertson, and Sir Alfred Stephen and original letters from J C Macdougall, 28 Mar 1839, and G Robinson, 22 Mar 1839; 22 letters addressed to Sir John Scott Keltie in his capacity as the Secretary of the Society, 1834-1839; letter from Hobart Town, 22 Jun 1837 on the natives at Port Phillip in Australia and containing a sketch of the structure of Van Diemen's Land and photograph of Maconochie's headstone, 1971.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 AP/1-17 · sub-fonds · 1830-1973
        Fait partie de RGS ADDITIONAL PAPERS

        Papers relating to the foundation, early history, Charter and seal and meetings of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 1830-1973, including Prospectus for the establishment of the London Geographical Institution, 4 May 1830; booklet containing printed prospectus, list of members, regulations and note on the Royal Premium of the RGS, 1831; minutes of RGS meetings 24 and 26 May 1830; histories of the RGS; list of RGS members, 1830; report entitled 'The RGS: a report on the state of the Society', 10 Jun 1833; paper by J R Jackson entitled 'Regarding the labours of the RGS, by a member', 1837; Charter of the RGS; drawings and correspondence relating to the RGS's seal, 1859; minutes of the Special General Meeting, 20 Jun 1863; papers relating to anniversary events and conversaziones, 1855-1930; tabular statement on the number of Fellows, 1908-1916; visitor's books, 1831-1973 and press cuttings.

        Sans titre
        GB 0402 AP/112-113 · sub-fonds · 1924-1980
        Fait partie de RGS ADDITIONAL PAPERS

        Papers relating to Royal Geographical Society formal addresses and diplomas including photograph of formal address presented by the RGS to Queen Elizabeth II on 25th anniversary of her accession; formal addresses to the RGS from Geographical Societies from around the world on the occasion of the RGS centenary, 1930 and the 150th anniversary, 1980; diplomas awarded to the RGS at the British Empire Expedition, 1924 and document received from the Legislature of California for the Drake celebrations.

        Sans titre
        HINKS, Arthur Robert (1873-1945)
        GB 0402 ARH · 1896-1930

        Papers of Arthur Hinks including private scientific correspondence, proofs of articles and other papers, 1896-1930, concerning map projections and methods of survey; typed list of Hinks' contributions to the Geographical Journal and papers relating to A E Young.

        Sans titre
        THOMAS, Bertram Sidney (1892-1950)
        GB 0402 BTH · 1930-1940

        Papers of Bertram Sidney Thomas, 1930-1940, including lists and notes on observations made during his expedition to southern Arabia, 1930: appendices to article by Thomas, 'A Journey into Rub' Al Khali: The Southern Arabian Desert', The Geographical Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1 (Jan, 1931), pp. 1-31; and astronomical observations, Arabia, 1930-1931.

        Sans titre