Geography education

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Geography education

      Geography education

        Gelijksoortige termen

        Geography education

          Verwante termen

          Geography education

          7 Archivistische beschrijving results for Geography education

          GB 0402 AP/49-53 · sub-fonds · 1830-1938

          Papers relating to the work of the Royal Geographical Society, cientific enquiries, instruments and instruction, 1830-1938, including rough minutes of the Scientific Committee, 1830; note on the potential effects of the projected magnetic expedition, 1842; draft letter to Sir Robert Peel, 1843; plan for correcting and extending knowledge of the Chinese Empire; suggestions for the captains of vessels proceeding to the Antarctic seas, 1892; notes on instruments including of the Instruments Committee, 1857-1860; memorandum on training travellers to make useful scientific observations, by Clements Markham, 1879; draft of proposed arrangement with Mr Coles for instruction, 1879; rough minutes of Scientific Purposes Committee, 1879; instruction and instrument report, 1881; list of instruments lent to travellers, 1877-1883; proposals for instruments, 1884; report on instruments, 1894; prospectus for a 'Course of Instruction in Practical Astronomy and Surveying…' as given by E A Reeves, 1922; 'Course of instruction in exploratory survey and field astronomy', by Col C F Close, 1931; minutes, notes and correspondence of the Committee of Supervision of Instruction, 1936-1938 and instruments catalogues, 1862-1941.

          Zonder titel
          BROWNING family
          GB 2121 Browning · 1906-1909

          Papers of Charles R Browning and Mabel E Chaney, 1906-1909, comprising Geography note books of Charles R Browning, compiled whilst attending Form IIB, Upper School, 1906-1907; Collins' School Atlas and Atlas of the British Empire, presented by Guy's Tonic Company;
          University of Cambridge Certificate for Senior Students of Mabel E Chaney, 1909, for examination at Woolwich Centre.

          Zonder titel
          OLIVER, Dr John Leonard
          GB 0402 JLO · 1948-1960

          Papers of John Leonard Oliver, 1948-1960, including Oliver's MA thesis for University of London, 1948, 'An investigation into the efficacy of outdoor work in improving the attainment of Training College students in, and their attitude towards, the subject of geography'; photograph of Oliver with W.R. Mead and press cuttings of articles written by/about Oliver, 1954-1960.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0402 AP/31-38 · sub-fonds · 1856-1973

          Papers relating to the Royal Geographical Society Map Room, Library and Drawing Office, 1856-1973, including Map Room reports, 1856-1959; Map Room accounts, 1933-1967; Library reports, 1913-1958; memoranda; correspondence; proofs of maps, memorandum on photograph room and lantern slides catalogue, 1913-1914; catalogue of photograph collection, 1869-1920; and papers and correspondence relating to the committee on map storage, 1954.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0402 AP/94-95 · sub-fonds · 1881-1905

          Papers relating to geographical education, 1881-1905, including papers relating to Royal Geographical Society school prizes, 1881-1882; papers relating to prizes for Training College students, 1887-1894; memoranda of schemes for substituting public school prizes and on promoting the study of geography, 1884-1896; reports on the geographic studies of Cambridge and Oxford, 1905.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0402 CAF · 1954-1980

          Papers of Professor Charles Alfred Fisher, 1954-1980, including lecture notes on South East Asia including the overseas Chinese, the Mekong River and his visit to Burma in 1974; Foreign Office Research Department paper entitled 'UK Interests in SE Asia', 1964; and six personal letters on academic subjects, 1954-1980.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP89 · 1921-1985

          The papers of Sidney Wooldridge comprise correspondence, lecture texts, a bibliography and photographs, 1921-1965, most notably correspondence concerned with the development of the Department and the Joint School of Geography set up between King's and the London School of Economics, including the move of Geology to Royal Holloway College, 1921-1985; typescript lecture text by Wooldridge entitled 'The Trend of Geomorphology', 1958; bibliography of Wooldridge's work, 1964; correspondence relating to the establishment of a memorial fund in honour of Wooldridge, 1963-1965; photographs of field trips, 1954; order of service for the funeral of Sidney Wooldridge.

          Zonder titel